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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 74c4ff14053de84⋯.jpeg (113.83 KB,760x570,4:3,f989b98724d037fe6e2ab96d3….jpeg)

 No.13567170 [View All]



>An initial attempt to upload the document occurred at 10:15 am, but was unsuccessful. The document was then uploaded a few minutes later. At 10:39, the first emergency calls reached 911.

>Law enforcement was already analyzing the document before the mass shooting began and had connected it to a person, but the writing didn't name a target, time, place, or use the suspect's name.

86 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Do you know what Entrapment is?

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You're probably right, also one more option.

D) 8chan is operated by the feds and runs out the NSA server room with AI constantly monitoring for trigger words. Just like godlikeproductions.com is run out of Elgin Air Force Base as a Tavistock institute experience.

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I can't find it anywhere. They're always filled with the same shit though. I doubt it was anything but a racist rant with the same shit being rehashed over and over. Like the one before it, and the one before that. Kind of like what I'm doing right now, repeating the same shit over and over in one post.

Still, if anyone has it I'd like to see it.

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File: 7571095e58f5e81⋯.jpg (72.85 KB,525x474,175:158,320df5142d51021cbe0595f908….jpg)



Fuck it dude. Lets just summon the tavistock bots too.















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You do know how many faggots here ironically hate shitskins and kikes. Plenty of muh based TRS fangs that just do it for ebin memes that would report it too.

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Gonna check those quads while I’m at it

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Yeah about that

Do we all have round the clock eyes on? Would they know when one would just head to the range and assume something other than that was happening? Slippery slope fellers.

To the glowniggers and zog here -


Go fuck yourselves

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That's because they wrote it, retard.

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>cartoon porn images

>edgy spam

Grow up, subhuman

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Mod called it in

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Every shooting in history has initial reports of "multiple shooters". It's because people can't figure out where the gunfire is coming from.

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Already read it.

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Hopefully an anon here took it seriously enough to alert the cops.

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Has anyone verified this at all?

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File: 4194a50be04b8c1⋯.png (123.43 KB,652x718,326:359,hotwheels tweet.png)



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Does that mean the first person to talk gets to stay this memecraft?

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How the fuck are you posting from Tor right now?

The onion is perpetually down for me.

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>here is zero security to using tors.

It's the only secure platform you faggot. VPNs and proxies will be compromised, even though it takes years to do so.

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if he cares so little, why is he bothering to do this? I would understand if a crippled dude that has a really weird life just wants to fuck off to PI and forget about anything, but why is he bringing all this attention onto himself and advertising he created 8chan and still has ties to it? What's his motive at this point?

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>I actually feel sorry for antifa

That's a good one anon, you had me going there for a second.

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How come you Earnest files are missing?

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He needs more money for hookers and blow

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One and done jewish shill. Allowed to post here.

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Bullshit. Just don't include details that could give you away and also seriously the next shooter even needs a vehicle with a machine gun on the back, or to steal a vehicle from a military base, and should have a video manifesto in addition to pdf manifesto, and you need to upload everything somewhere obscure (multiple spots in fact) then link to them on here a couple times to make sure anons see it before you take action.

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Don't any of you know how to chain proxies together?

They will have to go to each proxy, sometimes in shithole non-cooperative countries, before they get your real IP.

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File: 9b55d38cb8bc3d1⋯.jpg (24.23 KB,434x532,31:38,50a1db44f70e5e97b846ddecf8….jpg)


Well yea, proof reading is important when false flagging, especially when you go into lib-tier detail about AK47s and how an AR15 is a weapon of war.

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>I don't condone violence FBI.

You are saying this in a world where boomers openly approve of violence on facebook and other normie sites and don't get arrested.

…and yes, I'm talking about WN/far-right leaning boomers.

Yet you're too scared to promote violence on an anonymous imageboard where literally everyone else is already doing it.

You can promote violence all you fucking want. They aren't going to consider you a priority because they'll know you're just a talker. They will prioritize people who actually upload a manifesto and say they are taking immediate action.

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File: 3a1e6a1fe4c82c1⋯.webm (3.57 MB,640x360,16:9,alexintense.webm)

I am admin of a very large Minecraft server (Java) and we are running a very elaborate simulation right now involving different factions in game. FACTIONS: NPCs, Gamers, """Journalists""", Jaldabaoth worshiping Ashkenazi """Jews""".

We just ran a drill with some players from the gamer faction taking out certain NPC sub-factions. The Journalists and Jews are worried that the Gamers are going to target them next. Hopefully they can direct a lot of the gamer energy at the other factions instead of themselves during a full blown Gamer Uprising.

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he's obviously being paid off. little nigger cripple fuck, if he ever shows his face on here again its in for a pounding

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yet another qtard goes berserk.

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File: 066e1afe7cddc84⋯.png (41.22 KB,523x472,523:472,1260585284155.png)


This is the reason why I announce all my killings only on uncommon and low traffic boards like /deadzoo/ or /crazypussy/.

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File: 8febc04f4a68420⋯.jpg (21.99 KB,300x300,1:1,0005_NJgH0tZH-hoy-les-dejo….jpg)

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+1 internetz to you

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>>>/deadzoo/ has all of anon's kills on it

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All killed by anon.

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The little crippled nigger misses the attention.

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I keep saying it' he looks like a child of Alan Dershowitz

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>Date launched: October 22, 2013

stop being a faggot

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>Mossad were writing Pat's manifesto before he even started shooting


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File: 482b9b4dd859d1a⋯.webm (3.36 MB,1280x720,16:9,Beto laughs then tries to….webm)

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Oh look, more kike shills with braindead "evidence" for the false flag narrative

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They're working double shifts right now

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I'm lazy

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feds are checking here 24/7 for the next accelerationist since tarrant

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File: 86ae62542e56550⋯.mp4 (5.34 MB,640x360,16:9,pol_on_TV.mp4)


>upload malicious pdf

>the bots download instantly

>bots must be doing ocr to handle the volume of insane posts

>tries parsing your document

>instead grants you rat

>"oops your files have been encrypted"


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Started to think about all these shootings. How many of these shooters played shooter games? Is it possible that there maybe a link to MK-ultra

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>the writing didn't name a target, time, place, or use the suspect's name

Literally had the guy’s name on it. Some fat donut munchers done goofed.

Ah, who am I kidding, they let it happen.

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It came back up a couple days ago.

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