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File: e7288cadd166e26⋯.jpg (56.92 KB,540x359,540:359,12a.jpg)


So I just learned that homo/heterosexuality was not really a thing in ancient Rome or Greece. Instead sex was based upon someone being active and someone being the receiver.

Even then though, they could not fuck just anyone. Normal, healthy Roman citizens were not allowed. Instead men would fuck their slaves, prostitutes or entertainers (who were separated from society, more on that in a second).

Rome had a caste system with citizens on top, followed by members of a group called the INFAMIA. Technically free people, but their occupation removed from them some of societies freedoms. Pimps, prostitutes, dancers, actors and free-gladiators would fall into this (among others).

For example, a female prostitute would have to go and register herself as a prostitute. She would never be able to NOT be a prostitute as she was now part of the Infamia. To mark her, she wore a male style tunic.

tl;dr: I think this system fixes a lot of our current problems in the West. By having a group like the Infamia we preserve a clean, upper society by not allowing people like sex workers, actors, entertainers (hey wait why do jews run all of these groups today…) from holding public office or being anything more then the cumdumpsters they wish to be.

For the gays this will allow the "manlier gay" aka the giver to exist, but it'll push all of the submissive/bottom fags (usually the Queens, traps and other annoying people today) into complete living social hell.

What do you all think?

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File: 826295b30bc4f45⋯.jpg (60.23 KB,1200x545,240:109,826295b30bc4f45748c61e81a7….jpg)


Also finding this out really threw the "Well da womans were peepee smokers" argument out for me. The Romans were just dominating weaker men, like a prison.

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>into complete living social hell.

Lesbos isle maybe or a desert without any infrastructure, like animals

but NOT in cities with healthy people

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Faggotry was looked down upon as something filthy and degenerate in Grecian and Roman society. Try reading Homosexuality in Ancient Greece - The Myth is Collapsing by Adonis Georgiades for accurate info on faggotry in Ancient Greece.

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The thing is to me, we can ignore reality or accept it (but hamstring it's efforts).

People in the infamia could not hold social standing. They were the guys being fucked in the ass, sitting in bars all night singing or pimping girls out. They are scum and to associate yourself with one on a friendly level? Wew lad.

All of our degenerates would be caroled behind a beautiful, invisible fence. Never to be elected into office, no drag-queen story hours or fag pride parades.

No bloodshed necessary, no ones "having their gay son hung" like a Muslim or whatever. The average person could get behind us on this. A perfect, middle ground that gives us everything we want in the end.

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Also side note but Jews currently run things by literally ruling the modern "Infamia Caste"

Entertainers: Social media, MSM, Television, Hollywood

Sex Work: Porn industry, brothels, human trafficking, sex slavery

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Kill yourself faggot. You will never be white nor welcome.

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OP wants to have buttsects and feel good about it.

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>What do you all think

Sounds like the film Gamer

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>being a faggot but lying about it to yourself

>what do you think?

You going back to reddit would be nice, you backward legume faggot.

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Kushner mods

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Get out

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I told you that two years ago, you're still here IT.

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A forum full of woman hating incels trying to make excuses about how to fuck each other in the ass and not feel gay about it. What a fucking faggot. Why would you even bring this up?? Thinking about fucking guys a lot?? What a fucking faggot. So you're one of those "im not gay because i fucked him, he didnt fuck me" AKA faggot.

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tits or gtfo

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File: 8595eacb5b76b75⋯.jpg (41.15 KB,481x359,481:359,Roman Marriage.jpg)

In ancient Rome and ancient Greece over half of the girls married between 9 and 14 years old. Why did modern men let Thots decide those ages are too young and they have to settle for old used goods?

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Not wanting your third worlders isn't being a woman hater.

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