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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: e5847c242aafc11⋯.jpg (724.84 KB,1204x688,7:4,ardd24.jpg)

 No.13560507 [Last50 Posts]

Yang is literally trying to bribe the American public into securing votes with his unsustainable $1k/month welfare that would destroy the economy in the long run.

>supply remains the same but demand for everything will increase once everyone is given free money

>rent and food will skyrocket in price

>bigger government and more welfare handouts for undeserving people who don't work

We can't let Americans fall for his lies.

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You want to sustain this?


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/pol/ is weird now. There are all different sort of shills.

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You're going to get $1,000 just like you got a big beautiful wall. Tulsi 2020.

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Agree with this, there has been a lot of underhanded shilling for this commie.

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He is not a real American, likely has ties to foreign actors.

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$15 an hour happened and my cousin lives in an $1800 a month apartment while working for Starbucks for $15/hr. He can afford all his food and bills himself.


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He is the outlier, not the norm. Those kinds of policies only work on a small scale. Yang's careless policies will turn America into Venezuela 2.0

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He's the shittiest candidate and will further economic collapse the fastest, so he's the best. Set the slate clean.

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i dont want to work, i want free money. but this wont work.

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>/pol/ is weird now.

This. Once it hit the news, it changed.

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Now there is bots shilling on many different boards. I seen it on /k/.

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I have seen a lot of Yangbots shilling youtube, people need to be aware that he is not acting in the interest of the American people.

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The only way it would work is if you cut all gibs programs, but those who already make more than 12k a year in gibs will be rioting.

Interestingly enough, his UBI plan costs less than all the gibs combined at the moment.

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kek, sauce on his espionage?

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He is a businessman with ties to China

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>He is a businessman with ties to China

Isn't Trump too? It wouldn't surprise me of both were that.

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The only people I see shilling for Yang are uni burnouts. Job-dodgers. Irresponsible manlets.

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I have a hard time trusting foreign nationals. The world wants to see The American Pariah out of the seat of economic and military power, and plundering it from within and selling it piece by piece to your ethnic nationals would be a huge win for them.

We want to land this plane safely, but I’m sure some want to see it crash and burn. We are in danger of a Treaty of Versailles moment where other nations make damn sure we can never rise to power again if they can find a way to do so, maybe all of this debt we are lent from China has stipulations that we open our borders and eventually Balkanize? Why wouldn’t the Jews go along with that?

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that's the point

>would destroy the economy








this is what happens when you let boomers on the internet

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if you didn't understand after the tf2 unusual hat fiasco you will never learn.

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His rent is $21,600/ year and his salary (at 40 hours/week) is only $31,200/year (before taxes). Are you trying to say his food, utilities, insurance etc. is <$9,000/year?

And even if it is: next year, prices will be higher to cover the increased overhead $15/hour costs and he will be fucked worse than before.

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So give them your job

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This. Vote Yang if you think America has gone on too long

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<We are in danger of a Treaty of Versailles moment

<this is a bad thing

Hitler is coming

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Hey I might not be a wagie, I might refuse to work entirely, but manlet? That's just rude.

>t. 6'5"

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> $1800 a month apartment

wow, expensive for an apartment. My area goes from $850 to $2000. What is the sq footage?

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Who gives a fuck, you stupid faggot? Voting does nothing.

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TRUMP 2020

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$1000 bux a month? wtf I love welfare now. I'm no longer a MIGApede, I'm Yang Gang

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Supply will increase to meet demand. New services will spring up and existing services will expand. I bet a lot of people who are already getting by okay will look at an extra thousand a month as maid money, for instance. Do you think the economy can’t scale a little more?

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If everyone receives $1000 per month, why the poor should care with working?

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File: c541ac204dcdcae⋯.jpg (45.56 KB,557x289,557:289,Universal-Basic-Income-3.jpg)

File: f2f884621bc9cc0⋯.png (902.58 KB,1024x1075,1024:1075,DllXr7a.png)


It's not a "bribe" of any sort. Numerous studies have been done one UBI and proven that it's a fantastic economic model. There have also been many successful tests in various places across the world (Dauphin Manitoba, Omitara Namibia, Panthbadodaya India). Yang has gone over the breakdown of how the UBI would be easily paid for many times, and if you're still using that excuse, it just shows that you haven't looked into it any more than "welfare bad!!!"

With the current trends in automation, there are going to be millions of people left jobless before long. What do they have to look forward to right now? Just a shitty broken unemployment subsidy that disappears as soon as they can find a job, IF they can find a job, which may be more than their next job even pays. It TRAPS people in poverty, instead of helping them out of it.

t. Physics graduate student in quantum gravity

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Because $12000 per year is still (barely) below the poverty line. It's not enough to replace a real job, only enough to keep people from dying in destitution and help them improve.

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unironically fpbp

the only people that want society to stay the way it is are low iq shitskins and kikes

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YangBag is a VERY good idea, for one reason.

Hidden in YB is clause that says "unless you are already getting Gibs, in which case your Bag will be reduced by the amount of Gibs you R already be gittin'"

Imagine the look on a Beaner's face when $800 of the $1000 she had "already spent" at "21 Forever" slut-wear emporium had instead "already be spent" due to her enrollment in W.I.C. and Food Stamps.

Think of YangBag as a $12,000/yr TAX REBATE for the "working poor" (anyone under $100K/yr).

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Nigger. Feel more at home now?

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>supply remains the same but demand for everything will increase once everyone is given free money

>rent and food will skyrocket in price

>bigger government and more welfare handouts for undeserving people who don't work

>im-fucking-plying this isnt already happening minus gibs for whites

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didn't he say no yangbux for nazis and raciss/

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tell your yuppie cousin to move out of seattle

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File: 28874a5b82ae35f⋯.jpg (136.83 KB,1251x683,1251:683,yangpwned.jpg)

Can anyone explain why the yang shilling stopped after the brenton tarrant thing? And why its back now?

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>collapse ZOG

>This is bad

>We can't let Americans fall for his lies.



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>$12000 per year

>barely below the poverty line

immigrants who came to your country used to receive $ 5000 dollars per year.

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Ok OP, who's lies should we let America fall for?

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File: 87bf7ac265fe049⋯.jpg (28.1 KB,346x385,346:385,halal_haram.jpg)


Maybe it's a two-stage process, and there's another kebab action upcoming?

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Yes, and they were in poverty. What's your point?

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Tarrant was a muslim, I still think it’s hilarious that you people suck his dick.

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Dats rite! We gotta advance the jewish agenda in order to save the white race. You /nupol/acks are cancer

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File: 403db0663ecdd96⋯.jpg (27.09 KB,640x360,16:9,happy_fish.jpg)


Not even trying.

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If automation kicks in at high levels prices may actually plummet as unnecessary workers are kicked out en masse. Plunging production costs can then be reflected by plunging market costs. If demand increases (due to the handout), but supply increases MORE (due to automated economics), prices can still go downwards.

The elevated minimum wage will also temd to pressurize this outcome, as will trade warring with China. All these things make humans less economical - and then suddenly bam, there’s no more political pressure to keep the staffing levels up.

Say hello to a world of uniformly automated fast food services and internet-ordered tchotchkes delivered to your door untouched by man.

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You’re just jealous, lol. I operate at a higher level.

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>nobody cares that Banks, Jews, nigs, and spics get free money

>BUT GOD FORBID the goyim get any free money

Go fuck yourself OP it isn't about what's sustainable or what's best for the (((economy))) it's about getting our share of the bag-o-gibs.

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>just jealous

show tits with timestamp whore

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>doesn't even know what jealousy is

Great job, kike.

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>collapsing ZOG is jewish agenda


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File: 4d15966abaa732c⋯.jpg (72.68 KB,784x937,784:937,Screenshot_20181227-125911….jpg)




His parents are from Taiwan, easily the most communist china-hating place on the planet. Go back to your crossword puzzles boomers.

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He outright said he wanted to give whites money so that would get they lazy and get outbred even faster.

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This is a flawed argument. poor people often live with each other in larger groups and share resources such as housing and bill payments. Just say for example you have a household living together in a 2 bedrroom apartment. The rent and other expenses would be too great for one person to manage. But have say 5 people getting a $1k a week living in the same apartment and the costs of rent and utilities would be shared allowing them to live above the poverty line. There would be little incentive to better their lot.

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>supporting a communist chink that wants to take all guns and slaughter all whites

>not the jewish agenda


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>Not recognizing the existence of Chinese sympathizers in Taiwan.

Do you have proof that he is anti-China?

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You get more of what you subsidize. If you want to subsidize people for doing nothing more than drooling on themselves, then that's what you'll get with UBI. Even in an all-white country, there should be some conditions attached to receiving free government money (e.g., you can't be a NEET or a thot).

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>Trump does not want to take all guns and slaugther all whites

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And? Fuck off.

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>I can't argue with logic

>"muh strawman!!!"

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Yes, that’s what you did. You can’t argue with logic so you screamed impotently about the ZOG emperor in a desperate attempt to protect your communist chink. We’re not supporting him. Tell your boss.

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>I can't argue with logic

>which means you can't argue with logic


>uses plural pronoun for himself

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Who tf is yang?

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No one, anywhere, is going to support your communist chink. It’s over. You lost. Change your IP or go get fired.

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If no one is going to support him, why are (((You))) so worried about him then?

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You want to subsidize life, dipshit, because otherwise the automated luxury future stalls for fucking ever. Subsidize peace so people don’t become vapid nigger hateslaves like you who say racetarded things like “all-white country”.

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Yang’s proposals for reforming econometrics to treat longevity advances as a form of economic growth were epic, too. That will shift public health policy towards serious promotion of rejuvenation therapies.

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We have enough trouble with jews, we aren't electing a fucking chink.

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No nigger, 12k is WAY BELOW the poverty level. 12k was 20 fucking years ago.

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File: b27ddb130a0f75c⋯.png (245.75 KB,737x583,67:53,considerthefollowing.png)


People which are already using their tax credit or tax allowance would not get the money. People already getting money from the government wouldn't necessarily getting the 1k on top of that.

As a candidate he may not get the support of the Dems so Trump would win, which will go on trying to do something to stop the POCs from coming into US and the West. If Yang would win he would have to do something about immigration of poor POCs or it may ruin the federal finances and crash the global financial system which would reduce the immigration of poor POCs…

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I didn't know /pol/ was nothing but neocons.

The point of universal basic income is to simplify the welfare system so the expensive process of deciding who gets how much is eradicated. No more victimization politics, no more holocaust reparations… 13560789 already said it, but that means a massive cut to the nonwhites and an above-zero tax situation for whites.

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Look at this piss poor shilling. Your boss should feel like an idiot for hiring someone as incompetent as you.

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So you are suggesting a situation that pretends to pay people who will pretend to work?

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>implying niggers/spics arent already paid to pretend to work


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File: 9af8e11873b078c⋯.jpg (75.41 KB,695x478,695:478,Detriot 1950 3.jpg)

File: 228a2d6ccff61cf⋯.jpg (32.08 KB,320x253,320:253,America 1778.jpg)

File: 3fbdc866da070db⋯.jpg (33.17 KB,405x405,1:1,America 1991..jpg)

He loathes WN. His policies will lead to more Spics & Africans with five mouths to fed flooding the border. Him and his irk were not suppose to be in this country as well. He's a socialist, against what the foundering fathers set out to do and that is to keep it for White people of good character only.

America died in the early nineties. It has no sense nationhood, no culture & a sense of belonging. It's just an economical slave machine for the rich now.

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>the point of communism is to be communist

Yeah, we know. You won’t fool us.


>you’re a jew because you don’t support my COMMUNIST CHINK WHO OPENLY CALLS FOR WHITE GENOCIDE

Reminder that the moderators and codemonkey personally allow these paid shills to post here.

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Fuck off, yid.

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Yang has already been proven as a coordinator shilling campaign. There have been leaks from their discord boards where his staff tell people what memes to use and where. When Tarrant happened they didn't want reporters to come here and see a bunch of pro-Yang posts, Yang is dying now so they are cycling back up to try to stay relevant.

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<Vote for Tulsi, goy


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File: 36e1687f1291f9b⋯.png (1.21 MB,1024x920,128:115,ourvaluesinyourcountry.png)


>His policies will lead to more Spics & Africans

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File: c01ce718cd76d40⋯.jpg (13.55 KB,164x251,164:251,1411465797956.jpg)

Since this thread is useless, let me provide some useful information I just discovered:

If you ever get a tiny hair stuck in your skin after shaving and you can't get it out, stick a band-aid directly on top of it and rip it off quick like you're waxing yourself. If the hair still doesn't come out, try soaking it in warm water first.

You're welcome.

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But giving $1K/month to Israel per working American is okay? Mexico? Afghanistan?

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>giving money to whites instead of shitskins makes me jewish

this bot must be broken

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Still voting with a ballet and not a bullet.

Kys for being a pussy

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Thinking the US has more than 50% Whites anymore and that we are not an Open Borders nation.

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Brenton Tarrant imo is still fucked because he didn't kill any kikes only mudshits and as a result disarmed New Zealand. Yang is a faggot who can't win and is in the race to stop Bernie, who will bring about the scary Socialism retarded boomers fear. Socialism is a good thing - but corporations have spent billions to convince moronic MAGAtards its something they should fear. Socialism is in the people's interest. It exists now but only for Niggers and Corporations. Fuck that, gimme Socialism and push us closer to the Fourth Reich.

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>makes me

You know, I wouldn’t put it past 🇨🇳Yang🇨🇳 himself to post here. Problem is, you’ll never fool us no matter who you are. We won’t support communism. It’s over. you failed.

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File: 4b664db688c72e5⋯.png (280.35 KB,518x524,259:262,brony2.png)

>unsustainable $1k/month welfare that would destroy the economy in the long run

Fuck your boomer thread. The economy is already "destroy". We have to compete with people who live 8 to a room & eat beans. $1K a month is a joke don't make me laugh

>We can't let Americans fall for his lies

It's all lies. Which one is not lies?

These boomernomics are not important any more.

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>We do not intend to rock the boat, we intend to sink it!

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>america is under 50% white with open borders

>implying this is why we should stay the course and keep gibs in shitskins pockets

this is your brain on affirmative action

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>NZ is disarmed

daily reminder less than 100 guns were turned in

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Don't like Yang because he is anti white but what do you think any left wing politics is? It's all a form of bribery.

>Women should be given protection from the state so they can act like shit

>Blacks should be given welfare and preferential treatment so they can have more kids and act like shit

>Ditto for illegals and other nonwhites

>The only thing you have to trade for all of this is Jewish social engineering

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>implying there are politicians who are actually right-wing

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This is the perfect time to floor the accelerationism accelerator. There's an economic crash looming around the corner and people will be looking for someone to blame. If we can time the influx of immigrants and gibs to coincide slightly after the recession then the issues will be forever entangled in history. Normies won't know anything but "Hey when we opened our borders to those spics and niggers our economy crashed!".

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imagine un ironically caring about andrew yang. who has a kid with autism. and imagine thinking his UBI is a threat.

yeah, i know 2 retarded normies that fell for yang but they're junkies. no normal person cares. you just posted cringe bro.

imagine how humorless the OP is. he probably hasnt laughed at a joke in years. maybe instead of being butt hurt about yang fan boys, you should laugh at it. just a tip for the keyboard warriors

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Do you have proof that Trump is anti-China?

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>Don't like Yang because he is anti white

lmao. hes asian. cant imagine why hes not a white supremacist candidate

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Some niggers in Zimbabwe are white supremacist. The older ones that remember how life was under apartheid want it back.

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I'm going to vote for Trump in 2020, but these are pretty bad points. Both parties have been trying to bribe people with welfare and tax cuts since at least the early 1900's. I also don't know why you're assuming supply will stay the same. The U.S. is only operating at about 80% of its industrial capacity, so it has much more room for growth; furthermore, there is a virtually unlimited foreign market that would be more than happy to get U.S. currency. I figured the fact that he was a chink, democrat that constantly denounces White Nationalists would be enough to discredit him in literally everyone on /pol/'s eyes. And that presumption seems accurate. I haven't seen one single Yang supporter who looks like he fits in with the rest of whatever board he's on. Shills always have this neurotic vibe to them.

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Fuck yang someone make the happening thread el paso edition.

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so why would any self respecting white person vote for him unless they're a jewsih shill?

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>implying that a government who openly calls for a white genocide does not cause a race war.

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Did he really?


>forgot to sage

time to kms

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>I'm going to vote for Trump in 2020

Good goy.

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>get 1k a month

>inflation turns it into 100

Ching chong dong

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>inflation turns it into 100

>implying this is not good for us

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There is no "us" and you have nothing to gain from a collapse except if you are a shitskin or some slavshit or chink.

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>nothing to gain

An excuse for the race war is the ultimate gain.

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The race war is already happening and crashing the economy wont do you anything to further your goals.

If you vote Yang you might as well just vote for (((Netanyahu))).

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If collapse gives you nothing then it is over.

You will never ever elect any truly pro-white politicans under ZOG who will stop white genocide.

White people will die out under current rule.

Collapse gives us chance to start a race war.

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You have no organization that could replace the political establishment yet alone fight it, stop larping and get real already.

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>white genocide is good, goyim

It's good for (((us))), (((you))) mean

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>implying you don't have an excuse right now

lol, kill yourself

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we don't need any organization.


>ZOG existing is white genocide


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>destroying ZOG is white genocide*

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How did I imply that?

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>we don't need any organization.

Seriously, fuck off.

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why would we need it?

Did Brenton Tarrant needed one?

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Yeah he did so much, New Zealand is now a fascist whitetopia.



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It was not any better before.

You mssed the point. The point was that we can easily destroy Muslims/Niggers without any organizations.

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We need shit tons of well organised organisations with good funding to get anything done. Breivik and Tarrant only achieved more state funds directed at protecting invaders and crushing white nationalists in every level of every institution. You stupid fuck.

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We don't need any funds. Any organizations. Cause the government will collapse. Money will be worth nothing. Only thing worth will be guns and bullets.

You can organize your ass.

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>guns weren't as banned

>speech wasn't as prohibited

>videos weren't as illegal

>there were fewer dune coons

Yeah, totally not better.

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>We don't need any funds.

Clear shill.

>Any organizations.

Clear shill.

>Cause the government will collapse.

Magically. Somehow. Someday. Because you say so.

>Money will be worth nothing.

Money will always be worth money. Currency, on the other hand.

>Only thing worth will be guns and bullets.

And yet you're doing nothing. And yet no one else is doing anything. We have 10 years left before the global white population hits its peak. That's it.

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>it does matters when your race is being genocided.

there is no way to save the current system.

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No one said otherwise. Where's your action? Why hasn't anyone done anything? Could it be that we actually do need organization and you're just lying?

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>And yet you're doing nothing. And yet no one else is doing anything. We have 10 years left before the global white population hits its peak. That's it.

You can't fight against ZOG who can just nuke you.

Most white people will always ZOG over white nationalists.

They will however side with white people over shitskins.

That means we must get rid of ZOG

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All organization will backfire

We don't want to kill niggers in the name of "white nationalists" who exists as a organization. We want to kill niggers in the name of white people to force the fight to be based on skin color, not on political ideology.

Your organization will just create a target what people can attack, in order to punish us.

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are you trying to say the american economy failing is a bad thing?

instability is always good

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if they received less than 50% of the actual gibs and today they receive more than double, why they should care to work? it's simple.

Look to Lula's/Dilma's Brazil and see what happens when you give money without effort to poor people.

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Try again

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>You can't fight against ZOG who can just nuke you.

Then we've already lost, for all time. Never post again. It's over. You're done.

>Most white people will always ZOG over white nationalists.

Then it's over.

>They will however side with white people over shitskins.

Proven false by their behavior.

>That means we must get rid of ZOG

Can't. They have nukes. Want to try again?

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yang has been on the record sayin he won't give his $1k/month gibs to "white supremacists"

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Neck yourself.

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on top of that, see >>13562109

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Or maybe instead of finding ways to further invent your fantastical Malthusian hellhole we start recognizing that we're living in an unsustainable way with a parasitical system and we stop contriving nonsense to further bloat that population.

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He’s barely on the ticket so who cares? The others are all bribing too. Not worth another thread. You just want to troll the Yangbots, OP.

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Holy fuck you're retarded. You just want your neet bux because you're a filthy nigger monkey.

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>destroy the economy in the long run

good fuck the american empire

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This, Yang's policies will incentivize laziness and fuck over taxpayers.

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and elect a chinese is the moral defeat to China - it's a good meme.

we invested time and effort (wich means Memes) in politicians and got no sweet fruit just the bitterness of betrayal. This time the focus should be on how we have NO political representative in this clown world. We only have ourselves, our soil and our family, which is our blood: the folk.

We are being led down the path the Jews have trod, they want us to be forced to suffer a diaspora and scatter all over the world, thus losing our soil where our ancestors are buried and racemixing losing our essence. We have been at war since 03/24/1933 and this war will only end with our TOTAL defeat or our TOTAL victory.

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Electing Chinese is exactly what Jews want. Do not fall for their tactics.

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>it just shows that you haven't looked into it any more than "welfare bad!!!"

Taxation is theft you commie faggot.

>t. Physics graduate student in quantum gravity

>With the current trends in automation, there are going to be millions of people left jobless before long.

Let's ban the dishwasher and the cotton gin since they "stole" so many jobs.

>t. Physics graduate student in quantum gravity

You're fucking retarded for a physics graduate.

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maybe you misunderstand what I said, I was trying to say that electing a chinese is lose to China. It is a very good meme to force among the medium boomer.

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This. Give them choices. 1000 cash will sound better than EBT while possibly costing less.

He's tweeted about teaming up with Tulsi. That's the best strategy they both have.

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Then just hide your power level. You are getting paid to shut up.

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Yang’s the best candidate, but I already blew all my assets backlashing against liars in the left who ditched on integrity, fucked over globalism, and couldn’t restrain their fucking sideswipe of hyperconservative criminals defending their submission to bull, shit, and lies. I don’t know how to support a candidate anymore. But Yang’s the best in this race, definitely.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>unsustainable $1k/month welfare that would destroy the economy in the long run

In the long run there won't be any White People left in North America if nothing drastically isn't changed.

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Voting doesn't matter and the FBI are trying to shill this shit, not violence like cowards/glowniggers are claiming.

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Almost every single thing you just said is wrong, and I'm actually somewhat impresed by that.

>Tarrant is fucked because he didn't kill Jews

Jews aren't the problem. Jews CAUSE problems, but they aren't the problem. Nations have the Jews they deserve. The problem is white apathy and traitor whites, in that order, because traitorous whites are the ones who let Jews in and sell out their children for short term gains, and white apathy is at the very top of the list because NONE of this would be happening, or even be possible, without a deep-seated apathy towards evil that is pervasive among ethnic Aryans.

Tarrant, for all his faults, struck directly at the root of the problem, which is white apathy. You're just some loser nigger that's too blind to understand the game being played here.

>Yang is in the race to stop Bernie

The system isn't afraid of Boynie Sandas, the literal commie Jew. He ran his whole platform on fighting "the establishment" and when the party gave the nomination to Hillary instead he instantly cucked and told everyone to vote for the system. Like all real high level Communists, he's not a true believer, his doctrine is a tactic, not a real ideology. The system IS afraid of idiots like Cortez, because they ARE true believers. The true believers are dangerous because they actually think the utopia is possible and will gladly kill an arbitrary number of people to make it happen; the Jews and their shabbos goyim are just in it for money, power, and destroying Europeans/Christianity. People like her are supposed to work the streets as activists and die as martyrs during the revolution: they are never, ever intended to actually obtain any amount of real power for themselves, and the fact that Cortez has gotten as far as she has is proof that their system is starting to break down.

>Socialism is a good thing

lmao no it isn't, you redditnigger. Socialism is the penultimate form of Communism, and you already live under a Socialist system. It's just socialism for private corporations, not for YOU, so you don't believe that's what it is.

National Socialism is not Socialism, and anyone who unironically supports Socialism should be shot. Which apparently includes you, redditnigger.

Bernie already proved he was a sellout by bitching about Wallstreet, when the real problems are Jewish bankers and the international corporations they manage and fund. Shutting down Wallstreet would change nothing. That's like trying to destroy pedophilia by burning down every Chuck-e Cheese.

>Socialism is in the people's interest.

No it isn't you nigger. Socialism is the state robbing the people and spending the money on whatever the hell it wants to, which is not and never has been in "the people's best interests." Go back to plebbit and take your shitty Bernout opinions with you. Read Mein Kampf or For My Legionaries instead of wasting everybody's time listening to your half-baked ideas.

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>not dumping it all on chainlink and watching the usd implode

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OK you gay Israel loving retards explain me one thing:

There is a social reform called "Kindergeld" in Central Europe where every retard can make a living just by producing enough kids. The incentive is much worse and dysgenic than the UBI and still after 70 years of having it Europe is still not dead.


How can this be worse than UBI? And it did not ruin any state yet so your predictions about anything are absolutely ridiculous.

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tell me please how can "giving everyone enough money to not needing to work just for producing children no matter what scum it is" work for 70 years without destroying Germany or causing Lenin to rise up and kill 120 million people barehanded?

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>maybe if I can convince them that a vestigal policy made by Hitler is socialism, they'll be more inclined to agree to give me UBI

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Its not just about UBI its about social reforms in general. Try to do some brain simulation about how you would think about child support if it would have never been implemented and would now be discussed.

You would think that the world would end in 1 week afters its implemented but truth is that it doesnt do shit even after 70 years. Do you care about the truth?

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>economically unsustainable

<bad thing

Try being a real revolutionary instead of a basic bitch faggot. System collapse is the best thing there is for us.

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hmm big if true

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Yea look at all those bitch ass hypocrites who praise the acceletarism and then shit themselves because an unsustainable social reform could destroy the economy.

You fucking idiots talk about shit going down and being prepared for it all day long and then you pussy out over some reform that would 100% for sure kill the economy.

Are you guys mentally retarded?

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Ping paow, chinky chaow, fetch me a full pipe of opium, Hop Sing.

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These are actually very good arguments for Yang's UBI.

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FUCK YOU if (((you))) are against socialism. Anyone who is anti-Strasserite and anti-Nazbol, wants to shoot ":socialists" and is not far-left econmically, should be raped to death and their genitalia burned slowly while they writhe to death in agony

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>vote Yang into office

>option 1: everyone gets 1k dolars per month, meaning extremists can purchase firearms and ammo and destabilize the country

>option 2: noone gets 1k dollars per month, meaning niggers will chimp out and there will be mass unrests, meaning extremism and destabilization of the country

Its a win win, you want to sink the boat, not shake it till it changes retards. America needs to die, so the world can finally start to breathe. Besides, murrica dying means no taxpayers money to Israel. Who wouldnt like that? Only a shill.

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/pol/ has been shit since faggots like you started posting here for the last couple years now. Its been downhill ever since and now that we are getting media attention its as good as dead, just like 4chan.

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Fuck off /leftypol/, strasserites were kikes and nazbols are just tankies in denial. You will all hang on the day of the rope. NS or death.


>producing children and getting money for it is bad

Europe is dying and it needs white blood. I agree that only gypsies, niggers and other subhumans exploit it, however it was Hitlers idea to make this shit.


>Jews aren't the problem. Jews CAUSE problems.

The fuck is that for logic. Of course kikes are the fucking tumor on this planet. Kill them all and shit will naturally heal again.

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I'm not in denial. I am a tankie and proud. Anyone who is anti-tankie needs to be burned alive

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The "only" problems with Strasserism and Nazbol is that they were wanting to work with the Soviets at the height of tensions, even during wartime (an act of treason) and they are captained by jewloving shits respectively.

There is nothing wrong with Nationalist Socialism by any metric - only when the National part is subverted by traitors and philosemites.

Remember that (((Capitalism))) is as anti-White as (((Bolshevism)))

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Who cares what happened in the past. Do you deny the USSR were the good guys in the cold war? The USSR was largely purged of jews by then.

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>good guys in Cold War

Well the conditions of the USSR back then would seem to be better than the status quo today, but from my understanding they were just controlled opposition to distract people with Communism vs. Capitalism theatrics.

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easily fpbp

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in one area, it can work, but if everyone gets atleast 15 dollars a hour, the higher ups will want higher wages, he has to raise wages because he knows they will quit, to afford the higher wages he has to increase pricing, this causes a higher inflation rate, meaning 15 dollars a hour is the same as what we have today but every dollar is worth less, great way to zimbabwe a economy if you do it enough times

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sorry, typo, i meant to say "he know they will quit if he doesnt raise wages"

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The only benefit of Yang is that he is the highest level of accelerationism that is possible. I don't give a fuck about 1k a month extra and I would just throw it into more Ammo, canned food, and necessities.

There is no politicians running that are pro-white. Vote from rooftops with brass.

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>Jews aren't the problem. Jews CAUSE problems, but they aren't the problem.

What retarded logic.

You have the symptoms and the source. Jews are the source and the crime rates, immigration, taxation, and anti-white policies are the symptoms. Just like cancer, you must remove the cancer. The other effects on the rest of your body are the symptoms that will go away.

Jews indirectly kill nations and the host.

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>be California

>disagree with reduction

>issue new "identity" to those they want to have more money

>Justice Roberts lets it continue

Just my prediction

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>unsustainable $1k/month

Oh it's perfectly sustainable, just good luck buying a loaf of bread with those $1k.

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Anyone on /pol/ know why fat autists are the first to suggest that a collapse of a country is the best thing to do even when it means they'd be the first to die in the streets? Are we being raided again?


except the slate won't be clean, it will be a bloody mess where I'm sure even you won't survive.

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except that white working people will be worse off moreso than the other mentioned people.


maybe you should look at pic related in case you forgot or didn't know, about yang's stance on firearms. He also stated that he wants to put a cap on ammo. You're probably an autist, so you wouldn't have connections to, ironically, triads for access to ammo on the black market.


I've been stating this here and there. We should either migrate to a different board or a different site entirely. Does anyone know where benji and his boards migrated to after this place went to shit?

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You don't think critically very often do you? How many times in history have bankrupt collapsing governments been overthrow? How many times have prosperous well funded governments been overthrown?

Is it easier to beat a broke enemy or a rich one? The fact that you would even need to ask speaks poorly of your intelligence.

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And as I posted after that one, you most likely won't survive. Furthermore, you have no direct evidence that the collapse would happen as you put it, more likely than not, the elites would just clamp down on the autists, and you would be killed, you know, because you're a shit head who probably has no fucking clue how to wage a competent insurgent campaign. MEANWHILE, your tard rage will be more fuel for the fire of trying to disarm Americans while passing even more laws which puts a shorter leash on Americans; higher taxes for a more intrusive police state for example. When are you going to realize that the majority of Americans are not interested in seeing their loved ones killed by either the gov't, criminals and spergs who throw themselves into a tard rage in order to fulfill some ridiculous fantasy?

Furthermore, you completely ignore the fact that the UN would come to the aid of the elite in the US for Humanitarian Purposes, which would only prolong the conflict and make white women and children susceptible to rape by the invading forces who originate from Pakistan, Nigeria et al? Let me guess, you're a siege fag and you're here trying to convince us that this collapse is not only a good idea, but will also play out as you see it happening? get fucked, faggot.

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You do realize that Yang's plan would mean higher taxes and more bureaucracy, right?

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File: 4258c08ef30bb11⋯.png (843.64 KB,1280x1082,640:541,chestlets.png)


Kek who cares at this point?



>to rent apartment

What kind of overpriced shithole does he live in?

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That rock stack looks an awful lot like a happy merchant meme.

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It would only work on small high trust societies AKA white you retard. Go peddle your chinkshit elsewhere.

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the economy collapsing is good

offering $1000 is bad because it will attract more shitskins

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It is irrelevant, as he doesn't have a chance of even getting the Dem. nomination. He's only polling around 2%, with his little Yangang cult following. He also sucks on the debate stage.

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isn't $12k a year for everyone, a lot cheaper than all of the other government entitlement programs?

this is a very stupid and mundane topic to discuss.

I hate socialism, but $12k for everyone is the smallest and most modest of all the stupid socialist proposals. it certainly would do nothing to destroy the world and wreck the economy.

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Gibs me dat money cause my mortgage payment won't go up :)

Rentcucks pwned

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Why not? Explain your position.

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Housing should be so cheap, that someone working part time on minimum wage should be able to afford it. We just don't get this in the US. All our local laws and ordinances are meant to constrict housing supply, prevent things from being built, push housing costs up, up, and up.

If you look at Communist and Socialist countries, the poor urban classes either live in shantytown slums, or Soviet style communal apartments. They don't live in American style 600 square foot 1-bedroom apartments in a 2 story apartment complex. The detached suburban house and 2-story apartment complex are products of Capitalism- you just don't see too many non-rich people living like that in Socialist countries.

Andrew Yang wants to give everyone a Communist UBI check. But wants every American to live a Capitalist lifestyle. That's just not how it works.

Yes, rent prices will increase if you give everyone $1000 extra a month. Inflation isn't a mathematical formula, it is a decision that people make. If Andrew Yang wants to house every American with $1000 a month. Then that means poor urban Americans will either have to live in shantytown slums or Soviet style communal apartments.

You just can't have a Capitalist lifestyle on a Communist check. The math doesn't add up for that.

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Jew York Shitty probably. Or commiefornia.

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Yang's pretty good, but I would definitely support negative income tax more than universal basic income. Either way they would absolutely help people a lot, which is probably why people want to bury him.

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Piss off you low IQ MIGApede, Democracy in America is just an illusion so that the goyim wouldn't realize in he is in a ZOG nation controlled by Kikes that put the US in a never ending Debt system. Voting has no power no more and every president after JFK for maybe the expection of Nixon has been a Kike Puppet.

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File: b30a3fb80bb56d3⋯.jpg (44.97 KB,960x702,160:117,b30a3fb80bb56d3ec8451ccb56….jpg)


lmao it fucking does

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Both yanggangers and trump niggers need to die.

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>a loaf of bread with those $1k.


These niggers don't think about how the prices will change once a UBI is instated…

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