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File: b504ddf017b7c86⋯.jpg (340.36 KB,542x666,271:333,MERCHANT - FREAKED OUT.jpg)

 No.13543335 [View All]

Hungary Offering $35,000, Lifetime Tax Exemption For Having Lots Of Children

Faced with a declining birth rate and an unwilling to fill population shortfalls with immigrants like some of its European neighbors, Hungary has rolled out a seven-point "Family Protection Action Plan" which showers boatloads of cash, loan assistance and tax breaks to couples who agree to crank out lots of Hungarian children.

For starters, the state is offering $35,000 to couples who get married and have at least three children. Specifically, women under 40 who are getting married for the first time will receive an interest-free, general-purpose loan of $35,000. Upon the birth of the couple's first and second children, loan payments will be suspended for three years each - with 1/3 of the principal paid off after the second child. After the third child is born, the debt will be wiped out.

Couples with two or more children can also use their loans for the purchase of an existing property - but it gets better.

"People living in villages should wait just a little bit longer," said Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in February. "Within a few weeks, we would like to announce a scheme specifically customised to their needs. This means that today young married couples agreeing to have two children are eligible for grants worth 22 million forints ($75,000 US) for starting their lives and creating their first homes, while families agreeing to have three children are eligible for grants worth 35 million forints ($120,000 US)," said Orbán in his February announcement.

Hungary will also help out with mortgages - picking up the tab on roughly $13,500 US after the couple's third child, with an additional $3,500 US of relief for each further child.

Moreover, women who have given birth to and raised four children will pay no income taxes for the rest of their lives, while grandparents who are still working are entitled to take leave to help take care of their new grandchildren.

There's even a $9,000 subsidy for the purchase of a seven-passenger vehicle. "If you’ve ever tried to fit three children with car seats and everything else you need for children and probably the dog too in a car, you know how hard it is," said Hungary's minister of state for family, youth and international affairs, Katalin Novák. "Cars in Europe also tend to be smaller than American cars"

As The Federalist's Emma Elliott Freire notes, "An unusual feature of the subsidies is that they go into effect while a child is still in the womb. Parents can claim the relevant subsidy for their baby as soon as an expectant mother reaches her second trimester of pregnancy."

"This is a philosophical aspect for us. We believe life begins at conception. We value unborn children, not only born children," according to Novák, who added: "Hungarian young people are very family friendly. They want to get married and have at least two children. If that’s a fact, then we have to help them."

Meanwhile, it looks like Orbán's existing measures to boost fertility have been working since he took office.

She also argues the government’s policies are already proving successful. “Fertility has increased by more than 20 percent since 2010 [when Orbán took office]. It hit an all-time low of 1.25 in 2010 and now it is at 1.49,” she says. This still falls far short of the fertility replacement rate of 2.1, but Novák believes all signs point in the right direction for the long term, particularly the marriage rate.

“Between 2002 and 2010, under the Socialist government, the current opposition party, marriages decreased by 23 percent. Since 2010, marriages have increased by 43 percent,” says Novák. She believes if marriage rates go up, more children will inevitably follow. Novák also points out that since 2010, divorces have decreased by 29 percent and abortion in Hungary has fallen to an all-time low. -The Federalist

The catch?

In order to receive the benefits, women must remain married and employed.

"We link family support to work. You have to take part in the labor market. Unemployment is at 3.4 percent. We struggle more with a lack of labor force," according to Novák.

"We don’t want to change people. We want to make it possible for them to raise a family if they wish to," she added. "I have three children with my husband. I know that there comes a moment when you sit down and decide if you want to have another child. You discuss pros and cons. We want to put more arguments in the pros column. It’s up to you, but we want to make it easier to have a child or another child."



in related news, (((Lajos Bokros))), the genocidal pro-migrant MP of Hungary, reportedly on suicide watch.

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that website was a weird mix of race realism and PUA

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I must find a Hungarian for marriage. I've been to Budapest and I would love to raise my future children in a pro-Christian country.

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File: efb21a98e399302⋯.png (176.23 KB,726x572,33:26,MERCHANT QUOTE NONYMOUS LM….png)


>Historically first they destroy your hamlets and drive you from the countryside into a village, from villages into towns, from towns into cities, from cities into regions and regions into countries and cui bono? Certainly not you

>They did this by violence economic or otherwise, depriving areas of basic services and disinvesting so teh land and it’s resources would fall into and remain in the hands of the rich elite, the oligarch

>Here’s your box! Go live in it and consume goyim!

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>Why do I have a feeling that image came from Chateau Heartiste before he got shoah'd?

Your autism is supreme

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More human sexual dynamics & thots realism. He wrote about how having a high notch count wasn't good for anybody, just that it was worse for women.

The game he wrote about was for properly administering your second most valuable property, your woman (first is kids).

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>I keep thinking it's a meme, but it just keeps happening…

…Which is precisely what threw me over the edge.

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Or you could just take women's rights away and not worry about paying them…

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Yes, of course, Hungary welcomes young university educated expats from other EU countries.

Learning Hungarian is not necessary. You can use English or your language if you work at the Hungarian office of one of your companies. For example, if you are German, you can work at a German company in Budapest.

You can search jobs at Profession.hu or jobinfo.hu or apply to big firms directly. pwC, Morgan Stanley, McKinsey, White & Case law firm, Erste Bank, RTL Hungary television, engineering and software companies. Put a random Hungarian address on your CV, and they will invite you for an interview.

Or you can start your own business, start up costs are low in Hungary, and there are a lot of highly skilled potential employees or contract workers.

Or you can work as a foreign language teacher. Language schools would hire you within 3 days. Search for language schools in Hungary online and submit your CV.

Hungary is literally in the centre of Europe, it's a good location for any business.

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>You have no argument against what he is saying beyond lalalalala. And I think the article in the OP is a great idea because who cares if some harridans dip into the pot. They could, can and so already.

>asserts something without facts

>immediately demands facts to contradict hirz assertion

Found the kike.

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Woman has to work and remain married Moishe.

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Glad to see Hungary's Chamber of Commerce frequents /pol/

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File: e0d60509e116549⋯.jpg (131.4 KB,1024x682,512:341,budapest astoria area gdr.jpg)


I am not part of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce, but I am an advisor to the Hubgarian government and Viktor Orban.

Most of the pro-family incentives were my ideas.

But I think we should take in more white Christian expats from other EU countries. It's a win-win for everyone.

Maybe we will create a programme for that as well.

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Its called an investment by the state in future generations and not investment by the state in the future of israel you fucking kike

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The more I read into Hungary, the more and more attractive it gets to move there and raise a family. I need to start learning Hungarian.

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Thank you.

Yes, this is why it comes in the form of tax exemptions. This policy package is aimed at middle class families.

When it comes to fertility and pro-natalist policies, quality matters more than quantity. More high quality middle class kids are better for the society and economy in the long run. Population growth from within should focus on quality.

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File: 794254b717408a2⋯.jpg (677.6 KB,1000x667,1000:667,budapest balaton sailing u….jpg)


You don't have to learn Hungarian.

Basic English is enough to get by. There are white expats working at big companies in Hungary, we just talk to them in English.

Hungarians are racist, but they love white expats.

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>Hungarians are racist, but they love white expats.

Music to my ears.

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As if christians will not inevitably cuck out

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Absolutely right. I'm hoping like you are that these policies won't just make gypsies and bottom of the barrel people spawn out a load of untermenschen.

However, it is still better than most other nations'policies that directly incentivisr the non productive non white population to breed

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File: 89c858ff99b21cc⋯.jpg (29.11 KB,457x381,457:381,1394733847949.jpg)


>trusting women to act rationally

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>Honestly, people have been saying that so many countries are "depopulating" but fuck, I have yet to see any of them actually disappear.

The real threat posed by "depopulation" is to the (((international financiers))) who own our countries. The people were always going to be fine.

Reminder that the decades following the Black Death were actually really fucking good for the survivors. Labour was in such high demand that a peasant no longer had to put up with an abusive lord, not to mention that land was available cheaply. They were good times for the common man. The truth is that in todays world the aftermath of a similar event would be no different, and that's what they fear.

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File: 4aa9042677299c1⋯.png (17.24 KB,744x166,372:83,nation.png)


You fell for the old jewish trick of conflating countries with nations.

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have you considered suggesting that Viktor Orban be crowned and reestablish the monarchy? we kind of need to get back to that sort of leadership style

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and what are the benefits for the wage slave…I mean man?

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>a group of people can't have their own land, create a government around it, call it a state, and be a nation of one unified group

Found the kike.

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bad goys

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Hungary will be hit with the Trump curse, screencap this!

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It's already centralised.

Unlike in other countries, the Hungarian government isn't slowed down by enemy civil servants, enemy media, internal factions etc.

If anything happens, the Hungarian government can respond within half an hour. You won't see this elsewhere.

The governing party, Fidesz, is full of experienced politicians. It's an organised team. They are willing to work for 100 hours per week, and visit 10 different countries for negotiations within 5 days if necessary.

It's already centralised and managed directly by Viktor Orban.

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Orban is a jew and it's probably a calculated move, when people have nothing to lose they name the problem. If people have debt and young children to feed they are a lot more controllable, less likely to fight against immigration.

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Bump for encouragement

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Can confirm that nationalist-types of Hungarian peoples say that Orban is all complacency tactics like how Poland does it. Nationalist base =/= nervously laughing and smiling government throwing a bone and masquerading. It's not blackpill, every nation needs a great culling for change I wager.

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Does anyone have a link to the source? I mean the precise newspaper article or video interview or whatever where he said this.

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>Mfw most polices don't distinguish productive citizens from social parasites and thieves

This one does, it's probably why they mandate that the woman has to have a job and keep working.

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If the EU does something that dumb as a result of Brexit, then they can look forward to Hexit next.

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File: 62335e266ffeee8⋯.png (243.65 KB,542x666,271:333,492a4a6d3e0cd7a03d58c9611c….png)


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Its like annudah shoah in here

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When is your boss going to apologize to Richard Spencer for throwing him in jail?

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File: 055097e69830a7f⋯.jpg (119.86 KB,770x375,154:75,family1-770x375.jpg)


If you really are an advisor for Mr. Orban, then why you didn't advise on punishment-reward base policy? Make it 3 children for every family to be a mandatory policy. If you have more children, the family need to be given a reward. If you don't have 3 children from the first 5 years of marriage, then the family need to get punishment like fine. it could be in the form of tax until they have 3 babies all of the fine money will be returned.

2.1 fertility rate for 2030 if it's only from reward base system,it wouldn't work AT ALL. Especially if you only rewarding one partner. You should also giving reward to the male partner too. And if you can, double the reward for the family with more than 5 (or 6 children) getting free healtcare until they are 18 and tuition free untill high school for all their children. I can guarantee you could achieve 2.1 fertility rate even before 2030 if you enact these (punishment-reward base) policy.

You don't believe it? Try it for yourself.

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What about people with Hungarian lineage. I'm 3rd generation Hungarian and my grandfather fought against the Soviets in the 1956 Revolution. I know they grant citizenship to anyone that can prove lineage and speaks Hungarian, which I do not, but I already speak Chinese and Japanese, so learning it couldn't be too hard. Any Hungarian anons out there have an idea?

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When resources are scarce, white people and other living things in a healthy ecosystem tend to have less kids so they live in harmony with the environment.

Having many kids above the resource-availability means your kids having rough times and not being able to feed them properly.

Healthy, normal living creatures stabilize population around an equilibrium.

A true complete depopulation of any country you name is almost practically impossible. It shoudl go beyond 4000 habitants or so. It's ridiculous.

It's a boogiemen created to:

1- invent a problem that largely doesn't exist, as having less kids is reasonable to give each one of them plenty of resources

2- justify population replacement.

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>SOONER, NOT MORE. I can predict what's going to happen:

Much better than later.

It's healthier and promotes a healthy family.

Later = probability of genetic defects, probability of divorce.

Also, a human female can produce up to 70 children.

The sooner they begin, the better.

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women who have children earlier, produce healthier children, having a kid with a woman in her mid 30s is about as bad as having a kid with your sister in terms of likelihood of impairments

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File: 11748f4c941039f⋯.jpg (56.97 KB,760x1111,760:1111,Incomprehensible Emotion.JPG)

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Thanks for the laughs my friends!





i love how stupid this anime character looks


and the actor in the live action film is such a good pick

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>I keep thinking it's a meme, but it just keeps happening…

Welcome to the hurtbox, nigger faggot.

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Ethnic Hungarians, (((citizens))) or any old nigger.

The first is the only acceptable option, the second will see the gypsies, the (more than you realize) niggers and mudapes reproduce even more than they already do and it will only see more of them move there "legally" and if the third option, well that gypsy Orban has done a Trump, fooling everyone into feeling mirth at their own death.

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only whites pay taxes, so it generlaly only applies to them

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>Also, a human female can produce up to 70 children.

Let's assume a woman is an early bloomer and begins puberty at age 8 and is impregnated on her eighth birthday. Let's assume she's special and remains fertile until she is 55. That's 47 years or 564 months of fertility. Let's assume she's pregnant with another child as soon as the pregnancy ends. That's a total of 63 pregnancies.

From where did you pull those numbers from? Without it already being in your family, twins, triplets and beyond are extremely rare.

Sage because I've gone off-topic.

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