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File: a00d1de231cc8bf⋯.jpg (2.31 MB,1278x1996,639:998,1561813141767833786124.jpg)

 No.13548239 [Last50 Posts]

It's the GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM, not global warming, like they've been proselytizing.

First it was 'the ice age is coming!'


Then it was 'global warming is going to cook the earth and melt the glaciers!'



But this was debunked spectacularly.



It was proven that climate scientists doctored results, fabricated data, illegally erased data, prevented other scientists from using the data and verifying their conclusions, and knew that the results they got did not find the earth was warming. 






















The official U.N. IPCC report was fraudulent too


And the statistically fraudulent claim that 97% of scientists agree, was debunked too





The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary presents it nicely https://youtu.be/oYhCQv5tNsQ


CO2 In perspective


And now it's 'devastating man-made climate change!'


And here are some of the environmental signs they say prove the earth is warming and the climate is changing.

Sea levels are rising…


Temperatures are rising…

During the last hundred years the temperature increased about 0.1°C because of carbon dioxide. The human contribution was about 0.01°C


And glaciers are disappearing…


So if it's not an ice age, and its not global warming, and its not anthropogenic climate change, what is it?



What is a grand solar minimum and what does it mean for us?


In a nut shell here's what happens when the sun weakens and moves into a more dormant cycle:

· Increased galactic radiation hitting the earth causing increased cloud coverage globally

· Weaker jet streams

· Increased volcanic activity

· Increased frequency and magnitude of earth quakes

· More erratic and unpredictable weather

· Substantially increased precipitation and drought

· Shrinking grow zones for crops and shorter grow periods

· Massive crop loss and food shortages

· Significantly colder areas at the north and south poles

Even NASA admits it's a big deal https://archive.is/OeGiu

The great civilizations have risen and fallen on the backs of these grand solar cycles




So here's what's happening now

The sun's total solar irradiance (TSI) is currently dropping off a cliff. Much faster and further than the devastating Maunder Minimum.



The earth's magnetosphere is weakening at an unprecedented rate thereby letting in the largest amount of cosmic rays in recorded history.


Increased cosmic rays cause earthquakes, volcanos, and increased cloud cover thereby reducing earth's temperature further.


Like the 'year without a summer'


But this GSM will be far worse than previous ones


More resources on current happenings and excellent lectures

Grand Solar Minimum Channel


Ice Age Farmer Channel


Adapt 2030 Channel


So why the grand lie?

This is what it's really about. Destruction of western nations and the theft of it's wealth.


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Anyone have any good book recommendations for this topic? I have in-laws who are total shitlib literal global warming activists.

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That "ice age" time cover is fake, fyi.


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we should create a global warming to collapse international Zionism

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Recent Finnish study, confirmed by an unrelated Japanese one:

>If we pay attention to the fact that only a small part of the increased CO2 concentration is anthropogenic, we have to recognize that the anthropogenic climate change does not exist in practice.


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File: 0c5b529d4670db3⋯.pdf (111.19 KB,apollo.pdf)

Miles Mathis predicted this solar cycle over a year ago.

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On one side we have the entire scientific establishment spanning literally thousands of Universities, and numerous disciplines from physics to geology. We have a consensus agreement that the data clearly shows the trends are as predicted.

On the other side we have an autistic anon shitposting on pol using out of context and faked information.

Wonder who we should believe? Hmmm

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File: 39fa90f575da295⋯.png (463.38 KB,478x597,478:597,sage.png)


look guys, I'm replying to a shill bot 3000

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File: c1429cef33b6cc8⋯.jpg (15.8 KB,488x305,8:5,Achievement unlocked.jpg)


>implying it's impossible the temperature of Sol directly affects the temperature of Terra

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Any of the three books by John Casey, the discoverer of the sun's cycles and creator of RC theory.

Dark winter

Cold sun


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Indeed. Gotta love these neocon larpers who think they are nat soc. Interestingly enough I recognize a lot of OP's links from various threads on news and newsplus. I recognize them because in those threads they got debunked but shills like OP just keep reusing them because they know idiots won't fact check them and BIG WALL O TEXT = TRUTH.

I don't know if it's a misguided conspirafag or an actual shill trying to make us look ridiculous by association. At least we don't see as much flat earth or fake moon landing threads as we used to.

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Except your precious scientists lied their asses off and completely defrauded the world. Oh and that 98% stat was fraud too

It was proven that climate scientists doctored results, fabricated data, illegally erased data, prevented other scientists from using the data and verifying their conclusions, and knew that the results they got did not find the earth was warming.






















The official U.N. IPCC report was fraudulent too


And the statistically fraudulent claim that 97% of scientists agree, was debunked too




The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary presents it nicely https://youtu.be/oYhCQv5tNsQ

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Keep kvetching rabbi. You baby dick sucking pedophile faggots are going to get glassed by your shitskin neighbours soon enough. This trick is over. The goyim know. Just shut it down.

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>Wonder who we should believe? Hmmm

Considering how those same Scientists have been proven to be pathological liars with a political agenda and OP is just a faggot with a political agenda I'd say neither but if you had to pick OP.

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File: 971bc173204943e⋯.png (521.46 KB,705x717,235:239,losing.png)


On the one side we have CNN, MSNBC etc who all say Trump is a hardcore nazi supermacist that has caused unprecedented anti semitism.

On the other side we have an autistic anon on /pol/ saying hes jewish.

Wonder who we should believe? Hmmm

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Fucking LOL. Here is a perfect example of how fucking stupid this shill is. Pic #4 "Dinosaur Era had 5 times today's CO2". What it conveniently leaves out is that this was due to the eruption of several super volcanoes and that global temperatures jumped 10-15 degrees across the globe followed by a mass die off of 95% of life on earth. Wow sounds really fucking great. So what does that picture seek to prove? That co2 levels create climate change? That rapid changes in co2 levels can cause ecological collapse? That an event 250 MILLION years ago is analogous to today? That OP just blindly copy pastas things without thinking them through? Funny how as the effects of it became more noticeable to people who weren't children and have lived long enough to have a memory of when things were different that the narrative shifted from "straight up doesn't exist" to "it exists but it's not peoples fault its planet nibiru/solar minimum/cow farts/natural cycles/Illuminati weather machine/etc".

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>What it conveniently leaves out is that this was due to the eruption of several super volcanoes and that global temperatures jumped 10-15 degrees across the globe followed by a mass die off of 95% of life on earth

Excuse me that was due to the dinosaurs driving 'gas guzzling SUVs'.

If only they had paid extra climate taxes everything would have been fine.

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File: 3ba1c9bd1308349⋯.jpg (141.71 KB,480x600,4:5,1311033244354.jpg)


>I called him a Jew do I fit in guys?

Fuck off back to whatever schizo website you came from.

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>Can't refute central argument

>Resorts to humor and absurdity to mask lack of counter argument

About what I'd expect from you retards.

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As the saying goes: Many a true word is spoken in jest.

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>Implying you had a central argument beyond literal hot air

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File: a66eb465d2cd4da⋯.jpg (3.72 MB,3457x2990,3457:2990,Israel organ harvest.jpg)

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File: 2bd5ce05a63005f⋯.jpg (449.5 KB,2048x1835,2048:1835,Israel organ harvest Syria….jpg)

The level of kvetching without refuting anything in here really makes you think. Look familiar JIDF?

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I think his argument was that aut right supermacists who are skeptical towards global warming, sorry I mean global cooling sorry I mean climate change keep changing their theories as the facts evolve.

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I don't blame him, he's just nostalgic of the FIVE ice ages the planet has had and wishes we had another one.

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Stopped reading there.

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>effortpost wall of text urging to ignore

>oy vey nothing to see here, just worry about your shekels goy

If you niggers cant understand "dont shit where you eat", ecology, and jew tricks, I can't even.

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Claims that GSM leads to:

· Increased galactic radiation hitting the earth causing increased cloud coverage globally

>How was this determined if the cycle is every millions years?

· Weaker jet streams

>Same question as above.

· Increased volcanic activity

>Has volcanic activity increased? Is that increase statistically significant? How was it measured?

· Increased frequency and magnitude of earth quakes

>Same question as above.

· More erratic and unpredictable weather

>How was this determined to be an effect of GSM?

· Substantially increased precipitation and drought

>Same question as above.

· Shrinking grow zones for crops and shorter grow periods

>Same question as above.

· Massive crop loss and food shortages

>Same question as above. If cycle is roughly 1,000,000 year then we have no historical reference to support the claim.

· Significantly colder areas at the north and south poles

>Are poles colder? What's the p value? How is this attributed to the GSM?

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Nigger what?

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Also the vast majority of your images are so devoid of context it's impossible to discern their purpose or meaning.

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You aren't a scientist if you don't practice the scientific method, they're just mathematicians that fail 100% of the time to model temperature curves

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>And the statistically fraudulent claim that 97% of scientists agree, was debunked too

I wanna address this real quick. Science is not a fucking democracy. When Copernicus cane up with the heliocentric model 99% of scientist thought the earth was the center of the universe. Parroting of this meme by the mainstream display a clear lack of scientific understanding. Truth is objective, it doesn’t matter what % of scientists believe it, the truth is empirical regardless. Also how do you think having 97% of scientists all agreeing with your dogma effects the peer review process? A healthy dose of skepticism is vital to the peer review process and this bullshit kills it.

What is happening now is the same process that ended the Nordic Bronze Age civilization (many Bronze Age civilizations for that matter). It is what ushered in the Germanic migration era. It happens in cycles. The real climate catastrophe is the island of Chinese plastic floating in the Pacific Ocean

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Just ask yourself why this still a debate. I suppose the earth is flat too.

>itt hurr durr there will never be consequences to my actions

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Good point. The consensus is for people who don't understand the subject.

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>Science is not a fucking democracy. When Copernicus cane up with the heliocentric model 99% of scientist thought the earth was the center of the universe. Parroting of this meme by the mainstream display a clear lack of scientific understanding.

This; however, this is also used maliciously in an attempt to invalidate sound scientific understanding. Evolution by natural selection is one example of where treating the consensus as if it were merely an argument from authority is often applied.

There are major gaps within the climate change debate, and that creates space for speds to place their nonsense. The climate scientists created their own problem.

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Good point. The consensus is for people who don't understand the subject.

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Both good points.

Three of us think the same way so it must be true.

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Friendly reminder that OP is pushing the same agenda the pro mass immigration, kike Koch brothers are pushing. Friendly reminder you Christfaggots should stop being such massive retarded kike led faggots.

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>Kock brothers

Wasnt that the two guys who created the matrix movies?

If the cock brorthers say the sky is blue am I meant to start believing its not?

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I replied to the wrong person at first. Posting is hard.

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Not an argument rabbi

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File: d1ba993c878b0dc⋯.png (200.06 KB,683x675,683:675,1530485743248.png)



>jew shills have no arguments

Notice how all they've done this thread is throw adhom and not actually worded an intelligible argument

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I thought GSM is postponed or delayed and that we have a new sun cycle beginning asap.

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25 is starting and it's the beginning of the GSM

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Of course, they are scared. Their sheckles are drying up

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YEAH. I know. You could tell from the very second in the First place. anyone who ate GW with the autism SPOON fucking full that they did was an automatic IQ deprived complete blown Communist. Wanting nothing but to strip the entire population's liberty and accessibility at the slightest sight of NON EVIDENCE and Sad Feelings

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File: 84f7cdb7ad1ada3⋯.gif (156.32 KB,500x500,1:1,1406223810100.gif)


>the retarded nigger doesn't even know that this board has IDs

You stick out like a sore thumb faggot, GTFO you glow in the dark cia nigger

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Running out of slides, niggerjew?

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You faggots waste time debating the merits of the idea while the green communists are already busy implementing their absolutely horrifying solutions, which all require global authoritarian government to achieve which is already far worse than any warming could ever be. Things like eating bugs, computerized "efficient" everything, which means grid dependence and the death blow to whats left of privacy, dragging every last "wasteful" white man out of innawoods and sticking them in high density kowloon style housing, stomping on the last 30yo boomers who daily an analog vehicle and forcing them into diverse public transport with TSA niggers grabbing your balls every day, no more carnivore pets, and a slew of other similiar things that would make pol pot blush, im a eurofag and its already happening here. Save freedom, fuck the climate.

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File: 364d1037ba50f52⋯.png (728.1 KB,691x710,691:710,JIDF Reporting In.png)


>we came to the same consensus


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>just go and chimp out goyim!

Nah. We are a superior species because we think and process THEN act.

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<lights off ice age

>lights on climate change



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Says the shill advocating (((scientific))) tyranny, so basically communism again, from the same people who think trannies are legit, but a couple million turd worlders frying and a sales increase of hawaii shirts does not a catastrophe make, your solutions however do. Smarthomes will become mandatory to reduce emissions and this gives ZOG unprecedented power. They already got full surveilance in any car sold today, your homes are next, and the justification will be the same.

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File: 58cb7c6baf4740b⋯.jpg (142.67 KB,1241x960,1241:960,global warming1.jpg)

There could be a mile of ice on New York and the liberals will tunnel their way out to protest global warming.

Idiot sheep.

Ignore them.

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green is the new red im suprised no one mentioned agenda 21 yet

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File: 5845f6da5aa8b91⋯.png (1 MB,827x575,827:575,ClipboardImage.png)


>green is the new red

This thread has me feeling like time machine took us to 1995. I thought this board was supposed to be a cutting edge

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File: c0d4030eb0d6001⋯.jpg (30.47 KB,474x641,474:641,smoke.jpg)


It's all a fucking conspiracy. Global Warming is the issue that's being heavily pushed on Zoomers. Green Parties are the most fucking Jewed out of all of them, and their biggest policy is "muh climate change."

fuck me.

i got work to do

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It's like the world has become such a fucked conspiracy in general that everyone's grey matter no longer functions, and the public forums are all insane psychopathic discussions fueled by random synapses firing of old white matter memories.

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>Argument from Authority: The Post

I mean, you could have attempted to provide any bit of counter evidence of some sort, but that would require that you be acting in good faith.

Hell, even if global warming did exist and was the fault of humanity, there's still the problem that all these same groups were predicting a worldwide winter wonderland as little as a few decades ago. At the very least, this "consensus" is not to be trusted since it's done a 180 so fast, and hasn't even acknowledged or explained that 180 to anyone.

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It's watermelons Anon; green on the outside, (((red))) on the inside.

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File: cb6f3c143c5a166⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB,540x304,135:76,00_Striving.mp4)


Most universities he cites will be controlled by usurious money lenders. It's like when the lie becomes big enough, I think some men's brains reject seeing it on a subtle subconscious basis. Like a survival adaptation filter, where there consciousness no longer sees "universal lies" as lies. The men of /pol/ are the few suffering souls of the soldiery of dissent that never acquired such an adaptation, preferring the pleasure of a world of truthful pain, rather than the pain of a world of pleasant lies.

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And the Sun\Solar Cycle controls the weather, it's so obvious, but very complex, lots of rotations.

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Global warming is Jewish bullshit designed to justify centralized government control of the goyim.

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And to distract from the coming cold age where crops will fail and famine will rule. What do you think the shitskins imported into Europe Will do when they don't get any more gibbs and are starving? It will spark the great race war.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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- temperatures dropping

- erratic and unpredicateble weather

- shrinking crop zones

How is that not a small ice age, retard? It doesnt' matter what causes it.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fucking embed the video you retarded faggot.

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Ridicule is the best way to attack. I just laugh at them and say 'Oh you people and your global warming conspiracy theory, what are you like?'

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Depending on the scientist it's either a 20-30 year GSM or more of a Maunder Minimum little ice age.

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If I had, then I wouldn't have been able to Fuck up your day and make you do it. Who's the Faggot now?

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File: b91e7ff2ad8cd2a⋯.jpg (55.74 KB,500x500,1:1,scientist albert einstein ….jpg)

File: 3e2f773a2823aff⋯.jpg (379.26 KB,1665x2485,333:497,scientific method.jpg)


>the entire scientific establishment


“Consensus” is not science. I don't remember performing rigged popularity polls in science class labs. “Consensus” is a buzzword for filthy liars and political pundits with no evidence whatsoever. It has "proved" that global warming and 59 genders exist.

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OK I will try to make this real simple for you. The sun has been getting hotter since it turned on around 4.6 billion years ago. Meanwhile the earth has been getting cooler since the first rocks froze and stayed that way around 4.5 billions ago. Life caused the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which had been steadily been reducing until the anthropocene. The sun is winning and in around 100000 years the carbon dioxide will have to be reduced to 0 to maintain a livable temperature for humans. However don't despair the solution is quite simple. We just need to launch more satellites into space to shade the earth. Once humans learn to live in space there will be an exponencial growth in the population so in around 5000 years satellites will block all the radiation of the sun and the population will be around 10000000000 times the present population of the earth. This is called a Dyson Swarm. Earth will then become a nature reserve. Stop whining and get to work.

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