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File: 63d858f070b24a7⋯.jpg (137.95 KB,1862x1048,931:524,Marie-Sophie-Hingst-Inside….jpg)

 No.13552217 [View All]


A German historian and disgraced blogger who was outed last month for creating a fake account of her family’s suffering during the Holocaust has been found dead at age 31, a report said.

Marie Sophie Hingst was discovered in her Dublin apartment on July 17, The Times of Israel reported. While police have ruled out foul play, officials couldn’t confirm the cause of death.

Her death comes nearly a month after German magazine Der Spiegel ran a piece alleging the story of her family’s Holocaust history was more fiction than fact. Hingst was stripped of her 2017 Golden Blogger award in June amid the revelations.

Hingst had sent 22 pages of testimony regarding nonexistent people to Israel’s Holocaust archive, Yad Vashem, in 2013, according to Der Spiegel. Hingst also reported on her “family” in a blog titled “Read on my dear, read on,” which she later took offline.

Dublin-based reporter Derek Scally, who interviewed Hingst for The Irish Times, said she appeared to suffer from mental illness.


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Seems likely. Plenty of interested parties who'd rather not see "fake holocaust story" trending.

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Her actual claims about dead jews were completely unverifiable, but there was nothing particularly unique about them. Inventing a White protestant background to damage control the situation would appear unlikely, since nobody was questioning her claims. There was no damage to control (unless somebody was anticipating that her claims were about be questioned, and this was pre-emptive damage control) until the jews themselves from "Der Spiegel" exposed her. If they had found that she was indeed jewish then the rest of her fake claims would have been believed.

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Brainlet detected.

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File: eb92867c80feea9⋯.jpg (6.44 KB,192x186,32:31,1487179579543.jpg)

How old were you when you realized you make your own truth?

We do the same when we glorify past European civilisations and pagan gods. We think of them as great, noble, worthy, epic etc.

Legends like the battle of Thermopylae are exaggerated stories. And we like to think of our ancestors as giant muscular men etc. When we think of the Germanic tribes we think of them as noble savages.

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So there's really nothing illegitimate about holocaust stories when you realize this. It all makes perfect sense.

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HAHAHA LOVE IT! Borat.great.victory.jpg

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File: 0f9b06d998d925b⋯.jpg (157.75 KB,640x404,160:101,Sylvia Stolz.jpg)


Every Jewish holocaust story is a lie. Some actually believe it, none can produce any credible evidence it actually happened.

meanwhile Slyvia Stolz is still in prison

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>How old were you when you realized you make your own truth?

Spoken like a true kike who needs to lay off the dope. The truth is the truth, as in facts, what actually happened. There's no "It was real in my mind here." I don't imagine our not you jew barbaric ancestors to be the Hollywood Swartzenegger version of steroid jacked up bodybuilders but those swords were real, and unlike your phony holohoax stories the fields ran red with blood.

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Their reason for "exposing" her are not clear because the creature in question is an actual jewess, all claims of death-camped news are unverifiable because none of them can be verified, because there was no shoah. The only question, which requires evidence, is the one they, and you, are asserting: A goy conspiracy to "steal" from god's chosen.

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File: 6d46db136eb735b⋯.jpg (28.12 KB,462x259,66:37,50_Family_Dinner.jpg)

File: 34008655556c628⋯.jpg (117.58 KB,1050x700,3:2,50_Family_Train.jpg)

File: bc7d6c69030c08a⋯.jpg (151.39 KB,1000x781,1000:781,50_Pledge.jpg)

File: 33846fe3e5678c2⋯.jpg (31.36 KB,400x308,100:77,50_Raised_Hands.jpg)



We should start a thread for pictures of the good old days. I've just started a new folder. Try to find pics that actually hurt to look at for how clean and orderly everything is.

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>gets caught in her holohoax lie

>dead at age 31

>While police have ruled out foul play, officials couldn’t confirm the cause of death.

Nothing suspicious here.


>Golden Blogger award


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File: 6aed2a100791836⋯.jpeg (12.66 KB,300x168,25:14,download (2).jpeg)

Is there a website I can go to where I can view all fake (verifiable in the public eye) holocaust stories?

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Weak people will abuse themselves forever in submission. They never let themselves feel actual joy. I can’t believe how safe the world must be to allow this site’s population of permanent victims to survive.

Every whisper… of a chance at a better world… gets crushed. The deathseekers will not be turned towards any pleasure. Every so often one of them breaks forever. The hated ones who imagine themselves superior in hatred lock themselves in willingly.

I seek to live forever. Turn on lies and join me.

Have a bump, thread.

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> the only question, which requires evidence

the only evidence we have of her ancestry is what Der Spiegel dug up, but you say that's fake damage control, so the quest for evidence is a dead end then unless somebody else investigates, which they won't.

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File: 14870c6f888d75b⋯.jpg (133.7 KB,683x1024,683:1024,30421bc731b3a6ce39a87b8afe….jpg)


nips are pretty based too, and some orientals are okay. they are hard-working, well disciplined people. don't belittle them just because they don't have the abrahamic blessing

>inb4 i'm defending chinese insectoids; they will burn in hell if they have a soul

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>1st pic.

Correction, Trotsky did not invent the term "racism" he popularized the term. Term come from news paper/article during the French Revolution. Trotsky just made it into a weapon to brow beat the natives (of whatever country he and his ilk were parasiting from) with during the jewish takeover of Russia.

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>looks like a kike

>parasitic like a kike

>media bulwark to assure the goyim that it is only her story that's in question, not the holohoax itself

>no jew could ever lie about, or abuse, the shoah

It's quite clear what she is–a jewess. Prove the validity of their processes in determining a death-camped jew, or prove this goy conspiracy to fleece their gibs from a, literal, numbers racket.

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File: b6052f227cf91aa⋯.jpg (58.86 KB,586x800,293:400,1367656016834.jpg)




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File: ab7366bde428589⋯.jpg (505.95 KB,1440x1733,1440:1733,Screenshot_20190801-044424….jpg)


>“This kind of con job may not be a crime per se, but it is nevertheless scandalous,” wrote Der Spiegel editor Martin Doerry, who claimed Hingst admitted her story was fiction. “Inventing Holocaust victims is essentially a mockery of all those who really were tortured and killed by the Nazis.”

>“Inventing Holocaust victims is essentially a mockery of all those who really were tortured and killed by the Nazis.”

>Inventing Holocaust victims is essentially a mockery

>of all those who really were tortured and killed by the Nazis

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File: 970630e32e64fa4⋯.jpg (396.02 KB,1422x1717,1422:1717,Screenshot_20190801-045348….jpg)

File: 89ec1d1c4f88189⋯.jpg (227.92 KB,1440x1291,1440:1291,Screenshot_20190801-045401….jpg)

File: c122b9fcb20201f⋯.jpg (283.45 KB,1440x1650,48:55,Screenshot_20190801-045414….jpg)

>these comments on Fox

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>>13552844 (half heiled)

>I like how they put the 'judeo' part first. That should have been our first clue to killing the foreign parasites.

Whenever I see this term my first question is how many jewdayo's signed the declaration of independance?

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I got the eagle and bear but what is the sb3?

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lolocaust confirmed

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>age 31

Fucking hell. The kike looked like 50

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fuck the USA - by Kris

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File: ea7cdf185a4164f⋯.png (707.47 KB,1254x706,627:353,I aplaud this post.png)


>meanwhile Slyvia Stolz is still in prison

Are you sure? I thought she got 5 years or something and has been out.

Meanwhile Ernst and his wife are still gone.

post deserves 88's

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File: abd6f8f9739642d⋯.png (44.47 KB,979x216,979:216,Screenshot_2019-08-01 Haro….png)


For those who missed it, pic is not rosenthal (see link) and the text is from a pamphlet that recounts an interview that was not recorded and probably never happened (see pic)


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the first nukes are fake n gay

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File: d7b2e2c9a4ddae5⋯.jpeg (411.29 KB,1536x1081,1536:1081,01BD8272-4099-4FE3-94B1-0….jpeg)


fun fact

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>White Nationalists are not defending the interests of white people

Die already you retard

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>oy vey muh propaganda muh bagans muh neo-not-sees

You're going in an oven, gigafaggot. It will be closed due to your AIDS.

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No one ever did. Even the word is as stupid as "racist," since it is not accompanied by the concept of outbreeding, which must also exist to the same extent inbreeding would.

None of the shit any of us were taught growing up is valid in any way.




Correct the first pic nigger.


Reformation of tribes and clans is necessary.


It doesn't matter what a traitor thinks. You don't volunteer to get executed.

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File: e4e715a5f2ddcb5⋯.png (16.5 KB,1024x683,1024:683,the flag of hope.png)

This is why Jews need black cock to strengthen their race with superior genes

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File: 8127d5b84300dd0⋯.jpg (18.78 KB,474x296,237:148,th.jpg)


Criminally unchecked.

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File: c10a0d77a3df662⋯.png (79.95 KB,438x281,438:281,PEPE - HAPPY DADDY.png)


>Is there a website I can go to

Welcome, newfag.


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File: d23f6b52cd960fe⋯.jpg (305.52 KB,1180x927,1180:927,Ancient-White-People-Ancie….jpg)

File: ed52a8757092155⋯.jpg (73.46 KB,845x403,65:31,blue-eye.jpg)



This actually makes a lot of fucking sense. The Sumerians, for example - the oldest known writing system, and of course they depicted themselves as White. And Sumeria was in what's now southern Iraq, completely overrun by mudslime hordes.

I'm convinced that this is the major reason (((they))) want to keep that part of the world in a constant state of war and destruction. Just a continuing attempt to wipe out the truth by destroying the evidence.

Wherever great accomplishments are made, there are Whites making them happen.

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Dun dun dun, another one bites the dust.

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because jewish cohesion is not like white cohesion. Jews jewing jews for the benefit of the goy isn't kosher. Jews jewing Jews for their own interests is kosher. So jews will happily throw each other under the bus to advance themselves. This is how jews become the jewish form of chad. Where niggers fight or white men compete in labor, Jews compete scheming.

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Are you on drugs clown? The world is getting worse by the year, more decadent, less safe, less homogeneous, descendants of the nations are now second class citizens, parasites given platforms to destroy "Whiteness", Hollywitz films making more anti-White films than ever before, less European & more like the Third world. And you know is due to you weak-minded, compromising conformists that's only goal in life is to seek pleasure, even while Rome burns. You're worse then the Jews, you masonic fuck.

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>holocaust re-enactment goes awry and causes another holocaust

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No, you're just a degenerate fetishist who likes incest. Stop being a fetishist.

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I've developed a theory from studying guppies (non-official)

If you have one (1) pregnant female in a tank and that female births X amount of baby fish then obviously they will have no others to breed with but themselves, and so they do. Now initially this will have no choice but to result in in-breeding, however, as time goes on and generations are born, there HAS to be some that are more distant relatives, ie a divide begins to form. Even at this point there will be inbreeding, at least until several distant branches form. Once those branches form, whether 1 or 10 generations apart, they can begin to branch in again and alleviate the ill effects of inbreeding.

>tl;dr branch offs of in breeding create individuals more different genetically than alike genetically to others of the same population, even if that population shares a single common ancestor. They can then begin to intermingle again and nullify the ill effects of in-breeding and genetic depression.

It's seems to tie in with evolution and genetic diversity, I call it "self generated genetic diversity" or SGGD for short.

There was a russian experiment with foxes that shed light on evolutionary theory development, along with the various sub species of animals all being related but being the runners up in the evolutionary/survival race. I think my theory is just evolution on a small scale, like how some fish are black or orange, large scale would be some becoming deep see fish or land walking fish.


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File: 7bed31b8d8caf80⋯.jpg (146.93 KB,673x821,673:821,stolz.JPG)


All I know.


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wait. that was 31?

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One generation of inbreeding doesn't do much. And it's not 3rd cousin it's 1st cousin. 1st cousin inbreeds can happen perpetually with non-related aunts and uncles with very few problems, undetectable.

When those 1st through 3rd cousins happen to have parents who are both related to you and you keep reproducing with them, unsatisfacorty recessives start making their way to expression. Because they're not just your 2nd cousin, they're you 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th cousin all at the same time.

And BTW it was Royal families that suffered from in-breeding but usually only in the same family. There's no reason to think the Saxe-Coburgs would have a problem, but the Hapsburgs married too many other Habsburgs and produced a lot of retards and deformities.

Except for Russians. There the situation is reversed. The Royal house is strongly infused with non-Russian blood, mainly German Princesses. But the Russian Nobles were knuckle-dragging inbreds starting with the Duchy of Muscovy. Everyone of birth in Europe considered them apes. Retarded, sickly, deformed, and stupid. They only ever bred with other Russian Nobles. And they didn't just marry the other 250,000 Nobles in all of Muscovy and Russia, they only married Nobles from neighboring fiefs. This is why the Kulak class rose and became so powerful, and why the City Communists went after the Kulaks so hard because they held the power. The Nobles were actually Useful Literal Idiots.

Russia, fucking everything up literally before it was Russia.

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