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File: d594b91b9982dc0⋯.jpeg (24.32 KB,500x500,1:1,iu-6.jpeg)

 No.13551765 [View All]

As part of my eventual move to Svalbard


I have been spending between eight and fifteen hours a day learning Norwegian. To this end, I have decided to avail myself of Duolingo as a free resource. Would it be surprising to you that it is comprised of sentences mostly relating to:

>making sure every prime minister, doctor, astronaut, and physicist is a woman

>men in women's dresses

>gay marriage

>rainbow flags

>the plight of refugees

>the plight of immigrants

>the power of democracy

>anxiety, dread, and weakness

>inane cultural references

To make matters much worse, it is


in view of all (((research))) on the fundamentals of language learning. I will not bother you with citations, but it is total, thorough garbage. It's also the #1 education app on both iOS and Android stores, and is unlikely to fall any time soon. Not only that, but it is no doubt using its data, which can only but be enormous, to build god-only-knows-what sort of pedagogical AI megabeast.

Long story quite short: Duolingo is total fucking shit, and the education system, and the support structures, from top to bottom, are only going to continue to rot our children.


If any of you anons are educators by trade and would like to share horror stories, let's do that here. God morgen og tusen takk.

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File: a29980762858a57⋯.jpg (30.32 KB,218x249,218:249,mh.jpg)

Good goyim, flee to some frozen shithole while we destroy your home.

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Read this and don't post again until you understand the dharma. Thx.

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File: 03718bf0b76562a⋯.jpg (21.26 KB,552x479,552:479,03718bf0b76562a2463870d2fe….jpg)


>muh pajeet shit

>muh Indo European heritage

Fuck the dharma and fuck you.

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op kvifor planleggar du og flytta til svalbard? aleine? kva vil du oppnå?

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Jeg reiste til norge to år siden og jeg elsker deg. Og jeg trenger ikke (den tingen for passet mitt) i Svalbard. Jeg vil leser Hamsun i norsk og snakker fisk og ser isbjørn og alle det. Og ja bare meg. En år kanskje? To? Jeg vet ikke.

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File: d266dfd0014da53⋯.jpg (42.8 KB,799x433,799:433,Duolingo ceo.jpg)




gee, I wonder why? Stop using kike shit.

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>flee to some frozen shithole

>frozen shithole

t. nigger

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kjekt å høyra, eg smådrøymar om å kanskje gjera noko liknande ein gong. du får ha lykke til. (den tingen du referere til kallast visum)

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hahaha, bra setning. du er morsom.

>i speak fish

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>there's only one larper on the internet

>anyone that posts with a similar style to another other anon is that anon

>paid Aussie shitposting


Wew. I'd tell you to go back but I'd rather you just kys instead schizotard.

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Jeg skal skittpost når jeg ankomme og hvis du er i naborlag kan vi drikker øl og snakker/spiser fisk og kjempe en isbjørn.


løl ja snakker fisk og spiser fisk øgså

bare 18 dag!

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Fuck sake that was *my* plan to move to Svalbard with my Danish wife.

I'm learning Danish, written it's quite similar to Norwegian but fuck it's a mumbling language.

Haven't seen much on Duolingo though I'm quite early in. The main concern about Duolingo is that it actively seeks to teach rapefugees Swedish and other European languages to speed the process of intergration. Sweden is one of the most popular course for non English speaking people.

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Jeg elsker duolingo og sut dets pik :^)

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File: 6ddfb16f2b8bccf⋯.png (43.44 KB,640x405,128:81,atlas_HyubL49-.png)


>. Sweden is one of the most popular course for non English speaking people.

wrong, the biggest is English and french.

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Maybe for nordcucks. When learning German everything was kosher except the multiracial images.

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File: 3ccfca580ccce08⋯.png (551.69 KB,2996x1787,2996:1787,mpl_fig1_lang1.png)


I could be wrong, but I think the point anon was trying to make is that people use Duolingo in Sweden to learn Swedish.


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Going to uninstall Duolingo and switch to clozemaster post haste, thanks anon. I used Duo to refresh on my Russian before I went on a trip to Ukraine but the sheer volume of race-mixing anti-nationalist propaganda disgusted me.

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The faggot known as OP thought he was going to learn Norwegian on his gay phone.

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I thought you might find this funny, but I got this sentence from Clozemaster just now:

"“The Satanic Verses” by Salman Rushdie is a real masterpiece of modern literature."

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File: 7a4ef899caf7507⋯.jpeg (1.43 MB,3264x2448,4:3,D97C7518-CC78-43CE-B4EA-7….jpeg)

File: 77038ce02d59a88⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,3264x2448,4:3,F105899C-B61D-42B8-A0C0-1….jpeg)


this was reading material at a university apparently

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>As part of my eventual move to Svalbard

You're actually retarded.

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I'm learning German on Duolingo right now and haven't run into anything like that yet.

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Try learning Hebrew. The first things you learn are "Dad is coming" "Mom is coming" "They are coming" - It's very weird.

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Who is Stefan?

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Organized Education is a terrible thing, whether public or private. You are sending your children to learn provably wrong bullshit and what is actually true is taught with extreme gaps. Homeschool your children. Worse, your child may qualify for GATE. Perhaps even worse your child may be misdiagnosed by your nigger preschool teacher to have ADHD and then be put on such intense pills he is put into sped classes and all symptoms of being high are blamed on his false illness. I should know, both things happened to me. I will not go into the full story now but the horrors of organized education are one of the truest evils on this planet today. I am a victim of MKUltra and am still attempting to sort out which lessons were fact and which lessons were fiction

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>Worse, your child may qualify for GATE

what's that ?

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I used to take the German course from French and I never had this type of sentences. WTF?

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I'm going tp play Clozemaster apologist: If you read how they get the sentences, they are drawn from Tatoeba.org, which may or may not be compromised, but which is at least Creative Commons. Clozemaster itself is just a skin on a decade+ old CC database. I call it plausible deniability.

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No it isn't, you fucking outsider. But I guess you should keep ignoring all the evidence in the thread of how fucked the education systems are and convince us you're educated, because that makes sense, right retard?

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I'm working for Berlitz, and there's a unit called

>talk about environmental problems

with conversational vocab like "climate change," as in:

>Climate change is threatening our population.

All of education, from language learning to social studies, and science (maybe not math) is injected with propaganda where it has no logical place.

>be me

>on a conference call

>jew complains that the images we select don't have guidelines for balance and inclusivity

>literally says "it's not fair to the children"

>continues to hide power level

>be me

>selecting images to go along with assessment questions

>research images by tag: "smiling woman"

>return results tagged: "latino woman smiling," "happy same sex couple"

If race/sex/orientation don't matter, why is this relevant?


Literally every reading, English, and social studies curriculum has a lolocaust unit in every grade and possibly every chapter.

Is there a single industry not kiked?

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I was lucky to have spent years writing curricula in Saudi. Literally the promised land of not-having-to-hide-the-powerlevel. Coming back to America has been physically painful.

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I've learned basic russian from duolingo and op is just an autist cuck with a learning disability putting blame on teaching strategies

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You spent a bunch of time doing multiple-choice questions that could be solved by brute pattern recognition, and could thus be successfully accomplished by a crow. Just because Duolingo gave you XP (oh hey; it's almost like they know how vidya-game addled brains react to the dopamine triggers) doesn't mean you know Russian. Duolingo has no "teaching strategy." It has a let's-make-people-feel-good rat-pellet strategy.

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i don't know how kikes can even take themselves seriously when they look this fuckin goofy

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I am lucky that I can no longer even make it through the oblate negro spheroid gauntlet of the normal American university HR department in order to even consider applying for a job here. Back in 2015 I refused to participate in LGBT week and wasn't recontracted.

<the joys of the adjunct professor

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I had been using it for a couple of years too, I finally lost it and trashed it after seeing the n-th interracial couple picture.

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Can we please get a word filter for Svalbard = I’m a stupid nigger

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Anyone who cannot understand the allure of the hyperborean frontier is a spiritual nigger and has no home on /pol/. Please go back to Fark nå, takk.

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File: e5b1699df52774e⋯.jpg (160.14 KB,1196x848,299:212,mulatto preschool white ha….jpg)


That ain't nothing, peep this. Not only is she shitting on white kids, she's shilling for Netflix pedo kids shows on her Twitter.

Gradually I become more and more convinced that ethnostate is the only solution. So enraging!

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File: 4a43df7d4c2bd9a⋯.png (577.1 KB,1102x1341,1102:1341,screencapture-boards-4chan….png)

an actual good post on education (from a /cuckchan/ thread on Clinton's latest email release)

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Thanks, please make sure the next Trump administration runs such a investigation.


And also thanks, I may learn it.


We have three articles in German and use all of them, which might make the language hard to learn. But we use more compound words, so you might not need to learn that many unrelated words like someone learning English (which sucks).

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We won’t be doing what you want, jew.

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File: cb414acee6d39fd⋯.png (126.74 KB,1278x1023,426:341,racemix.PNG)


I got this a while back

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>As part of my eventual move to Svalbard

Who are you? That was my plan, too. Then I looked up the demographics: it's full of SEA monkies. There simply is no such thing as a white country anymore.

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>Long story quite short: Duolingo is total fucking shit

I'm learning Dutch on Duolingo and I get none of those things you mentioned. In fact, I have not seen a single real piece of poz.

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Even if you're not getting those things, Duolingo is still shit. Any primer on Second Language Acquisition will explain why this is the case.

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>Even if you're not getting those things, Duolingo is still shit. Any primer on Second Language Acquisition will explain why this is the case.

What do you recommend then?

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File: edb2c0a07bb617d⋯.jpg (93.86 KB,800x800,1:1,1446531381932.jpg)


Well this made me sad.

To know we're so heavily fucked from the get go. I mean I sort of knew but to hear it properly described throws it into a new light.

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Also been using Duolingo to learn German. Have you noticed that a toilet is used as the icon for household-related lessons?

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As far as apps go, Clozemaster and LingQ are both better. L2 acquisition really is all about comprehensible input (existing just at the edge of it) and context; Duolingo is magnificently bad at both. Leaving aside its absurd claims (34 hours of Duolingo is the same as a semester's class? No.) its ubiquity should be a fairly clear indicator that it's not serious. In exactly the same way that Rosetta Stone was a pile of shit before it, so too is Duolingo nothing more than marketing mixed with clever design. (muh XP)

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