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 No.13552988 [View All]

Here are two images of my german history book. In the first one is said that the NS state was extremely in debt due to their enormous expenses in the military. The state wanted to pay the debt by privatizing all companies and depriving jews from every valuable thing, however this was completely insufficient. The government even started to force the unemployed population to work in slave like conditions. Also the volk was extremely focused to save up money rather then spending it, which hurt the economy even more, obligating businesses to exchange any kind of high quality product for something cheaper. Ironically even though the german population was focused on saving money the money stored in the banks were taken by the government to further finance the military. All of this led to one simple conclusion: if germany wanted to avoid a total economical collapse it had to be in a perpetual state of war were it raided every other country in the world (which is the primary reason the nazis favorite tactic was the Blitzkrieg, a fast and cheap "war" that could generate a lot of profit). By the way the graphic reads "public expenses of the German reich": Brown=Wehrmacht, Blue=Infrastructure, Yellow=Public administration, Green=Public utilities, Red=Housing.

From an economical point of view, peace was never an option.

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=This is bullshit because debt didn't exists in the NatSoc economy.=

You know how I know? My Economics School Book said so.

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Poland stopped the Red army dead in its tracks in 1920 when it was under the direct command of Trotsky. Hitler destroyed Poland (in concert with Stalin) and thus left Germany wide open to invasion by the USSR.

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>Killing jews is more important than any economy

But...I thought this board was holocaust denial.

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Because they were at war with those countries? Are you mentally deficient?

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Bismark created modern Germany; his foreign policy always dictated an alliance with Russia.

Kaiser Willhelm II and Hitler both rejected Russian alliances and attacked Russia, ultimately with disastrous results.

Bismark was the great man, not Hitler or the Kaiser.

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>ally with a bolshevik russia that will imprison you for identifying anyone as a jew.

Maybe if russia was still a monarchy, but under control of the kikes and a madman that backstabs to get his way to the top and later planning to invade europe as a whole?

You have to be completely idiotic to think allying with ussr is remotely a good idea.

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File: aa70001632d5db5⋯.jpg (101.69 KB,1023x767,1023:767,4001076F-528B-4625-9F85-B1….jpg)


>You have to be completely idiotic to think allying with ussr is remotely a good idea.


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By the way it was Crown Prince Von Falkenheinthat facilitated Lenin going to Russia from Zurich so he could overthrow the Tzar.

So Kaiser Willhelm II's idiotic foreign policies led to the ultimate catastrophe.

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File: b4b651d66d95743⋯.jpg (60.81 KB,725x657,725:657,conspiracykeanu-1.jpg)


Was literally a fucking ruse dumbshit, The Führer even spelled this out explicitly to League of Nations Commissioner Burkhardt before the invasion of Poland:

>>"Everything I undertake is directed against Russia. If the West is too stupid and too blind to comprehend this, I will be forced to reach an understanding with the Russians, turn and strike the West, and then after their defeat turn back against the Soviet Union with my collected strength. I need the Ukraine and with that no one can starve us out as they did in the last war."

And OP is a fucking faggot Jew disinfo shill. You really think this bullshit will turn any of us away from the only ideology worthy of the Aryan man, National Socialism, or our Führer?

Seriously what the fuck are all these Judeo-Bolsheviks doing on /pol/? Is there a /trannypol/ raid going on or something?



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Unless you want to be imprisoned and backstabbed.

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So, the West conspired to destroy Germany with the USSR, instead of cooperating with Germany to destroy the USSR.

Yup, par for the course.

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>Nazis picked a fight with the whole world

No. Jews forced the hands of the UK/America.

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You said it better than I could've. It's always such a (((coincidence))) that they count wartime damage to the economy against the besieged state.

>to secure the welfare of the average Hans off the street

keked harder than I should've.

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Show your dad, OP… oh, right. Nigger.

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Reminder these faggots are lolbergs trying to undermine the far right.




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>muh kiked economical indicators

>relevant at all in the completely different padadigm that is National Socialism

You could do the same for Louis XIV and it would be just as meaningless.

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>t. kike

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>cites jew propaganda machine


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>is there

Every fucking day.

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>Surrounded on all sides by powerful countries that have already waged war against you to plunder your country.

>Military spending increased during a period of rearmament.

Wow, holy crap shit economic policy bro should've voted Hillary. You've really opened my eyes anon.

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>the NS state was extremely in debt due to their enormous expenses in the military

It was a debt in their own non-gold backed currency, so they had no issues with 'paying debt.' There's nothing wrong with deficit spending of this sort per se, so long as you don't do it to the point where demand outpaces supply and causes inflation. And I'm sure I would have heard of it nonstop if there were inflation issues under the NSDAP, so I have to presume they government expenditure at healthy levels.

It amazes me how people get caught up in this monetarist debt-cult to the point that they will think a country doing something is impossible even if they know that that country has the resources to carry out the endeavor in question.

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I would still consider the National Socialist economy a market economy up until the war got serious and they were forced to switch to a planned war-time economy, like everyone else, even the U.S. Before the war, it wasn't planned, just corporatist. (and that's a good thing!)


I would say that thousands of men, tanks, and planes, are much more valuable than a vault containing nothing but utterly useless shiny metal. Taking gold is just plundering the defeated. The real aim was to acquire land, which is priceless.


>a strong army defeating a weaker army is bad because the weaker army surely would have fared better against a different army

What's the matter with you?


Which board or discord decided to come here and spam this garbage? I swear, you guys just throw everything at the wall, act all cocky, and then find out that the wall is still spotless and just fall back on irony or saying that National Socialism and /pol/ are "cringe."


>if you kick the jews out, you are a jew

Madness and neuroticism. It's all I ever see from you.

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>Weimar Germany

>40% unemployment

>NSDAP Germany

>0% unemployment

>not soviet “watch light bulbs” employment, but rather “we are literally building houses and roads and saving our people” employment

>Weimar Germany

>second worst hyperinflation of all time

>NSDAP Germany

>deflation; economic miracle; entire world is in a global depression, no one in Germany is starving



Spam thread allowed to remain up all day.

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Those who say German war economy was bad are also talking out their ass:

Peak yearly production WW2

USA: 700 billion dollars

Germany: 400 billion dollars

British Empire: 180 billion dollars

Japanese Empire: 170 billion dollars

USSR: 150 billion dollars

French Empire: 60 billion dollars

Italian Empire: 50 billion dollars

And the year for Germany was 1944.

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The spell cast on the understanding of economics can best be explained by the case of a professionally trained economist with a genius IQ, Hjalmar Schacht, disagreeing on how much to spend of this fiat money. The counter argument came from a complete amateur, but who also had a genius IQ, Adolf Hitler.

And the amateur was right. Schacht was an out of the box thinker himself, responsible for the system Germany used, but his training still hindered him. After he got the sack German war production skyrocket and the surge didn't stop until the allies managed to destroy all infrastructure in late 1944. End of the war the books were green for the German government. The last time they would be so.

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>Jew strolls in

>Natsoc economics suck

>They were so poor they had to invade other countries to stay rich

Heard this a thousand times. You won't convince anyone of anything, never could, never will. No I won't argue with you. You are a jew, you are my enemy. The only conversation we will be having is with our bullets.

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How about the entire world being commanded to attack National Socialist Germany? (((They))) wouldn't have used this much force if (((they))) weren't scared.

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The biggest tell is the immediate lurch to war against countries who pursue similar economic policies. If these policies were so bad and would cause catastrophic failure in a short period of time, why would anyone bother with invading Libya or Iraq or North Korea?

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Good post.

>Seriously what the fuck are all these Judeo-Bolsheviks doing on /pol/? Is there a /trannypol/ raid going on or something?

Shills are here peddling their subversive bullshit 24/7, 365 days a year, anon. It's always been like that and it isn't going to change any time soon.

Remember, these shills are either profoundly stupid or they're masters of pilpul, and thus it's always pointless to sincerely engage in any sort of dialogue with them.

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>Remember, these shills are either profoundly stupid or they're masters of pilpul, and thus it's always pointless to sincerely engage in any sort of dialogue with them.

The greatest achievement of the Third Reich was to be an example of what could happen if you choose to make it happen, and from their actions we were given countless precedents.

Especially why it's pointless to debate with a jew or their offshoots.

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>The Nazi's initial success can be attributed to the image of glorious economic recovery, part of which they accomplished by keeping Germany's economy running during The Great Depression. They presented this to the rest of the world, making many people believe the little mustachioed guy couldn't be that crazy since he'd made his country recover brilliantly in very little time. And while Germany did indeed recover, the whole thing was helped and held upright by MEFO bills: basically a Ponzi scheme that allowed the government to loan money on the sly through a front company about metallurgy research(the Metallurgische Forschungsgesellschaft, or MEFO in short). This allowed them to work at a much higher level of debt flotation than allowed by international regulation, and the idea was to pay back the loans with seized gold and valuables from Jews at first, and then directly from conquered nations after the war went on, since even state created debt bonds are exactly that: debt, credit, which is trust. Eventually the creditor will want something in exchange (or at the very least get his investment back) or the debtor's credibility will be shattered, stopping the money flow.

>To give you a clearer idea of what happened: imagine spending money from a credit card, raising the debt until being near broke to make the rest of the world believe you are rich. But still, your neighbors don't lend you a dime for making guns. So what you do? You make up a credit card called Mefocard, borrow even more wildly to create weapons promising you'll pay the debt back… Then attempt to kill the lenders and subjugate their families to share the debt you have. It was simply a continent wide, all-or-nothing robbery attempt even wilder than WW1's trench-fighting Imperial duel.

I hear it as being the economic equivalent of maxing out a credit card and wouldn't be sustainable past a war, any counter to that?

t. doesn't know better

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It's called economic policy, not economical politics.

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Why are you repeating exactly the same thing, and not responding to any of the several refutations made to this critique made early in the thread?

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File: 723afea7c4e4b36⋯.png (60.15 KB,1553x170,1553:170,ClipboardImage.png)


Look at my IP, i've made only 1 post. I took this off of 1d4chan.


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File: d883b27889eb573⋯.jpg (16.82 KB,498x385,498:385,satanic-grinning-jew-carto….jpg)


>The government even started to force the unemployed population to work in slave like conditions.

Absolutely believable! Darn those old Nazis.

Thank you for saving me from a lifetime of bitterness and racism, Rabbi. I'll make sure they hang you with a quick drop, rather than a slow pull.

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I'm never one for hebrews after what they did to my people, I just want a good comeback to a point frequently brought up.

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The gold and valuables seized from Jews came at about 1 billion dollars. The German GDP was in the hundreds of billions. It was pocket change and most of it was used to finance the emigration of poor Jews. The proper analogy with a credit card is borrowing from abroad. If they don't see something in return they will stop lending you money. But in Germany the Government is also the creditor. It uses the money to pay for projects they need, with materials and manpower that they have. Why does this loan even have to be paid back? The government is loaning money from itself.

What Hitler understood and what the monied elite are always trying to suppress, is that what gives money value is the products people are producing in exchange for it. Why is America's economy bigger than some African countries despite having similar population numbers? Because there are more cars, airplanes, computers and iphones in America. Stuff people are willing to pay more for than a banana and a coconut. If you as a nation are producing all these things, you have money. Or rather, the fiat money you make, has value. The German principle was that for every Mark produced, there had to be a corresponding man hour of work to back it up. If there was nothing real created, then the government would not create the money to pay for it.

The real ponzi scheme is the current economy of the West where the money supply has to continually grow just to pay off the interest rate on the debt. And whenever the ponzi scheme crashes, the government steps in with more fiat money, backed by no human work hours, and "bails it out". The only way to make this work is to steal the human work hours through interest rates and the inflation that happens when money is continually created in excess of the production. The Jew banking system is designed to skim the resources of the nation, the German one was designed to facilitate the prosperity of the people and the growth of the economy.

The notion that Germany financed their economy by plundering the countries they invaded also falls flat when you realize they were spending more in these territories than they were taking out. After all a division of men and tanks cost a lot of money. Of course the added raw materials and gold helped them, but it was not the basis for their system.

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File: a1b4bfb5c69ace3⋯.png (59.58 KB,1786x256,893:128,Rebuttal to Credit-Card Ma….PNG)


Thank you, I learnt a thing or two from that post. Screencapped for any anon who may also not know any better.

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>(((german history book)))

>my (((teachers))) would never lie to me!

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Go back to 4chan.

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Checked, well put.

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In the case you're genuine, watch Cultured Thug's video on NatSoc economics lest he's been completely purged from the web. Sage for the same retarded "muh MEFO bills" garbage

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>trusting jews

have you learned nothing from /pol/?

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> trusting jews

> have you learned nothing from /pol/?

And yet economics is the only aspect of der nazi-sozi that jews will periodically praise.

Ben Bernanke declares:

> "Ironically — and please take this the right way — the person who sort of most understood fiscal policy, in some sense, was Adolf Hitler."

Socialism doesn't work without or with jews.

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If by "efficient" you mean "generates most profit", then yes. But that is not necessarily good for the volk.

Auomatization and robots will make things more efficient, but that will ruing most jobs. How will people make money to live? How will take affect the avarage salary? Having more items on the store shelves does n't mean the overal qualtiy of life has gone up.

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Could have atleast posted it m8


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Living in pre WW2 Germany after Hitler came to power, fighting and dying for it seems like such a better life than living in this time.

At least things are getting worse and worse. Maybe then there’ll be an opening for things to get better.

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File: 262ac1383243e34⋯.jpg (21.85 KB,480x360,4:3,Nazi Gold Train.jpg)

>>13556566 (checked)

Good explanaans, anon. Inquiring kikes want to know more though, what about natzee GOLD?

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You wasted good dubs, but open your mouth anyway. Here comes the choo choo train


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