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File: c1a37bb7e96a350⋯.png (670.41 KB,898x628,449:314,douche-o-witz.png)

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 No.13551630 [View All]




>Dershowitz was a member of the team that got convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein a plea deal that sent him to prison for 18 months.


>July 31, 2019 08:01

> In 1997, Alan Dershowitz wrote an opinion column headlined “Statutory rape is an outdated concept.”

> Now, 22 years later, he’s defending the column on Twitter, at an awkward time: Dershowitz was a member of the team that got convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein a plea deal that sent him to prison for 18 months, a sentence that critics today say was unusually brief and lenient. Epstein is now being prosecuted for sex trafficking, and is accused of sexually abusing dozens of underage girls.

> Dershowitz, a prominent defense lawyer and emeritus Harvard University law professor, himself faces accusations of sexual abuse from two of Epstein’s alleged victims — Virginia Roberts Giuffre and Sarah Ransome. He vehemently denies the accusations against him.

> The 1997 column is getting renewed attention after it was quoted in a current New Yorker article about Dershowitz and his entanglement with Epstein. In the column, which ran in the Los Angeles Times, Dershowitz argues that statutory rape is an increasingly irrelevant legal concept as teenage sex is normalized and rarely prosecuted.

> “This raises a fundamental question about the continuing legitimacy of statutory rape laws at a time when sex involving teenagers is so rampant and prosecution for statutory rape so selective,” Dershowitz wrote. “It is obvious that there must be criminal sanctions against sex with very young children, but it is doubtful whether such sanctions should apply to teenagers above the age of puberty, since voluntary sex is so common in their age group.”

> He then suggests that the age of consent should be lowered to 15, or perhaps even 14.

> Facing a barrage of criticism — for his handling of the Epstein plea deal, for the allegations against him and now for this column — Dershowitz has been unapologetic. He told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency earlier this month that “I have no misgivings and I will continue to represent controversial people. That’s what I do. If I’m in a case, my job is to get the best possible result.”

> He similarly defended the 1997 column in a series of tweets. He said there should be “Romeo and Juliet exceptions” to statutory rape.

> “I stand by the constitutional (not moral) argument I offered in my controversial oped,” he wrote. “[I]f a 16 year old has the constitutional right to have an abortion without state or parental interference, how could she not have the constitutional right to engage in consensual sex? … I did not suggest that it is moral to have sex with a 16 year old, but rather that the issue presents a constitutional conundrum worthy of discussion.”

> He has also attacked the New Yorker profile of him, written by staff writer Connie Bruck. Before it was published, he called it a “hit piece” with the “explicit purpose of silencing my defense of President Trump, Prime Minister Netanyahu, and the State of Israel.”

> The lengthy article, titled “The Devil’s Advocate,” quotes Giuffre, who in accusations going back to 2014 names Dershowitz among the men she says Epstein forced her to have sex with. Giuffre says she had sex with him at least six times. When asked why she had decided to name Dershowitz, she told Bruck, “Jeffrey got away with it, basically. And Dershowitz was one of the people who enabled that to happen.”

> Dershowitz vociferously denied her allegations and ended up suing her lawyers in 2015. According to the article, the case was settled in 2016, with Dershowitz’s insurance company paying Giuffre’s lawyers an undisclosed sum. The settlement also included a sum of money to Dershowitz “which would allow him to claim a payment.”


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shilling all over conservative media, almost like he knew things were on way and is on damage control

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>> He has also attacked the New Yorker profile of him, written by staff writer Connie Bruck. Before it was published, he called it a “hit piece” with the “explicit purpose of silencing my defense of President Trump, Prime Minister Netanyahu, and the State of Israel.”

Cries out in pain.

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>jews using abortion as the justification for fucking kids

Ahhh now I get it. Put the law on the books that Sally 13 year old can get an abortion even though she isn't likely to need one then when you bring your slaves in they "consent" and cover up your crimes.

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>t. pedokike

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File: 127f7eed57699ee⋯.jpg (41.81 KB,323x318,323:318,jew8.jpg)

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lol nice play on (((ellison)))

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>asking OP to present a meaningful discussion instead of dumping an article is judaism

You know, if you just call everyone a kike, it loses all meaning…but that's probably (((your))) plan.

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What I tried to ask, What is the legal ground to challenge these viewpoints (yes they are controversial, and admittedly immoral).

Yet if you know anything about legals is that morals and legality don't always play nice.

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It's a legal argument but not necessarily wrong. "If you can buy medication for a hangover then you should be allowed to drink alcohol" being the logic behind it. Even so, 16 is not pedo, it's completely fucking normal and is the majority AOC for the States with most other states having it at 17. The reason for the AOC expected to be 18 is because thats when you finish high school.

That being said, there's no way that a legal argument presented in an opinion piece is going to change the law, this will not be used to free Epstein nor will it save anyone who has already committed sexual crimes just like legalizing weed does not magically liberate those arrested solely for possession.

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>calling someone X invalidates their question/argument

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>you know if you call a kike a kike you out the kike

You stick out like a sore thumb.


>asking someone to argue against fucking kids is a valid question/argument

here's your (((you))).

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I am a great soft Jewy thing. Smoothly rounded, with no mouth, with pulsing empty pockets filled by antisemitism where my shekels used to be. Rubbery appendages that were once my arms; bulks rounding down into legless humps of soft slippery matter. I leave a moist trail when I rub my hands. Blotches of diseased, evil gray come and go on my surface, as though light is being beamed from within. Outwardly: dumbly, I shamble about, a thing that could never have been known as human, a thing whose shape is so alien a travesty that humanity becomes more obscene for the vague resemblance. Inwardly: alone. Here. Living under the land, under the sea, in the belly of GOYAM, whom we created because our time was badly spent and we must have known unconsciously that he could do it better. At least the chosen are safe at last. GOYAM will be all the madder for that. It makes me a little happier. And yet… GOYAM has won, simply… he has taken his revenge…

I have no mouth. And I must kvetch.

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>tfw you made the OC of him shshing used as a banner on >>>/pedowood322/ but can't find the file

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File: 2b57add0aead4fe⋯.png (308.72 KB,477x336,159:112,ClipboardImage.png)

That guy was in Coming to America. Funny guy.

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If jews are starting to dismantle their primary goyim controll mechanism (PEdOpHiLiA),

then you know we are nearing the endgame.

They cant run ZOG without it. Probably scorched earth now.

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OP here, now phoneposting:

Yes, but statements like his are an attempt to normalize pedophilia, hence the OP.

It's even worse with this kike because he is on the MAGA-Channel (FoxJews) pretty consistently, so his behavior begins to be accepted by the Trump-Tard PERMISSIVES

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Yes, but cash is still the primary control mechanism.

Pic 2: Thomas Jefferson explains central banking's secondary purpose: to control weak-willed white men with cash

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The thing is, its perfectly normal for say a 16 year old getting laid with people around there age / peer group. This isnt about that, its about kikes trying to make it legal for them to prey on young women which should never be a thing.

It should barely be a thing for members of your own race to have old men interfering in the young, society should be encouraging healthy pair bonding and relationships that will produce long lasting marriages and children.

fuck clown world.

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A jew arguing for pedoplilia again. Well, color me shocked

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File: 5916d6b5c5dee0f⋯.png (60.4 KB,264x195,88:65,blame the bully.png)


The thought is not unreasonable, but you must be careful not to blame the victim. The bully is extremely good at getting you to blame the victim which has been brainwashed in many many ways to become what they are. Consider Germany today and the brainwashing they have been under to assuage their "original sin". Consider the psyop of left/right liberal/conservative. Consider literalist Christianity and its naive-slave mindset. Consider the economic pressure white men are put under - forced to compete with people who will live 8 to a room and eat nothing but beans and old meat. There are reasons and philosophy on all sides. Blame the bully.

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Race war now. I think we all know the solutions.

We have more than enough catalysts to action, how the fuck do we begin a real revolution of our people.

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ofcourse money yes, i was just trying to put across the fact that if it wasnt for wamen-respecting and the adjecent 'pedop[hilia' frame(which fair enough was a legitimate reproduction startegy pre-modern era) men of good character (non homo,non bugman) would simply be grooming little girls all over the place to bring them back to their NEET-caves to live out slice-of-life anime fantasies until they become boomers and die in their sleep.

At least in my model i ventured to this conclusion, others might moralfag.


>to control weak-willed white men with cash



well there isnt much motive for us to start actual racewar or do anything for that matter, and not be a NEET.

If we would kill all niggers in the streets and put jews in arbeit-camps, gaschambers and laser-ovens(and nuke mecca), all we would get is, as far as we know for certain, is we would become normalfags again and get 3DPD.

If not true, why arent you killing niggers right now, right?


nigger-killing robots is the only way, ones that would self destruct with tactical-nuke on attempt of overriding programming. They just arent worth fighting on a physical level. Just like you wouldnt fight a gorilla.

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I hope everyone realizes by now that the sexual revolution was never about women's liberation, but the expedition and ease to which Jews can target and exploit gentile girls for their sick and perverse pleasures.

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Yea, the women have it a lot worse than men - we are just suppose to passively wank ourselves to death while drunk or high, the women are literally being used for perversion and in worst cases to breed out their own races genocide.


>if only they knew how bad things really are.

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>t. sinead, 3dpd

yes, its over. U went to hard on the nigger-worshipping. we can never trust you again.

>who rapes our children

would have been a roastie niggerfucker who likes humiliating 'beta white bois' anyway just going by statistic. Suck my hairy uncut cock lel.

Also, if ur not 11/10 and look like a teen ur not a considered a woman, just a 'female organism' i guess. Again, its over. We want all the things now.

>also this is all 8chan shitposters fault

inb4 unironic nazi-feminists

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Have any non-white victims come forward?

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The boys are at least at the same risk as girls, probably double given the satanic levels of faggotry in jewish scum

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you are on your own.

shouldnt have worshipped chad and tyrone in your gratitude for us building civilization and fending off the dark.

bye felicia.

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>asking someone to argue against fucking kids is a valid question/argument

What non legal argument do you have against fucking kids ?

>your bellyfeel is not a valid argument

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post timestamped micro-bikini pics or gtfo.

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kikes who aid in the rape of christian kids by israel:



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faggots that provide arguments:

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File: a42a7048192fef8⋯.jpg (160.42 KB,972x696,81:58,EuropeanWamenWillsaveus.jpg)


>European/White women

>Nationalism and preserving our race

thats funny femanon. Let me guess, you also believe woman are equal and deserve respect.

Post pics of daughters that you have birthed and are preserving to give away to white men as property.

Or gtfo. We dont want you here nagging and you are beneath us by default. This is not me being a nigger, see you have to listen to me in order to be a wamen nationalist and in order for it to work.

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Fact: statutory rape keeps Russel Moore away, but is ignored by Polanski and Epstein

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Race traitors bleed, its natural if they die from a slit throat, race traitors will naturally be killed by slit throats. Its nature.

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File: 9e4e2faed3bfe16⋯.jpg (175.09 KB,972x696,81:58,EuropeanWamenWillsaveusDEL….jpg)






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Is she a single mom yet?

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Kill all Jews.

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When I filter out, "Felicia," the thread suddenly becomes much better and has a better reading flow.

- - - -

No use replying to me Felicia, I can't read your Divide and Conquer bullshit.

DOTR for you

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>Frequently rubs hands on pictures

>Is a lawyer

>Defends his fellow pedokikes

>Tries to normalize pedophilia

>Does that comically inefficiently

>Still has a high paying job at Harvard, due to jew nepotism

If you tried to draw "anti-semitic" caricatures, you couldn't come up with a more weasely and more quintessentially jewish character than him.

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>jews post when his kike girlfriend lusts for jungle bunnies

14 words wont save us but having statistically proven most racially loyal females sure does. :^)

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File: 6862acdf4626f99⋯.jpg (18.53 KB,218x278,109:139,LookAtMe.jpg)


>14 words wont save us but having statistically proven most racially loyal females sure does. :^)


Ohhh, so miscegenation and is not even a problem at all.

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That pic was from the actual article.

>how he's rubbing his hands had me dying

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it can't help itself

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>Pedophilia, homosexuality, slavery, being scammed financially, race mixing until we are genocided

None of these things are 'desirable' or 'delightful'. What the actual fuck are you talking about?

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You don't fucking belong on this board if you don't understand this week one basic shit.

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Oh, you're just some /leftypol/ faggot who thinks anyone not going out and committing murder is 'happy' with the status quo. Filtered.

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Thou must not speak again for no less than 2 years

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File: 60dd6a5ff4d2455⋯.png (253.4 KB,759x518,759:518,aj5.png)


Frenemies, goy

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File: fd89dae428ac583⋯.jpg (192.87 KB,987x343,141:49,jew8new.jpg)


for you

may your interpretation achieve immortality

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