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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 1bcb6de548898fa⋯.mp4 (3.42 MB,480x360,4:3,Small Rootless Internation….mp4)

 No.13546812 [Last50 Posts]

All of the National Socialist and Hitler speech videos have been almost completely removed from YouTube since the 2016 election. Videos like these were a staple of everyone right of the Republican party, and now they're gone. I archived about 100 of the most popular ones through 2017, but there's nowhere to put them. I checked the Mp4/WebM thread here on 8chan and it's full of useless dogshit.

Is anybody even making these videos anymore? Where do they go now? Is there anywhere where normies can be exposed to this content like they were in 2016? Back then, if you searched "Hitler speech" in Youtube you'd find videos of him speaking with a comment section full of praise; now you will find pointless, kosher videos from the History channel and even Benjamin Netanyahu.

Vid related is what I'm talking about - it is a shorter video because of the file size limit. These videos brought thousands of people into the National Socialist ideology and were an invaluable asset to our movement, yet it seems that most people here and elsewhere have completely forgotten about them.

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You have 'Die Flut Kommt' and 'This is National Socialism'?

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>that file already exists!


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>Hitler speech videos have been almost completely removed from YouTube

>deleting history

If Hitler was such a maniacal monster then why does Youtube not allow to watch his hateful speeches so that they can avoid future genocidal demagogues?

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>edit image

>add single black pixel


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File: af91037582299b2⋯.mp4 (15.01 MB,640x360,16:9,Totalen Krieg.mp4)


Unfortunately not, though I vaguely remember both videos being in the limited state around the time I started archiving. I do have the full versions of videos that are usually posted as shorter clips, such as "Why We Fight," "Sacrifice," "Speaker of Your Rights," and "Adolf Hitler's Warning," but they are too big to post here.

Looking back in my archive file, a large number of these videos were made by Alt-Right/Nordic Crusaders when his channels were being deleted and videos automatically limited within an hour of posting. Many of these videos never gained more than 1000 views before being taken down, although they were usually of good quality. Youtube was very efficient in sterilizing their site of dissent, I guess.

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Fuck hearing him speak is something that pumps you up

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File: 9a3e45019498d2d⋯.jpg (47.56 KB,618x475,618:475,conan_tailing.jpg)


This kids, is a subtle Fed-post. He is dropping bait for interaction, or for his sockpuppet to come in and agree that watching a Hitler speech is "pumping him up", at which point the Fed will suggest violence.

>but how do you know this isn't a random Anon??

Because everyone, not only oldfags, know that Hitler was inspiring. No matter what lies are told about Hitler everyone agrees on that fact. Oldfags of /pol/ especially know this, and don't need to state something so banal, known and felt by all who frequent here.

This has been your Fed spotting lesson with Anonymous.

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Weak shilling attempt

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File: 914caf3cdd15da8⋯.webm (2.5 MB,640x360,16:9,Leon Degrelle 1976.webm)

File: e8913ad7793bce6⋯.webm (3.96 MB,550x310,55:31,Once We Win.webm)

File: b7724b08dd6743e⋯.webm (3.66 MB,640x360,16:9,The Movement Grew.webm)


That's the point, nobody has ever been able to deny that.


>colored nationalism exists

>leads to massive progress in the interests of these non-white groups

>white nationalism exists

>is censored massively by everyone, infiltrated by governments, banned by legislators

Pure coincidence.


>saying the obvious means you glow in the dark

I thought schizoposting was bad in 2017, this is another level.

Posting some shorter webms + clips of longer videos now.

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Every day. Every thread. To no avail.

Kill yourself, you retarded nigger.

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It was a subtle start to a suggestion of violence. His first post was not necessarily the bad one, it was just what gave him away.

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File: e7ba3e1ea1e4330⋯.webm (3.77 MB,240x176,15:11,Warning.webm)


If you immediately assume that feeling inspired or pumped up is going to lead to violence, the problem may lie in how you think about using energy. Get your inspiration from /sig/ instead of Tarrant and you'll be far better off.

Here's a heavily compressed version of "Adolf Hitler's Warning" that I think was originally meant for posting on 4/wsg/.

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>no results

You fucking dregs are so fucking tiresome. You die first nigger.

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>Oy vey, you're ruining our Knotsee propaganda

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File: 375a14cec4b3327⋯.jpg (96.96 KB,760x553,760:553,2016-10-30t230209z_2564436….jpg)



This more to your liking?

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We're trying to discuss surviving our genocide, you fucking walking corpse.

Keep poking, nigger.

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"They pointed, and giggled, and laughed, until it slowly occurred to them. No one else was joking."

You must not truly understand the danger you've put yourselves in? Good luck.

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I'll sleep with one eye open then kike

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File: 46724411e0ca781⋯.png (582.81 KB,500x558,250:279,FacetoBlood.png)


Good. Doesn't matter though. Nothing will stop what's coming for you. You know this.

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File: dd5040a090e4a51⋯.jpg (375.95 KB,1000x707,1000:707,deadmuds.jpg)

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File: 287b4d2a6cb2554⋯.webm (3.82 MB,336x190,168:95,To Europe They Were True.webm)

File: 30a9b81b4b68a69⋯.webm (3.91 MB,480x270,16:9,The Volk Would Have Won.webm)

Found a clip of one of Esoteric Truths's videos on Mosley. Does he still make anything? Does The Impartial Truth still exist?

Has there been any original content at all in the past year?

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That's probably because coloured nationalism, let's take black for example, don't consider non-blacks subhumans and don't advocate for expulsion of non-blacks from the country you stupid retard. Neither does it serve for tribalistic interests.

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File: 4bf7a56133c78af⋯.webm (3.83 MB,746x420,373:210,Courage.webm)


Yeah, it's not like these people are loudly calling for and attempting to carry out white genocide or anything. No, they just want voting rights, goy, and other basic necessities of life like your neighborhood, your job, your money, and for your rights to be revoked. Would you deny them that?


>Neither does it serve for tribalistic interests.

Fuck you, Sarg'n, they are explicitly tribalistic as are all collectivist ideologies, ethnonationalism included.

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Does anybody have that Waffen SS song that has the laughing in it? I can't seem to find that song anywhere on youtube.

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>TORpedo hasn't heard of south africa farm murders

Yes, niggers definitely don't want to kill whitey. kys

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bitchute SS marschiert in Feindesland

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>south africa farm murders

The ones that constituted around 2% of total murders in SA? Also I like how you had to bring up some single postcolonial country where blacks have a reason to be pissed at whites, yet "white genocide" here is just couple of blacks that made attacks on couple of white farmers.

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File: f57df41134deb2c⋯.mp4 (3.52 MB,640x480,4:3,1.mp4)

File: ccc22dc9ed2e5a2⋯.mp4 (10.71 MB,854x480,427:240,3.mp4)


Dubs respect,

1.mp4 is from January 2019,

2.mp4 is from February 2019 (in following post due to size),

3.mp4 is from June 2019.

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File: b15d7069b4044fc⋯.mp4 (15.79 MB,640x480,4:3,2.mp4)

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File: adbeadf65a21f29⋯.jpg (226 KB,1301x957,1301:957,POLN.jpg)

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File: 99a112230101161⋯.jpg (117.2 KB,525x700,3:4,MediaManipulation.jpg)


You're so jealous robotic kike.

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File: c64359b2e2f32ee⋯.jpg (96.41 KB,1300x921,1300:921,jew-and-arab-kissing.jpg)


Why the alamy watermarks though?

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File: 80cb66419fabf47⋯.jpg (72.46 KB,654x491,654:491,POLN1.jpg)

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>This kids, is a subtle Fed-post.

Jesus Christ you are paranoid.

It wasn’t at all, my wife called me as I was typing a more well thought out reply so I simply posted what I had written.

How the fuck else is simply saying the words of Hitler deeply resonate with you a fed post? Are you a kike yourself? Or just fucking retarded?

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File: a35f6e0270687b7⋯.webm (3.82 MB,532x300,133:75,300 Men.webm)

File: aa49f0232a907e0⋯.webm (3.18 MB,640x360,16:9,1499711127111.webm)



Thank you for the contribution, anon. It is good to see that some new videos are being made, even if 1 and 2 were essentially remasters of older concepts. Are there any other people making newer videos?

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>being on /pol/

>has a wife

You just outed yourself mr. Glow in the dark

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>wow so much preemptive challenge they will never see my glow.

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File: 51f461546e96b08⋯.png (717.41 KB,640x777,640:777,Napoleon-SaveYourCountry.png)

File: c8ce4feb4edc4c2⋯.jpg (59.86 KB,445x827,445:827,Naw.jpg)

File: 0f378b9be7a3d1a⋯.png (70.9 KB,3000x2000,3:2,NewFrance.png)

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File: 9166899504704bb⋯.png (368.7 KB,1457x1826,1457:1826,CelticLeague.png)

File: cd168aee37e64c6⋯.png (37.1 KB,1000x632,125:79,Confederate_Union_Jack.png)


Vigilant Patriot Network

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File: 173f75fe79abd7b⋯.jpg (2.38 MB,1430x1409,1430:1409,Skrewdriver - Hail Victory….jpg)

File: 98736d00a66c7c1⋯.jpg (1.76 MB,1751x1377,103:81,Skrewdriver - Hail Victory….jpg)


you can still upload/download stuff to/from archive.org

88nsm has interesting stuff - click around

proton email to start a bitchute channel?

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archive.org, use it



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>violence is bad

are you retarded?

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their not natsoc retarded their a bunch of fucking skin head niggers if they where they would be working out like a real man

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>their (x2)

they're (x2)



do not ever post here again.

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Ohh it's your dumb ass who likes to act retarded and point out peoples shit typing ya your not going to like me Im alwas posting something and also allwas have shit typing

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> where blacks have a reason to be pissed at whites

Yeah I'd be mighty pissed too at whites voting to allow the destruction of the country I reside in.

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>being on /pol/

>not having a wife

Nice work countering those declining white birth rates mr. LARP

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>dumb ass


i'm not the one who has the spelling level of a six year old. there are niggers that spell better than you. i want you to let that sink in. you are bad optics

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Loss of Alerta Judaida was a big hit for our propaganda efforts, I applaud anyone who takes up their cause.

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>niggers have a reason to be pissed at whites for civilizing them

>whitey doesnn't have a reason to be pissed at niggers for invading and destroying his countries

Kill yourself, kike shill

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Hey you should focus on 4/pol/ they are slowly becoming more national socialist.

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>you are bad optics

I don't think you know that that means

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File: b22ac931673610c⋯.jpg (101.84 KB,808x645,808:645,hitler 5.jpg)

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File: 7025559534b0cdc⋯.jpg (66.28 KB,580x387,580:387,_68Ocync_Aw.jpg)

File: 07f8622014f6af0⋯.png (885.47 KB,694x547,694:547,BdHyWWtqC_thumb.png)

File: 541c427b1e067d6⋯.jpg (18.42 KB,480x360,4:3,Svenskarnas Parti 2.jpg)

File: b9827c8455ce057⋯.jpg (21.38 KB,300x198,50:33,Jobbik (2).jpg)


Predictable hive-minded nigger, never looked past than what he has been taught from cradle to grave in the mainstream.

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File: 8213ea9cd2b94f5⋯.jpg (71.57 KB,600x396,50:33,Jobbik party.jpg)

File: 14f1495eadaa62e⋯.png (854.58 KB,746x768,373:384,art22.png)

File: c1bf36601749a39⋯.jpg (51.79 KB,346x349,346:349,10923626_745276438912552_2….jpg)

File: 1816fc0e86b4ed6⋯.jpg (97.13 KB,663x442,3:2,White Nationalism.jpg)


>Fellow shill, quick! Shut it down, before the goyim know. Free speech is not hate speech. You hear me? We're progressives fighting for justice & equality that nazi scum are against. We don't want to go back to those dark ages that those old-fashioned twits want.

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I mean come on let's be honest this board is more of a hitler fanclub than anything it is you who are the anti whites here, not only do you praise losers that failed helped spawn israhell they also failed and destroyed europe and killef many europeans the national socialist is a Jewish ideology with a controlled opposition they also chose to help the shitkins to and were also somewhat apart of the freemasons why is it that you are sticking with these losers and humanizing them and fighting even though they already lost is beyond me so I am not surprised that places like 4/pol/ are falling for it again because that place became twice as stupid with the reddit influx that are falling for this stupid nazi bullshit not that this place or any where like it is any better because it is also filled with room temperature iq retards as well.

National socialism or may I say nazi




You can kick and cry and whine but you are only spewing emotional garbage call me a jew or kike all you want because I am not one

National socialism as a whole is a jewish ideology


I only come on here to laugh at your pathetic attempts and only come on 4/pol/ to bully them and call out there bullshit for even falling for nazism for what was originally ironic over there no?

Other wise keep praising this loser and how another shitler will come and save the day to save you from the shitkins and jews without doing anything and believing in a dead jewish ideology that was meant to cause another world war and demoralizing the germans and then show it's true colors as zionism.

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WW2 was a battle between interest capital and labor capital. The Bolsheviks (which were mostly Jews and funded from NY by Jews) the West which was influenced by high finance (Jews) both of which used a centralized bank and interest debt based money systems (Jews) fought to destroy Hitlers economic miracle. A country that went from burning money and selling themselves for sex to an industrial superpower in the span of several years was done by labor capital (interest free money focused on physical labor I.E. the only thing worth value). This is the cause for the destruction of the German people (and any) that creates interest free money and a system that works to protect worker rights and creates an economy where the family unit is the cornerstone of its function (doing everything to promote large stable families). This is why they were brutally destroyed and you will go to jail in most of the west for supporting them and have your life utterly destroyed.

>TL;DR: you are a faggot and have really no idea what you are talking about, please kindly commit suicide or read a book. Here are some:



Barren Metal: A history of capitalism as the conflict between labor and usury by E. Michael Jones

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Lads do you have that nice info picture about whom Third Reich considered Aryan?

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File: 228ad0c19054a08⋯.jpg (152.96 KB,1143x682,1143:682,228ad0c19054a087ff4464ab96….jpg)

File: e9caa7f91aec760⋯.jpg (192.49 KB,715x1080,143:216,6c50be833419cef3d128206999….jpg)

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Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The best hitler video ever.

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Adolf Hitler - The Speaker of Our Rights


Adolf Hitler - Last Speech January 30th, 1945


Adolf Hitler on Sacrifice - This is National Socialism


Adolf Hitler - Courage and Peace


Adolf Hitler - Joseph Goebbels - On Jews


Adolf Hitler - On Struggle - Alerta Judiada


Adolf Hitler - No Retreat, No Surrender; That is German Law!


Adolf Hitler - The Lion (Banned from Youtube, Updated Version)


Adolf Hitler - An End to Poverty


Adolf Hitler - Rebuilding a Nation


Adolf Hitler - What is Europe?



Future Fascism


Adolf Hitler - This War


Adolf Hitler - On Bolshevism


Adolf Hitlers Newsman - Julius Gtreicher - On Germany Breaking its Chains (banned off youtube)


Adolf Hitler - The Impartial Truth


Adolf Hitler - Rudolf Hess - I Regret Nothing


Adolf Hitler - On Russian Bolshevism


Adolf Hitler - Declaration of War Against England (loud)


Adolf Hitler - On Brainwashed Americans


Adolf Hitler - Germany and the Resurrection of a People


Adolf Hitler vs The Banks


Adolf Hitler - The National Socialist Struggle


Adolf Hitler - The National Socialist Revolution


Adolf Hitler - A Movement Needs Time


Adolf Hitler - The Toll of War on the People


Adolf Hitler - We Will Defend Christianity Against Atheism


Adolf Hitler - Jews and Their Satanic Power Over the Whole of Germany (Full Speech)


Adolf Hitler - The Truth Will Prevail


Adolf Hitler - Time Will Not Defeat Us


Adolf Hitler - He Will Rise Again (Western Edition)


Adolf Hitler - The Contamination of Culture and History


Adolf Hitler - Declares War on the UK (Jews and Freemasons)


Adolf Hitler - Response to England Targeting German Civilians


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National Action - Speech in Darlington (Banned in the UK under penalty of 10 years in prison)


National Action - Speaks in Rochdale, UK (Banned in the UK under penalty of 10 years in prison)


Scottish Dawn - Alloa Scotland (Banned in the UK under penalty of 10 Years in Prison)


Don't date whites says Jewish dating expert


The world will know I was right - Adolf Hitler


Jews and Africans Agree - Hitler Was Right


Hollywood is Not Anti-Racist, It's Just Anti-White PSA


The Music Industry is not Anti-Racist, its Anti White PSA


The Rainbow Nation - South Africa:


No Apologies - Oscar Turner - Omniphi


The European Giant - Oscar Turner - Omniphi


Esoteric Kekism - Oscar Turner - Omniphi


One Man Stands Against the Antifa Hordes in Argentina - Fly Your Flag High


Blair Cottrell Speech on the State of Australia - Canberra


Understanding Internet Censorship in One Minute - 2018


The History of Multiculturalism - Cartoon


The Wizard of Poz - Emily Youcis Parody Song


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Jordan Peterson - Dismantled - Mini Documentary 2019.





Brainwash - Defend Our Europe (Song)


Brainwash - One Family (Song Banned Off Youtube)


14 Sacred Words - A Declaration Of War (Song Banned off Youtube)


14 Sacred Words - The Sacramento Spartans (Song Banned Off Youtube)


A Rock Music Tribute to European Nationalism (Song)


Alt-Right Music 3 CD Set Faux Ad - Only $19.39


American Anti-Communist Song - Southern Edition


Aryan Viking Song


Hitler - Disco Pop Music


Italian Fascist Song - Giovinezza Il Vero Inno Italiano


Oak and Ash and Thorn - Traditional British Vocal Song


Retrostein - Heart (Dance Music)


Saga - The Snow Fell (Song)


Slur - Hitler (Thailand Song)


This is America - 56% Edition (Parody Song)


Come Out Ye Black and Tans - Irish IRA Rebel Song


This is Europa - (Marching Song)


White Genocide Is Real - In Their Own Words


White Genocide Is Real - In Their Own Words


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Oswald Mosley on miscegenation and globalism.


Sir Oswald Mosley - Europe Lives and Marches On


Sir Oswald Mosley - On Multi Racialism (Speech)


Sir Oswald Mosley - We Were Right (Speech)


Sir Oswald Mosley - On Globalization and 3rd World Labor (Speech)


Sir Oswald Mosley - The Destiny of Europe


Sir Oswald Mosley - Britain Reborn


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What the fuck is this? Bitchute is now taking down National Action videos?

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File: 5b8e0f72f985b8e⋯.webm (625.72 KB,640x360,16:9,our old battlecry.webm)

File: e02c5de5a692f58⋯.webm (1.01 MB,480x360,4:3,1543722598029.webm)

File: e02c5de5a692f58⋯.webm (1.01 MB,480x360,4:3,In uns.webm)

File: 3f8ae9c65a6b5b2⋯.webm (1.24 MB,710x330,71:33,1546366713350.webm)

File: 339539e54c376fd⋯.webm (1.56 MB,630x330,21:11,1546367369439.webm)

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File: 49928f8b0730cfd⋯.webm (1.72 MB,640x360,16:9,1539951922611.webm)

File: 49928f8b0730cfd⋯.webm (1.72 MB,640x360,16:9,Probaganda (2).webm)

File: 56af561219f891e⋯.webm (1.74 MB,630x360,7:4,1546038132184.webm)

File: aa9d5e5cf61a9ce⋯.webm (1.78 MB,630x360,7:4,Don't forget yourself.webm)

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File: 080589f1d4ed3d1⋯.webm (1.79 MB,630x360,7:4,1546367452590.webm)

File: 7883f3575e9bad8⋯.webm (1.8 MB,630x330,21:11,1546367525964.webm)

File: 3f276a6ec75efaf⋯.webm (1.82 MB,630x330,21:11,Once again a decent natio….webm)

File: 3b4e8610a9f440f⋯.webm (1.83 MB,630x360,7:4,1545988435679.webm)

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File: 9678a7597a0a0a9⋯.webm (1.88 MB,630x360,7:4,1546369534706.webm)

File: 33d31cb2a21d435⋯.webm (1.91 MB,630x330,21:11,1545414146760.webm)

File: 94735872e7d4167⋯.webm (2.49 MB,640x360,16:9,One day our patience run ….webm)

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File: 8dda48df6a4f52e⋯.mp4 (10.23 MB,854x480,427:240,We Will Have Won.mp4)

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This video made by Impartial Truth always never gets old. It depicts Hitler not as some angry german dude who want to control the world but a leader who want to see his people strive for greatness and show them what they can become. He turn a degenerate war torned failed democracy into a economic superpower with even stronger military power under a decade. If not for the Jews and their never ending quest to destroy everything that is good on this Earth Hitler would have been remember in the history books as one of the greatest leader in the history of the world. I hope he is in a better place.


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Why do nazis always put some lame violin as the background music and do supercuts of multiple speeches? Cringe. sadviolin.mp3

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File: ef65a37eaf3b936⋯.gif (1.85 MB,353x200,353:200,1553654935617.gif)


> I hope he is in a better place.



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File: efe9a4b07576e09⋯.webm (2.52 MB,640x480,4:3,1539324231466.webm)

File: f992bce999e7dfb⋯.webm (2.83 MB,630x330,21:11,1545408479977.webm)

File: d679bd0f7a7b765⋯.webm (2.93 MB,480x352,15:11,Poland defeated.webm)

File: 5c740a62f7595e4⋯.webm (3.06 MB,720x480,3:2,Who many children.webm)

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File: eb6ee99a0796f69⋯.webm (3.08 MB,398x300,199:150,We only know peace.webm)

File: 638feb88b92d067⋯.webm (3.13 MB,640x480,4:3,One's own will.webm)

File: bba6531b6a1c68b⋯.webm (3.16 MB,640x480,4:3,1539324188512.webm)

File: aae0258ad6cd5b2⋯.webm (3.17 MB,640x480,4:3,1539324274589.webm)

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