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File: a16caf08e49a06d⋯.jpg (791.04 KB,3503x5001,3503:5001,i_want_to_believe.jpg)


Abstract: "A craft using an inertial mass reduction device comprises of an inner resonant cavity wall, an outer resonant cavity, and microwave emitters. The electrically charged outer resonant cavity wall and the electrically insulated inner resonant cavity wall form a resonant cavity. The microwave emitters create high frequency electromagnetic waves throughout the resonant cavity causing the resonant cavity to vibrate in an accelerated mode and create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity wall."

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Fucked the link: https://patents.google.com/patent/US10144532B2/en

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Post it here.

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Be my guest to post it to "". This is the US Navy patenting technologies that were thought to be 50-100 years out. It has geopolitical ramifications so it belongs here.

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File: 0d7e5472d871d5e⋯.pdf (791.53 KB,US10144532.pdf)

OP is a faggot, as always.

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Admittedly, but in case you missed the first fucking comment:


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In case you're a fucking newfag that needs to lurk for 2 years before posting again, you can post PDF's directly to the board:


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>50-100 years out.

This tech is almost 100 years old as is.

go to >>>/vril/ and read, nigger.

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I wouldn't take these google patents seriously. The one that was floating around about TR3-B's with a 2006 date was proven fake and gay by some of the actual UFO researchers who verify rather than simply take as fact these articles.

That one I think was some stupid silly patent by a shell company in the Caribbean and linked to all sorts of scammy tier shit. If you take the UFO seriously and the government having access to such then you have to tell yourself they would have patented this stuff decades ago and years before a rolling prototype came out. There is a secrecy clause in patents that can keep them hidden and also lock out any public patent under national security if it violates an existing patent that's classified.

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>I wouldn't take these google patents seriously.

<US Navy


Fuck off idiot. If the tech is 100 where's my flying car faggot.

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> There is a secrecy clause in patents that can keep them hidden and also lock out any public patent under national security if it violates an existing patent that's classified.

Yeah, it's called the patent secrecy act, however, until they classify a patent as such, there isn't shit they can do to stem discussion of it, they also can't do shit if it isn't patented. This has been discussed on >>>/vril/ already. There is a lot of information on UFOs, but that doesn't justify turning down possibly good information on the merit that it MIGHT be scammy.

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File: 1d329995f55fe48⋯.png (1.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



But why file this? Explain the purpose of such a patent. Just in case someone decides to exploit this art & sell it? To who? Prior to 2036? Who is selling, who is buying, and who wants a commercial prevention of copying, but is willing to make this public?

You understand the point I'm making here? Why even file this?

"It is possible to reduce the inertial mass and hence the gravitational mass , of a system / object in motion, by an abrupt perturbation of the non - linear background of local spacetime ( the local vacuum energy state )"

The only possible purpose of this patent is disclosure.

BTW time travel is real, that's the important thing here.

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>Fuck off idiot. If the tech is 100 where's my flying car faggot.

Go.to. >>>/vril/ you stupid nigger, this shit has been at the very least, a concept since the 20s-30s with the original thule society.

>where's MY flying car faggot

You don't get one because a) your not a chosenite and b) it has military application, so therefore serfs like yourself will never have any chance of even seeing one, let alone owning.

One more thing

>wanting a flying car

>in place of a fucking space ship capable of interplanetary travel

Boomer or zoomer, you sure are shortsighted.

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They do it to make money, that's the only reason it's done. If it so turns out it can be a national security asset then it gets memory holed and the inventors get salaried.

There is plenty of shit they hide, namely things like polymers and alloys. The kind of shit that would make steel look like styrofoam. And of course, energy technologies.

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File: f0416fe9e545c03⋯.jpg (101.83 KB,900x675,4:3,tictac ufo base.JPG)

I'm inside their base. Whats my first mission?

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Naruto run.

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Get inside one of those mini-subs and pilot it to Antarctica, you receive further instructions once you arrive.

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File: 847d455cd3c0084⋯.png (312.86 KB,448x448,1:1,MacGyver_Zognoculars.png)


Do be MacGyver. Call Phoenix Foundation for ZOG back-up. Improvise goyim wires and detonator switches to those Zyklon B tanks. Abscond with goy technology patents from the office. Make escape to back-up ZOG agents on arrival moments after blowing zyklon tanks from the radio tower.

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