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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 9eae4560adec202⋯.png (953.18 KB,849x537,283:179,ClipboardImage.png)


You being enslaved.

That is the idea. They get to, without warrant, control, or oversight, pick apart and store the most minor details of your life.

YOU, on the other hand, cannot find out who they really are, what they are doing, or even what they know about you

So, is this not the very definition of slavery, of despotism? The government monitoring and controlling you so you never feel safe to have a possibly non-approving of homo infant rape conversation because the local Faggot In Charge might SWAT you?

I think what we need is simple. Physical records, kept in ONE secure location, that can ONLY be accessed, in person, by a person who has to prove they have every right to be specifically looking, and specifically at YOU.

We can't enslave everyone to prevent three hijackings and two mass shootings per year.

Just clean the scum out of the Letter Agencies, and hijackings and mass shootings stop.

Ever notice how NAMBLA conventions and meetings never suffer a mass shooting?

Ever notice how Perversion Pride parades never get napalmed?

You can tell who is really doing the mass shootings. It sure ain't right-wing (aka non-pedovore) people.

Just like the "nazi" Azov regiment in Ukraine that destroyed many churches and NO synagogues. Suspicious much?

When mass shootings start targeting the enemies of infant virginity et al, we will know it is not the ((((((FBI)))))) who is doing them.

Until then, the targets demonstrate the actors.

I know the gay nightclub got shot up (multiple shooters, according to queer-eye witnesses.) But, why never NAMBLA? Why not that?

Nah. Not organic. Not grassroots. Besides, we on the sane side don't really deal with stuff by random lone-wolf attacks. It's more of the scale of Nuremberg rallies.

But, back to the point. You are already enslaved and cowed. When they can monitor you 24/7 via your phone, that is, in fact, a complete violation of your constitutional rights.

So do you think voting for Bernie Sanders is going to improve that?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We have known this since Ron Paul at least, newfag.

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Kill yourself and stream it yid.

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>do you think voting for Bernie Sanders is going to improve that?


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>So do you think voting for Bernie Sanders is going to improve that?

Your writing did sound like that of a left-right-paradigm Trumpscum subhuman.

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An end note. Though the present government has done little that is visible to cause revolutionary change in the anti-straight-people agenda, it is a reminder that voting against the Republicucks in the next election will only make things even WORSE.

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The only demokike worth voting for is Tulsi Gabbard, any faggots advocating voting for a legit kike like (((Bernie Sanders))) is a tranny shill.

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"revolutionary changes"

Haven't heard one White say that since.

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Nice try, spiccy. You glow. You will end up like pianoboy

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You do realize this crazy spic jew cunt is just a vapid bar whore who answered a casting call and now mouths whatever demented shit Cenk Uighur tells her to mouth?

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that sounds more like a film character, like PFC J Vasquez, tbh

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File: 4d08fdafa9d42b5⋯.jpg (82.35 KB,1024x768,4:3,faggot.jpg)

>/pol/ is NAMBLA and Perversion Pride


Into the hide & report it goes. Enjoy your gas.

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The technology of climate analysis is linked to skillsets necessary to colonize Mars. If we trust scientists to establish habitats with livable conditions on Mars, we should trust them with climate analysis on Earth.

Antiterrorism legislation may be an unnecessary distraction from this. Paranoid governments behave in irrational ways and undermine trust in society necessary for large scale projects. Nor is every hindered project something as large and out of reach as climate change or Mars colonization, but there is also a basic level of interpersonal trust needed for something as basic as modernizing water infrastructure. For as such work is expensive, few souls wish to perform it, and the benefits are so diffuse as to require interpersonal faith to believe in, then inevitably even where it would be greatly rewarded over time there is in the immediate sense a price to be paid in taxation and short-term gains foregone. To take such expenses requires trust.

Let us look at the development of our sewage systems, and know that they embody the trust humanity has for each other. By the trust that gives us clean water, let us know that scientists speak more truth than do the proponents of antiterrorism legislation.

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Bump for having a thread post by someone who wants to live forever :)

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>being enslaved

look who is only now waking up. this was a plantation long before you were born.

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Bernie is useful because he will represent jews and all his desicions can be shown as anti-white jew in action to make people hate jews.

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Doesn't need to be said, it's every white heterosexual mans heart.

Returning to tradition and shunning of the jewish fabricated modernity. It's happening and they won't be able to stop it, the more they try the more they accelerate it.

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>So do you think voting for Bernie Sanders is going to improve that?


Fuck off glow in the dark nigger.

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