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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 4049707a338b1c8⋯.jpg (15.11 KB,255x178,255:178,Alien-Liberty.jpg)


Let's start a movement to get these commie faggots excited about abandoning the racist shithole that is the United States of America. Being that we're a white supremacist shithole perhaps Canada would be more to their liking.Tweet hashtag #AmericanExodus. Let's get these gender bending commie faggots out of our great republic once and for all.

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>let’s waste our time doing things that don’t matter and won’t ever happen, no matter what


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>let's be a fucking nigger too lazy to do anything about the communist takeover of our nation

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>if you don’t do my jewish thing that won’t work, you won’t do anything

Aw, cute, it thinks its false dichotomies will fly here.

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Well do please enlighten me Shlomo, what's your plan?

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Lots of murder, probably.

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I can get on board with that.

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Codreanu is right a country gets the Jews it deserves. "Our Great Republic" is rotten to the core regardless

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File: b0863574e06ab74⋯.jpg (38.88 KB,640x360,16:9,a437c3d2c7fafb9403ee3dbc3f….jpg)

File: 0f07c0d4bef51c4⋯.jpg (41.76 KB,530x684,265:342,SillyFunnyReposting ‏ @har….jpg)

appealing to the rationality of the irrational, the integrity of hypocrites, the independence of parasites, honor of the shameless, is a foolish endeavor.

it is to have hope in the hopeless, and the right has had too much hope in the left to come to their senses.

otherwise, haughty parasitic beggars and crying victim-signalling predators is hilarious

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So encourage them to move to California?

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Yeah, thread’s worthless. Reported.

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Tell them to denounce their citizenships in papua new guinea to prove themselves to be multi-racial friendly.

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