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File: 04bcbfdd20fb2ea⋯.jpg (61.81 KB,209x277,209:277,Might_is_right.jpg)

 No.13545859 [View All]

Since our Iranian-Italian friend put this book in the spotlight now would be a good time to discuss it.

First off, this book is not basic bitch Ayn-Rand tier Individualism or Satanism. The Kike Anton LaVey plagarized this book word-for-word without including the parts that were anti-Jew and pro-Aryan.

Secondly, it advocates for the health of the Race:

>In all sexual relations (as in everything else) 'morality' is what Strength decrees. Women are frail beings at the best of times and in their secret hearts are probably lovers of the unlimited. For the welfare of the breed, and the security of descent, they must be held in thorough subjection. 

Third, it advocates for the Government of the best:

>What is viler than a government of slaves and usurious Jews? What is grander than a government of the Noblest and the Best — who have proved their Fitness on the plains of Death? 

Fourth, it does advocate for the individual but also in the context of his friends, kinsman, and race:

>A man's first duty in this world is to himself, and the word 'himself' includes those near and dear ones, who have twined their tendrils around his heart. A man's kindred are part of himself. He should not forget that when fighting for his own hand, he is fighting for them. His strength is their rampart. Their strength is his glory. The family and the individual are a unit. 

Finally, this book says you should compare all things to your own knowledge and experience. This book does not demand that you dogmatically accept its conclusions, if you think this book is wrong read it again and compare it to the realities of nature. You'll find its not wrong about many things. The only rights we have are those we are willing to defend by force.

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So why hasn't Iran destroyed Israel yet?

The strong projects themselves as weak.

The weak projects themselves as strong.

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File: e63cc1384ee9481⋯.jpg (529.43 KB,1514x1005,1514:1005,c48aad5a89020d63d93814867f….jpg)


>So why hasn't Iran destroyed Israel yet?

God damn I have no idea why, could it possibly be that Iran doesnt want to "Wipe israel off the map" like that ratfaced filthy kike Charles Krauthammer constantly soundbites on (((CNN)) every fucking time hes there.


>The strong projects themselves as weak.

>The weak projects themselves as strong.

Then you admit that the Jew-S-A is weak?

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bad optics

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He still uploads new videos on Bitchute and has a rants page (but he hasn't used the latter yet)


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File: a5f658e1351f65f⋯.jpg (40.64 KB,374x468,187:234,sternberg.jpg)


You are reddit spacing you fucking kike.

Anarchy doesn't mean "stateless" it's a faggot society without any hierarchy. Redbeard doesn't even advocate statelessness he advocates taking by force.

>You don't even know who any of those men were you dumb journalist kike.

Yes i do you fucking glownigger shill.

>I'll say it again since english is not your first language ovbiously, RR is supportive of 'authoritarianism as long as its the strongest who rule. You are too dumb to understand the basics of social Darwinism.

He's supportive of authoritarianism as long as he's doing the ruling. You're seriously too dumb to fucking understand that. And the JewSA are the strongest who rule currently, do you bow to the ZOG government?

"The real man must depend upon himself absolutely, determine his own ends, decide his own plan of campaign; and savagely resent any authoritarian interference" Authority stems from Might(as is said in the book if you've ever read it). You're the kind of person who obeys gun laws.

>I'm intentionally showing you that you are a dumb shill journalist kike that you are

Go back to reddit you glow nigger shill

>You really think we dont monitor your "pol influence teams discord"?

imagine even referencing the shill honeypot that's discord

>We wont have a problem taking the united states from you then, since you kikes are actively losing the culture war.

You are a ZOG shill. shilling might work on reddit and cuckchan but it doesn't work here

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screw your optics I'm going in..

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So Iran actually tolerates Israel? What?

And no, I say Iran is weak so they project themselves as strong.

USA is unfortunately the reverse.

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Is this one of the uncensored versions?

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That's the version published by David Lane's wife, I'm sure they didn't censor it. Alex Linder also did an audiobook of it.

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The anarchist/antifa types actually do. It's just projection and dissonance as always to avoid the fact that they're pawns of the elite.

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stop bickering life faggots you fucks you're ruining the thread

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File: ca1db2ff2d202de⋯.png (47.26 KB,752x176,47:11,Screenshot_3.png)

File: 7e6421cdb24bc3a⋯.png (47.02 KB,771x171,257:57,Screenshot_4.png)

Some of it is really quotable. I thought I saw a meme pic with one of these parts

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File: 4834e356a990a76⋯.jpg (129.5 KB,794x472,397:236,HermannsTriumph1.jpg)


I will add something else that people seem to forget

>Might is not just talking about physical force

This is why it's important to read the whole thing, multiple times if necessary, until you get the points drilled into your head. Its easy to read it once over and imagine that you found a "gotcha" that was already covered in the book.

>Broadly speaking therefore, Might is incarnated Right, and rights are metamorphosed mights. Power and Justice are synonyms; for Might is mighty and does prevail. They who possess the undisputable Might (be they one, ten, or ten million) may and do proclaim the Right. Government is founded on property, property is founded on conquest, and conquest is founded on Power— and Power is founded on brain and brawn — on Organic Animality.

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What RR is saying is that the best leaders have always been fighters, and he says elsewhere that being a good warrior means you inherently have the qualities of a good leadership such as strength, bravery, etc. :

>Among the Vertebrates, the king of the herd (or pack), selects himself by battle-prowess — upon the same 'general principles' that induced Napoleon to place the Iron Crown upon his own brow — with his own hand. All the Regal Houses of the world have been founded by fighting-men, and upheld by — fighting-men; just as in the 'brute' creation. The chief recommendation to both animal and human Chieftainship, is fighting capacity. The 'common herd' instinctively feels that a good fighter possesses all the requisite virtues of good leadership, and leadership is exactly what they want. By conquest alone can an animal-king be deposed; and his vanquisher is always his successor. As long as his sight, hearing, strength, and courage endures, he is absolute lord, judge, procreator-in-chief— but not one moment longer. "The king's dead, long live the king" is a biological affirmative.

Rulers need supporters and allies, the great men RR praises such as Napolean had supporters which put him in power and helped him stay there, but he still needed to have greatness within himself to unite them.

>Their smile is wealth and honor to lesser men — their frown is poverty, outlawry, or the bow-string. Second-class animals gather around them, and are used up as satraps, governors, lieutenants. If a nation is under process of exploitation, revolts, the revolt is suppressed by force. If established rulers are incapable of that task, then are they overthrown; and leaders of Revolt rule in their stead — as a matter of course. Rulers' control depends absolutely upon their Might. When unable any longer to wield the 'death penalty,' their power is departed. The French aristocracy originated in the savage deeds of fierce, long-haired, battle bred Franks; and their effeminate descendants — were overwhelmed and guillotined by Grim Provincials who came to Paris, hungry for money, power and renown.

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so an interesting book now ruined by association with a brown retarded sperg

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File: 8d0a30f45b60f4b⋯.jpg (60.55 KB,790x396,395:198,Rekonize.jpg)


>This is perhaps the biggest misconception I see people struggle with when it comes to the matter of Might being Right, simply taking something by force doesn't make it just.

You described the reason why people differentiate between




One implies rightness implicit in strength. The other says "through strength, things can be made right"

Recognize the difference and get on our level

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I respectfully disagree, I think it's a false distinction my dude. The anon you were replying to said

>simply taking something by force doesn't make it just.

That is a moral measure, it's not a factual statement. If someone takes something from you and you can't stop them, they can do what they please with it and theres nothing stopping them. Therefore it is their right to do what they want with it until you possess the might to stop them. See what I quoted above:

>Power and Justice are synonyms; for Might is mighty and does prevail. They who possess the undisputable Might (be they one, ten, or ten million) may and do proclaim the Right.

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File: 1255ecdb210e7d7⋯.jpg (300.76 KB,1400x1018,700:509,SmartSelect_20190730-15393….jpg)


>Therefore it is their right to do what they want

>their right

Maybe this thread ought to nail down a definition of "right" because you are introducing a different meaning there.

Obviously having power means you have power. This is a truism. Does the author define "right" as he uses it in the title? Something like "the way things ought to be" or does he define it as what comes about due to who has power? Those are two different things. One of them declares Clownworld to be Right, and also validates every shift in power that occurs to be "right", two notions I see as clearly false.

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Of course. I understood this instantly as I've thought about it before. It's very similar to the concept of survival of the fittest where "fittest" is inclusive of intelligence and cunning etc

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File: 1c454e3c0069c3f⋯.jpg (182.11 KB,912x1400,114:175,scu0227.jpg)


>Does the author define "right" as he uses it in the title? Something like "the way things ought to be" or does he define it as what comes about due to who has power?

It's both.

Also - I think this may be relevant - he recommends killing yourself rather than waging

>A MAN in the full possession of all his faculties, of leonine ancestry, well born, self contained, would rather cut his own throat from ear to ear with a blacksmiths rasp than live the life of an average hired laborer in any civilized “hell” on earth.

To put it another way he would welcome the extinction of Europeans if we demonstrate ourselves to be weak. And I feel the same!


>stop bickering life faggots you fucks you're ruining the thread

There's an important distinction to make, the author wasn't arguing against the formation of strong governments like one guy ITT thought.

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File: 9fe03c4e998e124⋯.png (17.93 KB,209x228,11:12,1322052149133.png)


>the best leaders have always been fighters, and he says elsewhere that being a good warrior means you inherently have the qualities of a good leadership such as strength, bravery, etc.

That's drawing the wrong inference. Military prowess absolutely correlates with leadership qualities but the basis for both is temperament and IQ. Without understanding the fundamentals all you're doing is navel gazing.

There also needs to be recognition that not all leaders are a good fit for every conceivable government position, more agreeable people also have a role to fill as administrators for example.

>If someone takes something from you and you can't stop them, they can do what they please with it and theres nothing stopping them. Therefore it is their right to do what they want with it until you possess the might to stop them.

Right does not equal justice, strictly speaking neither are necessarily moral.

Morality is what nature selects for.

If it does not generate iterative success over generations, it's not moral.

Killing your neighbour and stealing all his shit is obviously immoral because

a) You wouldn't be getting away with it to begin with, the negative consequences outweigh any possible benefit.

b) There is a natural striving for humans (at least among whites) to live in high-trust societies, even if you were able claim innocence through the help of a kike lawyer people would still feel disgust and revulsion towards you because any human free of pathological behaviour feels instictively that you're scum.

In this example you've exercised your Might but you haven't necessarily made a Right and even supposing that were the case, you're still immoral.

Killing your neighbouring people and stealing all their shit is not necessarily immoral if

a) Your people have the military or demographic might to completely genocide all of them, guaranteeing no future conflict with them.

b) Your acts of genocide result in a more favourable environment for your people.

In this example you've exercised your Might, made a Right (to blood and soil) and yours is obviously the moral path (at least within the given environment) because it is what is now being selected for.

Genocide is impossible to justify according to any widely recognized conception of justice, but it can be moral.

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It's tired hard bullshit. I read it last year and it was a struggle. I was expecting some epic gem and instead I got a larpy gimp with the mentally of a twelve year old.

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File: 644e1e34b7cebdb⋯.jpg (98.05 KB,900x599,900:599,CIA BTFO.jpg)



It was Terry that created that meme you absolute newfag. Not a leftist of any kind. And the I doubt fedposting is a Leftist meme either, they rarely invent anything - and why would they? They're no threat, most of them are just neoliberals that serve the agenda of their masters.

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Persians and Italians are white, Rodrigo.

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File: e0dc49b69b0abb1⋯.jpg (79.75 KB,413x599,413:599,Mein-Kampf-by-Adolf-Hitler….jpg)


>To put it another way he would welcome the extinction of Europeans if we demonstrate ourselves to be weak. And I feel the same!

Oh really. I read that as an overman will have nothing other than striving to achieve his destiny. He would not submit to being a stunted slave version of himself. Not that he would advocate annihilation of his race due to his own lack of fortitude.

The lesson from nature is eternal struggle, against the elements and against other creatures. Those who struggle grow stronger and there lies the path to self determination. As Adi said, those who do not wish to fight for their place in this world do not deserve to live.

If you dont want to be dominated then you must fight. That's what might makes right means to me.

''Might IS right" loses accuracy in its overarching ambition

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Kill the elderly. Cut the dead weight. Women and children into the fire. No manlets.

Is that what it says?

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>truth is right

<thats why /pol/ is normal talking points irl

get a load of this nigger, go tell your teacher that races are different and watch how quick you get expelled

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t. manlet here

i suspect a huge portion of the red pill journey started from being mocked for height, whos more likely to question the narrative? easy life mode chad or the quiet intj?

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Might is master, but it is not right. This is why the immoral father of the Jews run this world. Our task is to withstand this influence until finally we deserve to defeat it.

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But how does he justify the alleged superiority of the Anglo-Saxon if Jews have managed to win? If "might is right", then the Jews are right and we are wrong, no question about it. Jews have been right for a long time now, and we'll see if and when they will finally fall like every other empire before them.

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Many great men in history were manlets.

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i suspect the manlet meme is another kike production to shame whites

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File: 354aaf73ed23926⋯.jpg (135.23 KB,425x516,425:516,44.jpg)


I have a book for you.

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File: 3e10865c97755f3⋯.png (333.05 KB,1436x1652,359:413,1450871980318.png)

The bible!


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here, have the full audiobook, read by one C. Augustine, whom does an excellent job.

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File: a6b6e29c146a0f9⋯.jpg (56.35 KB,1000x800,5:4,5YjYpra.jpg)


Triple heils

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Because jews win via deception, not might.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Also have some sayings of the author, whom takes careful time to squarely unmask the kike and spit in his face.

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>Jewish literature

Fuck off Shlomo. Christians are natural race traitors.

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File: 6aa6cdee94ec4bf⋯.png (936.41 KB,1275x1639,1275:1639,d.png)


You're going to burn in hell.

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>Because jews win via deception, not might.

That's just another form of might. Or are you saying we should fight each other according to a some kind of code of chivalry? Animals in nature use both physical might and deception to win. If "might is right" is supposed to be a law of nature, then Jewish deceptions are yet another acceptable form of might. Complaining about Jewish tricks and saying they are not "might" is like a kid getting angry and changing the rules mid-game because he is losing.

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They win through shekels. Replace jews as supplier of all things and everything falls over. If you own every kind of business imaginable, you can't be shut out, if you have gobs of shekels to buy politicians and wage lawfare endlessly, you're able to wrest control.

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File: 0b8c691ba95abb9⋯.gif (157.13 KB,260x187,260:187,0b8.gif)


Yes its basic survival of the fittest, buddy. There are no rules and the stakes couldn't possibly be higher.

There is no ultimate morality beyond power, you have to kill or be killed. Deceive or be deceived.

How exciting, right?! Live or die make your choice!


>But how does he justify the alleged superiority of the Anglo-Saxon if Jews have managed to win?

They've won? Oh no things are just getting interesting

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Optional: The Decline of The West - the best "history" book you will ever read (note Spengler was not himself rightwing)

The Foundations of The 19th Century by H.S. Chamberlain

The Rising Tide of Color by Lothrop Stoddard

The Passing of The Great Race by Madison Grant

Optional: Degeneration Max Nordau (not Max Nordau was a Jew)

The International Jew by Henry Ford

The Myth of The 20th Century by Alfred Rosenberg

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

The Destiny of America; The Enemy of Europe by F.P. Yockey

Optional: Imperium by F.P. Yockey

Optional: The Dispossessed Majority by Wilmot Robertson

This Time the World; White Self-Hate: Master-Stroke Of The Enemy; White Power by G.L. Rockwell

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>Optional: The Decline of The West

Very difficult book

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File: 2b28449a74c1f93⋯.png (90.36 KB,500x479,500:479,1230F4CC-77FA-4F93-B0B8-72….png)



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File: ee52de76004f505⋯.jpg (74.55 KB,793x960,793:960,violence 2.jpg)

File: 8864eb2fb2b038f⋯.jpg (53.7 KB,960x334,480:167,amoral power violence.jpg)

File: e3c3fc9e8c6d7e2⋯.jpg (104.44 KB,960x907,960:907,violence.jpg)

File: f38380add1b3b58⋯.jpg (102.07 KB,843x960,281:320,rule or be ruled.jpg)

File: 813f9bf6f3873b3⋯.png (608.01 KB,872x2703,872:2703,what is a right.png)

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>Military prowess absolutely correlates with leadership qualities

Thats all I was saying, you can get into specifics about how temperment and IQ are important but no one was challenging that. Ragnar says in the book how quickly an Aristocracy of Merit would mow down an Aristocracy of money

>There also needs to be recognition that not all leaders are a good fit for every conceivable government position, more agreeable people also have a role to fill as administrators for example.

Agreed, thats why I quoted above:

>Their smile is wealth and honor to lesser men — their frown is poverty, outlawry, or the bow-string. Second-class animals gather around them, and are used up as satraps, governors, lieutenants.

>Morality is what nature selects for.

Ragnar agrees. He says any moral code must be weighed against the reality of nature, as you attempted to do with your example.

>Right does not equal justice, strictly speaking neither are necessarily moral.

Yes, all I was meaning to imply by my example about someone taking something from you is that if someone has the might to take something from you and you lack the might do shit about it then you are S.O.L, regardless of justice or morals

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