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File: 276e6dda956bb8b⋯.png (48.39 KB,752x434,376:217,tommy_jew_FM.png)

 No.13549688 [View All]

Back in 2017, Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) admitted that he's Jewish, but then later deleted the tweet.

Tweet: https://i.imgtc.ws/oUcdZFM.png

Archived: http://archive.is/lpm7x

Other Tweets: https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1521575861648.jpg

That helps explain why Tommy Robinson's (((team))) released a smear video against Mark Collett titled "How to Burn a Real Nazi"


8 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Poe's law: The Thread

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This should surprise no one.

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As surprising as Bolton coming out as Jewish

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File: 18915e639f551c8⋯.jpg (87.35 KB,1200x630,40:21,4543.jpg)

File: 630a298518d15e2⋯.jpg (12.36 KB,300x180,5:3,3678.jpg)


You must be a shill to post such an idiotic thread.

Tommy maybe pro-Israel, but he's not Jewish. He's a decent bloke, too, despite being naive on the Jewish question.

He was raised Catholic, of Catholic Irish stock, but lapsed from the faith earlier in his life. His family are still Catholic. He had a Catholic wedding.

Tommy is clearly having a laugh at the sake of some conflicted Lefty who was pissed off to see him watching the game.

Tottenham supporters are largely portrayed as Yids, hence the comment. Do you not understanding jokes in Israhell?

I would have hadTommy pinned as a Milwall lad more than a Tottenham supporter, anyway.

Sage for OP sucking circumcised cocks.

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>I disagree, the jewish personality is shaped from birth and their dominant personality traits - thievery, deception, exploitation, psychopathy, perversion, hatred of other etc. - have been self-selected for millennia

It is actually part of their genetic makeup. They literally can't 'run any other program' because that is the one they are genetically coded to run.

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File: 4fbb526aa28b817⋯.jpg (60.84 KB,1060x600,53:30,pope giving lecture.jpg)


>catholic but not jewish

Does the pope wear a yarmulke?

"Why yes anon, he does."

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> Race is not, and should not, be defined as simply blood relations.


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File: 46802238a2739ef⋯.jpg (961.72 KB,2960x2806,1480:1403,St.-Pius-X-Zucchetto-Image….jpg)


>does the pope wear a yarmulke?

"Why no, you piece of shit, he wears a zucchetto."

Sage for you demonstrating you're a yid. Gentiles call them 'kippahs'. Yarmulke sounds like some sort of musical instrument, frankly.

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I am not concerned about 'jews' per say. I am concerned about exterminating parasites and bad (dysgenic) bloodlines that are destroying people and the planet. People like bugs, niggers, spics, fags, the rich and the poor are all parasitic trash that must be eugenically disposed of…this also includes anyone who commits bodily injury against another human, so torturers, slavers, faggots, pedos, etc. All of them need extermination. That being said, nations act in concert according to their genetic programming, there is no such thing as 'individualism'. DNA executes a program and all individuals of the same race (or their mongrels) exhibit the same program. If any of you saw the nigger OP last night talking about how he wants to enslave jewish chicks and rape them for the rest of their life you will know that niggers #1 likes torture #2 likes slavery #3 think only of 'muh dick' and are incapable of ever rising above this (this, of course is the problem with the jews since they too are part nigger). Mongrels will display some mix of behavior (so that nigger was close to being as clever as a White person but still running nigger programming). This is why mongrels, which the jews are part of, being part nigger, also need extermination.

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File: 5aca2bd48df598d⋯.jpg (29.76 KB,457x502,457:502,JEW detected.jpg)


Oy vey, thanks for putting those dirty goyim in line, cardinal! Here's an extra tithe, for your excellent cooperation with the synagogue!

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>Why anon! This yarmulke is not the same as all the other yarmulkes. It is different because it goes on a pope's head.

>See anon? See the difference?

Actually, anon, there is no difference at all between Pharisee Pauls monstrous bastard inheritance and the kikes monstrous behaviors.

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Why are you here then? Hitler didn't believe that either. Shit like measuring skulls and what not is only used by the kikes as an excuse for their racism based on Anglo definitions of race that is specific to Anglos. The rest of Europe, especially Eastern and Central had scientific race as secondary to the internal element.

Go shitpost with your one word responses elsewhere you neanderthal.

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Just because these 'central europeans' thought race was secondary doesn't mean you have to make their same mistake anon. Race is primary because there is no such thing as 'individualism'. We all run the exact pattern our DNA is executing. Europeans are productive and quiet. The other races are part animal destroyers of everything good. Breed, Devour, Destroy.

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That's what I was trying to say

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>naive on the Jewish question.

Keep telling yourself that.

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File: 6b7405deda7744a⋯.png (350.02 KB,1335x813,445:271,TommossadBenRobin.png)

File: 443f26323f2d007⋯.png (2.43 MB,1499x851,1499:851,boltonstachegrowskosher.png)

File: 1aafbd8bd63f1ab⋯.jpg (16.8 KB,236x236,1:1,twodown.jpg)

File: fa37f7091c21f7e⋯.jpg (13.83 KB,400x233,400:233,saddamqadafi.jpg)

Reminder that Tommossad Ben-Robin is working for the same people who keep deleting threads here if Arab national socialism is discussed in a positive light.

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On one hand I'm willing to believe do to how much he so late is real.

On the other hand, I kind of think you are full of shit. Mainly because none of the archived tweets in your original post work. Not. A. Single. One. And honestly, half of those Suites are pretty obviously fake, even for someone who was 100% of Jew.

So, very low-quality psyop Shlomo. Give real proof or fuck off.

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Genetics doesn't work that way retard. And most kikes are primarily European anyway.

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RE: "none of the archived tweets in your original post work. Not. A. Single. One."

Archived Tweet: http://archive.is/lpm7x

Archived Tweet: http://archive.is/aZeMX

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They work for me. Try the archive.fo versions

Archived Tweet: http://archive.fo/lpm7x

Archived Tweet: http://archive.fo/aZeMX

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They also work here.

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But it isn't exclusive to just europeans.

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Jewish power isn't a big secret. Unless Tommy is a literal retard, he knows exactly what he's doing.

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Also accurate.

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Another accurate post.

Damn 8pol is on point today.

Good job, boys.

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It's funny. Trump is looking to bail out some nigger who's in jail for breaking the law,but he's not willing to break out a political prisoner.

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nigger nigger

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There's video ofhim revealing he's a zionist faggot who'd literally go to war for Israel. I can't be bothered to look it up because hes controlled opposition and literally uses a false name like a kike would.

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Based evola reader.

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Tommeh is a white nigger.

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Anglin has a good article up about how Avi Yemini, the "BASED jew" who's currently running his operation recruits Australians for the IDF at the gym he runs, Pure kikery.

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Haaaaaaaaaa, I remember people shilling for him too.

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He had two fags on his payroll that blackmailed and scammed him multiple times what else did you need to know. At the very least he is a dumb ass.

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File: 4effe0f1d4a009c⋯.jpg (39.58 KB,639x496,639:496,brith polic.jpg)

File: 3050f757876b3de⋯.png (662.3 KB,838x628,419:314,british police.png)

File: 10878ab8e68bc1e⋯.jpg (38.59 KB,480x600,4:5,police brit.jpg)

File: 1d48e8fb37639f9⋯.jpg (161.49 KB,1200x897,400:299,brit police.jpg)

File: 5ac3a86ee3d52d6⋯.png (596.43 KB,739x604,739:604,england racis isis terr po….png)

if controlled opp. is counter-revolution tactic

what's the counter-counter-revolution tactic for controlled opp.?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>There is no such thing as Arab national socialism

never heard of ba'athism? abdel nasser ring a bell?


<The RCC was rivaled by the Muslim Brotherhood, who tried to assassinate Nasser in 1954. In response the RCC harshly repressed the Muslim Brotherhood, the Communist Party and other leftist groups by means of executions of leaders, imprisonment and military force.


<Saddam Hussein was a native son of Iraq, and his regime was an organic outgrowth of the history of his country, which he sought to unify and make sovereign, and whose people he offered a degree of prosperity and stability.

Sound familiar?

<His legacy is distorted by prevailing narratives that cast him in an overly simplistic role, shorn of any positive qualities. Articles deflecting praise for Saddam Hussein do so by exploiting these narratives and perpetuating outworn myths, lies, and distortions.

Reminding you of anyone, glownog? One of his personal heroes perhaps? The slanderkvetching after they're gone is another similarity they share.


>The only place socialism works is with a productive and inventive high trust society.

Tell me all about how Libya's people are better off now than they were under under Gaddafi, Hilldawg


>A fellow JIDF post.

>Damn 8pol is kosher today.

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Did a kike offended you today or something, OP?

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Fuck off, nigger.

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Bump to further expose this piece of shit, jew traitor.

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Wrong approach anon. It would be better to define what you have described as"Being jewish-minded."

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Fuck off newfag

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/pol/ told you this when you cunts were first spamming the jew here.

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They most certainly do when those genetics affect genes representing mental health.


Kill yourself yid.

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Web proxy to grab the archive?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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He'd be sperging about Jews if that were the case.

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Naive? He actively shills for Jews. You're the shill here trying to make Tommy Robinson look good.

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Works fine for me.


Do you ever notice yourself acting like your parents did at some point or sharing some quirk/personality trait of theirs? It's essentially that on a personal and racial scale


>Shit like measuring skulls and what not is only used by the kikes as an excuse for their racism based on Anglo definitions of race that is specific to Anglos. The rest of Europe, especially Eastern and Central had scientific race as secondary to the internal element.

Are you seriously trying to parrot the same garbage that disproven kike Gould did, only this time with "Central Europeans" to try and make us believe you?

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