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File: 22190dcea05c1db⋯.jpg (51.87 KB,1600x850,32:17,Fellow Craft backwards.jpg)

 No.13570613 [View All]

8chan: the far-right website linked to the rise in hate crimes




>8chan would have difficultly operating if it didn’t receive protection from a company like Cloudflare, a US-based company that provides internet infrastructure services to websites, including protection from distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Such DDoS attacks are often used by internet vigilantes to attack extremist sites.

15 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: 98b54f713fc34c1⋯.gif (3.25 MB,400x224,25:14,EveryTime.gif)


Every time I see Pill Cosby I think of his skills.

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File: aebd9333ffc69f0⋯.jpg (39.86 KB,599x470,599:470,Red or Bluedoobity Boop.jpg)

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File: d6e2d6711494b3c⋯.png (166.36 KB,576x557,576:557,pepe5HONK.png)


Here faggot.


VPN, get a nice one on trial for a week.

Email like protonmail.

Tor Browser

Secure O/S. If you have Windows 7/8/10 Destroy-Windows-10-Spying- is something you can compile that will remove certain things and write certain firewall rules you'll need, etc.

You will have to learn how to compile it.

Research on the above, but it's not that much work. It really is something you need to learn yourself.

If you do any virtual stuff, not a bad idea to setup a virtual machine so you can blow your load there. Plenty of guides when you search for "how to get to the darkweb"

gl anon

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File: 0f2a911b70d9b6b⋯.png (806.16 KB,800x3200,1:4,8chan ZeroNet Contingency ….png)

Its on ZeroNet too. Barren for now of course

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File: ee9f57b0e0e0c83⋯.png (36.42 KB,300x286,150:143,ee9f57b0e0e0c83b89154acf13….png)


8ch is not an extremist site though.

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File: 35cfc9a3e1f9ae8⋯.png (839.68 KB,1600x1031,1600:1031,1*haK11GLRA55VnP6ghW7lDA.png)




>it is believed

Solid reporting from the Guardian as always.

About a week ago, my thread was purged soon after raising the question of why exactly Cloudflare is necessary for us - >>13499644 .

8ch, as with any imageboard, has a relatively simple methodology for creating avenues for discussion. We don't need any server daddies to host or moderate it, and protection rackets like Cloudflare are only necessary to protect certain IP addresses - see: why BTC and now, Gab cannot be DDoSed.

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File: 8f670718a90c434⋯.png (36.56 KB,1383x163,1383:163,Zeronet Open Source Botnet.png)

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Not a problem. Epik has already announced they will take 8chan in. The die was cast on CloudFlare when they booted Gab, everyone even slightly edgy should have been making migration plans then and that was how long ago now?

But we know this ends with a desperate final stand on TOR because in the end we control zero territory. That is just the truth of desperate our situation is. And I'm not just talking about shitpoasters, I'm talking about everyone to the Right of Lindsey Graham, Hell just White People in general. We control zero territory. We might get Hungary and Poland back soon.

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File: a08dc26073b2d31⋯.png (475.25 KB,720x600,6:5,Julia-Carrie-Wong,-L.png)

Now let's get the digging started.





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How do I get started with i2p? I don't agree with many of the ideas here at all, but I completely agree with free speech.

Pls I just want to know

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File: 6bc91b1c1404cd5⋯.jpg (87.2 KB,620x394,310:197,file_8pol_224.jpg)




Are you retarded? How are you suprised? This was Tarrant's plan from the beginning. This is the path he made for us, a glimmer of light in this sea of darkness. This is a good thing. 8chan being censored is one step closer to chaos and damnation. EMBRACE IS SOLDIER. DON'T BE A PUSSY NOW!

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this so much this

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>satanlarp shit

Kill yourself for trying to smear us as satanlarpers, spook. Brenton was a ecofascist, not some atomwaffen noctulian cocksucker

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CloudFag protects extremist sites but fullchain ain't one of them niggerbrain. All it is is anonymous and unmoderated, like the entire internet until a few years back when child raping satanist commies that had infiltrated tech started weaponizing it. They broke all internet culture norms. They are the pig fascists serving their megacorp masters and being mostly deranged kikes of course they call everyone opposing them fascists.

Only child rapists could be so deranged.

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Are YOU retarded? Acceleration only works when their counter-response is just as if not more violent. This has not happened. The media just makes poor Juan or Hamal look like the victims of "whirw hate" as well a a gun grab that would be supported by glowniggers because it would make the populace easier to threaten.

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Acceleration works either way, retard. The system either capitulates and loses the trust of its people, allowing for the accelerationists to increasingly scare the enemy into submission, or they react with draconian measures and increase the repression, forcing moderates and radicals alike out of their passivity and into action.

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>increase the repression

With little to no resistance against the repression by the general populace the accelerationists still lose in the long term.

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File: a5a02a765ffb23c⋯.png (110.4 KB,596x486,298:243,undecided.png)

>Cloudflare CEO now 'undecided'

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Wonder if they can be held accountable as an accessory if they pull their protection seeing as they are then an accomplice to DDoSing which is a crime.

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How the fuck is 8ch at the center of a shooting just because the shooter may have posted something here before going to work in Langley? How many crimes such as child grooming go on on Facebook and Twitter? Retarded kikes I hope CloudFag censors 8ch, serious competitors are needed anyway.


Who knows, but one thing's for certain. Lawsuits cost money to defend even if you win.

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>these shooters who post manifestos and talk about /pol/ are Government bad actors who are trying to remove your freedom and speech

<take your meds schizo!

/pol/ is always right

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Satanism is for trannies.

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If they take down the Chan sites, all of the opinions the hateful hatey racistnazibigots spread there simply go away.

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>muh free speech

The current "freedom" is harmful to white survival

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Could you help a fellow nigger? For some reason my country is fucking range banned from 4chan since a year now and I don't want to waste money on cellular data to shitpost. Does anyone consistent way to ban evade on 4chan without spending hours trying proxies that work?

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VPN. Some have free tiers. Allows you to appear to exit in a variety of countries. Of course many of the IPs for those free tiers are also blocked. No good answers, too many are assholes and create the need for blocking. We need fewer assholes in the world.

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Tried a few free VPNs and all were blocked. I just don't understand why fucking chinkmoot blocked my country, it's not like there was real abuse or anything, barely anyone post from here.

I'm sure it's a bug and that faggot doesn't even know how to fix it.

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Use OpenDNS

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This is another example of them trying to form some sort of semblance of a central authority controlling the internet. They hate the fact that websites like this exist. They hate the fact that there are places on the internet where unfiltered, anonymous, FREE speech is communicated.

Anyone can set up a server or find hosting somewhere and run a website, but there are only a handful of corporations who control the infrastructure. Be it DNS, ISPs, or even background like Cloudfare. If you've got enough of these under your wing, you can effectively control the internet.

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File: d27b0585915ef7f⋯.png (96.87 KB,689x473,689:473,1522551208393.png)


I'm gonna miss you bros


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it's a fucking dns filtering thing, how will it unban me from 4chan?

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>what are onions

CP dad

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Love you lads. Just remember the more they persecute us, the more righteous our cause becomes. See you in greener pastures.

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Tell chodemonkey to switch to Bitmitigate, they are protecting Daily Stormer


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I'm a computerlet.

How does this realistically affect the site? Are there other options for DDOS protection?

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No zeronet is.

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Fuck off nigger.

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>Such DDoS attacks are often used by internet vigilantes to attack extremist sites.

Why do they only go after good sites like us? Why do they never go after the SPLC or ADL?

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Because you know why. This shit isn't about extremists, it's about white people having enough and the kikes are scared. All the other kike owned websites have shit just as bad and yet they get to stay up cause they're owned by jews, like cloudflare is

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that's not acceleration. That's just terrorism lol

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The solution is obvious, you need to start hating white people

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>dns filtering

That's your ISP's DNS doing the filtering. Do you really just use the default settings that come with your router?

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No one can kill free speech

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Except Americans

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If anyone has dox on any Canada-based Cloudflare locations I will go Minecraft on them.

Also if anyone can see this and needs help posting, get on tor, visit a web-based proxy like german-proxy.de, and then you can't post images or start threads but you can post replies in already existing threads with the protection of tor + the web proxy (the onion isn't working).

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