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File: f5e40e7168b7961⋯.png (173.59 KB,454x326,227:163,1530983887981.png)

9cc679 No.13550765 [View All]

I have, throughout my time in this movement, seen a disconcerting appreciation for the more stifling and savage elements of National Socialism. Our race has, through its high dynamism and individuality, managed to conquer the world, yet certain facets of fascism such as a large, bureaucratic state, extreme ideological control, and autistic worship of esoteric mysticism are largely antithetical to our people's ethos. Of course, I recognize the necessity of limiting degenerate and subversive thought, and know that each nation needs its own "religion," but surely you all recognize that these things, at least to the extent they were done by the Third Reich, end up depressing the collective spirit of the people and shortening the government's lifespan. When we win, we must not allow ourselves to become tyrants, but instead uplift the lives of the common man. After all, the role of any state is to maximize human happiness, and blind adherence to ideology is in no way conducive to that.

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b1ee87 No.13553427

File: 702f90c9a92fdf2⋯.png (943.56 KB,1338x666,223:111,Screenshot_10.png)


It doesn't matter what you believe in. I don't give a fuck. It's your life - do what you want with it. But more important than any brand name or ideology or title you give yourself, fight for your dream.

And as long as you fight and struggle and stay true to your dream, even if you fail, you'll die a happy, made man.

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efd5f8 No.13553446




Do you get all your talking points from whatever shit you happen to be watching at the time?

I know you are the same spammer from the tarrant thread

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b1ee87 No.13553455


Uh, was there something wrong with what I said?

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efd5f8 No.13553459

Telling people to "struggle" is kind bigoted. Better they gently flow into the mud.

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efd5f8 No.13553463

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b1ee87 No.13553468


He's definitely being an autist. They're the types that have something against people who learn useful philosophies from anywhere they can.

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efd5f8 No.13553476


Any old holewood.

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efd5f8 No.13553493

>African tribal warfare

Mud huts.

>European tribal warfare

Whoops, we did a civilisation again.

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d3b54c No.13553495


Literally 404'd

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c78a8a No.13553638

There is no future for any nation, ethnic or civic, while using unbacked fiat, including crypto (which is rothschilds, if you didnt know). By the use of money which is un-tied to the energy of the people it is supposed to serve, the entire nation can be stolen and it's only a time frame of about a hundred and thirty years (probably much less in the future). Centralization is inherently flawed. Decentralization means internalization of the requirements to stay decentralized by the population. The original US constitution was designed with the intent that counties held and maintained civil militias. You need projection of force among the people too ie militias. There needs to be a civil court for removing foreign powers who subvert the civic order (ie jews). We cant have one now because the balance of power has been removed from the structure of law by the synthesized consensus of non-free-press and the pocket lining of the executive, judicial and legislative branches. Essentially what was supposed to be a nation of people has reverted back to its origin of jewish despotism, the same as the ones who owned king george III.

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42ec49 No.13554218

File: cd4127589175f49⋯.jpg (243.47 KB,800x612,200:153,05f1111dd2eab6156a4f46bfb2….jpg)


There is a large population of these zoomers, especially here on 8chan. They like to denounce this lad while acting the same. Parents don't raise their children anymore traditionally. There is obviously a youth problem who try to emulate that which they deem great and identify themselves as it. It is a disgusting phenomenon and I've honestly lost any hope for any kind of "unity". In reality it will de-evolve into these brats wanting power and fame, nothing more nothing less, they talk about ideology, noble deeds while at the same time being narrow minded, they speak of truth like they know it when they have no connection to the past. When society collapses these inbreed brats will attack each other, family against family, white against white. Only real unity one has is your family. Don't fall for the meme of ideology.

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9977fc No.13554230


>crypto (which is rothschilds, if you didnt know).


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20ea6c No.13554253


What gets me is that they're yearning to destroy society, civilization right down to the ground, which is ironically, the very thing that the jews themselves yearn for. Nothing would make the jews happier than to throw the entirety of Western Civilization onto a huge bonfire. And this is what these supposed champions of the white race are calling for. They have no sense of defending the the greatest triumphs of the white race, it's greatest treasures. They're abysmal idiots.

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67e5fa No.13554305

You really cant call any National Socialist a "blind adherent to ideology". If we were we never would have questioned the greatest lies ever told and become National Socialists in the first place. OP is a fag.

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efd5f8 No.13554577


>great treasures

>"leave me alone, I'm an individual!"

>"worships the expression of white genius, while minimising its biological foundation"

>probably thinks technology modernity and cultural modernity are inseparable

>minimises ns technical achievements

>talks authoritatively on countries he clearly knows nothing about

>worships Scottish banksters

>"society" posting in current clown year

>implying our current civilisation isn't built around the needs of kikes

Yeah, the Jews sure would love to see a revolution of white people.

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efd5f8 No.13554583

There nothing that sickness me more than the cunts who want to make sure our "treasures" are passed on to nigger half-breeds.

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20ea6c No.13554819


You don't know anything about social credit if you think it means "Scottish Banksters".

Great treasures yes. The Uffizi, the great gothic cathedrals, the Baroque composers. You scorn them, feel indifference, the jews are lusting to destroy them and rub our faces in the ashes. Fuck off shit. You have nothing to offer. You might as well be the jew manager of a nigger gangsta rapper

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3cd720 No.13554872

File: 51001c8a1a09029⋯.png (104.27 KB,642x600,107:100,51001c8a1a09029a1f0a73e4db….png)


>After all, the role of any state is to maximize human happiness,

You think the state is a glorified theme park operator?

The purpose of the state is to enable the Nation it represents to survive, thrive & evolve through joy & struggle. Not wipe their backsides.

>blind adherence to ideology is in no way conducive to that.

Who says its blind? Im a National Socialist by conscious will. Because its the Truth. Sadly however, most people are not capable of formulating their own opinions. For these people obedience must simply be demanded & earned through results & good character.

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3cd720 No.13554879


> the national socialists used conscripted battalions of unpaid workers

Nope. They were all paid. Even the inmates of the camps were paid.

Kys faggot.

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42ec49 No.13555323


Kinda wish there was a religion of archiving history of the human race, too bad this wish is at best science fiction when the average lad wants to become the next politician or youtuber (looking at you all wannabe Hitler.jrs here on 8chan)

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3cd720 No.13555807

File: 8fac234225d9b61⋯.png (799.22 KB,736x1110,368:555,30f3da45784bd05ae1b18043dd….png)


> religion of archiving history

Thats what culture used to be.

Now its just a tool of the filthy, stinking jew.

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0a8d8f No.13555894


So what? All votes are virtue signals. People will not vote for what will make them happy, they will vote for what their religion tells them to, so if we want to win a vote, we must change the religion to true Christianity that accepts biological facts, and if we want to take over without a vote, we must change the religion to true Christianity.

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756636 No.13555933


Heilige Scheiße

You know nothing about National Socialism or the Führer. geh dich erhängen Schwuchtel

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45db30 No.13556024


Anyone got a link to that flick?

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f4544f No.13556058

Gas yourself faggot

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efd5f8 No.13556126


The only one lusting after objects is you. The amount of projection is off the charts.

>white race is dying

>time for social credits, guise

Chairs on the titanic.

>We must secure an existence for muh Cathedrals and chink tourists

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efd5f8 No.13556142


>a religion of dead things

we have that

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7d01b0 No.13556395



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b49e11 No.13556999



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5977a0 No.13557028


checked glowposter

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af9bb3 No.13557032

>this thread is still here


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f9b849 No.13557042

>After all, the role of any state is to maximize human happiness,

This is the second time you have posted this absolutely retarded nonesense, the first time was in the National Socialist Religion thread you made.

The roll of the National Socialist state is to safe guard the race from subversion and to ensure a state the serves the people above any other group of people or capital. It is to keep race living in accordance with truth.

If that state was to maximize happiness then we should all be hooked up to a drip injecting us with drugs 24/7. You stupid fucking nigger, have you read any natsoc sources, lie is struggle not about muh pursuit of habbiness.

Fuck you cunt lurk more.

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5977a0 No.13557052


Cowards will forever justify their cowardice.


>the defeat of the White race is its triumph

Makes no sense. Western Civilization is corrupt to the core and is now used against Whites.

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20ea6c No.13557075


>Makes no sense. Western Civilization is corrupt to the core and is now used against Whites

This is a delusion foisted on young people by western media. 99% of Western Civilization is sublime and exalted. You've been simply too intellectually lazy to partake of it. You've been living in the middle of a splendid fruitful garden full of all the best things to eat but instead you've been going to an old hag to devour rotten sewer fish fried in transformer oil.

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af2489 No.13557076

File: 7d09f563f74cf87⋯.jpg (359.05 KB,900x1185,60:79,Hitler staring into distan….jpg)



>Believing in a pseudo-religion where Hitler is a manifestation of some higher power.

Hitler was an incredible man with a remarkable vision, but it is absolute folley of the highest order to liken him to the power of Mother Nature or God Almighty. He was a human with human faults who should be respected but not worshipped.

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f9b849 No.13557128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Growing up means watching my hero's become Human.

I have to agree with this, Hitler may well of been anointed by the order or god or kalki who knows or he may have just been the greatest man who ever graced the earth. The fact is he did indeed make mistakes and he may have been too soft and trusting of his inner circle - the resistance movement.

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140475 No.13557154

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7d4c60 No.13572124

File: 02a697662290a55⋯.jpg (1.62 MB,3500x2397,3500:2397,02a697662290a554e9ee9022f3….jpg)


You all do realize that the average dickhead doesn't want to grow through struggle or some shit like that, he wants to have a loving family and nice home to come home to every day. The state should work to make this a reality above all else, to create the conditions that bring about human happiness. This isn't giving people hookers and blow, it's about creating a society that brings a fufilling life to those within it.

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0e37e9 No.13573670


There is no happiness without unity.

There is no unity without homogeneity.

There is no homogeneity without purity.

There is no purity without the elimination of evil.

There is no elimination of evil without the necessary curtailing of subversive elements.

There is no necessary curtailing of subversive elements without recognising that peace can only be achieved through victory in a war against our enemies; on every front.

The shortcoming you describe is born not of faults in National Socialism but in the fault of those, predominantly Americans of questionable intelligence, who espouse its merits selectively and are driven by the same slavish adherence to base instinct as the jew promotes.

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1c17c5 No.13573825


And nationalizing the banks and freeing there people from the international jew which is why they declared war against germany and tried to destroy germany.

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a2054a No.13574216

File: c9e6cc911524729⋯.mp4 (11.36 MB,640x360,16:9,DESU-EX.mp4)



I agree OP, the only parts of NS I agree with are supporting ones racial family through eugenic socialism. I am far more liberal in the classical sense than most of /pol/

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054c47 No.13574550

>>throughout my time in this movement

Where does this nigger think he is? You aren't part of any 'movement' you basement dwelling, cuck.

>>are largely antithetical to our people's ethos.

Fucking WRONG, asshole. Try reading a book instead of social media.

>>end up depressing the collective spirit of the people and shortening the government's lifespan.

Wrong again, retard. I think you pull that one out of your faggot ass unlike the other shit which some jew ejaculated into your ears and eyes.

>>When we win,

You'll be dead. Some nigger/muslim/spic will rape you in the first days and slit your throat when he's done with your faggot ass.

>>After all, the role of any state is to maximize human happiness

HAHAHHAHAHAHA what? Sorry junior but daddy government doesn't exist to make you fucking happy. The principal duty of the state is the protection of the citizenry. The rest is up to you.

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f87f0f No.13574869


Germany was in crisis. They performed the successful act of loosing the clamp of common religion. Of course this was positive and it still is.

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f87f0f No.13575015



Everyone has these feelings. yes, but stop calling it that. It's a huuge problem.

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cfb0c2 No.13575806


National socialism is for bootlicking retards. It destroys free speech and it makes it easy for charismatic incompetents to gain power. Look at Hitler - he was good at making speeches and at domestic political maneuvering in general, but he was inept at geopolitics and got his own country destroyed. Also see Goering and Himmler.

88 is always holding 14 back.

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cfb0c2 No.13575816


Yeah, when the survival of the nation was threatened by a war that the incompetent NatSoc leadership got the country into.

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41ec4f No.13575840

File: 78dc8030c9cc60e⋯.png (63.23 KB,1920x1280,3:2,1920px-Black_Front_flag.sv….png)


this desu

Hitler was corrupted with power through the latter half of WW2 and forgot all about what made the original NSDAP great, and betrayed his henchmen during the night of the long knives.

Pic related is the solution to hitler fetishism

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90e430 No.13575857


Gregor did nothing wrong. He politely left the NSDAP and months before the election Hitler showed up at his door offering him a job, despite the long knives Hitler gave his family a nice meaty pension as it wasn't personal purely politics. Otto on the other hand was a faggot just a Rebranded social democrat despite the NSDAP ending up with Keynesian economics anyway.

Either way we live in a different time, different problems and political landscapes. It probably best to focus on the basics and foundations lead to the creation 3rd position to begin with. That would be Evola, Nietzsche, Spengler, Plato, Hegel, Sorel… Then more modern influences could be Ezra Pound, Junger, Heinlein, Sunic, Benoist etc. Gotta adapt and innovate.

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cfdf28 No.13575868

Yeah I get this.

Personally I feel theres more for us to emulate from Mosley than Hitler.

But at the same time he also raises a point about fascism/national socialism that I feel is very important to us.

It doesn't come with a set policy agenda, the fascism of one people will differ wildly from the fascism of another in terms of policy and law.

What matters is the underlying principles of unity and improving your people.

We are not Germany in the first half of the 20th century.

The overwhelming majority of us are not even Germans and thus don't have their need for rigid structure and control.

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f981aa No.13575878

File: 4e80e95b98eac83⋯.jpeg (762.54 KB,1179x596,1179:596,IMG_9412.jpeg)

I think we need a mix of national socialism and a republic. Pretending that the national socialism of the 30s will work now isn’t realistic, but they did completely rebuild their country without being owned by Jews. Something America has to do or will crumble intentionally.

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