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File: 8dd17f840f470db⋯.jpg (29.12 KB,273x363,91:121,sk-tat.jpg)

 No.13567036 [View All]

Why does /pol/ shill against white prison gangs? White prison gangs are the largest white nationalist groups in the country and contrary to what some here claim, are very jew-wise. I know many of them personally and know they are extremely based and redpilled, and if they could be united into a revolutionary army to challenge ZOG's police and feds, the white race might have a fighting chance. /pol/ refuses to recognize because they are stuck in the (((BlueLivesMatter))) reactionary mentality, or else they are promoting false-flag lone wolf terrorist acts

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Oh I do watch movies, trick is just to know that its programming, and that its fake, because too many people use it unconsciously as a guide for their behavior. But every piece of action put on a screen from jewlywood is artificial. Knowing this, you can stay with the current trends all quite well, while still being immune to them.

Besides that, its better to just read books

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Lots of whites in prison gangs read books too. But you will write them off however well informed they are. Fuck you.

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only reason to be in jail is for tax fraud, or otherwise resisting the zog state. All the other laws are pretty legit, especially around drugs. And I dont think that many of you are for the legitimate reasons lel. Niggers go to jail because they cannot control themselves. You go to jail for the same reason, that makes you quite like the niggers.

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fuck off faggot

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>reported to IRS for not paying income taxes and AIDS

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>I'm going back on cam right now

>brave enough to talk shit to my face.

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ZOG's (((laws))) are legit and baste I agree. ZOG should have the right to kill poor people for selling small amounts of drugs while meanwhile the CIA is the biggest drug dealer in the world. fucking BASED

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many of these anti drug laws come from an era in which the government was still right wing ish. Many laws still remain from those era's, those are good.

And I bet none of you has ever even read something like "myth of the 20th century" (nor watched its online vid)

But yea, you wont get our support. /sig/, natsoc and all the other elite parts, which also create content, do not care about you, they hate all degens.

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a true natsoc would support all classes of whites including the underclass. you people are just incel, rich kid, neocon larpers. Natsocs would never support incel subhumans

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no thats false. We would not support them, we would try to reform them WITH FORCE. There were people in camps for all sorts of crap. Being work shy is one of them, but criminals are also a big no no.

The only way I can see a criminal being cool is if he did tax fraud, to buy guns for white families, and then getting into jail for that. But selling drugs to children, and to families, that is the most horrendous one can do.

Maybe if you wanted our support you would drop that shit, get into /sig/ learn a bit more of our core beliefs and then come back. Because right now you are the thing that hitler hated, a product of the modern, degenerate society.

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Israeli boys are covered in tatts.

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We're not against poor people we're against degenerates. It doesn't matter how much or little money they have, if some tattoo'd retard gets caught selling fentanyl he should be executed. Doesn't matter how much money he has. Prison gangs deserve execution because they're poisoning our people.

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Not sure why you think every white person in prison is there for selling fentanyl to children but go on believing that. I mean anyone ZOG has branded a felon must be a HORRIBLE person

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but is that not what the majority of gangs do. Even in rl its just degenerate garbage all around. I dont need internet to see that lel

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Sweet tats

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Bump. I refuse to let this thread be buried.

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>Go support criminals goyim. They are 'based'

They are in prison schlomo.

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I've never seen them mentioned, bu tthey're essential to whites to survive in a lot of prisons

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>ZOG never unfairly imprisons whites whenever possible

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you're obviously too low IQ to understand the difference between a degenerate and the underclass and down trodden…what the fuck are you actually doing here?

at this point i'm 99% sure your some kike leftist since you have such a strong desire to coddle the balls of murders and thieves.

make no mistake, once we have our homelands sorted we will have very high standards for our people and brethren…we will also have a high level of support but if you fuck up in the wrong way or too many times, it's off to the gallows with you.

as for being a bunch of rich kids, when your poor the only thing you have is your morals and principles and really it's often the poor who are the ones who have tested them, so i'll give you that, the rich never really have to test thier character or morals because life is easy, it's only when life is hard is your character and morals really relevant and meaningful…if you have tested yourself and failed to the point where you now defend degeneracy as a whole then you are not worthy and it is you who are the larper and will be at the end of a rope.


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I am a leftist without the nigger-loving. I agree far more with the average chapo fan on everything except race than with the average neocon, lolbertarian or so-called white nationalists who are actually neocons and lolbertarians

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The overwhelming majority of them just picked up the Natsoc image for the intimation factor. I wouldn't even care about the drug dealing shit, but how often do you ever really hear about them doing anything against (((them)))?

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Many actually are jew wise and some even attacked jews. But if they are poorly educated why not reach out to them rather than ostracizing them?

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Well, that's a pretty valid point. Aside from that, if shit does ever kick off, it would be nice to have some people that understand smuggling involved.

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It's like you people have never read a history book. Look into the SA and Röhm to see what happens when you let a bunch of jackbooted low-IQ thugs masquerading as nationalists take control of your movement. Hitler had to long-knives those unironic fags because they were only "based" so long as there were communists to fight in the streets, and once they were gone all the SA went around fighting random people, terrorizing the public, burning shit down, and screwing each other like animals. They were never true nationalists, they were just in it for the thrill. Whites in prison are low quality people in general and will have no desire to further European civilization.

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They are addicted to drugs and oftentimes deal them, corrupting fellow whites.

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Most of them don't stay in prison and most of them drop their white pride affiliation as soon as they get out

These gangs are white only as a defense against mobs of black and latino animals while caged

On the outside they either lose interest or stick together to deal drugs

There is no way you can organize them effectively short of waiting until there's a civil war and taking them out of prison en masse to use as action groups which you will likely lose control of very quickly.

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They're literally wiggers, lol

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And most people on this site are literally weebs

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>white supremacy themed groups hate Jews

Gee what a revelation

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Tbh considering the site is a gathering place of stormtardery, that such sites would be frequented by members of criminal groups wouldn't be surprising. It's just not eagerly disclosed for the sake of optics.

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B-but anon… there obviously are different classes of people.

Get your faggy egalitarian nonsense out of here. Shoo, shoo.

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Fuck off republikike. In national socialism all white people are equal.

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Really? Sounds more like 1789 France than anything else. Worm.

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Saying all white people are equal is the best way to trigger the living fuck out of both (((leftists))) and (((rightists))). Real NS ("Strasserism") is what communism should have been

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Strasserism is leftist subversion.

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>>Why does /pol/ shill against white prison gangs?

Those are jews, faggots, monkeys and cucks.

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I bet you are a fan of literal kike Mencius Moldbug and the (((neoreactionary movement))). NS is leftist economically and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that

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<Why does /pol/ shill against white prison gangs?

Why are all (((OPs with rhetorical question structure))) glow-in-the-dark Congolese infants-of-tar?

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>best way to trigger

Yes, that is what will build a new world. Triggering neurotic degenerates who are in a constant state of agitation so deep that they can be set off by a single pronoun will certainly win the day.


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This post is telling the truth.

Smart people don't go to jail for petty crimes.

Drugs are for weak-minded faggots

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No one wants to go to your room and see your ugly dick you worthless faggot.

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White prison gangs are guys without female companionship. I would rather be spending time with women than smelling the anus's of other men. POL is simply a place to sniff the anus of a man who is white.

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t. bootlicker

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when they're not in prison they get a lot more female companionship than /pol/ incels do

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