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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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From Bangladesh

A student(?) possessing a sword, a flag of pakistan and a crossed out picture of Bangladesh's current PM was found to have been illeagally residing in the hostel of a medical college nearby the PM's residence last night. She even had a fake college id card and seemed to be attending the college though irregularly. The police had taken her under investigation but seem to have let her go for some unspecified reasons.

The current conspiracy is that she was planning a repeat of August 15 (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Sheikh_Mujibur_Rahman)

Further info is limited as of now.

Is this a part of something larger /pol/? Can we get to the root of this?

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Bump for visibility

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I was about to say "not your personal army" but what the fuck, what do you think she's up to?

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Link is broken

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They alsonfound that she had a diary will all the names of the war criminals from the liberation war of 15 August

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Seems like she deleted her account…

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Does anyone know how to recover lost fb data?

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Kill yourself cunt.

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I'd be happy to

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No one cares about yet another terrorist attack in a muslim country. Sage.

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What happened to the old /pol/?

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Did they care about subhumans killing other subhumans?


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But it's not just about subhumans killing themselves. It seems like someone or some organisation was planning a coup

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In a worthless subhuman shit tier nation?

I still don't understand why I should care what the part niggers do to each other.

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What if the cia or fbi 's involved?

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For the lulz


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cia = foreign occupiers of the USA

fbi = foreign occupiers of the USA

>What if they are involved?

Then select appropriate targets and fuck them up until they are dead before they destroy your nation.

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But aren't you even a tad bit curious?

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Nope. Kill those mother fuckers before they destroy your nation. This is totally on you to take care of your own people. We have our own problems (those same parasitic niggers in our nation).

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Bangladeshi women have the tightest pussies on earth


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Enjoy the destruction of your lineage anon.

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As well as the POZ from your part nigger wife.

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sup incel

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