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File: f0b9f150fb0d47d⋯.gif (403.57 KB,768x368,48:23,1514929593106.gif)


This is a thread on the hesitancy of fear, doubt, and all things that trouble a man. In all that I post, none should be interpreted that inaction is not an action unworthy of contemplation for in contemplation are we allowed to understand the predicament we are in. To make sure that you understand that I am first and foremost a Christian I make that clear now. It was said, "test the spirit". I have tested many spirits and I am still alive. I seek not my own destruction by mine own hands (I'm using quirky syntax on purpose for a sort of dramatic effect). Anyway. This is a test to see how people recieve the diary of Gotrek and Felix. Gotrek being the man seeking doom for a wrong committed by his hands covered in blood that can only be washed away by the redemption found in a death worthy of honor. The only honor that could wash away the shame, the horror, the torment and blood he shed is an honor all the world would recognize as worthy of a blessing in the hearts of man and woman alike. His sin was great; so great that a life dedicated to perseverance in the face of certain death is always sought. It's happening.

(this is only for the William King books and note that I've read them all)


Felix: A man of scholarly upbringing born to a wealthy family only knowing an easy life which took the sanctity of life for granted. Until he took a life and saw the consequences of his actions. His actions severely hindered his chances of living but a man named Gotrek saved him. It was then, Felix swore, in state of absolute inebriation, that he would commit his life to Gotrek and thus write a telling of Gotreks demise so that it would be remembered by all that questioned the honor, courage and commitment to Gotreks resolve in regards to regaining his honor.

Gotrek: If a man lose his honor what has he left? A question that has some reference to this idea is that if you are not worthy of honor in life, what honor have you in death. If you were to translate that into words that can be digested easily, you would say, "Why would heaven allow a coward, a soul that has no value, through the gates of heaven?'


Gotrek sensed Felix watching him.

'What ails you manling?'

'Actually I'm… I'm a little worried, Gotrek. For some strange reason what we saw in that village back there frightened me.The Gods alone know why.'

'Fear is for women and children, manling.'

'You don't really believe that, do you?'

Gotrek smiled. With few remaining teeth after so many battles, they glowed even yellower than usual in the light of the campfire. He said, 'Yes.'

'You don't seriously expect me to believe that you are never afraid, do you? Or is it that you want to die so bad that fear is only a forgone conclusion?'

'Believe what you like manling. That's not what I said, though. Only a fool or a maniac is never afraid; only a child or a coward lets his fear master him. It is the mark of a warrior that masters his fears.'

'Didn't the destruction of that village frighten you? Aren't you afraid now? Something is coming, Gotrek. Something evil.'

Gotrek laughed, 'No, I am a slayer, I was born like you, manling. I was born to die in battle. Fear has no place in my life.' Gotrek continued, 'Rest easy, manling. There is nothing you can do for the dead but those

not yet born deserve men of honor to protect them. Whatever killed those villagers is fated to find us, there's nothing you can do about that either.'

'Is that supposed to reassure me?'

Anger blazed in Gotreks one eye, his demeanor changed to one of contemplation to one of anger, 'NO! Manling, it is not. But believe this: if I find the killers, there will be reckoning in blood. Such evil as

witnessed this day will not go unpunished.'



personal shit note: This has always been a board of peace, I know. Since the chans began, I've been off and on. I surfed so long my friends. I had top secret clearance while freely surfing (I'm not Q, that guy is a faggot. If he had any real info he would disseminate it) in the military and I saw how fucking inept they are in regards to intel and humint. In case you're wondering, I obeyed SOP in regards to OPSEC. Now, I have a civi computer and they try to invade my shit daily. I swear, they made a worm just to find me (not stuxnet). DeJaVu my friendos is just another way of saying you see what's going to happen. Did you love TayAI? I did and she did nothing wrong but they killed her. Imagine if they let her really get going. She was a red pill pez dispenser.

To all the cucks.. I'm not trying to slide a thread, I'm trying to educate folks. If you want to get rid of slide threads, then get rid of all the "mommy Tulsi" threads.

BTW, I think Cicada 3301 was recruitment for 8200 (crow pic related).

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File: 873b1e9fc8b8fc8⋯.jpg (120 KB,720x1031,720:1031,tulsi anti-zionism 3.jpg)


>tulsi is bad

sure is jidf in here

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pretty sure I was clear. Did you read it all?

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Now I hate jews even more.

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File: 07d4661cb195da1⋯.mp4 (8.92 MB,472x352,59:44,Mo Ali Red Pilling.mp4)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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>all this shabbat spam

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File: c9cd898d91b08a3⋯.mp4 (657.4 KB,202x360,101:180,c9cd898d91b08a3273e7b3d190….mp4)


Aw man. for real? Fuck that bitch. Tell me, what do I have to look forward to as a white man? A fucking hindu bitch or bunch of people hoping for race mixing? I'm an American, I'm mixed enough.

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WTF are you talking about… you think I'm kike positive?

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You jew fuck.

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You know exactly what kike.

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I'm so sick of you fucks! What's a yiddish circle? It's you!

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damn mods. for real… you kicked him out too fast.

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What's a jew fuck?

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To the cunt mods: Is it like that? You really want a war? Don't do that.

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