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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 0466f34b482a6b6⋯.png (449.62 KB,434x546,31:39,e55y545y5.PNG)

 No.13548713 [Last50 Posts]

Tulsi is a very anti-American person. She is a subversive, fairly certain. And the entire "anti-war thing" is just objectively wrong and will literally doom America to death and subjugation at the hands of muslims, commies and whoever the fuck else wants a piece of this western pie.

Oh yeah, and all of Europe and Canada and the rest of the West too, since we protect them all with out military.

Under a hypothetical Gabbard president, if we were to withdraw literally ALL forces abroad, commies and muslims would overthrow the places we liberated and soon we'd have an invasion on our shores

> b-b-but based mommy!!!

have sex already

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<oy vey

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File: 85e80fca7025cd8⋯.png (1.49 KB,171x294,57:98,images.png)

>And the entire "anti-war thing" is just objectively wrong

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>the places we've liberated

You mean the places that committed the sin of wanting to go against kiked central banks? Or dared to say bad things about Israel? You honestly sound like a textbook neocon retard.

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>the entire "anti-war thing" is just objectively wrong and will literally doom America to death and subjugation at the hands of muslims

>we protect (the west) with out military.

>Under a hypothetical Gabbard president, if we were to withdraw literally ALL forces abroad, commies and muslims would overthrow the places we liberated and soon we'd have an invasion on our shores

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> No goyim, vote for this STRONK HINDU WOMAN

> Drumpf is a fucking WHITE ARYAN MALE don't vote for him!

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File: 7fc9e8573dded88⋯.jpg (96.02 KB,1280x720,16:9,3e74e68f84cab6d92c170aa208….jpg)

>muh incels

>uses 'subversive' as a noun

>oy vey if we don't slaughter brown people for Israel then the brown people will attack us!

I'd rather have browns than kikes.

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File: 2ae95cf403c2805⋯.jpg (34.66 KB,807x659,807:659,L9MlEPw.jpg)


>don't vote for this anti-war candidate, she's got a woman and can't lead! she'll end up launching nukes at Israel during a hot flash!!

<vote for ZOGnald instead, he's got a dick!

Netrumpyahu singlehandedly destroyed the idea that blonde blue-eyed white men can't be kike puppets

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she's a woman*

stupid phoneposting

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File: 65384caab09b006⋯.png (821.04 KB,1330x1080,133:108,smuggrin2.png)


>oy vey keep your military stretched thin on various fronts despite being a poor tactic

>you need to keep going to war for us chosen

Fuck off, kike. I may not agree with her on most fronts, but her sentiment on the military is one I can get behind. However, I also don't feel any woman should be in a position of power at all!

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I like Tulsi Gabbard, tits 'n all. She's a peace-monger, she stands up to subversives, and she's got charisma. She hasn't named the Jew, but in that she's no different from from any of the other main-runners.

And I really like that Jews don't like her.

So OP, why don't you go fuck over a little girl somewhere else? /pol/ has no single position on anything.

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I'm voting for Bernie Sanders.

Socialism is the best hope for the United States.

Right now the wealth gap between the 1% and the 99% is so fucking far apart that the "working class" are living with nothing.

Fuck Trump.

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>telling shills whose very existence is to shill to stop

Fuck off back to reddit, nigger.

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See this >>13548798

Under Comrade Gabbard, you stupid negroes are going to get Communism and Socialism, the current stance of the Democratic Party

Gabbard is going to weaken the military and flood this country with niggers like you while Islam and Communism overthrow the democracies we've installed in liberated countries

Do you stupid niggers seriously want Iran and Japan to invade us after Gabbard weakens the military? Trump has the balls to glass any uppity country that does that. This board is being flooded by anti-military Gabtards

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File: 28065ddcf3ca7a8⋯.webm (15.94 MB,640x360,16:9,fatherland.webm)


>>and all of Europe and Canada and the rest of the West too, since we protect them all with out military

Yeah that's the point fuck kike fucking kike shill. What do "we Americans" protect "them non-Americans" from anyway? Someone like Hitler?

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>Bernie Bro


yea…. no

Sorry, I though about it for more than two-seconds, and came to the obvious conclusion.


Get it through your head:

I will vote for ANYONE whom I really think will avoid getting into another war for your sissy little country, Pissrael.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Tulsi Gabbard's unforgivable pro-AIPAC vote craters campaign

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ALSO: Voting is for faggots.

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File: b130d771741faec⋯.png (384.07 KB,1176x1500,98:125,fad982a8610f334dfb0513e016….png)


>I don't read what anyone says so I can keep going on my pro-Israel war tirade

Kill yourself, kike.

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>Jews doing everything they can to make Tulsi Gabbard unpalatable to the wizards of the internet…

What are (((you))) so afraid of in Tulsi?

Don't bother answering. You'd just lie anyway.

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Neocon Jew

Gabbard is fine

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> What do "we Americans" protect "them non-Americans" from anyway?

Hmmm, let's see here. Niggers (like you), commies, muslims, Russia, shall I go on?


Yeah, you'll vote for a WOMAN who wants to weaken the U.S. military and leave us open for invasion by enemies like Cuba and Iran. You deserve to be executed for treason


She voted for the bill because of some provision that guarantees the "right" of U.S. citizens to protest (economically sabotage) our allies. She's subversive and her support for our allies is fake. She'll leave us open for an islamic communist takeover

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Checked and

>muh kikes


/pol/ really isn't worth coming to any more.


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The Gabbard question:

Chia pet?

Landing strip?

Shaven clean?

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My money is on landing strip.

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>leave us open for invasion by enemies like Cuba and Iran.

oh yea, big threat there…

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File: 1c47b5d483659c8⋯.gif (190.82 KB,500x364,125:91,f4b715ecc71219f84f52620603….gif)


Double dubs of truth.


>accuse those who don't agree with my narrative as being non-white while continuing to push the 'bringing military home will weaken us narrative

You mean it'll weaken Israel's grip on certain countries by withdrawing American forces that they used as their enforcement arm? I'm not seeing a negative here.

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>since we protect them all with out military

The US does not protect anyone. This also is not a pro-American board, no matter how much you trumpniggers have spammed each other's threads.

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> Protecting Europe from Russia

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File: 92fb12087c321cb⋯.png (142.63 KB,391x429,391:429,e06ab5b0023ccf5c821b0c3fc4….png)


Your D&C is obvious, kike.

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File: bcb65d4d433d4ee⋯.jpg (33.12 KB,443x542,443:542,Hair.jpg)


> Netrumpyahu singlehandedly destroyed the idea that blonde blue-eyed white men can't be kike puppets

Trumpenstein's not a natural blonde

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File: 4cd3b7180043214⋯.jpg (185.65 KB,1200x1349,1200:1349,sketch-1564192714421.jpg)

The crazy dems are gonna eat themselves and gabbard appearing to be the only sane one will come out on top out nowhere, just like Obama to take party's nomination. If you haven't noticed the similarities yet. She also met with her puppeteer globalist elites recently to make sure she's on board.

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File: 7ea21385f948e14⋯.webm (12 MB,1280x720,16:9,allies_destroyed_germany.webm)


>>implying America protects Europeans against Niggers

The United States Intelligence Agencies have been working to prevent any "far-right" parties in Europe since WWII's end.

>>America protects against Russia

What is Uranium One.

>>America protects against Muslims

America has had more Muslim immigration into the United States ever since 9/11.

Any other points?

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Gabbard's puppet strings lead straight to Moscow and Syria. These retards seriously think that someone who meets with a tyrant who gasses CHILDREN (Bashir al-Assad) is going to have the West's best interests at hand

If anything, I can't wait until Trump drops the Big One on Damascus and turns it into a giant parking lot

Smelly dumb Gabtard scum

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File: e8da0bca1a96240⋯.jpg (89.53 KB,625x500,5:4,36v0hc.jpg)

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>Gabbard's puppet strings lead straight to Moscow and Syria.

Jesus, you're stupid. Why don't you Get the Fuck Off My Board?

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gas the jews

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File: ab45092c93a2d0f⋯.jpg (731.32 KB,1440x2303,1440:2303,Screenshot_20190730-124730….jpg)

File: deb60c4c4f755fc⋯.jpg (1018.53 KB,1439x2328,1439:2328,Screenshot_20190730-124413….jpg)

File: 0d6a5b55992edb0⋯.jpg (446.29 KB,1440x1304,180:163,Screenshot_20190730-124520….jpg)


If you watch the video of Trump partying with Epstein it looks like he's actually Jewish

DONALD TRUMPS 4 GENERATIONS OF JEWISH TIES NOT MANY KNOW ABOUTThe Trump family  has the largest number of Jews in the first family All three married children of Donald Trump being married to Jews

Trumps parents  were Fred Trump (1905–1999) and Mary Anne MacLeod Trump

Donald Trump with his parents Mary and Fred Trump 1994 © Barry Tale

Donald was a brunette in 1994 Now he is a flaming quasi orange blond Daddy Fred does look a bit Ashkenazi


The Trump (original surname Drump ) foray into America supposedly begun with Fred Trumps father Frederich Trump who emigrated to the US from Germany in 1885 His (married sister ) Katharina had emigrated in 1883 Her married surname was was Schuster which is a German and Jewish surname Another of Trumps grandaunts married a man named Freund which is Jewish surname

Grandpa Freidrich or Fredrick ‘s Trump’s career path was of a distinctively Jewish nature He moved to areas with the Gold Rush never mining himself but “mining the miners” He moved to the Seattle area in 1891 and set up a restaurant /brothelin the red light district there .In  1894, Trump sold the Dairy Restaurant/brothel , and moved to the emerging mining town of Monte Cristo, Washington,where there was a mini Gold Rush Instead of taking part in the rush Trump serviced the miners rushing in with another restaurant/brothel and again made money In 1898 Trump started yet another restaurant/brothel named The Artic Horse servicing miners in Bennett, British Columbia,Here Trump entered into a partnership with the Jew named Ernest Levin.


>For decades, they denied their German roots, claiming to be of Scandinavian origin.


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like a fly in milk

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What do you like about her military policy?

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File: 1a1fcce23c3655e⋯.jpeg (91.76 KB,1400x1050,4:3,rodman.jpeg)


>And the entire "anti-war thing" is just objectively wrong

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>Tulsi is a very anti-American person. She is a subversive, fairly certain. And the entire "anti-war thing" is just objectively wrong and will literally doom America to death and subjugation at the hands of muslims, commies and whoever the fuck else wants a piece of this western pie.

citation needed

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aka: no more wars for Jews

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What's her plan to replace the value that would be lost with the petrodollar?

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File: 9e7d5ddfa1a2959⋯.jpg (77.51 KB,540x960,9:16,1563968941136.jpg)


been hearing this line of "what if ism" my whole life

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I mean, if she doesn't have a plan, she doesn't have a plan.

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for what? the shoa if we dont stop murdering people all over the planet?

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File: 6b3c9c5de1b6bad⋯.gif (15.42 KB,250x250,1:1,neetwarrior.gif)

File: 52e89e0c57ba718⋯.jpg (40.38 KB,480x720,2:3,Woman_wearing_a_kitty_cost….jpg)


But would she win against Trump?

>and Japan to invade us

muhaha, pic related

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File: b557527115a5e8a⋯.jpg (26.86 KB,550x263,550:263,1563830350854.jpg)


no. dream 2024 ticket = Paul/Tulsi crossover

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>for what?

The collapse of the pertodollar. If you're going to end it, you're going to need some form of a backup plan for value. Does she have one? What is it?

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hey we got a timetraveler here! fuck off with that neocon swill

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File: b56b3c63f201824⋯.mp4 (7.91 MB,1280x720,16:9,STFU NEOCON.mp4)

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>This also is not a pro-American board, no matter how much you trumpniggers have spammed each other's threads.

They sure are trying. This thread is almost all bots.

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File: a449b2a293c7d37⋯.png (1.15 MB,1009x576,1009:576,ClipboardImage.png)


>"anti-war thing" is just objectively wrong and will literally doom America

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 5828d713ae114e4⋯.jpg (95.63 KB,1000x524,250:131,21309182301823.jpg)


>Tulsi is a very anti-American person.

I'm a very anti-American person, you glow nigger. Fuck you.

And fuck whoever Tulsi is too.

Shit thread.

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They are using the same attack her at all costs just like the current zogland in charge to boost her popularity for 2024.

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File: 40c1de4fd0d4a9c⋯.jpg (13.24 KB,181x203,181:203,op-2.jpg)

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It says a lot about our jewish system that, even with all that, she's still the least-kiked candidate.

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>Tulsi is a very anti-American person

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

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War takes finances away from white nations people.

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File: a5e50fd25482730⋯.png (603.47 KB,990x557,990:557,Hawaii Five-O.png)

Tulsi is Chin-Ho's second wife's daughter. She left him while Chin-Ho was on an important stake-out.

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File: ea6c0d5cc64e06c⋯.png (47.55 KB,800x800,1:1,1491571099938.png)



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Shaloha, this is my favorite thread on https://8ch.net

Thanks for shilling for Tulsi, guys, and god bless Israel. Shaloha, again.

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File: eb7b09a62dc5e19⋯.png (246.79 KB,638x359,638:359,1554218101357.png)


>since we protect them all with out military.

This meme needs to die. You mouthbreathing 56%-ers keep Europe physically occupied with your troops while strangling re-armament efforts via legal pacts and strongarm tactics.

Please kindly do fuck off and spare us your 'protection'. As well as any 'freedom' when we start cleaning house, especially of all the Washington-placed ZOG puppets occupying our governments.

t. Yuropoor

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File: 81f230cce244ba8⋯.jpg (19.63 KB,209x241,209:241,I'm one of you Goy.jpg)

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>Cuba invading USA

Are you even aware how ridiculous you sound kike?

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File: e6bb3c05654122c⋯.jpg (26.47 KB,404x407,404:407,1557817273.jpg)

File: ff86d808b449de2⋯.jpeg (72.55 KB,960x960,1:1,the USA is a ranch.jpeg)


>And the entire "anti-war thing" is just objectively wrong

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>This meme needs to die. You mouthbreathing 56%-ers keep Europe physically occupied with your troops while strangling re-armament efforts via legal pacts and strongarm tactics.

this is truth

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A spice monkey with bad skin is the extreme right's only hope.

This timeline.

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File: 7fc7978826e46fc⋯.jpg (285.01 KB,1489x1544,1489:1544,Warning.jpg)

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Really? I don't know much deep lore about Tulsi Gabbard, but your arguments against her are particularly shitty. How much do they pay you? Because it's more than you deserve.

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File: 0671df34a538193⋯.png (419.52 KB,1887x2545,1887:2545,Wahmen posting.png)


Tulsi Gabbard. Attacks on her have almost no peer or equal, just look at OPs post. How embarrassing and uninformed.

- Legacy Media seen to be supportive of foreign interventions and wars

- Tulsi is miles away from the disconnect between Millennials and foreign policy

- She's seen combat, and went to warzones as a member of Congress

- No respect

>have sex already

Pic related lol assmad roastie detected.

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Schlomo… this is pathetic

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File: 97afcbc3695016f⋯.png (233.47 KB,480x294,80:49,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c8f8987d794c2d⋯.png (871.45 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7153be3f30e1641⋯.png (56.67 KB,640x518,320:259,ClipboardImage.png)


Smoke dat ICE brah, yeah?

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File: fd5113f049721f9⋯.png (340.38 KB,542x666,271:333,1551426015855.png)


<And the entire "anti-war thing" is just objectively wrong



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File: 4e92044421d0b29⋯.jpg (864.09 KB,1295x2929,1295:2929,trumpfaggot.jpg)

File: 2de1b37dba85560⋯.jpg (695.03 KB,1368x1952,171:244,trumps father genealogy.jpg)

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File: a12ec2f3aaddfee⋯.jpg (205.52 KB,876x500,219:125,712c691c581bc2cb.jpg)


The United States military doesn't protect anything but Israel. Even ICE does more than the military. If the US military was somehow vaporized all in one instant, this world wound be a better place.

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>Tulsi is a very anti-American person

so is every single american politician that is anti-white, meaning, all of them.

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> Trump has the balls to glass any uppity country that does that.

Blomp doesn't even have the balls to put down pantifa, much less an actual physical army with real weapons.

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File: 4f542b96d7c6161⋯.jpg (2.48 MB,2969x3549,2969:3549,(((Communist revolutions))….jpg)

File: 4ff25d5726552cc⋯.jpg (4.96 MB,5000x3200,25:16,Semitic plan to attack the….jpg)

File: 7f39aa66b29bb8d⋯.png (437.94 KB,1000x1110,100:111,Critical theory and who be….png)


The marxism was invented by your fellow shekel-sniffers.

The real communist hq is the synagogues.

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You shills just aren't even trying any more. This is just pathetic. Sage, so you don't get your 0.001 sheckles for the (You).

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>And the entire "anti-war thing" is just objectively wrong and will literally doom America to death

So cause exactly what we want?

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>CFR pawn

Yeah, no.

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name 1 person in congress that has refused the AIPAC bribe.

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>I don't like Trump, so therefore I must support candidate X

you are a literal retard.

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neither party is viable anymore nor are any of the secondary parties. we need a gentile billionaire to start up a legit NatSocparty but without all of the trad nazi visuals

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>entire "anti-war thing" is just objectively wrong

>kike/cianig detected

the main reason to push Tulsi is to get a bunch of normalfag white dems on her side, then get angry when the antiwhites push her out

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File: 0f8159976762f76⋯.gif (1.23 MB,442x251,442:251,i.... just.... can't.....gif)

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That reminds me of FBI accidentally publishing proof that it had at least one glownigger trying to blame something (some white dude killing a nigger drug dealer, if I remember correctly) on russian spies or some shit.

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Anon, that wasn't even D&C. Learn nuance.

He didn't say the board was anti-America, he said it wasn't "pro-"America. Which is correct, because the board isn't "pro-" any country at all. What the board is "pro-" for is the survival and well-being of the Eruopean races, not some particular collection of lines on a map, or the continuation of some particular government body.

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File: 0f99f57f69e6ddf⋯.jpg (59.8 KB,609x676,609:676,thinking.jpg)

Am I a shizo or is this entire thread just anti-Tulsi shills arguing with pro-Tulsi shills?

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>This board is being flooded by anti-military Gabtards

This board is and always has been anti-zionist, which the wars we fight are currently in favor of

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File: 4cd99f6cd26711d⋯.png (351.42 KB,450x601,450:601,The company she keeps.png)

Let me help you out, OP.

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OP is a Kike-loving faggot.

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So is your mom. He really got you with the sex line, didn't he, you virgin neckbeard? hahaha.

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File: 5a3a2a6cf596f81⋯.png (172.41 KB,300x292,75:73,1404496602811.png)


Unironically this, when will you votecucks learn that there's no voting out of this hellhole? The only hope for white people is accelerationism and hope that the shock wakes up enough whites into fighting. That's it, there's no other way out, there won't be some sort of magical Hitler resurrection that will wake up the normalfaggots. The future is written on the walls, yet you faggots are turning a blind eye at it.

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Wow… OP is super Jewish

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File: df1d65a198d4bbb⋯.jpg (70.65 KB,500x478,250:239,1526343581331.jpg)

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File: 6b0ef1279e1d10e⋯.png (25.22 KB,750x550,15:11,DDT-Character-Triangle.png)


jnana yog > bhakti yog

you cannot realize god just by saying his name over and over again.

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why tho why tho why tho why tho why tho

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>So is your mom.

I take it "mom" means Tulsi Gabbard?

I basically agree with those who think Gabbard is just a crypto-hawk. She exists as a candidate to sell future ZOG wars to the anti-war "movement" (composed almost exclusively of 'Left' trash). She is a none-European person, who looks at that thing called "America" as great because it is an anti-nationalist creation of religious idiocy. She is not our candidate, but any means.

I would also say she has actual chance of being elected, because the ZOG doesn't see itself as desperate enough to allow her to win the nomination. Furthermore, when he eventually decides to quit the race, she will back the establishment candidate.

However, this doesn't change the basic arguments of the OP, which reflects the thinking of a ZOG-faggot. Revolutionary White Nationalists hate that thing called "America" with a passion. We want to see "America" die a horrible death. We want "America" to go up in a nuclear fire, and during the course the White Nation Liberation War, it is highly likely the forces of revolutionary White Nationalism will use nuclear weapons on the holdouts of the ZOG.

The very idea that "America" is going to be "invaded" by communists and Muslims is pure idiocy. The ZOG already lets these people in legally by the hundreds of thousands. After "America" is destroyed, they're not ever going to get in again, and any military which tried to invade the territorial borders of the future White Nation-State would simply be destroyed in a nuclear fire.

This is why OP is a Kike-loving faggot, and so are you.

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>has no actual chance

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>TFW You made somebody exactly what you claim you didn't want, but did it anyways.

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Not Hindu, don't care

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Nice reverse psychology ad for Tulsi

Voting doesn't matter. Our presidents have no power. The only ones going to save us are ourselves.

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> Do you stupid niggers seriously want Iran and Japan to invade us after Gabbard weakens the military? Trump has the balls to glass any uppity country that does that. This board is being flooded by anti-military Gabtards

> fearmongering about Japan and Iran invading and taking over the US

See the fact that this idea scares you makes it obvious you're not from here. Japanese or Iranian occupation replacing the US' current state as an Israeli vassal would be a vast improvement for everyone involved.

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>oy vey goys see this other shill here, hes gonna vote bernie!

>you're gonna get socialism under tulsi gabbard!

>you won't get socialism if you vote for the zion don and have him legally import millions of socialist voters that are currently occupying swing states like Texas and Florida!

>Oy vey if you pull out of the middle east you're gonna get invaded by islam niggers, how could you leave your buddy israel to get fucked by islamists?!

>do you want japan to invade us after gabbard weakens the military, stay in perpetual war dying for israel! If you don't wanna die for israel you're an anti military shill!

The absolute state of you fucking kikes. This is absolutely fucking pathetic. Go back to reddit where something like this might work, you glow as much as a cia nigger trying to incite violence here. Only the newest of newfags actually believe there's a difference between right and left in america, the result is socialism and clown world, the difference is the rate in which we get it.

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It's not devastating, it's literally this >>13550540, there is no political solution to our problems. Secession or war are our only options and that's what it will eventually come down to, especially if the modern right grows a pair against the modern left (given that that's where current battle lines are drawn).

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> stop voting goyim only armed revolution will solve it

And yet I'm not seeing you grab your gun and walk from door to door to get shit going, you're just sitting at home and telling people not to vote.

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This is a reverse psychology thread. Gabbard is a pro-Zionist shill, and the OP is a Gabbard campaign staffer who is attempting to garner votes from us.

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anyone got pics of tulsi's pussy?

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CIA don't you have anything better to do

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>the places we liberated

The United States is an oppressor, not a liberator. kys

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>the battle lines are drawn between left and right

Then we're fucked, because that has nothing to do with reality. "Left" and "right" is a jewish false dichotomy. The real lines are between people opposed to jews and people knowingly or unknowingly serving jews.

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File: b60cd921242611f⋯.jpg (70.19 KB,600x589,600:589,Democracy2.jpg)


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I live in Canada so thats not an option, not that I would do that anyway. Hi RCMP.

I havent paid or reported my taxes in 6 years. Its the best I can do and probably more than 99% of you LARPers.

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>this slide got his much attention

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File: 83db9a331c344e9⋯.jpg (29.95 KB,730x390,73:39,india-non-veg-curry-beef-m….jpg)

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The bad part is the "flood the country with non-whites, implement socialism, take all the money of the white people and give it to the non-whites, and disarm the whites so they can't defend themselves against any and all hostile intentions we have for them" part.

The anti-war is the good part. The fact that you try to portray the ONLY good part of her policies to be the bad part makes me think you're just another Nazbol shilling for her but using the reverse psychology technique. She's trash and so are you.

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I have seen more shilling for muh muslim bitch than Tulsi here.

Fags hate Tulsi because she respects Trump as a president.

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File: 97ccb6c25f9f158⋯.jpg (43.67 KB,494x666,247:333,Have you reported the crim….jpg)

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>we have to continue fighting israel's self-imposed battles for it to stop the commies!

no israel. you ARE the commies.

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it would be lulzy to have a literal practicing witch as president.

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Show tets and vageene bitch lasagna

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Real talk. Whoever is in charge of our government shouldn't theoretically matter at all, nor which party they belong to, because they're supposed to answer to the people. However is the people are just passive cucks they don't have to answer to shit.

Engage in real democracy by using your voice, your printers, and your bullets. Organize people to demand deportations.

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Reported for miscegenation.

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There is no sense nor decency in being 'pro-war' as to be thus is tantamount to declaring one's own interest of proliferating conflict across the globe. But then that is what a certain group of individuals like to push, isn't it? The Boltonites of this world.

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She's still an open borders country wrecker anyway, AIPAC support or not. She also wants to disarm you, and kill unborn babies.

The only good part to her is that she didn't take the DNC's "muh Russia" bait.

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wow, that middle one might actually be interesting if you didn't call yourself out for being a mental midget by conflating postmodernism which is French thought based on Nietzsche, Heidegger and Saussure (German, German, Swiss) with Critical Theory & (((Frankfurt School) which is located in Germany and based its ideas off of (((Freud))) and (((Marx))), both German Jews… and then to top it all off you labelled it "cultural marxism," which is clearly an oxymoron.

good job not being intelligent enough to spot retardation, and then spreading said retardation

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Kamala Harris Campaign Claims Russians are Behind Tulsi Gabbard After Hawaii Democrat Lands Attack

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA)’s campaign press secretary suggested Russia was behind Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) after she landed an effective blow on Harris’ record as a prosecutor during the Democrat debates on Wednesday night.

Her press secretary, Ian Sams, tweeted shortly after the attack an NBC News article from February 2019 claiming the “Russian propaganda machine” was promoting Gabbard:

“Reporters writing their stories with eyes on the modern-day assignment desk of Twitter, read this: ‘The Russian propaganda machine that tried to influence the 2016 election is now promoting the presidential aspirations of a controversial Hawaii Democrat,'” he tweeted. He later retweeted his tweet.

The NBC News article from February 2019 cites, “several experts who track websites and social media linked to the Kremlin” who have seen “what they believe may be the first stirrings of an upcoming Russian campaign of support for Gabbard.” Among the experts are analysts from New Knowledge, which ran a Russian-like disinformation campaign against Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.

Sams’ attacks came after Gabbard pointed out Harris prosecuted more than 1,500 people for marijuana violations after she became California attorney general in 2010, but earlier this year laughed about smoking it during an interview with the Breakfast Club radio show.

“Senator Harris says she’s proud of her record as a prosecutor, and that she’ll be a prosecutor president, but I’m deeply concerned about this record. There are too many examples to cite, but she put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana,” Gabbard said, to loud applause.

“She blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so,” Gabbard continued. “She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California and she fought to keep the cash-bail system in place. That impacts people in the worst kind of way.”

Instead of addressing those attacks, Sams blasted Gabbard on her meeting with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad in 2017 to discuss an end to the civil war in Syria, where U.S. troops were deployed.

“Yo, you love Assad,” he tweeted first.

Harris, in the spin room afterwards, took up the line Gabbard was an Assad “apologist” — also not addressing the substance of Gabbard’s criticism.

“This is going to sound immodest but I’m obviously a top-tier candidate. And so I did expect that I would be on the stage and take hits tonight,” Harris said.

“I think that this coming from someone who has been an apologist for an individual, Assad, who has murdered the people of his country like cockroaches, she who has embraced and been an apologist for him in a way that she refuses to call him a war criminal, I can only take what she says and her opinion so seriously. And so, you know, I’m prepared to move on,” she said.


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Where exactly do you think you are, kike? We accelerationists now. I intend to vote for the most extreme leftist candidate in order to get this party started. The fire is rising and I want to pour on the petrol.

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>She voted for the bill because of some provision that guarantees the "right" of U.S. citizens to protest (economically sabotage) our allies.

>our allies

Man, I really can't wait for you kikes to finally get what's coming to you.

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I'm not voting for gabbard, just pointing out that your reasons for bitching are neocon reasons and you should kill yourself.

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File: 51fa79f13c5b623⋯.png (40.1 KB,812x727,812:727,Omar.png)

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Go back to leftypol, glownigger !

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Wow now 8gag loves a shitskin. You fucks are hilarious. Tulsi loves Kikes

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File: d4c8e263730194d⋯.png (495.72 KB,1280x752,80:47,1564650375556.png)

i'd fuck her, but thats not the point. Adolph Hitler never voted for a woman and thats all there is to it .

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fuck off kike

she is the best Democrat option.

you hate her because she won't go to war for Israel.

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WIll mommy Tulsi give me tendies if I vote for her?

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I love how these media clowns and libtards think we are the ones supporting Gabbard on social media. News flash, very few of us use social media and the people who are "shilling" are traditional Democrat voters who walked away from your shitty party due to your non existent agendas which will harm our country.

Gabbard is one of the few sane ones from that group. Very few. The rest hate our country and it is obvious.

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Nah shes pretty good.

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File: 4e3d4f68dd84336⋯.jpg (56.07 KB,735x490,3:2,6892576891.jpg)

<OP: "Gabbard's puppet strings lead straight to Moscow and Syria. These retards seriously think that someone who meets with a tyrant who gasses CHILDREN"

>establishment and media are now accusing Gabbard being a Russian puppet, after she BTFO Kamala Harris

Thread reeks with the stench of CTR.

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> And the entire "anti-war thing" is just objectively wrong and will literally doom America to death and subjugation at the hands of muslims, commies and whoever the fuck else wants a piece of this western pie.

This is peak boomer right here, folks.

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You’ve come here to sway consensus, OP. You don’t support your claims beyond emphatic words and impassioned statements. Your placement of “nigger” isn’t part of your common lexicon, it’s obvious. Advice to you: lurk 2 years before posting again, faggot.

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>voting and supporting women in politics

Anyone supporting a woman should fuck off to cuckchan. Especially a mixed mutt woman like "mommy" or Nigger Harris. Get your shit together this is a National Socialist board. Democracy is a failure. Democracy should be swept away permanently and looked back upon by our descendants with disdain.

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Dont be sexist towards mommy anon ,she seems pretty legitimate . If anything she's better than zion don and aparently isnt a kike puppet

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here's a pretty good congressional list of jewry no vote list.


I need to do some shit figure out how to crawl that site to get all her votes/bills and search them for jewry (6 year career, she's sponsored 1200 pieces of legislature, that's not even counting the votes) but from a cursory glance she doesn't look too kike'd, asside from being more immigrant friendly than I'd like.

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File: 0887e9462129dfb⋯.jpg (105.4 KB,617x685,617:685,5cf5ea68045ff2e0eccfe92bd1….jpg)


OP is a jew faggot.

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File: b637208275eebf5⋯.jpg (459.63 KB,1440x1439,1440:1439,Society.jpg)


>invasion from Cuba

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Tulsi is a part of ISKCON, a hindu cult started by a guru named Prabhupada.

We all know that Prabhupada caught Bhavananda das in 1976 raping young boys in Mayapur. How did Prabhupada punish him? Prabhupada sent Bhavananda away for a few months but then less than a year later Prabhupada had made Bhavananda into one of the 11 gurus who would succeed him. Prabhupada was either a homosexual pedophile himself, or apparently saw nothing wrong with his top disciples raping young boys. Either way, he is not a "pure devotee of God" because a pure devotee would not tolerate or engage directly in raping young boys. Even normal humans understand that homosexual pedophilia is the most evil thing.

As Prabhupada said many times, "you judge the tree by it's fruit". If ISKCON's members and devotees are all pedophiles or supporters of pedophiles, then the conclusion is pretty obvious, is it not? Prabhupada himself was a homosexual pedophile. That may explain why Prabhupada, a man in his late 70s, surrounded himself with young 18 year old male disciples?

But what about Prabhupada's preaching efforts, you ask? None of us would be devotees of Krishna without his preaching efforts, you say.

WRONG. Absolutely wrong. If you have the transcendental karma of becoming a devotee in this life, it does not depend on any material condition. The more mature of us were devotees in the previous life and probably life before that too. We would have found our way back to Krishna with or without Prabhupada, or rather IN SPITE of Prabhupada's preaching efforts.

I haven't found a single good person in ISKCON because if someone is actually a good person, they would have left long ago. The only people who stay in ISKCON are the criminals, sociopaths, and child molesters.

I hope the poison theory was true. I hope Prabhupada suffered in absolute agony during the last year of his life, as the arsenic which his disciples like Bhakti Charu Swami and Tamal Krishna Goswami were giving him, ate out his organs and gradually shut down his body. That agony is probably nothing compared to the agony that around 2000 young boys experienced in ISKCON's gurukulas, the boarding schools, where they were raped by homosexual pedophiles like Bhavananda das, Kirtananda das, Nitaichand swami, and their henchmen.

This is the same Bhavananda das who Alfred Ford, the grandson of Henry Ford, demanded by the top manager of the construction of the 100 million dollar new temple in Mayapur, West Bengal, India. Everyone knows that Alfred Ford is a homosexual but he is also a homosexual pedophile too.

Anyway, Prabhupada is rotting in hell right now along with his disciples and followers who have died already. Remember, Prabhupada said that the disciples of a bogus guru will go to hell along with their guru. Do you want to go to hell? Then reject the monster known as Prabhupada, the homosexual pedophile known as Prabhupada, and sincerely seek out true vaisnava association. If you stay in ISKCON, you are going to hell and not even Krishna can save you. The real irony is that when Prabhupada was constantly ranting about bogus gurus, he was actually talking about himself, unknowingly. Actually, if you follow Prabhupada's absolutely sick, evil, hateful, and un-vaisnava-like teachings, you are already in hell in this lifetime. You don't have to die to see hell.

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File: df7ad4005423218⋯.jpg (86.71 KB,426x759,142:253,Tulsi Gabbard.jpg)

>Gabbard’s 2017 trip was financed and run by members of a Lebanese socialist-nationalist party that works closely with the Assad regime. .. On this trip, she met only with the regime-approved “opposition” and said they were against the rebellion.



She had her trip to Syria funded by Lebanese national-socialists. This means she's our girl!

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Hot mommy is making the kikes nervous!

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all that this thread tells me is that /pol/ is so full of newfags, MIGAbrainlets and shizoposters that they will genuinely vote for tulsi just because she has the ire of her party for "the memes" just like trump without looking at the rest of her platform. And then you have this reddit spacing OP making this garbage OP (as usual) probably to make a poorly created argument against tulsi that is sure to draw criticism and thus reinforce the side of "lol vote tulsi ironically" You might as well throw in your hat with the asianmasculinity fucks running YANGshit

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>and the rest of the West too, since we protect them all with out military.

OP means Israel.

Under President Gabbard, Israel would have to fight it's own war against Iran.

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This is how retarded jewish shills actually are. This is what they actually think we will believe.

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File: 529b33701009552⋯.jpg (38.03 KB,333x499,333:499,Lutheran.jpg)


what it means is that

TG is willing to go where the Jew tells her not to. TG is willing to test the Jew. TG knows the Jew lies.

/pol/ can use this.

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File: 89a8d0d23732f53⋯.jpg (84.27 KB,1024x512,2:1,1564842483496.jpg)


Sources, anon? The skeptic in me wants more evidence.

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She definitely has some sun damage from living in Hawaii. UV rays out there are crazy high.

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File: afda41e7120ce78⋯.jpeg (422.78 KB,1024x576,16:9,53C14F62-928F-4ED8-A9FD-0….jpeg)

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>if we were to withdraw literally ALL forces abroad

That's not even remotely what her message is. She wants to end wars that do not serve our country's strategic interests, while at the same time stop a foreign policy that benefits Saudi Arabia, who she has called out as the main supporter of Islamic terror groups.

>And the entire "anti-war thing" is just objectively wrong and will literally doom America to death and subjugation at the hands of Muslims

She's gone on record hundreds of times saying she wants to continue the war against Islamic extremists, her first controversy was in 2014 when she clashed with Obama about him not saying "Islamic terrorism," her beef with progressives right now is because she sided with Assad in the war against ISIS.

You sound like a retard.


So do you.


Her proximity to third position parties and agents is undeniable at this point. From her working relationship with Tucker Carlson, her contacts within India's BJP, the work she's done in Congress to support the funding and arming of Azov in Ukraine, etc.

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Tulsi Gabbard is not a pacificist. She's just exhibiting… the wisdom that other politicians lack. No more wars for other countries, that's not so tough.

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OP is a pro Tulsi shill trying to create a caricature of the arguments against her as being the most clueless newfag neocon arguments and not the actual arguments against her like her her full on sjw domestic agenda and her obsession with brown ramping up nonwhite immigration even worse than it is. It's slightly more clever than the yang shills but still transparent as fuck.

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