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File: d47eb7148afce82⋯.jpg (58.2 KB,648x366,108:61,sensitive_info.jpg)


Just saw a research study from Cornell University that porn sites collects data about you (who you are and your porn preferences) and sends the data to an unknown source.

These sites are confirmed for collecting and sending data:









My Dirty Hobby





Digital Playground



I don't know, maybe they just want to produce better porn? or maybe the unknown third party use the info to either recruit you or extort information?

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>no source

>caring what jewish honeypot websites do

It doesn't really matter to us.

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No fucking shit OP

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Everybody already assumes I'm watching porn. A loner with a 55" tv why wouldn't I? Nothing could come of this and I don't give a fuck.

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Gib source. Also aren't nearly all of these sites affiliated with Mindgeek?

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File: f840e694aa84bd7⋯.jpg (51.61 KB,1137x640,1137:640,memri-tv1.jpg)


>no Xvideos

>no Blacked.com

That's unusual

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File: c80f06e0e72cad4⋯.png (363.24 KB,696x678,116:113,c80f06e0e72cad4d9388fe4668….png)

>Jewish owned websites doing shady shit

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(((unknown))) my ass, moshe.

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Should 4chan.org be on that list?

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Nearly every single fucking website does this, but not only that, but any "smart device" and operating systems do this as well. It's called Monetization.

Welcome to 2006.

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install gentoo and noscript idiot

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If we don't manage to break away from "civilization" we're going to be enslaved in fact by Jews.

They're going to tell you the race you should be, culture, values, religion, country, what you should love, how to think, the "problem", the "solution", what to do, when do, your enemy, friends, etc.

In other words they want you to be a big baby and let them run the show for you like a class of oracles.

Those ugliest African apes ads just turned on the red lights for what to expect from the future if we don't wake up.

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If anyone's on /pol/ and cares about this, GET OUT!

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File: b9a2ad064a854b6⋯.png (995.81 KB,625x833,625:833,ClipboardImage.png)

>Porn sites collects info and sends to an unknown 3rd party

And someone is surprised about this?

What is this a naivety convention?

Unless you take basic precautions with your ID, your ID is a commodity for sale on the open market you fucking dumb fucking fucks.

But if you think Uncle Sumbitch can't read your posts on pol through your VPN you're even dumber

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>dont use a vpn, install windows and google chrome

glow harder

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File: b1148ffd3355ae3⋯.png (201.37 KB,425x535,85:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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You misspelled ublock origin and umatrix, faggot.

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Ofcourse i have visited xvideos, where else do i get my really crooked pr0n, then we got imagefap (imageboard) and elephanttube and many more:D

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Reason to believe you’re wrong, lo: I made a batch of fools lie to me - and possibly to themselves - just by holding onto an identity that I never did lie about. You can do that, too.

Do try to be more interesting than “white nigger” in your identity bits, tho I suppose that’s a futile fight here in maximum aryanville where white niggery is the only permissibly correct opinion.

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How else are they supposed to make money? Use a VPN.

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>implying they make money

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Alt-Right on suicide watch.

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This is actually good.

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File: 43577fbe7957034⋯.jpg (222.9 KB,1080x1010,108:101,jew control.jpg)

File: f1fa2d74c25ca01⋯.jpg (147.95 KB,1126x1080,563:540,jew net.jpg)

(((Who))) could it be?

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nobody here gives a shit about the alt-right, newfag

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Oh no! The know I like to watch POV doggystyle porn featuring women with big asses.

What ever will I do…

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Think I might shift gears into scat, just to keep it interesting.

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Pornhub releases yearly analytics. Did you ever for a moment think that all they looked at was the ip location and search? Also, that list of sites is only owned by like three companies.

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