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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 18553be700e6e91⋯.jpg (43.38 KB,888x499,888:499,GFU75wDm6ROarcCz7eY0nDwMiz….jpg)


And I still feel compassion for them. They are going to die alone. It doesn't even matter, if they ever get a husband now, because they are infertile. They won't ever get a family. Or they are very close to the wall and time is running out and they realize that men don't give a fuck about a woman having a career and would rather date the young intern than the aging female boss of the company. Women are more than men victims of the social Zeitgeist.

Of course, feeling sorry for them, shouldn't mean in no way that we just ignore their faults and pretend they don't exist and marry them anyway or something like. No, definetly not. I am not saying that. That is ridiculous. Th

The only way to fix is prevention. They are already lost. They only serve as bad examples to the young women of today. Young women should feel "eww, look at her, 40 and no kids? yikes" when they see them. We need to create memes about this, geared towards women about it. Most of that is from a male perspective and only women that are deeply involved in the movement use these memes.

That's why Stefan Molyneux making huge waves on twitter in the last few days is so important. Women don't have good role models. They only have bad ones. I don't know of a single accomplished mother with traditionalist, right-wing views that does videos on youtube. It's just young women that talk about wanting that life. And when they get it, they are very private about it to protect their family. They ironically rather care about their family, then be some tradthot on youtube.

Which is I guess what we want, but this means that women have basically no good role models. At most female youtubers are their "equals", who are on the same journey as they are. Women only make themselves visible in the matters of the public, if they have something to complain about.

What's your thoughts? I am not really advocating for anything. Just curious what /pol/ thinks. I think it would be cool, if we made memes from the female perspective about hitting the wall. Maybe the odd woman reading this can help. I know most of you are passive observers and just lurk, but maybe you have some ideas.

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Women don’t read 8chan. If they do, the best they can do is blow up some jew heavy areas and prove to us they’re not passive dummies.

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lonely old women are the ones voting in fighting age men. They are a problem and they do NOT deserve pity.

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why would you feel bad for them? it's nobody's fault but theirs for being stupid cunt whores that failed to do the only thing they exist to do- procreating the race. they deserve all of the loneliness and misery they get, let them stew in it

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File: b2292a1214ed8f5⋯.jpg (25.71 KB,451x423,451:423,1522668111968.jpg)


kill all cat-ladies.

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Those barren women are resorting to importing husbands from the 3rd world. Who of course only care about exploiting their loneliness for citizenship and money.

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You left out the selfishness of undergoing all kinds of fertility treatments after turning 30. They'd rather bring autistic children into the world than admit the wall is a real thing and they're past it.

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they were warned but still kept up the man-hating as instructed by the neoliberal capitalists. it's sad but their own fault.

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>That's why Stefan Molyneux making huge waves on twitter

He's a neoliberal. He's part of the problem.

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>another jew slide

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After we win the country back all barren whores will be forced to wear clown wigs in public as a mark of shame and younger beautiful women with fecundity will be allowed to throw vegetables at them and openly ridicule them. We will make our society one which wields shame like a sword.

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>And I still feel compassion for them

I feel zero compassion for them. They are simply reaping the consequences of being whores. I hope they suffer as much as possible until the point they die alone or commit suicide.

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>implying that we live in a society

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Oh and for the record, single mothers are far worse than the spinster whores.

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File: eb2980b6fb5c9d8⋯.jpg (174.13 KB,800x847,800:847,feminisst cat.jpg)

File: 4bdff6f5be54a9f⋯.jpg (169.34 KB,1016x683,1016:683,feminist catsss.jpg)

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File: 4366f0b779d6060⋯.jpg (70.16 KB,478x498,239:249,feminist sandwich.jpg)

Ignore them all, it's the only solution.

They die inside when you make them invisible.

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File: 2174f0a12ab6354⋯.jpg (77.61 KB,459x641,459:641,kallikak path.jpg)

File: 7defb55507da53f⋯.jpg (86.23 KB,662x1024,331:512,comic 30s childless unmarr….jpg)

File: f755ee85723fe51⋯.jpg (897.58 KB,1075x4000,43:160,path comic.jpg)

File: 912475dfa9c8049⋯.jpg (124.62 KB,736x1191,736:1191,unmarried path.jpg)

reintroduce the concept of the matriarch

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We know you are looking for a sugar mommy, OP.

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File: d2d27af37cca87c⋯.jpeg (800.31 KB,1125x2329,1125:2329,A5287D07-20E2-42C0-BFF7-3….jpeg)

Rollo posted about Alpha Widows today


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File: c60b53cc95e69d3⋯.jpg (112.12 KB,1200x809,1200:809,1545853523587.jpg)

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