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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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 No.13550225 [View All]

1998 zoomber here. My memory goes as far back as 2001 when I was 3. Mostly negative stuff I remember, but things didn’t start getting better until late 2004 / 2005. My current understanding of the early ‘00s culturally was that it was at a time when you had Bush, 9/11, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Limp Bizkit, MTV, and other equally cancerous garbage. Basically, it was a shit time period when the rest of the world was laughing at America. I remember going to some nightmarish daycare and seeing Monsters Inc at the theaters in 2001, among other things. This thread is mostly addressing those born in the late 90s (‘96 to ‘99 mainly), but people born in the early 00s (2000 mainly) and prior (mid or early 90s and prior) can also feel free to add on in. I personally think the late 00s (2006 - 2010) were a lot better. But I’m just speaking for myself personally here.

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Kikebank poverty.

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I remember dancing on the roof after my new friends from the synagogue blew up Larry's buildings so he could collect the insurance.

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2003 was the year that the decline of our civilization became extremely noticeable.

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I tripped the breakers at a party for that shit. The panicked screams of the 30 adults upstairs were divine.

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everyone did a lot of binge drinking and abused opiates and benzos, bunch of people I knew either overdosed or became junkies, if anything I feel that I'm more of a survivor of the past 20+ years, good thing president DJT is draining the swamp, ammirite my fellow pedes?

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>2003 was the year that the decline of our civilization became extremely noticeable.

it was a decade of fear and loathing, kinda weird looking back in retrospect

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1997 here,


I faintly remember the world as this anon describes it. Ive always had a mature mindset so I always payed attention to everything even when I was younger. Besides that though when 9/11 happened thats what all the adults around me were talking about so because of my mindset I wanted to know everything about what happened because I wanted to be part of the conversation, Needless to say that started my dive into politics. Started out watching the news coverage of 9/11 then onto all the history channel doc's I could watch on it, then around 06/07 I dived into Alex Jones and now im here. Other than all that I always thought and saw the early 2000s as the last years of peace and sanity to some degree. Yes, the degeneracy we suffer from today began then but back then it was like no one really cared about anything. Everyone just wanted to have fun and live out what was left of the 90s. It was almost like a dream land were people knew there were issues but nobody gave a fuck and just did there own thing. People definitely didn't take politics as seriously as they do now bedsides the Iraq war controversy. Between 9/11 just happening, the early days of the internet and people coming off the 90s wave it was the final days of good times that ultimately led to the dark times were in now.

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I’m just gonna be real honest here, people who are around my age (i.e. went to high school in 2013 or 14) aren’t that redpilled. One time when I was in world geography class, the teacher was talking about the browning of America and how it was such a good thing, and I remember thinking that it was a terrible thing and even speaking out against it in class and yet everybody just kinda looked at me and didn’t back me up. Then I remember that time when I got called out for saying the word nigger by this zoomer kid. From my personal experience (at least for where I live (Lexington County, SC)), I’ve only met 4 - 7 people who were racist in any kind of way out of the 21 years of living here. One was a kid who was around my age back in ‘07 that I met at a Ryan’s with some other family who kept making black jokes, which I thought were funny. Other than that, the only people other than that that I know of are my little brother (zoomer, born in ‘04), one of my uncles, my mom’s ex, some teacher I used to go to, and these two gay kids that said black dicks look like turds (one was a hermaphrodite, the other one was some androgynous looking guy who were both around my age). But ironically enough, two of those 6 are yankees; both of them from New York. I also think that teacher I used to see was a yank. Southerners are mostly cucked. The “gunfederate flag so based ololololol” is so fucking untrue for where I live. Sure you might see rebel flags being flown by people, but most of them probably have daughters that get BLACKED and will denounce racism and throw their fellow white man under the bus at the drop of a hat if it means not being associated with racists. The “muh heritage not hate” crowd.

The majority of kids I knew from school were not racist. Only two or four that I can think of ever said anything racist.

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>dataminethread disguised as uninformed blogpost

>D&C between white people

Not working Jakov. The old generation, they join hands - with the new youth. The new generation, which remembers the mighty past and venerates its elders.

(((you))) can drown in a puddle of pigshit.

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>The old generation, they join hands - with the new youth.


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>people who are around my age (i.e. went to high school in 2013 or 14) aren’t that redpilled.

That's because you were there at peak globohomo. Kids that entered HS just a few years later are radically different. This has happened before.


>Today a friend and I were talking on the phone, and she mentioned something that I thought was interesting. This friend was born in 1980, and I was born in 1979. we are both undergraduates in college, although we are getting close to an age where we are no longer "college age". We were talking about how we felt going to school with people a few years younger than us. She mentioned that quite apart from the normal differences of associating with people four or five years younger then her, there was a specific cultural difference, almost a generation gap, between herself and people sometimes just a year below her.

>We talked about this, and we found that there is a generation gap between people who entered junior high around 1992 or 1993, as opposed to those who entered junior high in 1994 or 1995. The entire way of viewing popular culture between me and her, and people two years younger than us, is different. The reason for this is possibly that in the early 1990s, as cliche as it sounds now, bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam were called alternative and actually were. People who came of age then and embaced "alternative" culture saw of themselves as "a little group", and saw the mainstream culture as in opposition to them. However, fairly quickly, as early as 1994, mainstream culture begin to absorb "alternative culture". I remember how shocked I was to see blond haired, soccer girls wearing Pulp Fiction t-shirts in 1994. Soon, music and fashion that had once been polarized between "alternative" and "mainstream" were fused together. Wearing a nose ring, for example, which had once been an "anti-fashion" statement had become yet another fashion statement. Countercultural attitudes, instead of being opposed to the mainstream, were seen as being the height of "coolness". While nose rings and choices of musical styles may seem quite trivial, the later ramifications of a youth culture that didn't understand the difference between being "popular" and "cool" are still being felt.

>Note, however, that this is just the view of someone who was going to an alternative private school in the early 90s in Portland, OR. This 3 year generation gap may not be a factor in other areas where the mercurial nature of youth culture took a different road.

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>I'm inclined to agree with Glowing Fish, and have even long harbored a theory about this mysterious generation gap. I don't think it's geography- I grew up in Kentucky, my girlfriend in California, and we both came to the same conclusion: there is a serious generational gap of some sort between folks born about 1981-1976, and those born just a few years later. I was born in 1980. Folks up to about four years older than me seem to remember most of the same things that I do about growing up- TV, politics, and general cultural detritus. Go three years younger than me, on the other hand- we don't know eachother's music, we remember different things about the world and technology. Having at some point isolated a generation gap between myself and my friends on one hand, and all my friends little siblings, on the other, I began to wonder what the difference really was. I came up with a couple things; please keep in mind that I'm not talking about what people were alive for, but rather about the things that most shaped the way that they grew up- the way the world was during those critical junior high years when we start to become much more aware of the world around us. In no particular order:

>Communism. People born after 1982 or so can't really remember what the world was like when there was a U.S.S.R, when Germany was split, or when we were all watching Tienamen Square wondering what the hell was going to happen. Smack in the middle of junior high, the U.S.S.R went from being a big, giant reddish pink splash across one whole side of the globe to being a whole bunch of irritating little names ending in '-stan' that we had to remember and place on a map on quizzes. Some of the most vivid memories I have from my adolescence is watching people climbing the Berlin Wall, wielding sledge hammers and shouting 'All are Free, all are Free!'. I didn't entirely know what it meant, and certainly was a great deal in the dark about the historic background to it. Nonetheless, I was given a thorough impression that something Really Big had just happened, and that the world was fundamentally changed. I remember watching a Chinese guy stare down a tank, and remember journalists being bundled out of the Square when the crackdown came.

>So what the hell does this really matter? Well, for one, it means that some of the most stirring memories of people born from the end of the '70's until the early '80's are nothing but archival footage to folks just a few years below them. And as much as we post-modernize the Cold War, and talk at length in college classes about how the threat was never as real as we thought it was, there was a different feel to the world when the U.S.S.R went down. Suddenly, the unyielding enemy that had dominated the fears of the scholars of war for nearly fifty years had passed into a puff of smoke. It's taken ten years for most of the world to figure out what life in the post-Cold War era means for security and defense, international politics, and the way we think about the world. You can't tell me that doesn't have some effect on the way people think.

>Computers. Folks born after the early 80's, those in the middle class and above, at least, don't remember the days before a 486 on every desk. They don't remember when the Internet was a phenomenon that only nerds cared about. They don't remember when people had CLI only MS-DOS on their computers. My girlfriends younger sister was confused when we told her that we hadn't used the Internet to register for the SAT when we were in high school. Mail? How primitive. Most of the people I associate with weren't online until we were in college. Kids of the mid eighties can't recall a time when mom, dad, school, businesses, and grandma didn't all have significant network capabilities. They've never made mix tapes for their friends and SO's- they burn CD's. It's changed the way people socialize, and the way they think about communication. It's a big deal.

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>Economics. Black Monday. Stagflation. Reaganomics. Life before the .com boom. Folks born before '81 or so remember their parents worrying about their jobs, remember layoffs and stock market crashes. People born after generally remember smoother sailing- the era from 'it's the economy, stupid' through the .com crash. The era from late 2000 to the present day is their first taste of what life is life when the economy is a lot less than rosy. Those just a little older are experiencing it in the job market for the first time, but are also remembering the effect the economy had on their parents in years past.

>These are, of course, generalizations. There are folks who were alive smack dab in the middle of the breakdown of Communism who were more profoundly affected by the '00 World Series. Some people born after the threshold I've put at '81-'82 feel themselves to have more in common with people older, rather than younger, than they are. Some people born in '78 think everyone born in the '80's is weird. But it is a general impression that I've seen repeated by enough people my own age that it seems worth paying attention to. And certainly, there have been some changes in the world that could produce such a gap; for most people, when their brain 'switches on' sometime between 10 and 15, what's going on around them right then affects them, and shapes their experiences. That three year gap was time enough for the world to change quite a bit- and it's reflected in the different experiences of the people on either side of it.

>P.S: Glowing Fish correctly points out to me that all of this observation is centered on the U.S- obviously, while some of the above applies to other regions of the world, certainly not all of it. I certainly don't know enough people from other countries to feel qualified to analyze their generation gaps. At least one helpful noder, however, has mentioned seeing the same thing in England and a few other spots in Western Europe that they're familiar with. I'd love to know what it's like for folks who grew up in former Soviet republics.

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Free times, John Howard, Kevin 07, internet/dialup, G.W Bush (president of the fucking planet, overall not bad guy but loved Kikes) other cool and important shit no cunt will experience again. 2010 (maybe 2012-13 max) shit changed and here we are… A dull world that moves fast with juden bullshit.

Got to the chans in 2017, haven't looked back since…

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And same here.

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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Then hell opened up, because that happens. It never closed again. Welcome to hell.

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This trash thread is still up?

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kek, It's funny because it's true

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I turned 18 a few weeks before 9/11. It was a massive red pill.

While I understand now that the poz was around during the 90s, I still feel fondly of the 90s and things seemed a little more innocent pre-911. This is all purely anecdotal and isn’t indicative of the truth.

Sometimes I feel bad for you zoomers but the I interact with you and I remember you are all dumb faggots.

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Dance clubs.

People used to do this activity known as "getting out of the house."

If you were particularly fortunate, you lived in an area where there was a dance club that allowed all ages before midnight. No one can dance like a young lady, let me tell you. They want physical contact, and dancing provides it.

Now? It's swiping right and going straight to fornication. No socializing, no non-fornicatory touching, nothing. "Let's meet and fuck" is what technology has brought women down to.

But, in the '90's girls could meet you in person and dance with you in that heydey for heterosexuals, in a non-age-restricted environment. Zero pregnancies or busted hymens happened on dance floors. No oral sex, no anal sex. Just contact that was publicly palatable, even if steamy.

God, do I ever feel sorry for men who have never experienced that. Zero people were ever thrown in jail for dancing with some "child." (any female below 65, evidently.)

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t. newfag

The Matrix films are extremely anti-jewish

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Remember when Nvidia graphics cards didn't have a gigantic heatsink? Remember when Myrtle Beach didn't have 5 welcome centers 45 miles out from the actual city?

Remember back when the T42 was new? When broadband was only slightly better than dial-up?

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>I filled moms nail polish bottles with gun powder from dads bullets and skipped school detonating 6 or seven of them while hiding behind a wheelbarrow. I would wait until cars passed then detonate. It shook windows of neighbors glass. No cops came.

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Someone should say youtube needs diversity.

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Wait, what? What about MB welcome signs? WTF IS GOING ON???

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the only people who don't think the late 00s sucked are people who were under 20 in the late 00s. the late 80s and early 90s when I was a little kid were objectively the most comfy and peaceful time for America. I would say everything after 2006 when I was 22 was literal nightmare tier

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225W is insane

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3G 4G and 5G are ways of encoding cellular data to increase bandwidth. Mongoloid spastic

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Jivin' was illegal in my grampas day

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remind me again why would i want to read your blog and how is this blogging any /pol/ related?

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This isn’t your fucking blog.

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fucking degenerates

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29 year old boomer here. I can still barely rember the before times of pre-9/11 and the period right afterwards. Post-9/11 being an entirely different more innocent world is 1000% true. I remember France not wanting to help in the Iraq war and people were unironically calling french fries freedom fries and shit like that even in California. Even in the California bay area, I grew up with very little nonwhites in elementary school and middle school. By the time high school rolled around in the mid2000s, Asians, spics, and nigs were everywhere and I signed up for Honors classes just to avoid them. Whenever I came home from college, the town got blacker and blacker. It's like that RamZSaul video come to life. Techwise, I remember our family first owning a computer without internet. How tech savvy are zoomers? I think my generation is uniquely savvy growing up when all of this was just coming up and how much it changed so fast, but I meet a couple young family members who only grew up with apps and they might as well be born again gen xers trying to work a legit computer.

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Is this where the high iq non-qtards come to collaborate?

Damn they are absolutely nuts.

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>yfw you'll never experience singularity ever again

Fucking true, everything was great until I witnessed those poor people dropping like flies from the flaming towers. I was working that day, timed seemed to have stopped for 2 minutes or more. Everyone just froze in their places. It never happened again.


It is not even fair to have people with sharp minds like you, roaming the world freely, not giving a fuck and saying it, that is why jews segregated us. They can't bear to hear the truth and REEEE at the first sign of it.


Unironically this, but every place IRL too. Except kids, who are still not possessed by jewish demons.




Are you me, do you have any idea what actually happened? Because I don't. People became so hostile to each other, my family crumbled. Addiction, people drying from alcoholism, cancer and stuff like that. I literally couldn't keep my shit together and imploded from all the pressure. I don't even like to get back there, there is so much stuff that just happened and I still don't have the answers. I'm come from dial-up and hashtag meant IRC.

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I came from dial-up and # meant IRC. I Apologize for being a phonefag.

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But the AVS visualizations run so incredibly fast on today's hardware…

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>It was a simpler time.

When Angelina Jolie still had her tits.

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i remember having hopes and dreams like a faggot

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I do too, tripsman.

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Yes. Me too.

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Hard, hard propaganda from 9/11. Creeping police state but thought it OK b/c muh terrorism. Slow realization that perhaps gubbermint not being truthful about it. Second Iraq war seemed righteous, but as things progress, more doubt.

Deal sealer that things were very much not right was the derivatives implosion in '07-'08. Banks that caused the problem bailed out, billions in banker bonuses secured on the backs of the unborn. Middle class crushed, workers crushed harder, low-IQ violent shitskin illegals flooding in to crush wages and overload social safety nets (driving up housing costs to boot), American dream revealed to be exactly that: a dream. That was the straw that broke the camel's back, made this anon start to distrust gubbermint as a default position (typically proved correct).

Surveillance state apparatus started to rear it's billion-eyed-head. Knew my previous political activism as a lolbertarian had me on "the list". Saw the writing on the wall. Began to get ready for whatever was likely to come.

There is still hope for a victory here, but I'm resolved to meet whatever comes with open arms. Either way, (((they))) will get what's coming to them, either by an ejection from the West, or by the West collapsing and (((they))) suddenly discovering the parasite killed the host, and the host was the only thing holding back the hordes.

Somewhere along the line found /pol/. Initially rejected it. But /pol/ is always right, and /pol/ always wins. Congratulations, you're here forever.

And to the Fedniggers: Congratulations, you're here forever too. Enjoy, faggots.

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1812 Veteran here. Thought we showed those Monarchniggers the door via the pointy end of our bayonettes out their mouths via their asses 36 years earlier, but the (((international bankers))) clearly wanted their land back. Made the mistake of not sending assassins to cut off the head of the snake. Don't blame us though, we all died around 45 y/o so it was hard to get long lasting shit done. We all married 16 y/o's though, and banged at least 6-7 kids out of 'em on average. Good times.

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>2006 - 2011 was the highlight. War efforts seemingly winding down..obama gave us an injection of post-racial Anti-War hope.

So sorry you were a Millennial ZOGPOSbot.

So glad you found /pol/, so you can keep us company in the hurtbox.

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>Probably a night or two with your mom tbh.

FFS, I counted at least kikes. Are the other 5 crypto-kikes?

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>Is this where the high iq non-qtards come to collaborate?

>Damn they are absolutely nuts.

No, we go to halfchan. This board is riddled with crypto-q's. We're only here to troll the q-tards.

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>War of 1812 vet here: I remember I used to have niggers pick cotton and used to rape the house nigger girl that had big titties. Enslaved her kids produced from my loins and made them pick cotton, too.

Egads boys, I've located the Hebrew. Get the hemp.

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>The Matrix films are extremely anti-jewish

Few realize how counter-Semitic that movie is.

Kikes hate it. That's why they MK'd the makers into going full tranny. It really showed in Cloud Atlas via the message of moral relativism (although glimpses of the original genius still seeped through).

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Before 9/11 the buildup was obvious. I was in an intelligence related position (military) at the time and there were clear indications that a big strike was coming against our country. But your question was about the early 00s and not the late 90s so, well, in terms of after 9/11 I will say that there was a pretty strong buzz around the country of unity believe it or not. After 9/11 the country really united in its hatred for who it was told did what it did. Now of course we know differently NOW but in terms of back then? Yeah the country was actually pretty damn united against a common enemy and we were very much united with England and the other western countries as well since they were also dealing with similar issues.

Don't get me wrong as I do not like Bush but even despite that he was a serious breathe of fresh air after the debacles that was Clinton. Clinton's admin was a very bad situaiton for this country on many levels. People claim that Obama (very bad) or Trump are some terrible time but those same people have no idea what it was like when Clinton was in office and the fury that was taking place as he was destroying the country before everyones eyes. Looking back it is appalling that the Repubs did nothing but they were/are pussy's for the most part so I am not surprised.

Racially nobody gave a fuck about the things you constantly hear today. There were no feminazis having any power. There were no serious racial issues. Interracial relationships were not really pushed. Movies were pretty good. Music was not as good as the 90s/80s but it was much better than it is today.

It was a relatively peaceful time and all the "bad" things you see today were really not happening much (if any) back then. People got along outside of a few issues here and there. Then the Clinton agenda items were enhanced by Obama and here we are today.

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