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Most people won't believe me

You guys can take a look @ my story


PS: I live in Izmir, Turkey

My Story

My name is John Erin Binns, I am a 19 year old high school dropout who may have messed with a CIA officer (Paul Joseph Arcangeli) and was kidnapped/psychologically tortured for this.

I will start my story. On July 7, 2019, my mother (Seyhan Binns) purchased a seat on PC 1019 from SAW to MUC for me. If I am remembering correctly, my mother and I’s row and seat numbers were 10 ED. That same night, I went to the restroom at Sabiha Gokcen Airport and overheard two men talking outside the bathroom about how they were going to “blow me up”/”patlatma” in Turkish. I realized that they were going to try killing me and pressed the emergency alarm to call a security guard. The men dispersed and the guard saved me. Once I entered the transit area of Sabiha Gokcen airport, I started getting harassed with microwave weapons. After the plane took off, I noticed a male and female in the seats behind me (11ED) discussing how they were going to kill me with a poison needle, how someone named Huseyin Sengul said I was a “dirty Russian”, and how I was accused of being an ISIS member and fraudster. I notified a flight attendant of this situation, the attendant told me that the air crew was making the male and female drunk while notifying German police of the situation. German police ultimately never came to the plane, and the same air crew member attempted to dissuade me from contacting them by saying that “[the German police] will investigate those two individuals regardless, you don’t need to contact them”.

After I went to immigration, I provided a small piece of paper which indicated why I wanted protection in Germany. Some officer(s) came and took me to the Bundespolizei station in Germany where I was put in a room. I then heard my mother and all of the officers discussing some topics in Turkish (not German) outside the room, and a male and female officer discussing how they might “Ausgang” (Exit) me, Exit being a codeword for killing. I also heard the officers discussing how I was an ISIS member (I have never been affiliated with ISIS) and they had saved me by sending me to a mental hospital instead.

An ambulance came to the Munich Airport Bundespolizei station, and the ambulance workers talked about how someone named Rosenberg “wanted blood” on the trip and how the FBI was after me in an attempt to psychologically break me. Once the ambulance arrived at KBO Taufkirchen, I heard a Turkish Bundespolizei officer and the staff discussing how they were going to “fry [my] brain with gas” and make me mentally incompetent. I was taken to a back room by force, and in this back room was a special fan with an aerosolized spray and a livestreamed camera. I was later given what I assume was a liquid neurotoxin by a staff member at this facility, I pretended to swallow it and later spat everything out. The liquid also happened to make my tongue numb. Several hours after I started faking mental disability, a lady from the CIA and my mother came into the room, and I also heard a helicopter outside the facility around this time.

The CIA lady told my mother that I was now mentally disabled and would be going into a plea deal as this would be “the easiest way out for me” after I’m indicted. I continued faking mental disability, a Turkish doctor also came into the room and talked about how they “made [me] rot”. The same lady from the CIA also told my mom to throw away any hotel or coffee shop receipts that indicated she was in the town of Taufkirchen.

A day or so after these series of events, the personnel at KBO Taufkirchen apparently figured out that I was not really an ISIS member. I was eventually discharged, taken to Munich airport in a Bundespolizei van, illegally denied political asylum, and thrown on a Pegasus flight back to SAW while in plastic handcuffs.

On the flight, a man and lady from the Turkish National Police were waiting and told me that 1. the US government wanted to prosecute me and 2. I would be getting a report from a mental hospital as a “formality” for everyone involved.

I will cut everything short here.

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I forgot to add that my original crimes included swatting and other cybercrimes committed while I was underage

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I'd help him you jew fuck.

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take your pills, you dumb larping schizo

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You do realize that ISIS is a jewish operation?

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Honestly, what has to go wrong in a person's childhood that they develop this way? Is it brain tissue damage from lack of oxygen at birth, or some type of trauma? Do they just have a mental breakdown and disassociate from reality?

Neurotypical people take 1 look at shit like this and just feel embarrassed for people like you. The lengths they go to fabricate vivid realities to supplant their own actual reality…. you're not even aware of how badly this behavior stands out, but you keep spewing it… I bet you post this or similar copypastas on other boards regularly…. please, stop it… get some help….

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Get in the van.

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It's good old schizophrenia. My uncle had it but it was a different type. I've known another guy who had something more in line with OP. Thought he was being persecuted and people were trying to assassinate him and stuff. Abandoned his family (wife and child) because he thought he was putting them into danger. Well, in a way he was because he could have snapped one day and killed them thinking they were CIA plants or something.

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It's okay, we are here to help you.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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>Do they just have a mental breakdown and disassociate from reality?

>disassociate from reality


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