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 No.13546568 [View All]


>This private yacht is currently being transformed into the RV MANTA for use in our live-aboard marine science programs. In reviewing the requests, the donor Mr. Mark Epstein noted how many amazing and deserving organizations there are out there.

>The course offering for summer 2019 is Field Studies in Coral Reef Biology, a live aboard study abroad opportunity that will be conducted in the British Virgin Islands. Students will live on the RV MANTA for 15 days of hands-on learning


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The CZM permit the committee did approve is a minor one for the Water and Power Authority to lay an underwater fiber-optic cable from Red Hook to Little St. James. The island is owned by Jeffrey Epstein, who was represented by attorney Paul Hoffman.

Gregory Rhymer, WAPA environmental affairs manager, said LSJ LLC, the title owner to Little St. James, had provided an environmental assessment report prepared by Bioimpact Inc of St. Croix. Amy Dempsey of Bioimpact explained what the installation will entail, showing a video of the areas involved. She said the installation will not harm any existing coral, as it will avoid the coral communities around Cabrita Point, Great St. James, Whelk Rocks and Little St. James.

Under questioning by committee members, Dempsey explained step by step how the cable will be laid to avoid environmental damage.

Rhymer said what is to be installed is a three-core copper conductor cable rated at 15 KV that will run parallel to the existing electrical submarine cable line from Red Hook Point to St. John. The 18,000 feet of cable will be routed out to a depth of 100 feet off St. Thomas, Rhymer said. On Little St. James, it will connect with an existing inland power system.

The installation, Rhymer said, "not only will allow WAPA to bring on line a new customer, but makes it possible for it to provide future similar services to other locations outside it usual distribution areas, thereby increasing commerce and its prosperity."

Rhymer also said the cable will "greatly reduce shipments of fuel" now needed for electricity production using a generator on the small island.

LSJ LLC will bear the full cost of the cable, permitting, installation, interconnection and termination, Rhymer said.

The committee unanimously approved the permit. All seven committee members were present — Sens. Adlah "Foncie" Donastorg, Carlton Dowe, Roosevelt David, Hill, Liburd, Shawn-Michael Malone and Ronald Russell.

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Even Though the Atlantis submarine company shut down in the USVI in 2009, I believe Epstein acquired their sub


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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Fed Nigger detected. Why don't you Want Jeff Epstein US MILITARY connections explored?

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Greg Rhymer approved 3.2 Million dollar underwater construction to LSJ as head of WAPA

2.3 Million dollars was transferred to an Offshore Account under his watch…


“Approximately $2.3 million sent to an offshore account that we cannot account for?” Mr. Gittens asked incredulously. “It was reported to the authorities and is being actively investigated?” he asked. Ms. Farrington confirmed it yet again.

When given another opportunity, Mr. Gittens referred additional questions to Mr. Kupfer. He asked when was the $2.3 million wired to the off-shore account, and Mr. Kupfer said the funds had been wired in two separate transactions to an offshore account in May and June of 2018 respectively. Mr. Gittens asked if W.A.P.A. executives had picked up immediately on the missing wired money. W.A.P.A. general counsel was initially reluctant to respond, but Mr. Gittens assured them that he was not asking any questions that would jeopardize their ongoing investigation.

Ms. Farrington then explained that they were not immediately aware of the May wire to the offshore account, but the June wire was noticed straightaway. She did not specify the amount of each wire, and because there is an ongoing federal investigation in the matter, further questions were tabled. However, Mr. Gittens expressed further on his Facebook page, a social medium he uses to keep his constituents informed, “It is now a full year since these transactions took place and we have very little information. I am urging WAPA to aggressively pursue the return of these funds and work to see that such a thing does not occur again. This is a serious matter. We must take all steps necessary to eliminate waste, fraud and abuse of our resources.”

Mr. Kupfer was flanked by members of the authority’s management team: Noel Hodge, chief operating officer of water systems; GREGORY RHYMER, special advisor and assistant to the executive director; Clinton Hedrington, chief operations officer of electrical systems; Lorelei Carrington, general counsel; Debra Gottlieb, chief financial officer; and Joan Fahie, director of pricing and rates and strategic planning.

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Neither Archiv.is or Archive.org can save it, but it's still live



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Nomochomo misses Pizzagate, but wont use it again until I can verify vote counts (ie: it's not login only)

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Okay, and? 4 days ago. No one went to kill him or anyone else. We didn’t do anything.

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uhhh….what are you talking about retard. An attempt was made on epstein's life in NY. he was found unconscious and strangled. he has been moved to protective custody

once again, a FedNigger is trying to demoralize Epstein research

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yup, probably 100 people in this echo chamber lol

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>if you tell people to go kill child rapists, you’re demoralizing

>you’re a fed because you want people to kill the jews

You have no argument and aren’t even human. Commit suicide.

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Reported. Never post again, kike.

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The US Virgin Islands started off as a settlement of the Danish West India Company as they settled St Thomas in 1672, St John in 1694, and purchased St Croix in 1733 from the French. It was not until 1917 that the United States bought the islands for 25 million dollars (the equivalent of more than half a billion dollars today). The US did this because they feared the Germans would take them over and turn it into a SUBMARINE BASE.

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Why kill the jew B4 he reveals his accomplices?

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>Christmas Cove/St. Thomas

>Sail this morning for Christmas Cove, where you may snorkel off the north shore of Great St. James Island. PRIVATE YACHTS FREQUENT THIS AREA for its wildlife – seabirds, sea turtles, and plenty of unusually shaped fish, some that can change color before your eyes.

>Following lunch, return to the U.S. Virgin Islands and Crown Bay Marina on St. Thomas. Join an optional excursion on the SUBMARINE ATLANTIS, which dives to depths of 150 feet, for a firsthand look at the underwater world.

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We already know the accomplices.

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I'd rather be in a public echo chamber than a login-only one. More eyes

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Bullshit. Acosta's Deal kept Epstein's Associates from being named in the Plea Deal. We know suspected accomplices. Confirmation is still classified

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Fun fact: EVERYONE IN THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT IS GUILTY OF TREASON. Holy shit, you “rule of law” brainwashed cuckolds need to die.

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He is into the boys you idiot

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Stop encouraging violence, Fed. AWARENESS is the first step. Massacring evildoers without the support of a majority Normies is bad optics.

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>US virgin islands

Now why would he choose to have a place here, one can only wonder.

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>what are lurkers?

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Paid shills. Allowed to post here.

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>Mirror symbolism

looks like something hidden below


post yfw pic related is what you sold your soul for


>one off


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>>"fuck your optics"

so not me.

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That's my thought as well. Epstein is pretending he's a hebephile to beard for the fact that he personally is a gay pedophile.

he does pimp teenage girls, but epstein likes massacring little gentile goyboys

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"Traditional Pizza Lunch" + "mark epstein" vs "marc epstein" + "North Shore Yacht Club"

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welp. the ceo of wapa is a child rapist. no wonder he approved epsteins construction

-nomochomo <;]

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different norbert Gregory rhymers?

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norbert rymer is also norbert rhymer

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I recognize that marina, those islands, and have jumped off that rock (2nd pic) on a similar marine biology expedition.

Creepy, half expected to see myself in that pic..

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looks the same to me: >>13559510

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1 rymer looks like ODB

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Unless they're under 16 boomers and roasties should get the fuck out

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Rhymer was fired in 2017 he also goes by "Julio Rhymer"

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>Friday, Armstrong adamantly insisted Rhymer was not fired and that no sexual harassment claims had been filed by any employee. However she also refused to give any details of Rhymer’s departure, saying the public employee’s agreement with the publicly-owned utility about funds belonging to the public was confidential.

>“The board of WAPA had a confidential separation agreement,” Armstrong said. She did not say why the agreement was confidential and senators did not ask.

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meant to post here, not create a thread :/

Senators dismissed concerns about the most controversial nominee —Julio Rhymer Sr. for the director of the Office of Management and Budget post — raised by an anonymous letter accusing him of sexual harassment at his prior position as the director of V.I. Water and Power Authority. Rhymer has publicly said that there were never any sexual harassment charges against him.

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michael Anthony rhymer may be julio Anthony rhymer

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File: 4844d096d2fca7d⋯.jpg (756.27 KB,2046x1447,2046:1447,George Unger (1).jpg)

USAID…Looks like the Rhymers are Spooks, affiliated with US intelligence


Born on April 27, 1924, the daughter of James Dykes and Lila Wells Dykes, George Unger grew up in New Mexico and Texas. She always said her father named her George and her sister Jimmie because he wanted boys.

George grew up in an African-American home that emphasized the importance of education. Her parents were teachers and graduated from college in the 1910s, a time when many Americans did not attend high school. After graduating from college, George went to work for the Dallas School system. While there, she received a master’s degree in 1956 from Prairie Valley Community College. Her sister, Jimmie Fields, earned a doctorate in education.

George once said she had wanted to be an astronaut. While she did not make it into space, she did go far. After nearly 20 years in the Texas school system, George began an eight-year affiliation with San Francisco State College and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in 1963 as an education advisor for Liberia. She worked with the Zorzor Rural Teachers Training Institute. At a time when her own home state was in the grips of segregation – the Texas Legislature passing laws a few years earlier instructing the state’s school districts to resist integration – George was representing the United States in Africa and helping to develop a school system for the Liberian capital, Monrovia. She developed many lifelong friendships with the people she met and worked with in Liberia and met her future husband, a teacher with the Peace Corps, Marvin Unger.

In 1972, George moved to Buffalo to marry Marvin. She returned to academic life the following year at a time when American colleges and universities were beginning in earnest to move from what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had described 10 years earlier as “de jure segregation in the South and de facto segregation in the North.”

George became the founding director of the Equal Opportunity Center and began to put into place affirmative action policies at the largest university in the State University of New York system. In her 21-year career at the State University of New York at Buffalo (UB), she worked to provide equal opportunity and equal access to women and minorities. She became the university’s chief affirmative action officer in 1990.

George was very involved in the fabric of life in Western New York, was active with the Buffalo Urban League, and served on the boards of the YWCA and the Buffalo Foundation, which she led as chairperson. At UB, she coordinated the university’s observance of the International Year of the Woman, chaired the campus Employee Assistance Program Committee, and served on several committees, including the Professional Staff Senate, the Anti-Rape Task Force, the University Committee on Student Retention, and the Distinguished Service Professor Selection Committee. She lectured extensively and was also an advisor to the U.B. chapter of her sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha.

As the reporter for the campus newsletter of UB put it, “Reflecting on the past 21 years, Unger sees UB’s progress in expanding its programs for women and minorities as ‘very exciting and fulfilling.’” Her final thoughts for the newspaper and the university:

"I’d like for this country to reach a point where there’d be

no need for any institution to have an office of equal opportunity and

affirmative action…That may sound idealistic, but we have

to have ideals. An ideal society would be one in which it’s a ‘given’

that every member of that society would have equal access and equal

opportunity to everything that that society stands for. That’s

idealistic, but ideals are attainable."

After Marvin passed away in 1993, George decided to go into “semi-retirement” in 1994 and spend a few otherwise-cold Buffalo winter months of 1995 “on a beach.” She chose to spend those months playing bridge and reading and relaxing on St. Thomas. The following winter she was back and the next year she made the island her year-round home.

George’s life on St. Thomas was a tropical idyll, and she developed many wonderful friendships. She became involved in her sorority, the island’s bridge club, the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands and the Navy League. She served on the board of the Pinnacle Homeowners Association, and loved to sit on her veranda and enjoy the spectacular view overlooking Charlotte Amalie harbor.

Deborah, Suzanne and David Chodrow, who are most grateful to her closest friend, Julio Rhymer, his sister, Joanna, and the entire Rhymer family for all the assistance, care and love they provided to George in her twilight years.

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Queen Elizabeth doesn't give birthday cards to everybody. Rhymer is connected to british monarchy


The former farmer, sailor, road warden and boat racer, had an extremely busy day on his 100th birthday as persons from all over the Virgin Islands visited the Rhymer’s home at Round Hill, Cane Garden Bay throughout the day to offer their congratulations and share in the celebrations with the large Rhymer’s family.

Among the many that made it their duty to personally congratulate the centenarian were Governor John S. Duncan OBE, Premier Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith (AL), Junior Minister for Tourism and At Large Representative Hon Archibald C. Christian, Second District Representative Hon Melvin M. Turnbull, Opposition Member Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1), Former Second District Representative J. Alvin Christopher and former Deputy Premier R. Dancia Penn QC.

Governor Duncan presented Mr Rhymer with a birthday card signed by Queen Elizabeth II while Premier Smith made a presentation of a cheque for $5000 to the birthday Patriarch.

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latter years, was met with celebration and media coverage.

>>On the couple’s 70th and 75th wedding anniversary, Queen Elizabeth II sent them royal mail.

>>“Mama cultivated four generations of the Rhymer family!”

Mrs Rhymer did not only ‘cultivate’ children.

She, along with her husband, tilled the land in Round Hill and grew a plethora of crops including banana and pigeon peas. The duo, who also copped the territory’s ‘Farmer of the Year’ title many years ago, raised livestock such as cows and pigs.

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