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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: c7a56e2e92b71f6⋯.jpg (12.22 KB,220x275,4:5,220px-Leondra_Kruger.jpg)

File: 298fdaf4f65fa49⋯.jpg (16.09 KB,240x320,3:4,jeffrey young california d….jpg)


If you are ever accused of a crime, or the government is trying to take away your firearms (red flag), the prosecutor will attempt to use your memes against you, even if it has nothing to do with the matter before the court.

In CA a guy - call him Mr. Bad Optics - killed people while doing a robbery. His bad optics included a bunch of /pol/ tier memes tattooed on his body ("nigger thrasher" ffs and a thor's hammer), writing letters with "14", "88" and Celtic crosses and runes and attending IRL events (aryan nations) with other skins.

Yes, he sounds like a WN 1.0 out of central casting, so go ahead and laugh - yet when a normie sees /pol/ he sees the same exact stuff and easily sees you as being just as scary. The prosecution knows this and will do is job: trying to fuck you.

So the prosecutor got the info that this guy was a scary supremacist in front of the jury and rather than giving him life they sentenced him to death. The prosecution argued (in typical semitic fashion) that the defendant was a bad goy, so kill him.

The CA supreme court (with opinion written by Leondra Kruger - see pic) just said that it wasn't ok to kill the guy for bad optics, and they need to redo the sentencing phase. All /pol/acks ought to feel a smidgen better today.

Theres a lot to learn from reading the decision: https://scocal.stanford.edu/opinion/people-v-young-34639 You can see how the cops lied to the defendant to get info (that's them doing their job). You can see how defendant didn't exactly say the five words ("I have nothing to say") - despite being very close to it - and yet they still used what two sentences he did say before demanding an attorney to try to kill him. This is important - they are playing for keeps.

My take: if cops are taking to you, you might as well assume they are trying to get you convicted, by any means, and put to death, like Mr Bad Optics. So stick to "I have nothing to say" and don't say one word more.

I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice. It is all satire. Follow all jew-made laws and be a good shabbos goy.

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File: 5f75fc6ab20624c⋯.jpg (78.66 KB,578x300,289:150,gary-oldman-the-fifth-elem….jpg)


>double chin

>weird hair

>weird beard like growth

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Probably the single most important and valuable video ever posted on You Tube

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He killed people so he should get the death penalty. Bad goyim or not.

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File: 299a39aa7b53077⋯.jpg (150.17 KB,619x425,619:425,nerd_smoking[1].JPG)


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Remember - a pepe gas chamber meme with 14 and 88 is going to scare the normies and get you the rope - google "William Fears" if you doubt this.

Meanwhile it's ok for nigger to bix nood about raping white women and babies and torturing white men to death South Africa style. That's what Jews do to your society.

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People suck.

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I don't think that's the main issue - should this guy die or not. Arguably yeah - he's a violent career criminal.

The reason you should care: if the goverment ever wants to take away your guns or put you behind bars, they'll use the fact you just posted on a bad optics website to argue that you deserve the harshest treatment possible, because you're clearly a dangerous and evil person.

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File: b1264135cedaf1a⋯.jpg (1.84 MB,2043x1650,681:550,20190728_174334-1.jpg)

File: a00a53561625ceb⋯.jpg (1.99 MB,1836x1872,51:52,20190728_174746-1.jpg)


Kikes man

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File: 7a8541b390a7918⋯.png (426.98 KB,596x634,298:317,white nationalism 2.0.png)


TRS is for you.

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>explicitly posts both her username and the title of the footage

Are they even attempting to hide their true purpose?

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He's a larping traitor that helped the enemies of Whites exterminate us.

Hope he's ass raped by"niggers".

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>engaged in armed robbery and revolutionary activity


>according to random (1) shill

Always be wary of those who condemn our own side when they are suffering for sticking their necks out.

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<Muh cuckdom! Muh morals! We live in a society!

>Arguing for our boots-on-the-ground getting killed by ZOG in the name of boomerisms


>spicspammer bullshit

You niggers glow. Catch a bullet, before we catch you.

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>>when a normie sees /pol/

Yeah? And when exactly does that happen? They go to 4chins when cnn says something. Now if you know what pedowood has been putting out and is on the gay jewish tv every night, you would know, it's not shocking anymore.

>>The prosecution knows this and will do is job: trying to fuck you.

Yeah, I'd be more concerned about the DEAD BODIES and the, MURDER WEAPON with your fingerprints on it.

>>rather than giving him life they sentenced him to death.

How is that a bad thing? You want to eat shit with niggers for fifty years until you get cancer that isn't treated?

>>I am not a lawyer

You don't say. Your also not a criminal. Just a punk ass bitch fagging up the catalog with bullshit.

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1000x the testosterone that you have.

Did something you only fantasize about.

Your posting on a gook imageboard about another man's appearance. If you aren't a worthless jew fuck and faggot…

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Look at the Hasson case. He bought tramadol illegally. No blood, no bodies. The DA used his memes to try to put the guy away. They did ruin his reputation. That's a similar phenomenon: the prosecutor will try use your bad optics(posting on /pol/) to put you away if you get in a self-defense situation.

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>Don't talk to the police.

Unironically good advice, anon.


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>It's only ok to have pride in every race except white

Is basically what you /pol/cucks are saying. You fags are just as bad as libfags

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What are you trying to say?

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