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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: ed6e0674dc6b5ec⋯.jpg (65.52 KB,917x407,917:407,download_20190802_181221.jpg)




>A recent CNN news piece insisted that constructing robots out of white plastics and metals is an example of racism.

>“Have you ever noticed the popularity of white robots? ” CNN exclaimed in its August 1 news article.

>However, the automaton built by NASA is not white because of the racism inherent in its engineers, but because of the scientific requirements for the machine’s tasks, such as heat resistance.

>Regardless, CNN insisted that droids in reality and popular science fiction are white because of the racism inherent in human society. “The reason for these shades of technological white may be racism, according to new research,” CNN intoned

>The article cited a study entitled “Robots And Racism,” conducted by the Human Interface Technology Laboratory in New Zealand. The study insisted that “people perceive physically human-like robots to have a race and therefore apply racial stereotypes to white and black robots,” CNN said.

>“The bias against black robots is a result of bias against African-Americans,” lead researcher Christoph Bartneck insisted. He also told CNN, “It is amazing to see how people who had no prior interaction with robots show racial bias towards them.”

>The researchers were startled by their findings and insisted that the “racialized” robots could lead to problems for robots that “are supposed to function as teachers, friends, or carers.”

>CNN added, “Run a simple Google Image search on the term “robot.” You won’t see a lot of color, as pointed out in the study.”

>“The researchers see this overrepresentation of white robots as potentially harmful to the perception of other races,” CNN exclaimed.

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>inb4 NASA paints all their shit rainbow to be more inclusive

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File: a7b025ac8a602c5⋯.png (1.45 MB,1334x750,667:375,69F8A24F-C9EE-4FEE-BBE3-39….png)


White robots are the best robots though

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/thread. NASA has become a hellhole of political correctness, and it will prevent us from ever reaching out to the stars. Anyway, I'll be sure to color all my robots in various shades of White now just to spite the cocksuckers at the the Kike News Network.

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White reflects the most heat of all colors, so therefore the logical extension here is that physics is racist.

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I've heard of vagina legs but this is ridiculous

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Heiled dubs

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Time to go back to white box PCs as well.

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>physics is racist

All science is racist since its scientific fact that niggers are subhumans

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File: d9271c1f26282dc⋯.png (412.33 KB,457x600,457:600,We_Wuz_Scientists.png)


>physics is racist.

Every discipline is racist, because God made a mistake when He made niggers.


Ooga booga.


Darwin's little joke is the endless dysgenic selection that breeds r-type varieties until whites break down and can't feed them all anymore.






Niggers ruin everything, starting with nature.


Lots of abortions in the hood yet still not enough


Shorter life spans for niggers.


Sickle-cell anemia


AIDS and Ebola-Chan


Gas them

>Kalology (the study of beauty)

Ugliest creatures in the world


Niggers can't read.


How can just 13% equal 50% so often?


Blacks have small brains


Look this one up and then laugh sensibly.

>Plate tectonics

Isolated niggers long enough to turn them into niggers. Currently jamming poos into chinkland.

>Quantum chromodynamics

In the Copenhagen interpretation, there exists a universe in which whites won and now we share the world alone. This is not that timeline.


Self-explanatory title


Interested in this one? You're fired, because it inevitably reveals why niggers nig.


Actual humans are cousins of the Denisovans. Not much else.


Just look at what they've done to Baltimore.


Niggers lead the world in STDs, possibly because they also lead the world in rape. Except for rape of children, which is spics.


Fuck W.


Have nonwhites ever gotten around to carving wood? I know the Japs have, and maybe some poos. . . but I can't think of anything interesting from Africa.


Fuck Y even more.


Kek, back to the monkey house!

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File: 0e65781f6886337⋯.jpg (267.47 KB,1300x960,65:48,NASA_is_Fucking_Disgusting.jpg)


Almost beat you to it. Pic related.

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>The bias against black robots is a result of bias against African-Americans

If this nigger is in New Zealand, why is he specifically referencing Basketball Americans?

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File: b03564187098b31⋯.jpg (105.22 KB,1227x1997,1227:1997,rocket racism.jpg)


girls prefer white rockets

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File: 4e49d4541750859⋯.jpg (17.39 KB,500x391,500:391,1197125042097.jpg)


Looking at google images is research now.

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>Looking at google images is research now.

It can't be any worse that the article OP linked. This is 'supposed' journalism to accommodate the lowest common denominator.

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>>“The researchers see this overrepresentation of white robots as potentially harmful to the perception of other races,” CNN exclaimed.

The actual harm is conflating every conceivable issue as a racial one when it's clearly not warranted. People wouldn't be as inclined to think like that if they weren't exposed to politically correct propaganda to begin with. It poses a very serious threat to innovation, if that kind of discussion dominates choice in direction of emerging technology.

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fuck off retard

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File: d38ba69bc0e3169⋯.jpg (61.42 KB,500x500,1:1,tumblr_b35dd611486f76ffd25….jpg)

Space is Black CNN! BLACK!

All niggers belong in space.

The blackest, deepest, oxygenless, lightless pitts of SPACE.

CNN not sending blacks to space, CNN is racist!

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Found the no class commie.

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<insult, agitate, discredit.

<--(((Saul Alinsky)))

Nice work Moshe.

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Black slaves broke farm equipment though.

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File: a55c55e763159ee⋯.jpg (37.47 KB,400x224,25:14,reformers_400.jpg)


>>White People is a social construct

<<Woah we can't have White Robots.

Are jewish bots ok then?

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Holy kek that was great

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My washing machine, dishwasher and fridge are all white. Maybe it's because they are useful

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File: 78e8ef38e72f4c4⋯.jpg (620.88 KB,2488x3317,2488:3317,B9317521280Z.1_20150528144….jpg)

File: a304a39003515f4⋯.jpg (53.56 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault[1].jpg)

Fuck off nigger, shitskins are dying. when they are black you cunts bitch about them being replacement nigger slaves.

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