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File: 212af23d20b2c11⋯.png (682.75 KB,1600x916,400:229,Honkler.png)

 No.13569724 [View All]

>1919 - Machine guns legal

>Number of spree shootings - 0

<2019 - Machine guns illegal

<Number of spree shootings - 50+

Number of spree kills in open carry locations - 0

Number of spree kills in gun free zones - 50+

What liberals want to do - Make America a gun free zone

8 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Its because of the invaders. In an all white society whites feel safe. In a society that is constantly telling whites they are satan and should be exterminated, whites don't feel safe. Niggers are too dumb to pull off mass shootings.

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Real culprit is SSRIs and benzos but half of these people are also on them so they don't want to admit they fry brains. China has had mass stabbings from similarly drugged loons but nonono the problem is guns

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Literally all of them, "muh kush" is a thing now. Kids are abstaining from alcohol, coffee and cigarettes but are using huge amounts of mind altering drugs that induce hallucinations.

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Nah, they did one in Chicago last night, got nine I think. Think I saw where there was one dead. Difference is they can't aim.

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File: 24918c96df61b0e⋯.jpg (45.48 KB,600x600,1:1,related.jpg)


>using huge amounts of mind altering drugs that induce hallucinations.

Its time to get off the computer now

>pic related

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All mass shootings are caused by jews. Every disastrous policy that causes normal people to go on rampages was lobbied for by a jew.

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Damn lolbergs btfo

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You’re just a little faggot who doesn’t have any social skills so you blame everyone else for your small problems. Quit blames external forces and take responsibility for your shitty existence

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So what are you going to do about it?

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Nobody is that stupid, or are you?

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File: d1877916ee3874a⋯.jpg (101.82 KB,685x696,685:696,jew down.jpg)

File: 2633410bb7c4da8⋯.jpg (150.53 KB,640x572,160:143,jew truth.jpg)


Found the jew…

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Whoop caught a pothead. Like flies to rotting meat, they flock religiously to any negative mention of their drug. It takes twenty fucking years for your MRI to return to normal after ingesting 100mg of THC.

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So, I'd all mass killings are lobbied for by Jews? That's what you said? They wanted Hitler? Lobbied for him? Are you really that ignorant?

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Why all the Jew hating? Have you ever met a jew? Have any Jewish friends to base your opinions on?

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I wouldn't call them friends, but I've known several and none of them gave me cause to doubt the stereotypes.

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File: 9a88adb86548932⋯.jpg (18.53 KB,400x400,1:1,jew bait.jpg)


Your post lacks context, any context.

Shill level.

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File: 067eceb2b5c5985⋯.jpg (36.48 KB,758x494,379:247,jew america.jpg)

File: 7a444494dac3c53⋯.jpg (211.48 KB,879x881,879:881,jew dual.jpg)

File: c8b95e8d69b693a⋯.jpg (188.89 KB,741x1024,741:1024,jew gun.jpg)

File: 6ee4b8f696737ba⋯.jpg (2.64 MB,3755x5760,751:1152,jews again (4).jpg)



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File: 504d11c2ad4f02a⋯.jpg (106.71 KB,1481x878,1481:878,blossom_jew.jpg)

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>1919 - America White.

>2019 - America Brown.

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Disgusting rat faced jude

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Its even more obvious how blatant they are pushing this when other countries with similar gun laws and ownership are fine.

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Please give me a source on this - it would be greatly appreciated. I have studied a lot of psychopharmacology and have never found such a claim.

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Women’s suffrage. The mistake great civilizations make before they die.

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>implying we forgot about Epstein

What are you gonna do, faggot, bomb his island?

Fuck off kike

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>number of school bombing - 0

You forgot the propane bombs at columbine, OKC, WTC in the 90's, and the endless amounts of pipe bombs at schools that go unreported.

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>school bombing

There have been many bombings with homemade and commercial bombs since then, faggot

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Way to conveniently leave out Oklahoma City, retard.

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go drink yourself into oblivion faggot

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The bombs were CGI

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I drink once a year for a religious observance, never smoked in my life, don't do drugs. Ask me how good it feels to have a mind that doesn't make mistakes and I'll ask you how it feels to be thinking through fuzz all the time.

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shut up you stupid boomer faggot

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Imagine actually being this retarded lmfao

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lol a fucking burnt out postmoker with weed induced false memories and inability to do math is going to call me retarded

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lol I can still do math while high. try not having sub 120 iq

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cannabis kills the pharma-Jew.

You're retarded for allowing the Jew to come in and pump you full of pharma instead of legalizing home medicine that we used for hundreds of years.

Not to mention cheaper paper, clothing, and oil. Only kike-shills hate pot.

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oh you fucker you just made my goddamn weekend i haven't laughed that hard in a solid week

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Shot from a car like a pussy.

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IED that failed to even detonate


Not a school but funny enough the sale of ammonium nitrate was heavily regulated post bombing, and surprise its working

>amounts of pipe bombs


<that go unreported

Oh its your head canon

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Wow look at this faggot ape out

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>implying LSD causes shootings

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Arizona dumbass

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File: 5a2d2c61a097f43⋯.jpg (218.34 KB,720x900,4:5,0bc83e4789eacb8cc1ba5fdf41….jpg)

File: 90708675c037857⋯.mp4 (4.71 MB,1280x720,16:9,1432476325887.mp4)

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File: 4ae8c70d6166c16⋯.jpg (87.64 KB,720x345,48:23,1356485903738.jpg)

Keep pounding this fact in on every facet everywhere. Ask the question - "What gun laws have been enacted in the past 50 years? How many mass shootings were there 50 years ago?"

Then point out the demographics of 50 years ago. Hell, go even further - go with 100 years ago.

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Maybe because feminism turned every man into a raging faggot who would rather be a slave to women then support their own brothers

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>muh feminism

Come on now. You really think that's it? That's the only thing?

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>mass killings


Try harder faggot

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>muh women cause everything

You're not welcome here Incel faggots, hang yourself with a shoelace

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>clown world meme

no surprise that your OP is shit tier and low effort. go back to the 140 character limit that you are clearly used to.

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If it didn't why would CIA use it on MKULTRA?

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probably shouldn't look into who owns most pot shops in states where it's legal…

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