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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 9166af384ca9e40⋯.jpeg (187.74 KB,800x400,2:1,16658D2F-A24E-4E9C-B889-A….jpeg)


Because if we don’t do something 10 years ago, we’re all going to be dead in 12 years. We’re going to need to ‘snip snip’ the brains of all stupid fucks who would be willing to place electrodes into their brain.

The Immunization, Opioids, Preservatives, Football Concussions, and Microwave immersions are morning killing the brain fast enough… so we’re going to have to just place computer chips into the brain to override your free will.

You dumb fucks are going to sign up for this voluntarily at first. Then, when the magic number is reached, the law is going to be signed into action that will make the AI implants mandatory.

These chips will detect you mood, scan your bloodstream, and even stimulate designated brain activity. Currently, AI is being developed to detect diseases and organ figures before they happen! You would have to be crazy, irresponsible, paranoid, or evil NOT to get the biomechanical thingamabob implanted!

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OP is not a massive bundle of sticks. OP is correct.

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So what are you going to do about it? Nothing. So what is anyone going to do about it? Nothing. If you say to do something, you’re a fed. If you say no one will do anything, you’re a fed.

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File: eba614212f92cb8⋯.jpg (128.8 KB,750x651,250:217,DWhT3mmXUAAr9Zt.jpg)


fuck that, those who want to become serfs for life, good for them, but no, never will I accept a chip in my brain. Too big of a health hazard.

>Virgin buys brainchip from multi-corporate zog empire vs the Chad who builds his own augmentations

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File: 9ab1427c5ba0b0f⋯.png (115.49 KB,423x380,423:380,bam bam.png)


Then let's not let it reach the magic number.

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File: bf44da237d75ddc⋯.jpg (10.83 KB,300x225,4:3,bf44da237d75ddc5da90aea43d….jpg)


>If you say to do something, you’re a fed. If you say no one will do anything, you’re a fed.

That's because you're a fed, no other reason.

Why is it always someone else who has to do something?

Because you're a fed.

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I thought the lobotomy was to stupefy the overactive brain of a mental patient.

Normal people can't seem to understand that the vast majority of crazy people aren't inferior to them. This is why they're called head "shrinks".

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Lead by example, OP.

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(jew) first.

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Op what is for dinner

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File: 9044d04e88c232b⋯.webm (778.45 KB,2168x830,1084:415,laughing joker.webm)

They can't even get people to register guns, you think people are going to give a shit about a law mandating they get chipped?

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File: 951f6f3c70dbe3f⋯.jpg (645.82 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,Muslim-guy-pray.jpg)


This. This'll only really occur in cityfags and boomers with smart homes.

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Nobody here is stopping you from doing anything. Gee, I wonder why you're so keen to make people talk about illegal activities on an online honeypot board lmao. Board of peace, NYPA etc.

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