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File: 0573d15ecac172e⋯.png (30.93 KB,547x325,547:325,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.13549096 [View All]

I believe strong anti-white sentiments exist within Western countries, but I need concrete evidence if i have to defend it. I'm looking mostly for stuff like pic related (articles and such), but tweets from prominent individuals is welcome and appreciated too.

57 posts and 115 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Should have clarified - Inefficient commie whitecuck fags, jews wouldn't.

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First pic is beautifully accurate

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No such thing as whites, and no such thing as racism. Both designed as a jewish weapon to destroy national identities, create division and plant the seeds for racial conflict. The reason why the jewish media can unashamedly attack "whites" all across the media is because that white group doesn't exist, it's nothing but a bunch of idiots identifying with a color. Now if the same idiots would identify as Irish Europeans, German Europeans, British Europeans etc. the media couldn't attack them openly, which is why the jews used slavery to make Africans into blacks, and then blacks to make Europeans into whites. Stop identifying by colors or at least ask the "yellows" and the "browns" how absolutely moronic you look from the outside.

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Lurk two more years before you post again.

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File: 11c31074dcd7e61⋯.jpg (137.02 KB,708x539,708:539,20190613_033321.jpg)


>stop identifying by color

<there's much more to hate them for!

Holy shit, Anon is a damn genius… but too bad people just cant seem to figure that out..they think that the answer is in something as simple as skin color then they're retarded.. at least culture is a little more plausible but in the end itll always be "Us" vs. "Them" doesn't matter what the difference is, they're diffrent and we hate them… I think a lot of whites over look the "Racism" towards the Irish who had mass imagination in the early stages of America and each etho group since has been the same, Us vs Them nothing is going to change the U.S. now, if you think it will, you must be one of "Them"

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How about you learn from millennia of mistakes instead of falling for the same tactics over and over again?


It's not that color differences aren't real (visuals are a natural warning sign), but black and white as groups are a rhetoric trap. If you accept them you gave up your nationality, and your new group can be attacked endlessly, because it has no legal rights, since it's just a color. They jews literally trick you with the very first thing you see, thereby using nature against you to direct you into a war about colors.

Imagine they would be at each others throats as Europeans and Africans until one of them asks "wait a minute, this is America, why are Europeans and Africans fighting each other here?"…"why the fuck are we here?"…"we don't belong here" That's what the jews don't want, which is why they painted their cattle in two different colors and now the field is in constant chaos, because they naturally detest each other.

Now you say this can't be changed, but guess what? It must! Otherwise everyone dies. So how about you show some zeal and stop supporting division. Call them Africans and Europeans.

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File: 6ed970c62927be4⋯.png (835.87 KB,2970x2483,2970:2483,Truth about race.PNG)


How about you learn some basic facts about reality?

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>If we pull the jew into the boat with us they'll stop trying to sink it.

You obviously don't know how jews work.

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File: 914efa95fde1003⋯.jpg (404.98 KB,1440x470,144:47,RacesoftheWorld3.jpg)


That infographic is retarded and looks like a schizos conspiracy board. Just post this graph, it's simpler and shows the difference cleanly.

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File: 0cd9b8686283832⋯.png (42.46 KB,399x320,399:320,retard.png)


>urrg ur graph is too many words

>me prefer dis colorful picture best

>It reminds me of… crayons

>hmm crayons

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It's simple but surprisingly effective. That's how I connected the dots to discover the hand rubbing menace.

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File: 654736c0e0901e5⋯.jpg (119.14 KB,1023x607,1023:607,whitestaffers.JPG)

this just in

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There were already complaints that the moderators of the televised debates were lacking "women of color" and then that the candidates in Tuesday's debate were "all white" (even though Bernie is a jew). This seems an extension of the electoral gibs mentality rife in the Nu DeMo Kratz.

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File: 93d4e51f0901d53⋯.png (1.98 MB,927x1077,309:359,lol.png)


>be race traitor

>campaign for anti-white policies

>lose your job

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Why do we care what yet another jewish political party does?

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>You need to choose between race and ethnicities.

Fale dilemma created by Dugin & co. There's 0 reason to think that's true - and shit is dire enough, and mutted enough that "no more brother wars" is a better strategy than your "sperg out over the goat your grandad stole in Serbia 300 years ago" White vs White d&c. We can murder each other over Anglos vs Germans or something AFTER the shitskins are all gone OK?

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Because it's on topic? This is normie-tier anti-white rhetoric that you can show to your facebook friends to show that shits getting stupid.

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By framing "White" vs "minorities" you are already falling into the "Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" as written by E Michael Jones. The last time someone fell for this, Hitler helped Jews found Israel, intentional or not.

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They want you to think you are "white," they want you to get angry, and they want you to lash out. THAT'S THE PLAN!

The is no white nationalism like there is no YELLOW nationalism!

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"They" want to destroy the European Nations, Western Culture, Christianity, and Greek/Roman philosophy.

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You know what would be a good thing for "the movement"? If all boomers just shut the fuck up and died

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Most boomers are MIGA and don't understand the concept of the European nations.

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>cuckchan wojak

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File: de47bd4dd29d6ed⋯.jpg (35.4 KB,363x604,363:604,glue.jpg)

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I wasn't talking about race vs ethnicity. I really meant just the color, because that's what everyone is reacting to, and by accepting that color you identify it as your race/ethnicity. It's a complete fake identity marketed to us. Also hold a sheet of paper next to your skin and tell me that you're white, anon. It's all a fucking lie, and it so obviously wrong that nobody would believe that somebody would lie about it. That's why it works.

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Satan is ready for the boomers.

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Does anybody have those pictures of the FBI crime stats where they show how they label mulattos and hajis as "white" to skew the data? I need it for an argument I'm putting together, and I don't seem to have them saved in my folder.

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File: 8d52f96ce3ab3f0⋯.jpg (559.13 KB,899x2078,899:2078,1506337369033.jpg)

File: f8794286db082c3⋯.png (461.17 KB,941x1131,941:1131,1435887063395.png)

File: fc22000105227c5⋯.jpg (1.97 MB,1580x3431,1580:3431,1386003244922.jpg)

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Whiteness goes beyond skin color, and into the hyperborean plane.

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Out of everything the most fucking blood boiling is the Jew art with all the black people killing and raping whites.

This is literally happening for real. Whites are being raped and killed all across Europe while the Jew laughs. How can it not be more obvious.

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This. The best thing to do is show all of this to your white normies and wake them up.

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I'm really getting ready to spill jew blood. What can I do?

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Write a letter to the FBI detailing your personal information and your intentions.

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File: ca34770461b8f1d⋯.jpg (49.45 KB,357x629,21:37,Visit_Beautiful_Christchur….jpg)


Take a break and get your head together on vacation. Make sure you fly under your own name.

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make violent posts on a honeypot website

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Spics are counted as white racially in the US statistics, but the statistics add a 'Hispanic or not' question to. So, you can have Hispanic 'whites', Hispanic blacks, and etc.

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Good luck replacing white firefighters with subhumans who are massively lacking in empathy.

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How about East Indians? They are still counted as white.

They need more classifications, including Jewish.

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This is the problem with the (((white))) word. If people were honest about it, it really means English, Scot, Welsh, and loosely, other Germanic/Celtic peoples. Funny part, is that technically Irish should be, but they were considered white niggers by the English.

Caucasian is really the most broad definition. Skin color is a subset of race. South Indians are the most stark, they have European facial features and black skin.

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Ashkenazi Jews, using Black Americans, successfully turned Germans, Italians, Irish, Poles, Czechs, Hungarians "white" by the 1960's. By this definition, at least 30% of Iranians are white.

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Race is an obsolete concept, molecular biology destroyed the racial vision in scientifical matters.

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Kimberly Crenshaw is the “scholar” “lawyer” at Harvard that crafted intersectional theory.

She roughly said (I am making post structural deconstruction a legal framework)

This is radicalizing ideology has been applied to LGBTQ, Islam, etc. all victim classes.

It is the framework for victim classification.

It is utterly maniacal. To turn literal a thought experiment, post-structuralism, into a legal framework means that she has transcribed the marxist class into a discussion of racial justice (impossible leap) and begun training legal students, sociologists, psychologists, etc. in a racist doctrine that requires specialization.

Post- structuralism is a thought experiment that pre supposed no objective truth/fact in order to analyze

Crenshaw’s blending of Marxist racial justice and hijacking of a thought experiment into the creation of a legal framework IS ALL THE EVIDENCE YOULL EVER NEED.

Kimberly Crenshaw = is black Himmler

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File: 27952cab24ad38c⋯.jpg (5.8 MB,8000x5798,4000:2899,(((media))) 8chan jDooz v2.jpg)

Here's one I've been working on which mashes up a bunch of the anti-white propaganda compilations we've all seen before while attempting to not-so-subtly connect them to the Judenrat element, pointing the viewer to the turbo-kike progenitors responsible for this filth.

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File: 82dd1fe40ac3516⋯.png (2.86 MB,2000x2000,1:1,Jews hate you.png)

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>But itsnot racisss if dez is whiote

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2 days ago. Paid shilling allowed to remain.

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I'm not religious, but I've considered converting to reform Judaism, mostly out of curiosity and to study the Jew themselves. To find out who and who isn't a Zionist and such.

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ITT: People that fall for psyops

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