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File: 836c0c24226e9c1⋯.png (297.83 KB,616x683,616:683,trump-wikileaks.png)


The Wikileaks website is down. Their SSL certificate was allowed to expire. What are they trying to say by this?


SSL are cryptographic protocols used to communicate over a secure network. When the certification is allowed to expire communications can be intercepted by 3rd parties, like hackers and spooks.

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An expired certificate doesn't mean the connection isn't encrypted. Am I the only one who knows anything about computers around here?

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Its a letsencrypt cert. They autorenew, usually. The fact that it expired is very unusual. Either it was configured for manual renewal/dns method, or they added a site to apache that has an error in the conf preventing it from renewing, or letsencrypt was served warrant canary and told not to authorize renewal.

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That much is true. It is unusual. But it's still encrypted. Even Twitter/Facebook/Microsoft have failed to renew certificates though because it's a pain in the ass. I've used Certbot and I'm not totally convinced it's not just a passing error but it deserves to be looked into.

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What a faggy picture

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It's possible though I don't see a group like Wikileaks forgetting to renew or misconfiguring a cron job. Their .onion is down too. Seems fucky.

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I haven't paid much attention to WikiLeaks in a while but they were always a small group and my impression was they were not as organized these days. Server management is always labor intensive and it sounds like they just forgot or couldn't keep up.

Was there something big planned around this time? Any announcements from their Twitter?

I think if the alphabet agencies took over they would keep the servers running just like with Silk Road.

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Came here to say this. OP is dumb

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I just noticed their using strict transport so most browsers aren't going to connect with an expired certificate. Still sounds like they just forgot to keep up with things.

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Why in the fuck is this thread identical to the one on 4cuck?

Do your fucking job mods. Filter out the fucking bots you stupid kikes.

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i wonder who in the Wikileaks staff has the Bitcoin wallet with the $70 million in Bitcoins? perhaps Julian fucked up in delegating that, because Wikileaks has enough money to pay an IT staff more than the CIA can pay their staff. or perhaps the Glow Niggers have been assassinating and disappearing the Wikileaks IT staff. looks like a good opportunity here. i am going to fire up the Wikileaks Tor submission site and offer my 1337 hacker skills to be their mew sysadmin, and i will do it for the low price of $2 million in Bitcoins. if i am going to have Glow Noggers trying to do me like Seth Rich, then i better be paid enough to fund myself to pull a Jason Bourne on their asses and take out as many glowy bois as i can.

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