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File: 07cc545f0848f8b⋯.jpg (815.84 KB,2000x3379,2000:3379,13 - zl75MA5.jpg)

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 No.13551488 [View All]

Iron March was a Mossad honeypot, as is Antipodean Resistance in Australia, Atomwaffen Division in the US, SEIGE, and National Action in the UK.

They are all one project, which is pretty obvious if you examine them closely.

The owner of Iron March was Alexander 'Slavros' Mukhitdinov who was a rather famous showman in Kursk, Russia. After searching his name in cyrillic, I learned that he MYSTERIOUSLY DIED in a car crash in 2017.


Here is Slavros' social media account: https://vk.com/id5978859

Reminder that Iron March went down in November of 2017. After National Action was banned in the UK, the (((media))) said that they had gotten lots of money from foreign sources.

However, (((they))) did not reveal which country or international entity funded them. Since Slavros was the ring leader of this 'satanic subversion' of far-right youth, it would be logical to suggest that Russia was the one funding these groups, but what would be the purpose of Russia funding alt-right organizations in Anglo countries?

This literally only benefits the US, UK, and Aussie state security services as it lets them crack down on far-right groups in their countries. But if Anglo glowniggers wanted to subvert far-right youth, they would not go through the troubles of registering Iron March in the name of some Russian showman and then killing him.

The only state security service that has access to assets in both Anglo countries and Russia is Mossad.

tldr; Mossad registered Ironmarch in the name of a Russian showman in order to create honeypot far-right satanist siege groups in Anglo countries. Afterwards they murdered Slavros to get rid of evidence.


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mudman detected

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kill yourself to death, chaim

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>using an aut kike meme

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File: b97d46b8a113767⋯.png (164.98 KB,1285x776,1285:776,World Wars.png)


That isn't a letter by Pike, it's commentary from William Guy Carr's awful book, Pawns on the Game, in reference to the phony "atheists and nihilists" letter. falsely attributed to Pike.

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>everything is a honeypot

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>fake quote that makes you look like an idiot (actually fucking read Morals and Dogmas by Albert Pike)

>just chill out and do nothing goyim, so we can lets millions more come in to destroy you

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a shame that such digits fall on a glownigger


based. me too.

reminder that anything blaming russia is the feds

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albert pike was an admitted luciferian and servant of the devils papacy. he was a knight of malta.

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>reminder that anything blaming russia is the feds

russia is still zog

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Wow op.

Shitlovers like >>13551710 and >>13551724 are in full effect itt.

Your conclusions are intereting even if you got the wrong guy it is unclear if the mong or the jew were killed and if they have same name.

Clearly jews are everywhere and simply pretend to not be.

>>13551543 is correct about jews everywhere just don't start keelling your family, which is what he wants.

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File: fdcae69aecbd330⋯.jpeg (65.74 KB,558x762,93:127,5b6f268f24c08.jpeg)

That is why the Jew Weev was shilling IronMarch so much on his podcast on Weev.net

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>muh russia

kill yourself

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Quit stealing our digits for your gay opps glownigger scum.

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Good, the doxing of the Noctulians & their handlers continues I see. Keep it coming anon.

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bruh, Satanists were fucking despised on IronMarch, especially O9A shit.

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You're bumping a shill thread.

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Atomwaffen post-satanLARP subversion =/= Ironmarch you shilling faggot kike

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Jews are shilling hard. There's nothing wrong with mutts being hardcore fascists.

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As long as they are fascists in there own countries. Slavros as an Uzbek-Mongol-Mutt living in Russia is somewhat defensible, since Russia is historically not a white country, but of course there still have to be race-mixing laws instated there just like in Europe and the US. In the latter countries, mass deportations are required. Then again, its not likely that more than 0,01% of non-whites will ever become fascists, so the question of "but what if niggers become fascists" doesn't even arise.

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Most people shilling against National Action and Ironmarch are either clowns from /britpol/, bootyblasted Christians, or newfags. Sage and move on

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Not everything is a Mossad op, but everyone who shills for 'fascism' over National Socialism is at best an idiot and at worst controlled opposition. Mussolini was an imbecile and one of the biggest reasons the Axis lost. He is 'the' reason the Greeks were forced to side with the Allies. Fascism is explicitly anti-racial and very clearly places the state and its authority over the people as the most important trait: it eschews racial consciousness for radical statism.

Fascism is not explicitly anti or countersemitic and largely does not conflict with their strategies and nepotism. Ergo, it is the natural fallback for them to assume in the face of increasing resistence to the ZOG globalist structure and liberal democratic values. Jews WILL attempt to reinsert and ingratiate themselves as supporters of Fascism. This is the logical play to make.

Either you are National Socialist or you are an enemy. There is a line in the sand, and Mongolian and mulatto civnats aren't on this side of it no matter how much they oppose Communism.

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It's a kike meme that fascism is "civnat".

The jews are trying to get fascists fight with nazis, it's fucking pathetic.

And yes, I call them nazis as Goebbels did.

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>The jews are trying to get fascists fight with nazis, it's fucking pathetic.

This, don't fell for kike meme.

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Go home, Sinead. You're drunk again.

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That is until Weev happily jumped in with the rest of the DS/AltKike crowd to fuel the AWD Satanic Panic. Too many oblivious faggots here.

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>It's a kike meme that fascism is "civnat".

No, it isn't. You just refuse to accept the reality of what Mussolini was. National Socialists rejected Fascism on the very grounds I have described; if the two ideologies were compatible, they would not have been different ideologies in the first place. Fascism is not racial or anti-semitic. Ergo Fascism is not the solution and is in fact part of the problem. Jews cannot co-opt National Socialism, they can only demonize and attempt to discredit it. They can and will co-opt Fascism, and in many cases have already done so.

National Socialism is the solution. If "fascist allies" were so "based and redpilled," why are they fascists and not National Socialists?

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You could have made this thread alot shorter just by saying "everything is a mossad operation, therefore kikes want accelerationism"

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They were originally. But they wormed their way in, and Fascist Forge might as well be called "Tempel ov Fashy Goths" at this point.

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>Muh Satanic Panic

Everyone has your literature fuckwad - including the bit where it says to accuse anyone that calls you out of "conspiracies". Satanists are not, nor ever will be National Socialists, Fascists or any other Third Position. You're merely wannabe kikes hoping to become vampires like larping faggots.

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>white identity groups are a kike psy op

>just like your race die off slowly without fighting

Feds will always attach themselves to political groups that are outside of the norm. That doesn't mean you should be afraid of it. Infact feds that are tasked with attaching and documenting can and will become part of the movement themselves.

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>oy awful

There was actual evidence sitting in the fucking library until you kike fucks stole it to erase historical evidence and discredit him, moshe.

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look all I don't get is why would atomwaffen openly put order of nine angles/temple ov blood stuff on their recommended reading list on their website? why not keep that shit under wraps? isn't satanic subversion supposed to be done in secret? being all open about it defeats the purpose

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>>They are all one project, which is pretty obvious

Provides no proof… Could it be that OP possess a tiny, mutilated dick and a YUGE nose I wonder.

Who cares what kikes want???

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Well, Noctulians are retards, so they're unlikely to make the brightest of decisions, I guess.

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Watch out, Sinead McCarthy's on the warpath tonight

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>lets them crack down on far-right groups in their countries

Yes, Britain is full of far right groups that the state needs an excuse to crack down on. Like… NA. Oh, wait, that would mean mossad is more based than I thought. inb4 I'm told about tommy's liberal shitshow

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we must make sure we keep the blood untainted of slav dna, so the Africans have enough to go around

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Right, after readong that absolute shit show of an OP Ive decided to clear some things up. First, NA was not funded by anyone. We pooled our money to create a small pot for expenses but we had no direct funding. We were donated a monthy rent for a small gym by an individual I will not name for obvious reasons, but all this 'Russian funded the NA honeypot'is bullshit. Second, NA was not a honey pot. It was young, likeminded national socialists coming together to advanxe their cause. That was it. Do not believe the bullshit, these kikes qant you scared shitless and sat in your parents basement. Get out and get organized with local like minded individuals.

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Too many fearful faggots making pulling speculation out of their asses about the IM groups, which were the only legitimate answer to the effeminate AltKike. These useless pearlclutchers make shit up in order to justify their own inactivity irl. Instead they rally around online mountebank merchants to brag about a comically false sense of self-righteousness. “White revolution means buying my merch and making donations to me, stupid goyim!”

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That's not slavros at all dude. alt-right sure hated IM though. Frankly I consider this whole "satanist" accusation against them to be one more facet of that, ancient protestant tactic commonly used in america.

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As opposed to whites dying a slow death constantly cucking over optics?

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File: 637e3496303a76e⋯.png (196.87 KB,1789x251,1789:251,David Myatt 1.png)

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David Myatt, the originator of most of this style of resistance, is a saturnian glow in the dark nigger. but I still agree with him.

And btw for the anons that haven't figured this one out yet:

Islamic jihadism is a blueprint for what will be organized in the West. They are just testing techniques.

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It could mean anything. It could mean that if you start any group, anywhere, that has a purpose of benefiting a people and ridding itself of jewish influence, that jews and jewish agents will try to infiltrate it, so that some retard like yourself could come along and claim everything is jewish, everything is mossad, give up goy.

Fuck you nigger. All operations belong to us. We will take them all. Your efforts will be reshaped and turned against you. THAT is what you fear.

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It makes sense. So long as non-jews are recycling their bodies and souls through abrahamic perspectives, jews retain control over the narrative. It is when you step out of their game, and begin to play your own that they start to panic.

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Are you fucking dense? Slavros was arrested by Russian feds plus he was against Satanism.


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File: 2f003509dae6888⋯.jpeg (90.55 KB,1000x1333,1000:1333,AC432D03-7AD2-4D0D-A904-0….jpeg)


Kek, that Slavros you posted is whiter than the Slavros associated with Ironmarch.

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he's from Uzbekistan

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They destroyed it. And while it was collapsing, infused it with their influence and perspective. That is where we are right now. They don't want this house of cards destroyed.

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That dude isn't even close to white… Not even 50%. Why would Europeans follow him?


>If you're not European, you cannot be a National Socialist or a Fascist, period

I'm pretty sure Uncle Adolf would disagree. We can have allies and they can hold the same principles we do, in their own way. They'll never be us and we'll never be them, but that doesn't mean we can't share certain virtues and political traits in common.


>only kikes and brainwashed normies equate National Socialism to white supremacism.

Look at how "white supremacy" was originally used. (In a positive light.) A true nationalist of any stroke is going to strive for his people's dominance. That's a good thing. The only reason to disconnect those two terms is to avoid the political stigma, but the reality is that Jews have successfully demonized an otherwise benign concept.


>National Socialism is not White Supremacy, this is why Hitler allied with the japanese.

>implying that white supremacy means hating everyone else because they're different

I want whites to be supreme and I want Japan to be a sovereign nation with a racially homogeneous population with its own, distinct culture. I assume that any healthy Japanese person would feel the same way about his people. That doesn't bother me in the slightest because we are not enemies and there's no reason we can't work together to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. These are not mutually exclusive. No matter how much you try to make them be, these things will never be contradictory.

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In your second image that would be A.K. Chesterton, not G.K. Chesterton. Very different men. All said it's a good write up but kinda sparse, any more on this guy?

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