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File: 7cdd5f55c5fef5a⋯.jpg (208.17 KB,900x500,9:5,Products-vs.-Services.jpg)

 No.13551658 [View All]

Subscriptions become the basis for the use of many goods. It is part of a growing economy of sharing, where access and use, not possession, counts. The economy of subscriptions is also attempted by traditional industries and in a few years it may dominate a significant part of the distribution of services and products.

Business based on the subscription model has been known for a long time, although it was limited to only a few industries, such as telecommunications and media. Digitalization and related social changes have changed the way of delivering content and services to consumers interested in using rather than owning them.

Property rights have been so violated that soon no one will own anything. You can no longer legally root your own mobile phone, modify the game console, buy and repair a broken Tesla car - and so on, and the list continues to grow. It is possible that in time the concept of hardware warranty will also disappear: the "time of use" will be introduced, for example, 3 years. After this time, by virtue of licenses, patents, contracts and the letter of the law, the use of the product will be prohibited/ illegal/punitive, even if it does not break down and is fully functional - it may be switched off remotely. This will lead to a "subscription" mechanism - that is, you will not buy a TV any more, but only a monitor with a license to watch TV channels. The same applies to PC games. Example

-Steam collapses or begins to require a monthly subscription and its users are palely afraid

By the way, hardly any product will work for longer than the "use-by" period foreseen by its manufacturers.

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>Oh, and uber is losing money massively, so this business model has yet to be proven.

All the good taxi drivers now drive for them or lyft and/or the food delivery companies and several drug dealers and others merchants. The taxi driver as majordomo isn't going away anytime soon. Once someone open-sources the app and taxi co-ops (re) appear it will go back to "normal."

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I bought one of these and used an ipod:


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>You can always go drive Uber rather than starve

You're stupid if you do though since you're putting wear and tear on your vehicle so a (((middleman))) can profit.

Again, an informal jitney service arranged through trusted friends of trusted friends, or an open source dispatch/payment service will kill Kikeber. Just wait.

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>You can look into "John Deere" tractors to see where a lot of this started.

Amen, John Deere and GMO seed providers had independent farmers in choke holds for nearly two decades. It was getting bad enough people were considering buying Chinese farm equipment even if it was less efficient.

Signing a contract to use and service something a certain way after you own it in total and title is bullshit.

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Read your EULA, you will be surprised what you can or cannot do (under color of "law") with products you "own."

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Do these drivers make a profit, period, considering all of their gas and maintenance costs? I thought it was proven a while ago that working for Uber is some super goyim bullshit.

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File: 13d5ad274c98d53⋯.jpg (33.48 KB,294x370,147:185,13d5ad274c98d53cf5df911e1b….jpg)

I think about the future and I just want to die…

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Basically with 5g you play your game on their computers at their data-center. You just have a screen + controller that is hooked up to their computer in whatever location.

Its like if you were playing an xbox with a 500 mile long cables attached to it.

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>Again, they have no crack. That's work for no payoff, thus it isn't done.

Steamwork DRM is easily cracked.

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Don't forget you have to have a car that is sufficiently new in its make.

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File: 3bcf72e849acce1⋯.jpg (68.54 KB,1000x1000,1:1,persian-cat-sculpture-lego….jpg)


Micro$oft have been doing this for years now. It's called Software As a Service, SAS. After reading through it, it's all subscription based software of their latest Office, etc. It's slightly cheaper, but the catch is, you have to sign THEIR contract, meaning they can "inspect" (((illegitimately own))) your material for there own malicious uses.

As OP puts it, you don't own anything, even your own material once you 'sign' their dirty contracts.

Alternatives are becoming the norm, because once you are out of subscription, the total costs (for the life of) of SAS are enormous compared to one-time ownership of something.

If you have a system, or Office product, Windows etc, now is the time to make an backup 'Image' of it. If your computer fails somewhere down the line, you'll at least be able to recreate what you've lost for no money, instead of $$$ubscribing to everything.

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>I use Krita

Just looked it up, seems neat as fuck. What have you done in it, if you can/want to share?

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Is that actually a prerequisite? How does anyone make money doing this?

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I wish private space agencies had subscriptions. It is stable long term to keep them rolling without jewing.

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I believe the car has to be no more than 5 years old and can't be a compact.

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It is so fucking cringey but you are right. I started doing a subscription box thing 3 months ago. $45/box and including shipping each box costs me $12. So far ive found 79 retards willing to give me $45 a month to receive a box that I spend maybe a day planning. The time to take advantage of npcs is now.

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>You can no longer legally root your own mobile phone, modify the game console


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I reiterate—how does anyone make a profit?

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Yet (((you're))) shilling for supporting (((corporations))).

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They're both free, anon. ; )

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Even if everything becomes subscriptions you still download for offline use. This is what the normalfaggots are doing paying, Pandora and Netflix while downloading everything they want to watch or listen to.

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Any recommendations for anons who might want to get into this as a 3rd gig?

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You are such a fucking faggot that, knowing nothing else about you, I want to kill you with a jagged rusty hook.

Quite simply, you lose.

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then kill yourself

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A lot of things have certainly moved that way. Your claim that soon no one will own anything is simply silly though.

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>Correct. F1 hybrid seeds, which make up the vast majority of our produce, do not make seeds that have the same genetics as they did. Essentially, we eat mulatto foods. Our ancestral foods, both plant and animal, are currently experiencing a silent genocide in the name of greater profit.

Stop using hybridization as a boogeyman. On top of occasionally occurring naturally (peppermint, for example, is an F1 hybrid and occurs in the wild as M. balsamea) hybridization has been used to great effect in pre-industrial selective breeding and the fact that it was relatively poorly understood until the 19th century and can be abused is no reason to REEE at it.

>When the White American farmer has to compete with the rest of the world for the lowest price produce, some are bound to cut corners, and the ones (I've seen) who pursue heirloom plant and animal farming are either leftist hippies with brown children or are Alex-Jones-tier boomer "I'll be in my bunker with muh constitution" types. I don't agree with them, but both sides do provide growing information that I can use for myself.

There's nothing really special about the average farmer; economic difficulties aside, most of them really don't give a shit about agricultural ethics or ecology or wildlife conservation and/or never learned about it much like how your average office worker never thinks about the fact that they're working for an entity with its boot on their neck and hand in their pocket.

>Maybe all the good folk are keeping quiet right now and selling mostly to their families and friends.

Most heirlooms are produced in home gardens and never reach the market.

>Not only vegetables, but farm animals of heritage breeds are also sturdier, able to take inclement conditions, and can find nutrients in imperfect environments, which means you won't have to buy Monsanto's GMO feed corn, fertilizers, and hormones. You'll also have the satisfaction of eating the same pork and beets that your ancestors 600 years ago or more did.

Heirlooms and landraces are specialized, not animal Übermenschen that can withstand anything.

>Speaking of hard copies, if you have any favorite written works or visual art, consider keeping a high-quality hard copy of it in a vaguely temperature-stable place, protected from sunlight. We no longer have the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, but we have depictions of it that our forefathers made. Without their efforts, all knowledge of this great wonder and feat of white man's skill would have been lost. What modern works will we lose forever in the subscription economy?

I would also add that hard copies of skill books are also eminently worth owning. They are not a substitute for either competent instruction or practical experience but the best ones come damn close and can help you do some really remarkable things.

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deere does do financing though its legit how they make most their profits is through financing

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Learn to live without utility services or grocery stores.

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>And people actually physically owned it. Shocking in this increasingly "renter's" economy.

>Things change, otherwise, we'd still be using 10 pound mobile phones - get over it.

Doesn't it make you angry that such NPCs exist?

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they did a study, uber drivers net about $4 / hr. it depends where you're ubering. in highly dense urban areas, whiter the better you can net much more. and even more if you limit driving to only holidays and weekends when carless are out shopping and partying.

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you could probably buy an office 2016 key for under $30 on key reseller sites, excel in particular is irreplaceable from what ive tried

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lol exactly

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This way kikes want to ensure that a) goyim own literally nothing, being non-persons b) rampant consumerism keeps going but without too much damage to ecology (they might start building things that last more than one season, but planned obsolescence will be virtualized as you'd have to keep paying regardless of product not actually breaking down and you buying a new one) c) privacy will be non-existent and all social relations, economic interactions, etc. will be governed by Talmudic law, with Noahide laws in place for those goyim who consent to this type of slavery.

We are nearing the endgame of the Protocols, and this should be opposed by all means regardless of differences.

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Also, this is where neoliberalism and communism horseshoe into total Jewish tyranny

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>The Future is ACCESS not Ownership

Let me guess who owns the access

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Comments about trojens on piratebay photoshop torrents scare me

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File: 4b4d2688df96606⋯.png (218.99 KB,600x345,40:23,You're Gonna Carry That Pr….png)


Molly never came back.

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File: d2dbff2a0ad3436⋯.jpg (226.52 KB,926x1112,463:556,tiny girl fisting her big ….JPG)



And I fucked up the post.

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lolberts gtfo

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Trips of despair

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This is why I buy my games from GOG instead. No online DRMs.

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>People just disobey this stuff. The internet would regard it as damage. I know the wannabe gods of this society are broken incompetents who want to die with inequality more than they want the eternal life potential enabled by a sufficiently functional society, but we are better served not to let them get their way. Shills still pretend nazism is something other than Africa’s sod, but in broader society there’s a growing need for the commercial classes to return value in more literal forms. An excessively parasitic model will be ripped out as uneconomical - capitalists may have fallen to seeking death, but most people find much meaning in their lives.

First post = best post

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>Still buying my music on CD, movies on DVD

Yessss…. Pay us for your subversion, goyim

>Subs are for bugmen

Subs are for VPNs and Usenet

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>That is why any laws that don't benefit people must all be ignored

Passing is easy, enforcing is the hard part

>and their enforcers killed.

Life in prison for whacking a meter maid is a dumb fuckin' idea

>The lobysts pushing for those practices must also be killed.

That's marginally better than killing meter maids, but still really dumb. Better to create a parallel system, people will abandon the old and adopt the new.

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>Our ancestral foods, both plant and animal, are currently experiencing a silent genocide in the name of greater profit.

As if seed banks don't exist https://www.seedsavers.org/ https://www.heirloomseedsolutions.com/product/heirloom-seed-bank/ https://www.anniesheirloomseeds.com/seed-banks/ KYS you demoralizationkike

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TORnigger for the win!

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File: 1d86f48dc614804⋯.jpg (207.21 KB,956x1280,239:320,1543900580195.jpg)

>unironically thinking that corporations actually hire people to post on /pol/ all day.

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How's this for synchronicity, OP?

>TV has invented the inner trip, LSD style, for the ordinary child. The TV watcher goes on an inner trip, not an outer trip. The movie watcher went on an outer trip; the camera took him outside into the world, extended his eyes. TV does not. It goes inside you. You are the screen; you go inside yourself, in depth, with icons. The iconoscope–the engineers call the tube that forces these images into you the iconoscope— these images go inside you. You are the screen. On TV you are not a camera. You go inside yourself.

>The TV generation of children are very depthoriented, completely unrelated to any outer goals. TV kids have no goals in education or living. They play the total field. Everything. They are hunters, not planters. A planter has his little strip culture, his own little pattern, his own little specialty, his own little skill. With electricity the whole field comes back into play. The little strip cultures such as basket-weaving and potmaking are gone. Our kids have no goals because they understand the world they are living in and you can't have goals in an electronic total-field world. You cannot have fixed objectives. What do you put in their place? Roles! Involvement–participation in depth—-m processes. Our youngsters understand this without fail. They understand that the new kind of world in which they live demands absolute participation in processes.

>This has been happening in big business, where all the members of the firm more and more insist on participation in decision-making at high levels, but when I mention the senior members of firms as being invaded by these teams of decision-makers from below, there is no inside or outside under electronic conditions. That is the meaning of our glass buildings, the new banking services. Another way of putting it, in ease I forget, is to say that under electronic conditions everything becomes a service industry, including education.

Education is the biggest service industry in the world and it is only beginning.

>All things become service industries, banking included.

—"Education in the Electronic Age," Marshall McLuhan

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Reported for being paid by a corporation to post here. No one is falling for your shit.

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>its called Cloud computing

AKA your shit is on someone else's computer, faggot

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