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File: 6b5ba68da6c37c0⋯.jpg (370.14 KB,2048x1360,128:85,Made in USA.jpg)

 No.13554769 [Last50 Posts]

Mazda hasn't produced a sports car for years, unless we consider the MX-5 to be such. Honda has narrowed down the range of Type-R versions and gave up production of many cult models. The Toyota has gone into urban hybrids, while the Nissan has a love for SUVs and crossovers. On Mitsubishi there's no more words at all, because , Mitsubishi brand completely lost its character (the eternal war between the EVO Lancer and the STI Impreza, the first one lost with a forfeit).

Self-driving cars will swarm roads within the next couple of decades. They'll be cheaper, safer, more efficient.

Our grandchildren – heck, maybe even our children – will probably never learn to drive a car if they will live in an urban environment.

While it's fun to think about in a futurism sense, there will be little excitement where the real change happens. Autonomous vehicles will, by their

nature, be boring. For the most part they'll have utilitarian looks. They'll be quiet and electric, they'll be slow and conservative drivers. They'll

basically be a more personal version of public transport.

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i don't understand what are they thinking with this design. It's not boring, it's childish. why would you make a car look worse than a bus?

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Duude. Wait’ll you see the autolux chariots with giant sound systems and self-reconfiguring autosplay interiors.

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Just get the ordinary party animals into some wealth and they’ll be drawn to designs everyone will want. It’ll be the next era of swank.

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File: 94a4aa61bc116fc⋯.jpeg (88.25 KB,793x526,793:526,2DEC2B81-51B5-452C-AC1C-E….jpeg)

File: 55b7fb3b93f5fa7⋯.jpeg (69.28 KB,660x439,660:439,D06FDC59-DB64-4BCA-8E2E-7….jpeg)


Will Electrics cars become the Norm?

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it already is boring. The decline of american car culture can be seen in the lame pop culture FF movies, by FF4 customizing is gone, oh there will always be a cool sports car, but that is for the rich now.

Most old cool cars are in other countries, why barn finds are so rare and valued now.. Manufacturer only needs to make parts for 10 years, emissions, etc. has killed car culture and personality.


BHO gas mileage sanctions pushed automakers to stop making cars (that got better gas mileage than suvs) and start making more boring egg shaped suvs that all look the same in every size, and that do not have to meet same rules as cars, thus burning more gas, Brilliant BHO


Or was it actually an ulterior motive by Socialist BHO that actually wanted rich and poor to all look the same on the road, no personality, no way to tell if one vehicle cost more than another, etc.

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If you want something emissive better sign up on the biotrek track. You’ll have to still be around when we’re sure the climate is stable.

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File: a59dc312662e5a1⋯.jpg (41.29 KB,1280x720,16:9,millennialscar.jpg)


Because most of the target buyers are obsessed with childish things

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Mazda is literally doing R&D on a brand new inline six motor for the purpose of a sports car whereas Toyota just used BMW's B5 motor. Honda just released the first Civic Type R in the USA a year or two ago. The Focus RS competes with and outperforms the Subaru WRX STI.

You also focus only on japanese cars which had their prime about 20 years ago.

The current iterations of the Mustang, Camaro, Charger, and Challenger all put out over 450 horsepower and you can them for about 30k new.

The new Corvette C8 is a mid engine 500 horsepower super car fighter and it's going to fucking start at under 60k.

Dodge makes the Hellcat Redeye which puts out nearly 800 horsepower for about 80k - with a warranty.

The combustion engine will never die. There will always be a demand for it and if there is a demand for something it will get filled by free market. Electric motors are also used in ultra high performance applications like McLaren's P1 which uses not just a high revving V8 with twin turbos but also an electric motor to fill in the low end torque range. This is because electric motors are binary, they are on or off and provide instant power opposed to revving out to build it like in combustion engines. This combination gives the best of all words and allows the McLaren P1 to produce over 900 horsepower to the crank from the factory.

So OP, why are you such a fucking faggot who knows nothing about cars?

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It's a fucking car, it's not meant to entertain you. It's meant to transport you from place to place.

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>So OP, why are you such a fucking faggot who knows nothing about cars?

It's a shill. If there is anything the rich hate, it's when a carpenter or plumber has ANYTHING in life, much less a supercar that, for under forty grand, can whip his "thou mustest bow down to my micropenis" Porsche or BMW that he mortgaged his soul for to Get More Pussy.

The current muscle cars have the flair, the colors, and the style of the 60's and 70's partially resurrected. GM is working towards, get this, bringing back the Chevelle SS.

The White Working Class Hero is back, and the cars he never stopped loving are back too.

Soon, the filthy vermin will be claiming it's an expression of muh White Supremacy Neo Nazi Holocaust Gas Chambers to have a fast car.

I saw this decline in car excitement for decades, and I knew it was orchestrated. First by the (((insurance companies))) attacking and killing the muscle car era the first time around, and now the Global Warming Faggots massively taxing cars with Carbon Tax to Finance World Faggotry.

But, it's not working. Muscle cars such as the 717 hp Dodge Challenger Hellcat get around 19mpg on the highway while mopping the floor with the European Faggotmobiles that Asians masturbate over.

Long live the muscle cars! I have been waiting a LONG time for true, world-dominating performance to be reborn, and here we are!

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>It's a fucking car, it's not meant to entertain you. It's meant to transport you from place to place.

The Soy is strong in this one.

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If that’s soy, it sounds hardcore.

>Practicality, ooo rah!

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I get both sides. Cars are fucking awesome especially when they are fast and loud but that awesomeness comes with a big price as well as a depreciation factor. Add in the 'keeping up with the Jones'" side of it and cars will keep you poor a very long time by making you forfeit other opportunities like home ownership and long term investing.

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>other opportunities

What about the race war?

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Don't worry, (((they))) plan to phase out personal transportation soon enough anyway, and you will be riding an automated bus or riding an automated transcontinental train to your assigned work/living quarters.

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it's good for soyboys

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A more personal version of public transport sounds fine to me. I think OP underestimates personalization potential and petty luxury drives. Trust yields economy, sometimes; a world of cautious, reliable drivers has lower expenses and loses less traffic throughput than you might expect. Under many conditions, regularized road conduct actually increases throughput. Self-driving cars will save people the money and stress they spend on fender benders, and if they’re done right they’ll reduce regular maintenance expenses, too.

Plus think of the parental perspective. Dramatically risk of car crashes, in a society where car crashes will start happening just about often enough people don’t forget what they are. Ten years from now we could see a year with twelve crashes in America, and every one of them a media spectacle; this time next century, that may be the global norm.

Awful lot of people die on roads.

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dramatically reduced* risk

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This holy fuck this thread is full of degenerate faggots desperate for their cummies.

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Lol, get a load of this incel. People really do humiliate themselves on this site.

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What the fuck is that?

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>Self-driving cars will save people the money and stress they spend on fender benders, and if they’re done right they’ll reduce regular maintenance expenses, too.


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It all sounds really fucking boring. And so very fucking fragile. If anything happened to the internet/network, your "car" would be stuck wherever it is. Plus your car might just drive off a cliff, because, you know, "glitches" happen and knowing goyim are best dead.

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Automotive culture is general was already cancerous. Reading whinging boomer fags whining about "socialist BHO" and "mileage" in this thread is revolting. You don't exist to funnel your money to oil companies, that isn't your patriotic duty. They are a utility product, nothing more.

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>they are a utility product, goy, you don't need transportation independence, control of your vehicles, or for it to be a pleasing vehicle to you.

Food is just a utility, the taste doesn't matter. Lead the way in just eating bland utilitarian food, fellow white man.

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If you don't understand at this point how base desires and marketing narratives drag you into the conspicuous consumption cycle managed in totality by your enemies, there is no helping you.

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I'll say this – nothing brings out the neoliberal, globohomo trash on 8ch quite like the car threads.

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Houses are just utilitarian. We should all live in identical concrete soviet style apartments.

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See this? This is the kind of distrust that slows tech. We need trust enough to ride rockets and we’re supposed to fear cars still. Total bullshit.

I want a ticket off this rock.

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Most of America already does, except they pay through the nose for it and their walls are made of cardboard instead of concrete.

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>We should all live in identical concrete soviet style apartments.

That sounds depressing and totally undesirable. I'd rather colonize outer space.

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Elon Musk already showed his hand with this. Car ownership will be slowly made too expensive for normal people once self driving cars are around. My guess is they'll do a cars4gold type mass trade in government funded project to get as many used cars off the roads as possible.

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>Car ownership will be slowly made too expensive for normal people once self driving cars are around.

As if people can't just keep using non-self-driving cars like we are right now.

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>transportation independence

If you don't like their designs, make your own car. whining about another man's shapes is utterly pathetic.

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Thanks to the climate borg and their religion of adjusted statistics, we will never have fun cars again

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Like I said you are going to see a multitude of programs designed to shrink the used car market as much as possible. We might even see in some countries where ownership of older cars can't be transferred, leaving only new cars which will all be self driving and owned by uber style companies. The US will go the longest with non-self driving cars and car ownership still being around, but it will get harder and harder to actually own your own car, self-driving or not.

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>to shrink the used car market as much as possible

Do you realize how many non-self-driving cars currently exist?

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>most of America already does

Not where I live or for hundreds of miles around where I live. Perhaps move out of the city? Also this entire line of argument from you is stupid anyway. The current system being jewish doesn't mean we should accept a more jewish system, and removing control from the goyim over their vehicles is incredibly jewish. Just another step toward being true cattle.

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Almost as many as there are people depending on the country. And all are designed to fail. The timeline expands depending on the country but the outcome and goal remains the same: you own nothing goy.

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>all are designed to fail

Nobody designs a car to fail. That's fucking retarded.

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>removing control from the goyim over their vehicles is incredibly jewish

Use the color-coded ID feature if you're having trouble keeping up with who is making which comments.

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You obviously don't since I never said a word about removing the control people have over their own vehicles. You're about to be filtered.

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>I-I didn't say

>>If you don't understand at this point how base desires and marketing narratives drag you into the conspicuous consumption cycle managed in totality by your enemies, there is no helping you.

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ESL, then? Filtered.

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People talking about grandchildren seem weirdly retro to me. We’re gonna have artificial fabrication of biology. There are already rich people who want to live forever, and as the deathseeker-holdouts die off, wealth concentration will grow to further favor flesh-immortalism.

And then instead of having grandchildren, we’ll all have each other, for millennia. Maybe even millions of years. I’m cool with that.

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Can't defend your position, eh? It is quite indefensible to imply that "Automotive culture is general was already cancerous. " and "They are a utility product, nothing more." doesn't mean "it's okay for the goyim to drive samey autonomous cars and have independence of transportation taken out of their hands." Your rationale was that the current system is kiked and I pointed out that the alternative the kikes are pushing is worse, and before that I pointed out how the utilitarian argument is in fact an argument of conformity. The end result of utilitarian arguments is us all eating the same bland food, wearing the same bland clothes, living in the same bland houses, riding in the same bland public transit cattle cars, and being all good goyim.

Go filter your ass out of this world.

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Fuck off transjewmanist shill

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>. Autonomous vehicles will, by their nature, be boring.

Stop falling for the transportation jew, you really need is two legs and a backpack.

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"Automotive culture" isn't every normie who drives a car. Think rednecks with mullets reving rusty mustangs in Walmart parking lots for 8 hours while they wait for their welfare checks.

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Meme speak

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That's how he's talking but not what he's talking about.

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Wait, why would car factories shut down if cars were selling for more?

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>oy vey goy, just wait for the machine-human singularity don't have nasty little rugrats.

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File: 778f4f6f56e0b7d⋯.mp4 (10.38 MB,640x360,16:9,SouthernMustangs.mp4)


What do you really know about Southern Mustangs?

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>Think rednecks with mullets reving rusty mustangs in Walmart parking lots for 8 hours while they wait for their welfare checks

Oh, well then sign me right up for autonomous faggotmobiles. You could have convinced me with some other vehicular strawman, but your redneck one will do even though I haven't encountered it to such an absurd degree in my entire life.

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>shitting on mustangs

Found the civic shitbox faggot

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Subhuman, whats up with all you trash, transhumanist, leftypol, pax-judaica lovers? You have to go back:


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File: b52cd054ec7329b⋯.jpeg (89.27 KB,905x768,905:768,P90327365-highRes-bmw-s-1….jpeg)

Motorcycles are where it's at in the automotive world right now.

We're in a modern golden age of bikes.

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Are they creating a bland unimaginative centralized world whilst crowing the moronic millenial mantra "diversity is strength"?

Does it stink like a never ending lake of sulphur?

Pretty much, but I have no idea who could be doing that.

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>Will the future of the automotive industry be boring ?

There has been little to no innovation in the ICE industry for roughly 40 years. Ford is one of the few manufacturers that didn't go all-in on the ugly "Voltron shoes" optimal drag coefficient body design for fuel economy. Now they have the Eco-Boost line, and it's shitting on most of the competition. They are also expanding into the hybrid and full EV markets.

Anyway, all new vehicles are ugly as shit because the manufacturers chose to not design better engines and instead use the ugly shoe body as their main factor for fuel economy optimization.

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>two legs

The epitome of urbanization is the inability to leave. Good luck walking 500mi carrying your backpack you public transportation hippy.

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File: c72475ddd6c5f27⋯.jpg (41.14 KB,720x432,5:3,FordProbeVConcept.jpg)


>Ford is one of the few manufacturers that didn't go all-in on the ugly "Voltron shoes" optimal drag coefficient body design for fuel economy.

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too many spics and niggers driving around in my area for me to consider of this option, almost got hit a couple of times walking in the parking lot or crossing the street. They just keep pushing the gas and don't break for any pedestrians , I don't live in a ghetto just middle class suburban area.

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Posts an example of one of the most workmanlike soulless motorcycles ever built. If you think it's a golden age you probably quite enjoy a golden shower too.

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File: dcc780c550aa86a⋯.jpg (133.48 KB,650x728,25:28,59c4d2553b0d3.jpg)

>muh global warming

Meanwhile the third world is rolling around on millions of 30 year old tuk tuks and Toyotas.

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Who gives a fuck? All cars will be self-driving. It will be illegal for you to drive your own car. Your car will stop working if you say anything bad about jews. Your car will drive you to the police station and lock the doors so that they can kill you if you question the jewish system. You will never do anything to stop this, nor will anyone else. Fuck off. This isn’t politics.

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They won't shut down. They'll just be manufacturing cars for themselves to use for Uber style rental services or leasing them to Uber style companies. Normal consumers won't be able to afford them. Musk laid this out very plainly.

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>implying AGW is real

CO2 is like .05% of the atmosphere. Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas. Increased solar activity results in colder climate, and decreased solar activity results in warmer climate. The models are accurate going back 600m years.

The sun and the water vapor control our climate regardless of anything men accomplish.

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File: a5dd24ff2a90fb9⋯.jpg (177.57 KB,1200x799,1200:799,BMW HP4 Race 2017.jpg)


Um sorry, how is the pinnacle of German engineering and material sciences bland?

The electronics suite alone is a marvel of modern motorcycle tech.

>carbon fiber frame

The mad lads actually did it.

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>sexual degeneracy ad hominem

you don't even need to admit you're a jew

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You're all posting in a slide thread.

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forgot to sage

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Car design can be as antonymous as your skills. If you want to customize your car, learn how and do so in your free time. If you don't, why give a single fuck?

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>Musk laid this out very plainly.

He has made it pretty plain that we have to actually remove everybody like him. There needs to be an upper wealth limit for individuals and corporations, fuck this minimum wage shit.


Have you actually ridden it and compared it to anything else in its class, I doubt it. Compare it to the all carbon Norton or any Ducati or the Ariel etc etc etc. It's boring and workmanlike and the modern electronics reduce the gap between a good rider and an average one. Get on a carbed 1000cc with no electronic aids and you'll know real fear. That was the golden age.

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On the one hand, I want to say you're completely wrong and that there won't be restrictive laws on car making and ownership in our lifetime. On the other hand, they have used gun deaths to make huge gains on guns in blue states, and cars kill a lot more innocents than guns, so I can't entirely disagree with you in clown world.

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File: b87f5a549ccab7f⋯.png (8.85 KB,255x171,85:57,2259f8e163bdddda92fafd59d2….png)


Yeah fuck no.

Traction control and other electrical aids have allowed companies to stuff more powerful engines on even lighter bikes.

Any bike made past ~2005 completely blows that carbed old shit right out of the water.

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>There needs to be an upper wealth limit for individuals and corporations

*gives 5% to 19 people with bomb collars*

When have laws ever been effective in holding your "wealth limits" throughout history?

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>I am a communist

Why should anyone listen to you?

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In Canada, British Columbia: by 2040 sales of internal-combustion-engine vehicles will be illegal by 2040, according to new legislation just passed by people evidently paid a great deal of money by neodymium and lithium mine owners, most likely in China (British Columbia's new official ranguage?)

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They shouldn't, thinking that evil people might one day get so much money they can ruin the rest of the planets lives whilst telling them shit's cool would never happen and it totally makes me communist to think that it could or is.


>Any bike made past ~2005 completely blows that carbed old shit right out of the water.

For lap times but not the feeling of being as one with your machine. Analog beats digital for soul. Always.

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then get a bicycle or trike if you need to carry heavy and need to trailer, it's much easier to bike then walking. I can't bike right though due my injury.

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A bike needing no electronics is also impossible to cripple with EMP.

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>neodymium and lithium mine owners

kek, I assume Canada also has (((laws))) against using nickel batteries instead of lithium?

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The wealthy determine the wealth limits because they are the ones in control.

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If it's better, then why hasn't it ever worked out? I mean, the Soviets tried, so the "never been tried" argument doesn't apply here.

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Global national socialism has never been tried. I think we should try it. All we have to do is persuade people to go home.

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I used to think like you but then I experienced the Tesla S acceleration and I got the soy sapped out of me.

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>All we have to do is persuade people to go home

And change the definition of many of those "homes". How will you convince America to accept Franklin's definition of white people, and the founding father's vision of a white nation?

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>"I hate white people"

t. (((you)))

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File: 0471d43384baa03⋯.png (295.53 KB,576x670,288:335,ClipboardImage.png)


>not wanting to use your penis while a car drives itself

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>How will you convince America to accept Franklin's definition of white people

If there's no politician doing that and people are being prevented from becoming a politician calling for that then I guess that's the definition of a tyrannical government and the people with guns should be coming together to form a militia that marches on congress.

The problem is really mixed race people as everyone knows. That's why it has been promoted, they kind of thought it through before they made their new world order as obvious as it is now.

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Pah and then you inhaled the heady fumes of a lithium fire as your government financed piece of shit refused to unlock your door without anally probing you and recognizing your iris, and only then you realized that they always intended to gas you because it's their "thing"

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Electric sports car doesn't imply driving a zogbot just like driving a combustion car doesn't imply it isn't a zogbot.

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The reality is, the bread and circuses are far too comfy for uncomfy plans like metaphorical bomb collars or metaphorical militia to ever exist. Heck the bread and circuses are the most effective metaphorical bomb collars in existence.

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True but El on Musk is so definitely a psychotic zogbotulism that buying a Tesla is like investing in illegal settlements. The lithium mining and then recycling or disposal is totally skipped over, it's just so green and sustainable dude. And fast for for a few straight line pullaways, *sips soy milk*.

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It's actually faster in curves as well, I took a 45km/h highway ramp at 100km/h because the car weights 4600 lbs. What I was thinking is that they are convincing women with this green energy bullshit (it's not even green you fucking cunts) and then they will convince the guys to hop on remotely controllable always traceable straight to google HQ with fast cars. But they're not intelligent and hate men way too much for that, they'll mostly try with the green energy shit while selling ugly as fuck electric cars that are paid straight from stealing money from the taxpayers.

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>It's actually faster in curves as well, I took a 45km/h highway ramp at 100km/h because the car weights 4600 lbs.

Faster than what? not faster than a vehicle with 1:1 hp:kg. Try a 200hp 200kg race car round a track. The heavier it is the harder it is to change direction and bigger contact area is needed, i.e wider tyres. It's impressive in torque but it isn't a miracle, because physics. It has severe limitations in fact. I doubt they will ever win LeMans. Electric cars are the perfect answer to a problem that should never have happened, over populated cities, but they will have to be leased or batteries standardized quickly removeable and leased. Then you could pull into a fuel stop and have your pack changed for a fully charged one in seconds and they become practical, but still not green.

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These. The US is in a muscle car renaissance for about the past decade or two now

OP is a faggot

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File: 601c1048a4ba9da⋯.jpg (84.95 KB,658x544,329:272,1458758584428.jpg)

>every car commercial the nigger or woman is driving

>if the woman is driving it's to pick up her mulatto kid who is with their congo nigger father

To say nothing of being unrealistic, a nigger being around for a white mother and child, the whole industry is a fucking sham and I would rather walk to the store and fly when I need to go somewhere sufficiently far away.

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hehe funny thing is it's more likly for a white man to mix with a black woman then a black man to mix with a white still their shoving race mixing down the leeming's throat

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>Will the future of the automotive industry be boring ?


Absolute state.

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Because it’s non threatening and futuristic.

You want the thing that’s going to steal millions of jobs and turn people into wage slaves to look friendly.

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autonomous = self-driving, retard

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File: 33c14ba6a093616⋯.jpg (918.11 KB,7000x5000,7:5,Husqvarna-Vitpilen-701-con….jpg)


Anon has a point.

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>I am a communist

>ha ha wow you have to become a communist to stop the jews from winning

Kill. Yourself.

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the golden age hasn't stopped since its started. Pic related.


See pic related. Debuted in 1973. I got to daily one last season. The differences when compared to today's bikes are most felt in weight, handling, and braking.


>blows that carbed old shit right out of the water.

110% true.

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File: 61d5bebc104e278⋯.jpg (201.14 KB,1600x1068,400:267,$_57.jpg)

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File: a84dac6bf88f676⋯.jpg (96.65 KB,779x635,779:635,a84dac6bf88f676292aa9a4d3b….jpg)

Fredom and innovation is only reserved for jews, niggers, muslims.

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bruh moment

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it is already boring

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so he really killed himself good. ugly old bitch.

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how do we know the real humans didn't die off long ago. maybe all of us are in fact sub humans. the peaceful ones couldn't cut it so us multi colored losers continued.

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Like all products, cars are being catered towards the brainlet mass market and being dumbed down in all technical aspects while being given trinket gimmicks. Remember when you could change the battery on your phone without needing tools? Remember when you could work on your car without needing special computer tools? All products are just being made under the concept of planned obsolescence. Cars are going to boring and catered towards soyboys and soccer moms, in fact they already are. Electrics cars will just be another appliance, and eventually they'll probably flat out ban ICE in favor of ultra restricted electric cars which will be harder to maintain without centralized stuff. With self-driving in the future you may not even be able to drive wherever you want.

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Everything that is wrong with cars is due to two major factors; safety and fuel economy.

A law making it mandatory for a car to be able to support it's own weight in the event where it would be upside down on it's roof changed the design of the A pillars to be bigger and gave all cars the same look. Cars are now heavier and much bigger than 20 years ago.

EPA faggotry is making all cars have direct and port injection, turbos, CVT transmissions, and other fuckery that complicates things. Everyone wants infotainment, good fuel economy, safety, storage, and they want it under 25k which is why you see abominations rolling out.

God bless everyone who is buying a V8 with a stick shift. God bless Dodge who just said fuck everyone we are making 800 hp cars while you faggots diddle around with EVs.

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Well thanks for the turbos, but when they put it in shitty 1.3L econo soda straw cylinder engines. Fuck V8s. Big iron is fun, but it doesn't have to be big to be loud and fast anymore. And fuck CVT and getting rid of sticks. Lazy unfun driving seems to be the norm now. fuck your "paddle shifters" Even that 800HP Demon is just compensating: "hur hur I spent 80k to go fast, look at balding, pot-bellied me go!" Meanwhile old school backyard mechanics were doing fine fabricating parts out of sheetmetal that were many times better than anything an OEM can sell you in some over-priced "sports" package you only bought just so you could get the 18" chrome wheels.

Modern cars suck.

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File: e77ab22b340032b⋯.jpg (46.67 KB,960x574,480:287,consider-the-following-edd….jpg)


> Modern cars suck.

they do suck but it's not the 18" rims, it's the masses of unnecessary proprietary electronics that the car can't function without that is the root of the suckage.

A modern car won't roll down the road without at least half a dozen proprietary PCB's working just perfectly, and when their caps blow/leak/die your car is just a recyclable.

Even if you add in open-software open-hardware Arduino/son-of-Megasquirt you're out of luck you won't have the software to make the car-area-network function.

I can probably drive my old Isuzu Trooper II forever, Weber carb, no ECU at all.

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>fuel economy

>everyone wants … good fuel economy

Why wouldn't you? Do you feel like you have a solemn duty to make sure Exxon hits their numbers? I anything, modern cars haven't gotten extreme enough on fuel economy.

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more important question: what the fuck does any of that have to do with /pol/?

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Even more important: why do you have pictures of niggers on your computer?

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File: ebc7c5c12871e83⋯.jpg (56.8 KB,800x552,100:69,jeremy-clarkson-vote_800x0….jpg)

As much as I love petrol engines experiencing the sheer fucking acceleration of electric cars has me excited for the future. Accelerating foward faster than you free fall down is nuts for a car that is also usable everyday. Hopefully exterior deisgns don't turn absolutely horrendous.

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Nothing whatsoever to do with politics.

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I didn't mention fuel economy, I just want shit to be easy to fix and not soy.

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File: a2ec76db54ad4f3⋯.jpg (45.19 KB,640x480,4:3,A.jpg)

File: e1d029021410b34⋯.jpg (447.49 KB,1600x1200,4:3,B.jpg)


Exhibit A is the flashy shiny bulky futuristic angled truck with a plethora of electric controls, in fact, the gas pedal isn't even analog, a computer reads it's digital sensor and a computer handles all aspects of fuel, ignition, and transmission, whereas in Exhibit B, we have a truck that does not use a computer or any electronics for anything important, save maybe the headlights, if you consider them important. 4x4 enganged manually with shifter on the floor, fuel provided via carburetor, automatic transmission fully mechanical, and really a more reliable truck for men that don't own silicon foundries and can forge their own replacement microchips.

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Nah, it’s totally political. Way better than the endless race garbage. Future of transport, that’s political economy! That’s resource distribution and arguments over the way we do things. It digs into past and future regulations in ways that reasonable people can disagree about while remaining people to each other.

It’s great to see something other than stupid fake moralists and attempts to lie whites into submitting to racetardation.

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women and soys are children

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Fuel cell > pure electric

Prove me wrong

>inb4 muh efficiency

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File: 27e2db1ce0d7c50⋯.jpg (256.64 KB,1920x1064,240:133,super bee.jpg)

Do you like carburetors?

This one has three.

Mopar or GTFO.

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>assumes any of these financial/economic savings/gains will make their way to Joe in Montana.

There should be a filter for low test, low IQ posters.

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The window in which Mopar made good vehicles is extraordinarily narrow. And even if you did have a high hp motor, everything else on the car fell apart. Just like they do today.

The GM products of the Musclecar era was the best all around built cars, and cheapest to modify.

As an aside, my grandfather has many classic cars and motorcycles. He has told me that Mustangs in the 70's and 80's was so common, they had car shows where they wasn't allowed

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sorry for reddit spacing. phonefag atm

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File: 4f2e4d8fd86f072⋯.jpg (101.02 KB,766x1024,383:512,1342294172327.jpg)

The future wil be boring period

But there will be porn and soma for everyone

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