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File: b79f5715155aebf⋯.jpg (74.25 KB,550x371,550:371,wnp-136.jpg)


Some of you have stumbled on this already.

The overdrive on the 8chan HoneyPot thread is telling.

But here it is:


How to test a website against Federal involvement?

How to out a Fed in real time in the digital age?



1. Should Israel’s nuclear weapons facilities be inspected by the International Atomic Energy Agency?

2. Where does Israel dispose of the toxic waste its program generates?

3. Is the U.S. still vigorously investigating (though not prosecuting) diversions of materials and technologies to Israel, as it did in the past over nuclear triggers (The Milchan-Netanyahu krytron smuggling ring), weapons grade uranium (NUMEC), oscilloscopes and othSome of you have stumbled on this already.

The overdrive on the 8chan HoneyPot thread is telling.

But here it is: WNP-136


How to test a website against Federal involvement?

How to out a Fed in real time in the digital age?



1. Should Israel’s nuclear weapons facilities be inspected by the International Atomic Energy Agency?

2. Where does Israel dispose of the toxic waste its program generates?

3. Is the U.S. still vigorously investigating (though not prosecuting) diversions of materials and technologies to Israel, as it did in the past over nuclear triggers (The Milchan-Netanyahu krytron smuggling ring), weapons grade uranium (NUMEC), oscilloscopes and other weapons development technology diversions (Telogy LLC)?

4. Are Israel’s nuclear weapons used to coerce the U.S. into making adverse policy decisions?

5. Besides apartheid South Africa, has Israel offered any of its nuclear weapons for sale to other foreign countries?

6. Has Israel mounted nuclear weapons onto its German-supplied Dolphin-class submarines?

> LONG LIVE WNP-136, otherwise know as the GlowNigger test.

er weapons development technology diversions (Telogy LLC)?

4. Are Israel’s nuclear weapons used to coerce the U.S. into making adverse policy decisions?

5. Besides apartheid South Africa, has Israel offered any of its nuclear weapons for sale to other foreign countries?

6. Has Israel mounted nuclear weapons onto its German-supplied Dolphin-class submarines?

> LONG LIVE WNP-136, otherwise know as the GlowNigger test.

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File: 883eed80806406d⋯.jpg (7.25 KB,460x276,5:3,israel south africa nukes.jpg)

> 1975: Israel tries to sell NUKES to South Africa


this makes it ILLEGAL to give them any FOREIGN AID.

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File: b083df87ab0b479⋯.gif (1.99 MB,400x225,16:9,sleepy duck.gif)

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File: 3b554e40de1f7b8⋯.png (507.42 KB,816x1056,17:22,op snoring.png)

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File: 82d3d09db4fa933⋯.png (347.46 KB,600x690,20:23,probopass.png)


>this makes it ILLEGAL to give them any FOREIGN AID.

The law doesn't apply to G-d's Chosen People, goy.

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File: e25159704694752⋯.mp4 (5.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,e25159704694752b713a91ccd0….mp4)





>Four kike posts in a row.

OP is on to something, have a Bump

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Does that cover gov't contractors? Remember: Kikes wrote the rules and also the loopholes to the rules, because kikes.

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Fuck kikes and feds.

Have a bump.

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We should all go skiing at the Mount Hermon (Baal-Hermon) in Israel. I hear that it's absolutely radioactive.

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My face when it is probably a civilly prosecutable offense to hold a public office and EVEN THINK about BDS. These glowniggers are the most enslaved of the entire US population and they have no clue.

Which is ok, I suppose since they are probably inept kikes anyway.

Civilization cannot be sustained with desert nigger parasites at the helm.

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Good. Maybe it will cause the rift valley to finally open up and dump the entire nation of is[not]real into the ocean.

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Good thread good info. Couldn’t they just say “I don’t know”?

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Yes, but when you press all of these questions and they answer all of them with I don't know, you'll start to notice the glow.

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File: f04516e9f800f11⋯.png (444.7 KB,1280x720,16:9,qja8fts6pey21.png)


> https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/5/552

> (b)(7)(e) records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions if such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law

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Hint: this is where their nukes are.

Now I've gone and ruined the surprise.

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This is some good shit. If mods weren't fags this thread would be stickied.

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I’m with you anon but these aren’t things everyone knows, I don’t know the answers to any of them with certainty and I’m not paid to post here. Do they even admit to having nuclear weapon facilities? Is that atomic agency legit or Jewish? Im sure they pressure us with the Samson option but I don’t know if they’d need to since all our politicians are in Epstein’s library and AIPACs payroll. I strongly doubt the US has been investigating anything Israeli since they’ve owned all 3 branches of our gov. But if someone asked me that I’d have to say I don’t know.

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Their nukes are on Mount Hermon?

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8chan is like 80% shills now

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the mods don’t like you saying the us military is super powerful

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Places involved in Supporting ISIS/FSA/SDF/YPG/Any other terrorist proxy etc to keep the dumpster fire going

Al-Tanaf US Base Complex

33.506331, 38.619084 Al-Tanaf Base C&C

33.505549, 38.618057 Al-Tanaf Base Security or SOCOM

33.505494, 38.619127 Al-Tanaf Base Drone Opps Center

33.519654, 38.621046 Al-Tanaf Detention Center

33.504170, 38.623037, 33.428728, 38.614867 Al-Tanaf Likely Agency Hub for SAD

33.508112, 38.622576 Al-Tanaf Housing

33.506197, 38.624282 Al-Tanaf Primary Security Checkpoint

33.491484, 38.600299 Al-Tanaf FOB Security

33.488330, 38.656413 Al-Tanaf Center of secondary base (Original Outpost)

Al-Tanaf UK Base Area (Israelis also on site likely Mossad)

33.431719, 38.824321 Al-Tanf 1st base on site

33.435829, 38.832668 Al-Tanaf Center of British Base

33.407227, 38.862516 Al-Tanaf Unknown Point of Interest

Al-Waleed Border Crossing and major US base complexes

33.506331, 38.619084 Al-Waleed Unknown Point of Interest Likely Training Base

33.434259, 38.927125 Al-Waleed SOCOM C&C

33.443938, 38.931108 Al-Waleed US FOB

33.434190, 38.945659 Al-Waleed Training Camp Housing

33.440699, 38.951179 Al-Waleed Training Camp Range/Weapons Training Area

33.431694, 38.954875, 33.431723, 38.954875 Al-Waleed CIA Black Site

33.415216, 38.969455 Al-Waleed Support Housing Non US

33.417790, 38.972856 Al-Waleed Support Housing Non US

33.407872, 38.970220 Al-Waleed Fuel Depot

All Sites in Area of Refugee Camp Between Jordan’s Border Defenses and into Syria major recruitment center

33.306497, 38.673260 Chokepoint for Entry from Refugee Camp into Jordan

33.313965, 38.703135 CIA SIGINT Jordan over Border (US Army Hospital as Cover)

33.242874, 38.599273 Air Defenses for SIGINT Site Jordan over Border

33.313655, 38.701412 Refugee Housing and SDF Recruitment Site adjacent to CIA Base Jordan

33.311743, 38.701795 Purpose Built Drone Runway and Helicopter Base adjacent to CIA Base Jordan (also used for CasEvac inside Syria)

33.305436, 38.696843 SDF Training Site adjacent to Recruitment Center Jordan

33.299755, 38.699777 SDF Training Site adjacent to Recruitment Center Jordan

33.331240, 38.728424 Unknown POI Jordan over Border

33.327525, 38.729167 Unknown POI Jordan over Border

33.302025, 38.644338 Unknown POI Within Syria over Border

New Airbase

33.307943, 38.601293 Potential Airbase Unknown POI just inside Syria

33.308164, 38.588465 Unknown POI in Area of above

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32.537953, 38.196846 H4 Airbase Drones (CIA Officers present) and Attack Helicopters NEED MORE DETAILS

33.277676, 38.618063 Jordan Border Crossing Base Command Staff Present

33.110844, 38.299707 US staging site at Jordanian AD Site over Border

33.055294, 38.196718 Unknown POI Jordanian Border

32.988951, 38.071455 Unknown POI Jordanian Border

32.920628, 37.947680 Unknown POI Jordanian Border


32.850354, 37.872644 Major Drone Base and C&C For US Regional Forces Over Jordanian Border

32.852255, 37.870381 Artillery Posiiton at Airbase

32.852176, 37.871628 CIA USAF SIGINT Location at Airbase

32.852176, 37.871628 Primary Infantry Garrison at Airbase

32.851971, 37.872115 Intelligence Analyst Location

32.811299, 37.791477 Unknown POI Over Jordanian Border Likely Observation Point

32.806360, 37.788599 Security for above potential AD site

32.822928, 37.763634 Unknown POI over Jordanian Border

32.722938, 37.671438 SIGINT Intelligence Site and Underground Facility

32.747184, 37.640579 Unknown POI over Jordanian Border

32.743746, 37.628669 Unknown POI over Jordanian Border

32.322222, 36.751118 SIGINT Location over Jordanian Border

32.314334, 36.712022 Unknown POI over Jordanian Border

32.346827, 36.607379 Unknown POI over Jordanian Border

32.430150, 36.310937 Unknown POI Potential Training Center For US interface accompanying King Hussein Air Base


32.159398, 37.150928 Prince Hassan Air Base Jordan SOCOM & Intelligence Presence

32.165725, 37.158777 US Area of above Air Base

32.155233, 37.162787 US Drone Section of Air Base

32.170460, 37.148763 US Personal Section of Air Base

31.833381, 36.795313 US Area of Al-Azraq Air Base Jordan (major expansion planned over $150 million this is where they will run occupation in South from; currently large US presence growing every month)

31.793444, 36.210836 Some Shady Shit for Jordan Courtesy of CIA and Mossad

31.784195, 36.246119 More Shit Paid for by Uncle Sam

31.784391, 36.254065 Foreigners Live Here

32.025012, 36.126211 SOCOM/CIA Presence in Jordan to Train their Military


32.793409, 35.531358 Dirty Jews on Roman Land Palestine

32.792806, 35.725274 Jewish Terrorist Drone Installation and Support for Daesh

32.768155, 35.736505 Jewish Terrorist Support Base for Drone Installation

32.839093, 35.759459 Jewish Terrorist Bunker Location

33.308553, 35.772060 Jewish Trickery Ski Resort with Tunnels under Mountain Housing Nuclear Weapons and ICBMs

33.304483, 35.797596 Jewish Terrorist Intelligence Gathering Facility and FOB

33.317917, 35.803593 Jewish Terrorist Intelligence Gathering Facility and FOB

33.315610, 35.809633 Jewish Terrorist Intelligence Gathering Facility and FOB

33.333549, 35.767610 Unknown POI Likely Jewish Terrorist Intelligence Gathering Facility and FOB

33.308888, 35.756814 Entrance To Jewish Terrorist Nuclear Base at Ski Resort

33.413438, 35.855733 Jewish Terrorist Intelligence Gathering Location


Tell Whatever HVT who exercises in these areas to stop exercising outside

34.714879, 36.708728 and 34.714879, 36.708728


36.649232, 38.299150 CIA Team Lives Here

Lafarge Cement Syria Plant AKA Center of Joint Operations in Northern Syria (F UK US) Lafarge has signed lease to occupiers

36.647973, 38.301801 (F UK US) Permanent Airbase Regional Supply and Support C-130 Capable (very large presence)

36.549442, 38.587064 (F UK US) Base for Coordinating/Supplying Proxies

36.547118, 38.589224 (F UK US) Lafarge Cement Base Primary Ops Center

36.549442, 38.587064 Additional Ops Area for Base

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Ain Issa

36.370447, 38.849763 Brigade 93 Base repurposed for use by Proxy Forces and training also home to US Marine Artillery and French


36.040547, 40.723920 US Airbase SOCOM Training Proxies and Oil Field Protection

Ar-Raqqah Area

36.263362, 38.928173 (F UK US) Drone Base and Ops/Resupply for Ar-Raqqah

35.757149, 38.577743 (F UK US) Airbase previously Al-Tabqa Military Airport

35.984701, 39.010822 ext 35.993504, 39.033940 ext 35.996619, 39.039107 US Proxy Base SOCOM Presence and Air Defense former 17th Division Base

36.043208, 39.064036 US Proxy Base Training Area CIA Presence

36.014166, 38.962007 US Proxy Base (Expanding) Former Syrian Training Grounds

Al-Hasakah Area

NEED TO FEED IN https://southfront.org/us-instructors-use-al-hasakah-camp-to-train-former-isis-members-for-fighting-syrian-army-russian-defense-ministry/



36.509516, 40.585540 (F UK US) Operations Base for Area CIA also on site (large presence) Helicopter Base for Resupply

36.706339, 40.510349 (F UK US) Permanent Airbase Support and Supply

36.742552, 40.577287 Tal Badar Support Airstrip for above until fully operational primarily Helicopters and Construction Supplies for Permanent Base

Al-Malikiyah Area

37.198065, 42.119222 (F UK US) Operations Base for Area CIA also on site (largest presence in North outside Lafarge)

36.897778, 41.997500 US Airbase Drones on Site also used for Resupply

37.185768, 42.229836 US Airbase for Resupply of Proxy forces


Qayyarah Airbase (F UK US) Regional Air Support Potential FSA Kurdish Training Site

Al Assad Airbase (F UK US) Regional Air Support Mainly Drones/Refeuling/Transport and Supply Aircraft

33.805700, 42.438257 Drone Ops at Al Assad Airbase

33.797835, 42.399979 SOCOM Ops Base at Al Assad Airbase


36.521078, 37.038208 Menagh Military Airport to be used as an evacuation point from region by proxy forces to avoid capture by Turkish CIA Officer Coordinating the Withdrawal

Idlib - Primarily Using former SAA Bases within Area

35.971776, 36.782821 CIA Withdrawal point for extraction of Proxy Forces former SAA Afis Air Base

Deir ez-Zur

34.909103, 40.825977 Cluster of small bases some containing US SOCOM Personnel to secure Oil Facilities in area

Turkey Incirlik Airbase

36.998701, 35.413066 CIA Drone Base inside Airbase partially Underground (Russia knows about the rest from the Cold War pretty much still the same) (An additional 25 Nuclear Warheads have been moved to base recently brining total compliment to 75)

John Bolton conducted the Anthrax terror attacks that were later used as a pretext to invade Iraq. He now plans to bribe General Suheil al-Hassan and offer him Presidency of Syria. They have mole in Syrian Airforce Intelligence that has access to information dealing with Russian forces and regime strategy.

Mossad has several jewish “Russians” in their contingency forces who pass intel onto Mossad.

US intends to use Kurdish Region to stage Iran Invasion SOCOM Sorties from West

Genie Oil

Atlantic Council

Project for a New American Century now = The Center for a New American Security



Black Cube

Bin Nayef Coupe is what’s best for you in Saudi Arabia

Ivanka is Rosebud and she wants to be POTUS one day

Saudis have not taken a single refugee, and yet are paying for mosques for refugees in Europe

In case you're wondering I'm the Purple Anon and to the people saying this puts US servicemen in danger well maybe they shouldn't be illegally occupying a sovereign country and supporting foreign terrorist groups.

>last line included for posterity

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File: 67db5739ee33a26⋯.jpg (883.66 KB,3635x2362,3635:2362,purpleanon-maymay-min.jpg)


>muh purple anon

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faggots muddy water at every turn.

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The Russia narrative doesn't work here, it has never worked here. Go get new orders Chaim.

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File: 4d21e5ffb2b93ad⋯.png (123.06 KB,1890x596,945:298,Glonigger Test.PNG)

Capped for whoever wants it. I thought OPs idea was autistic nonsense, but the amount of panicked Fed posting means he was apparently on to something.

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File: 7d5670572f140cd⋯.jpg (345.39 KB,1579x2050,1579:2050,secret nuclear program - m….jpg)

GOVERNMENT DOXX HERE: https://www.irmep.org/CFP/WPN-136/

> Be James Doyle at Los Alamos

> Write 1 sentence of wrong-think

> Get fucked.

After an (((unknown congressional staffer))) read the article and demanded a review, it was referred to classification officials for a second review. Doyle's pay was then cut, his home computer searched, and he was fired.

> So yeah

> GlowNigger test covers Gov Contactors

FUN Q-and-A Session with 2016 Whitehouse fags:


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Learned that on the Sopranos

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We could ski and tan at the same time.

It is funny because that was the same place (mt hermon) they swore in imprecation (hatred against humanity) to come and destroy it.

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When will we get to go to war with international Jewry?

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Anytime you want to anon. Didn't Tarrant and the other Saints show you how it is done? You can't wait for (((leadership))) because there is none anymore, the good one have been murdered and the bad ones are on the (((payroll))). The only hope for our people is if we start getting high score and we don't wait for a (((leader))) (look how many jew fags they tried to serve up in nationalism as well as the alt-kike faggots) and that got no where. They were hoping that they could install ONE leader that you would follow to your destruction but alas, no Whites are keen on having one of their parasitic semitic nigger mongrels at the helm any longer.

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>Israel tried to save South Africa from Henry Kissinger

and this is a bad thing for some reason?

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I don't know, when do you sleep, Abraham? :^)

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On a related note, law enforcement can never say that a mass shooting happened/was real or that a terrorist attack preformed by a White person made an impact. They are forced to denounce and cry false flag because otherwise they would be inciting terrorism/violence and thus giving anons an entrapment defense.

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There we go, fucking finally. I couldn’t remember the code for it.

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>a good thing

You realize that Israel got exactly what it wanted when South Africa was destroyed, right?

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South Africa was the semites pilot program for European genocide.

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