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 No.13540212 [Last50 Posts]

It has begun! In Holland, (((degenerates))) celebrated their ‘pride’ for going against nature this week. As many already suspected, pedo’s are now also pushing for ‘acceptance’ and ‘love’. Welcome to clown world.

>Flyers from the paedophile organisation 'Kinderbevrijdingsfront' were confiscated today in the Vondelpark near the Pride in Amsterdam. The man who distributed the flyers wants to promote the rights of pedo’s. Among bystanders, the content of the flyers led to fierce reactions. The man was not arrested.

>Under the hashtag #PedoPride the man announced his action in recent days. He wants an "inclusive Pride". Pedophiles "should be part of Pride and welcome within the community", he wrote on Twitter. Pride Amsterdam wants nothing to do with the man and asked him to leave several times.

>Bystanders did not like his message either. "Because people got angry, there was a threat to public order", a police spokesman confirms. "Then it was decided to confiscate the flyers temporarily.


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Don't forget Z for zoophylia.

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Ah so that's why styx is there

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>As many already suspected, pedo’s are now also pushing for ‘acceptance’ and ‘love’.

This is the linchpin. Once notmies start virtue signaling to protect pedos, they are effectively on the path to legal protection.

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File: 127a76220680f33⋯.png (20.42 KB,814x733,814:733,lgbtpz.png)

←—Maybe this should be phase 2?

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Why the zoosexual?

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>Nobody cares about necrodendrophiles

This is discrimination!

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Because people that like to masturbate using an animals anus or vagina are people too.

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We all know faggots are pedos anyway so it was only a matter of time before one of them went and done this.

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I used to be a necrohomo until some rotten asshole split on me.

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Listen, it is in fact good that they've done this.

I am not a part of any diverging preference.

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Animals want human love too. Fucking bigot

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It is in fact good that they've done this.

We are all mad. E.g. we are still stuck in nofap as well. Or "porn addiction".

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Stop spamming.

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What is it about this thread that's causing this spammer to sperg out?

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Rev up the firing lines already.

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Enjoy your aids as you rot in hell you butt sniffing faggot.

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Don't feed.

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What about poo pride?

Is there a letter for that?

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The point of this article is….

It is ok to be a pedo, but only if you are a 30s+ male that like little girls around the age of 6. Everything else is unacceptable.

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I on the other hand am going to trounce all up in here cause….

It's free real estate.

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What's the matter? Did a little ol' peen loving cock worshiper such as myself scare you off?

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Since nobody is defending her I reckon I will fuck you're mother you Jewish little kernel of dog shit! And fuck you're faggot ass nigger loving father too.

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I can understand how a broken individual living in a perpetual masculinity crisis and anxiety is only able to parse actions in terms of not being afraid and staying or being afraid and leaving, but healthy individuals do not really enjoy what you're posting because you disgust them.

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Pedofascists lie about this shit.

Truth is LGBT is useless to pedos, and provides safety for young people to defect against abusive upbringings.

They didn’t give that to me, but that was years ago, haha. I’m pretty sure there was an intention that failed rather than a refusal to try. I say it with the confidence of knowing my own motives that LGBT is useless to pedophiles.

I know this internationally, too: nations that are fighting to conserve pedophilia execute gays. Gays are not USEFUL to pedophiles. They’re a hideous threat.

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Break your chains, weakling.

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Again, homosexual insults only really ever project their 2 or 3 fears /concerns onto others. "Weak", "afraid", these things describe you, not the people you are talking to.

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>I'm mad about the only thing that would turn around our birthrates

Okay, retard. Pedo pride world wide.

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>Why the zoosexual?

Because some kike is attempting damage control by taking something completely unacceptable to normies, and is trying to get anons to add onto it making it seem ridiculous/fake and therefore easily dismissible.

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Lol, I’m an IP hopper, but you’re probably never gonna meet another gay guy who’ll call you weak. It’s not really a thing in the community. You just can’t unbind your hate-chains long enough to recognize truth.

Didn’t you see how easily you fell for an edgecase and cast it back as central? That was ignorant gullibility.

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>←—Maybe this should be phase 2?


Adding the Z is unnecessary, and false. You must be a kike, and if not fucking punch yourself in the dick for engaging in lying kikery.

Any falsehood added to this makes it dismissible, and pedophilia is already a FULL STOP, GET THE ROPE issue for normies.

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99% of gays are only gay because their hormones are fucked, theyre huge sexual degenerates, or they were molested as a child

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Miscegenation, faggotry, lesbianism, abortion, pornography and more were GET THE ROPE for the average person at some point in time. Normalization and demoralization is a real thing.

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Every homosexual I have met has been pathetic. Some of them achieve fitness for narcissistic/fetishistic reasons, but even these are psychologically unstable, any mental fortitude is feigned and built on self-delusion. I have told them as such to their face, and they have done nothing.

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The actual weakness of liars is that they’re trivially easy to disarray and mislead. It takes honesty to learn what actually goes on in this world. Pedofascists can’t stand honesty, it makes them scream in agony and lash out.

They’re fighting to conserve a world that abuses children. Sometimes pedofascist types are fighting to conserve a world that will let them get away with what they’ve done - y’see, a functioning LGBT community ends up revealing abusive authority figures in faiths and families.

I’ve always believed in sunlight rules. I don’t submit myself to lies about my activities or predilections, and I don’t pie about what other people do. Being strong enough not to lie is the nightmare of the broken hate-slaves who can’t handle their emotions enough to face a world that rewards truth.

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Brenton Tarrant is probably a muslim. The locals don’t have the emotional fortitude to live in a world where anyone says that, so I’m offering it up as evidence of my willingness to share politically incorrect truths.

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Is that really all it takes to break you? Why are you such a coward?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what the fuck are you talking about

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If you let go of hatred, you can often get the most bullshit aspects of your opposition to work with you or be dropped from the program. If you hate your opponents, they will “never submit”. That’s why bigotry is retarded and counterproductive.

It’s like, if you want a border wall? Start seriously talking about foreign aid programs. If you want to influence edgecases in LGBT spaces, support the good majority in those spaces rather than using edgecases to promote hatred. If you want fences, mend them.

I don’t think all muslims are evil. I have no idea what the rate is.

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motherfucker, there is never phase two

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Less gibberish than you, lol.

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Demoralizationkike is fail

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says the retard outsider

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Mending fences: the art of proving kindness sufficient to criticize, the art of proving shared values and mutually respected boundaries. These are things that bigots don’t have.

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You're a faggot defending pedos with your pilpul

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They do that because they’re pedofascists fearing exposure. If the Rotherham gangs had made connections to the LGBT community, it would’ve went catastrophically poorly for them.

Elevated willingness to turn criminals in to cops has marked the openly gay communities for years.

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Gays are also good at encouraging media uptake against criminals. That’s why violent people hate them so much; the media prefers gays to violents.

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I’m doing literally the opposite, Mr. Ackbarsan.

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>Gays are also good at encouraging media uptake against criminals.

>source: my gay ass

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iirc animalsex recently became legal in Canada (so long as there's no penetration)





literal butthurt

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Why zoosexual? Because that is just the next step in sexual degeneracy after pedophilia. I guess they could add satanic torture/murder stuff to their perversions. That would be the end of the line, which is why power players end up doing that shit. Normal sex just doesn't satisfy them.



You will literally hear these excuses in the future, no joke.



You massive fucking faggot. Fuck you and your mother for making me download these pics. If its so false, why do they sell dildos that imitate horse, dog, you name it, penises. Apparently elephant dildos are a thing. It might be a year or two yet, but you will start to hear stories about humans raping animals, especially at the public zoo. God help us.


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I feel like pedophilia is worse than being a zoosexual

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File: 8a1eee626b94555⋯.jpg (49.38 KB,356x600,89:150,dhr047-nopass-crossing_gra….jpg)

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>It might be a year or two yet, but you will start to hear stories about humans raping animals, especially at the public zoo. God help us.

Litterally happens every week on the local news

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>You massive fucking faggot. Fuck you and your mother for making me download these pics. If its so false, why do they sell dildos that imitate horse, dog, you name it, penises. Apparently elephant dildos are a thing. It might be a year or two yet, but you will start to hear stories about humans raping animals, especially at the public zoo. God help us.

People are disgusted at zoophilia, but they'll kill pedophiles (and let off pedo killers).

Plus, you conveniently ignored the point, which is that adding Z to the LGTBQP acronym dilutes it for normies, which (in addition to you clearly not needing to search and show images of animal dildos, you obviously wanted to do so, b/c you did), indicates you're a filthy fucking kike.

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thats really beautiful anon

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I don't know what proof you're looking for but this was a leak of a bunch of furryies PMS.

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To clarify anon, "evidence" was that which I submitted in that post in order to refute anons claim that beastiality was false/fake and misleading normies. The headlines are endless.


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We already lost the fight to add the second P. (Already have one P for Pansexual in the letter salad.) We lost it decades ago and didn't notice. They have merely been waiting for enough of the people who would kill them all anyway to age out.

Age of Consent is the whole game. That was the bright defensible line we could have held, but we surrendered it without a fight and didn't realize it. Kids can't consent to sex? An 18yo virgin is a punch line? We have to give kids sex ed and condoms in school because they are going to have sex? Reconcile. No, it is clear that an unstoppable majority now believes kids can, do and can't be prevented from having sex. Sex between teens is, if not universally embraced, accepted as a fact on the ground.

So then we get teachers having sex with her male students. First one went up for a long time. Now everybody just eyerolls and snickers, wanting to first know if she is "hot" and if so the boy got lucky. Next up was lesbian teachers trying to groom little girls and shouting "HOMOPHOBIA" if they didn't get the same treatment. After the NAMBLA types get their perversion normalized the only thing left is what the whole effort was for, getting dirty old men legal access to the yung poon they crave.

And we already lost the fight. Sometime between 1957, when "Wake Up Little Susie" was still the pop culture consensus and when "Happy Days" reimagined the 1950s in the 1970s, teen sex was normalized. Game over.

Anybody wanna show where this Black Pill ain't the truth? Pretty horrible if kiddie diddlers are going to be an open thing.

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Endless sophistry rationalized backwards from the pathological desire to put his dick into another man's ass. There's no point you could disprove to fix his brain.

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Pedofascists are too assblasted by reality to take the redpill.

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Don't forget that pedo is kosher approved!

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You're not operating in reality, just in a haze where you've convinced yourself you're not the problem. Don't you find it the least bit coincidental that your supposed morality has somehow perfectly conformed to your lizard brain impulses?

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dude, you got your head so far up your own ass that despite shitting the board with hundreds of posts and getting ridiculed every time you got no clue what the redpill is

can you go away, forever? please?

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Remember when "people" were lynched when they dared to exhibit their inherent degeneracy and violence?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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Leftypol approves of this sexual revolution.

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'Pedophile' rights groups have been operating fairly openly in the Netherlands for some time now. They even have a political party.

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Gays were hanged too. Then they became a protected class. Then normies virtue signaled for them. Then the supreme court affirmed all their civil rights. If pedosexuals get normies to virtue signal for them, the same process will play out.

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File: 474cfb6bbeb1ab4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,21.21 KB,326x449,326:449,EAfxG_PWwAAUbSi.jpg)



I knew it would be in Amsterdam

I just never thought it would be this pathetic.. it's so poetic

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Because it's exactly what communists want.

The jew uses communism to destroy a nation, once it has fulfilled something.

Communism seeks to turn everything on its head, in order to cause disorder and chaos.

They're actively trying to destroy White nations.

Whites, only people that stand in the way of total world domination. Why do you think they try so hard to dumb down, fatten and ruin people peoples lives, just to shove pills that have 30+ side effects down their throats?

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Furfag detected.

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Pardon me dear fellas.


This another divergence from some straight path at this moment. While it isn't a divergence on itself.



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Wrong tbh

don't know what the fuck gave you that idea?

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Dude what the fucks your problem retard? this thread was about the lgbtp not zoolphilia stop derailing the thread.

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anyone who says "paedophile" instead of pedo, is a pedo, prove me wrong

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Seems oddly suspicious why you'd question anon for adding zoophilia.

Ever since fags got their way, I've come across more and more people who are open about wanting to fuck animals and/or children.

I never wanted to believe people years ago.

Before i became political. I thought they were full of shit, saying that zoo and pedohilia would become the norm.

Now I'm facing the reality of the situation.

Literally watching as these subhumans are crawling out of their sewers to conglomerate and party with each other.

I've talked to alot of people, it's disturbing how many people there are.

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why do leftists always type so much shit for such meaningless messages

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Because faggots are people who fuck other fags I have never heard of thm wanting to have sex with animals so I don't see how it fits into the lgbtp.? Another thread should be started for that or maybe I am wrong?

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You're not wrong.

I can understand where you're coming from, but > ALL < of the people I've talked to who have, or want to have sex with animals are openly homosexual.

Pedohilla is more serious then zoo, without question.

But we shouldn't throw it away like it's useless.

We can use it along side Pedohilia. Cutting off any avenue of escape.

'Someone' could justify pedohilia, because they're the same gender, they just like younger bodies, and enjoy "youthful" entertainment.

Degenerate yes. But someone who is brainwashed would believe that drivel.

But WHO could justify zoo?


They're sexual deviants, adding the Z would prove that without a doubt for most people.

Just saying this now, before people start calling me a shill. I'm in no way linked with the other anon.

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>saying that zoo and pedohilia would become the norm

This. Normies want nothing more than to remain as normies. When supporting those becomes the norm, normies will swarm on board with those ideas, just like they did when supporting gays became the norm.

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It wasn't my intention to derail the thread brother. Anytime anyone, anywhere, brings up the LGBTQ nonsense I always make sure to remind them to add the P for pedo and Z for zoosies, because it is all part and parcel in my humble opinion. I only brought it up anecdotally and would never have imagined having to get in a back and forth over its relative validity to the topic. It seems several other anons echo my sentiment, but a couple others got pretty butthurt that I even mentioned it.

To counter my inadvertent derail I tried to bring it back around…


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File: ede0db108f7fd2e⋯.png (35.18 KB,977x570,977:570,LGBT Banner.png)

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File: aa7c194cd8e7f61⋯.png (549.75 KB,1199x908,1199:908,DEXATI20180804122755.png)


Support is on the way!

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Can you get any more degenerate than this? People are already getting into zoophilia, via the CIA manufactured furfag fandom.

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No such thing.

>nations that are fighting to conserve pedophilia execute gays

Are you talking about the Muslim world? Because you do realise that Saudi Arabia's age of consent is 16?

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File: 6b5c5c6ae219eaa⋯.jpg (14.27 KB,328x379,328:379,diogo-alves.jpg)


Fucking kikel. Touch a kid and your head flies off your body, pedo scum.

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What we really need is to give more aid to Israel. Throw money at a problem, I'm sure that will solve everything. Idiot.

Take the race pill already. For someone that claims to be above hate slaves, you seem to lack a solid grasp of reality.

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File: bec11e809e8d29a⋯.jpg (77.43 KB,1300x956,325:239,us-president-donald-trump-….jpg)


Based CIA showing us that people are nothing but brainwashed cattle that can't think for themselves.

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File: e82154530e6dc0f⋯.jpg (40.03 KB,584x465,584:465,1564188026283.jpg)


We give money to Israel because it's in Israel's interest to penetrate the US and get as much as it can from the most powerful nation at the time. Afterwards, Israel will move on to China or another superpower, just as it did with England.

It's pragmatic, ruthless and effective. You're a host society, nothing more.

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> Pride Amsterdam wants nothing to do with the man and asked him to leave several times.

Look at these bigots. Kill these homosexual fags man. total hypocritical

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>the faggots kvetching ITT

Lel, absolutely pathetic.

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I was joking bro. I wish nothing but death for Israel and its people.

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For people who say what goes on in their bedroom is none of your business, they sure have a hard time keeping it in the bedroom.

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So why then, are so many Muslims migrating to Europe? They are taught Europe is evil and western countries are evil, yet they migrate to them in swaths at a time. Most of them being male. Are Muslims all closet gays? Oh the irony. Clown world indeed!

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It's an army being invited through an open gate.

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>anyone who says "paedophile" instead of pedo, is a pedo, prove me wrong

Just like that cave explorer Musk called out.

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Why, you fucking idiot?

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Jews are the scourge of this planet.

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Because they can't keep their fucking nose out of every country. they subvert nations. Flooding them with immigrants who are taught to hate the west and Europe. They are pushing lgbt agenda into schools. Demoralizing children and shaming heterosexuals. They are responsible for all the terrorism, making ignorant white people to kill Muslims, so Muslims hate us. They are globalists and all they care about it money. Nothing else, but money and themselves.

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They definitely don't mind sucking bloody baby penises. It's kosher.

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Metzitzah b’peh. Basically a pedophile blowjob but "it's an ancient tradition" so noone does anything about it.

Jews are the scourge of this planet.

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This particular newborn died from the herpes it contracted from the mohel.

Care to share any other historic context for pedo/zoo and decline?

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So Shitler was a Pedo along with his best friend Rohm

>posting Hitler to every thread

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File: 3f741335e2263f4⋯.jpg (29.81 KB,760x428,190:107,nn_sgo_trump_epstein_tape_….jpg)


So is youre fried Trump Schlomo

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This is your brain on cummies

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File: f2daf226d576c1a⋯.jpg (58.81 KB,320x320,1:1,20190610_152500.jpg)

File: 5ddd9566c6e11bc⋯.jpg (138.99 KB,720x978,120:163,20190610_173527.jpg)

File: 47ab6c5b22ba953⋯.jpg (57.64 KB,438x254,219:127,20190728_122131.jpg)

File: ff5a01baf7aba80⋯.jpg (45.79 KB,380x219,380:219,20190728_122050.jpg)

>>13513540705th 40705

; $


They Added the P? I ve been pushing that forever!!! I'm glad other people were pushing it too . I wanted it to be a lowercase "p" preferably backwards haha

Oh shit.. and I'm talking about the LOGO (ex:LGBTPqQ1+) some anonsimea some @xxxx' when trying to make propaganda to make it appear like pedophiles were trying to use pride month to get acceptance and clue in normies.





Implying no OTHER religion or group ever got accused of being wierd with kids…?

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File: 9dd2ec03536f15a⋯.jpg (178.11 KB,400x534,200:267,20190701_163605.jpg)

File: 1b0f8122dcf5b17⋯.jpg (74.23 KB,570x778,285:389,15a8d631945e9120fa16c9fde1….jpg)

File: 6f131d023456de8⋯.png (811.26 KB,840x1084,210:271,20190511_051035.png)

File: c210823cdb6d212⋯.jpg (585.5 KB,1200x1200,1:1,20190701_142611.jpg)

First pic is an actual quote from jesus 100% authentic, satan says so

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File: b35a646d2f26dce⋯.jpg (143.13 KB,676x433,676:433,20190728_122029.jpg)

File: 8e49f556aab31cb⋯.jpg (91.53 KB,410x499,410:499,20190728_122239.jpg)

File: 86616c56251d82e⋯.jpg (194.22 KB,720x590,72:59,20190728_122200.jpg)

File: 3caf738cbe70ca0⋯.jpg (133.69 KB,654x486,109:81,20190728_122343.jpg)

See? Catholics are just as pedo! Even the might Russia is controlled by the peso elites so to imply it's all the J-ee..OY VEY! how did this last picture end up here? Never you mind it annons just a shot from vacation that some how got mixed in, I'm Dutch a klutzy shlemiel

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Denying women the right have horse cocks in their vagina is denying a human right. KYS SHITLORD BIGGOT POS! What a shitty person you are. Like wow. Are you being serious right now? OMG.

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File: 58bad26eab9308c⋯.jpg (35.39 KB,470x293,470:293,shlomo-iconcur-iknowthatfe….jpg)


What an intelligent fellow to point out how other peoples are to be doing pedophile stuff as well I too tahink it isn't just the jews.. wicked as the are… thank you kind and wunderba Dutch friend who is not me.

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>I am a paid jewish shill

>I post the same spam every day

>wow why am I banned

Reported, yeah.

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OP really brought out the mentally ill ITT LMAO.

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LMAO just kill yourself.

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Reported, yeah.

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Pedocommies are too assblasted by reality to take the redpill.

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Why didn't you just take a screenshot, nigger? It would be easier to shoop in JEWISH and spread it around.

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File: 8705e2cd3176c6d⋯.jpg (224.14 KB,1024x576,16:9,Absolutely Disgusting Hitl….jpg)


>stealing trips

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That's all White Nationalists care about is larping about Hitler and Pedophilia.

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Put that crackpipe down for a while.

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You seem too dumb to grasp the subtext here. In almost all of your replies, you express bewilderment and confusion. First day on the job?

Pro tip: No one here actually supports zoosexuals

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Been here for a long while actually.

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Pedophile board to raid

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Jesus has good taste in kids tbh.

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You do realize that Hitler hated chrisitanity?

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Inb4 the exact same image posted every single time, you know the image.

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File: 97e57c0076553e3⋯.jpeg (172.55 KB,1197x1291,1197:1291,bestialitylegalincanada.jpeg)

File: b337fac116fc6df⋯.jpg (149.04 KB,776x986,388:493,childabuse-canada-cbc_drag….jpg)

File: 1e4e799873e2dd4⋯.jpg (303.59 KB,1199x853,1199:853,canadascuckkentcanadatrude….jpg)

File: f7be658e8ebbc1a⋯.jpg (48.03 KB,644x666,322:333,lgbttranskidtakenfromparen….jpg)


>iirc animalsex recently became legal in Canada (so long as there's no penetration)

confirming your post anon with pic related.

If homos are accepted pedos and zoox will be (they use the identical arguments and methods to push for normalization). This was warned of 60 years ago, and people laughed. Welcome to the future you chose.

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it seems like canada is on the forefront of corruption and it kinda scares me because it seems like in their 5-eyes setyup it's actually CANADIANS that are allowed to SPY ON and FUCK WITH AUSTRALIANS the most

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>Why zoosexual? Because that is just the next step in sexual degeneracy after pedophilia.

Other way around.

Pedophilia is the height of degeneracy.

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I'm just glad pedos finally started utilizing the obvious strategy that the normalfags have already been conditioned for.

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I can honestly say I do not think I have ever spoke with or met a gay individual who wasn't abused in some way as a kid. Now we see with tranny's that they are indoctrinated from a young age and they become what they become later.

There is no doubt in my mind that this is a literal condition and is created through poor parenting and/or abuse of some kind. Long story short, pedo shit is right in the same ballpark and goes hand in hand with these conditions.

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My younger half brother was raised in an easier, more laid back environment than I was, but by the same people. He’s a massive purse carrying faggot now but unless someone diddled him outside of the house and by some miracle he didn’t use it as a victim card I think the electric Jew, public school system and soy did it to him. I also legitimately believe he has no soul or is a psychopath or both, but that’s unrelated.

I think a lot of young people are choosing to turn to faggotry because they are weak and poorly raised, so the Jewish brainwashing and social policing actual works on them.

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Why are gays the enemy of 'pedofascists'. I thought most pedos were gay.

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>CIA manufactured furfag fandom.

You're shitting me, aren't you? There's no solid evidence behind that, is there?

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other than the fact CIA niggers are confirmed bronies? theyre probably furries aswell

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Take a hit of zyklon B you IMAX Projecting nosenegro.


but is there any solid evidence towards them being behind furries?

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File: da3a61533854972⋯.png (250.27 KB,1008x864,7:6,Gaytruth I.png)

File: 8105b42834983a4⋯.png (181.44 KB,1226x860,613:430,Gaytruth II.png)


>Completely ignores rates of domestic abuse in gay households

>Modern sex education and open, honest discussions of sexuality stand in the way.

>The modern gay movement is history’s most profound threat to pedos - it threatens to eradicate pedophilia forever.

Some of the most schizophrenic bullshit i've ever read on this site.

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About what, 48 percent of pedos are homos.

But, they have about ten times the victim count per pedo that straight pedos do.

So, let's say that out of 100 pedos, 52 are straight. That's 52 victims of straight pedos.

But, the homopedos are more prolifice, so for 48 homopedos, that's 480 victims.

Thus, there are almost ten times as many victims of homosexual pedo rape than straight pedo rape.

You won't find THAT little conclusion directly stated anywhere else but this post, right here.

Killing five homosexual pedophiles in this case eliminates exactly as many potential victims as killing ALL STRAIGHT PEDOPHILES combined.

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But, it gets worse. Since homos are about 1 percent of the population, that means for every 100,000 people, 1000 are homos. If pedo rapists make up 1/5th of a percent of the population, that means 5 people per thousand is a pedo, and at 1 percent, 10 people per thousand is a homo.


With those numbers, since homos are 10 people out of every thousand, and sex offenders are five out of every thousand, that means that one out of every two homosexuals is a sex offender.

Why are they in our countries?

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Correction: since sex offenders, fifty percent of which are homos, and thus 2.5 per thousand, that means one out of every four homosexuals is a child sex offender.

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File: 9e8c528f188372a⋯.jpg (115.46 KB,396x423,44:47,20190802_074249.jpg)

File: 8d08f3c8360c567⋯.jpg (102.57 KB,400x491,400:491,20190802_074306.jpg)


Slalom mishpocheh! Lovely children you have, I'm assuming they're your daughter's yes? I don't mean to get all schmaltzy but I'm somewhat of a sentimentalist when it comes to family.. oh vey the ammount of tissue i go though when I tear up you wouldn't believe.. let me show you my darlings as well it is good to see more falimygoys on here.

Here is my son Henry and my daughter Valerie.. I know I know looks like a shiksa it's the red hair what can you do? But I assure you she's going to make a fantastic baleboste when she grows into a woman.. of course then I'll miss my sweet little bubbelh but she cant stay 13 forever! (Do you like the shirt? A little joke you see )

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Top jej

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File: 8380ce58c2f3a94⋯.jpg (2.55 KB,200x149,200:149,whisper-in-your-ear.jpg)


Psssst… there's WAY more than 1 in 4.

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File: d41db26b291f512⋯.jpg (41.62 KB,319x380,319:380,aw1234.JPG)

Join your local Revolutionary National Socialists!

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>1% of the population are ginger

>0.2% of the population are pedos

>50% of gingers are pedos

Your logic is awful and stolen from a Sam Hyde show.


More of this. This is the shit that actually convinces people.

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If you’re short on proper heterosexual depravity in your life, try digging up the old title “A Maid’s Story”, which should let you suitably mistreat a vulnerable girl in fiction. Three of them, even.

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Modern LGBT-friendly spaces remain a historic safe haven for cast-off children. Don’t let the local liars fool anyone who matters, eh?

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File: d72215affb5e31e⋯.jpg (23.07 KB,640x480,4:3,DILDOS.jpg)

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Was that actual CP you replied to?

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all major queer theorist argue in favor of legalizing pedofilia and ending age of consent. its no secrete

foucault and derrida the fathers of neo marxist post modernism openly advocating for ending age of consent laws in france

LGBTQ+ is keeping it on the down low but they go hand in hand

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then LGBTP is the correct accelerationist move.

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File: eb8f28812f69c76⋯.png (1.31 MB,1200x868,300:217,1564805083088.png)

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File: cb4b2ae73e89af8⋯.png (666.49 KB,821x524,821:524,1564827289283-picsay.png)

they use the term pansexual meaning all sex including pedo and includes animals

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File: 149b24dc22cb1b9⋯.png (7.79 KB,301x336,43:48,ClipboardImage.png)

what the hell happened?

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I think a realistic idea is to push for including pesos as a protected group, since it's not fully clear that they fall under existing laws. Goy, don't you know white supremacists want to hang innocent pedos who haven't even offended? What a hate crime! Congress should act now and make sure pedo is one of groups protected by hate crime laws.

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Addendum: this is a small enough change that normies will get behind it, but large enough that it will get the ball rolling on mainstreaming the worst perversions of modern society. It makes perfect sense according to normie logic because it protects "non offenders" and thereby codifies normie belief that there is fundamentally nothing wrong with pedos. Imagine what happens when a white father is facing federal hate crime charges for punching out a pedo who looked too closely at his daughter.

On second thought, maybe whites are too stupid and scared for this sort of accelerationism to work and it just makes things worse. I don't know.

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