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File: 01dcb7a151e461e⋯.jpg (96.78 KB,750x725,30:29,8ch.dummy.jpg)

 No.13539234 [Last50 Posts]

Voat.co (I know, I know) is under attack for a post that was made, archived here: http://archive.is/ArZdi

The Clintons want this suppressed. Let's spread it!


EPSTEIN, Nicole Junkermann, the Red Cross and the VATICAN connections (pizzagate)

submitted 5 days ago by letsdothis3

This post is a continuation of : The Epstein Associate Nobody's Talking About: The IDF-Linked Bond Girl Infiltrating the UK NHS….Nicole Junkermann

Nicole Junkermann with husband Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti at the Vatican: https://www.leggo.it/gossip/news/ferdinando_brachetti_peretti_nicole_jungermann_battesimo_piccola_vita-4369976.html


Ferdinando Maria Brachetti Peretti (born in Rome on January 13 1960), from the wealthy Brachetti Peretti family, is Chairman and CEO of an Italian energy company, API Group.

Brachetti Peretti's father, Count Aldo Maria Brachetti Peretti, was for thirty years, until September 2007, head of the family Group “API” (Anonima Petroli Italiana), founded by his maternal grandfather Cav. Del Lavoro Ferdinando Peretti.[citation needed] His mother, Mila, worked for more than 30 years in the Red Cross and is the only woman in Italy to carry the military grade of General.

Mila Peretti https://imgur.com/a/uhI8k1Z

Through social media one can see the deep ties to the Vatican… I'm archiving those connections.. Anyhoo..

Red Cross and Vatican helped thousands of Nazis to escape - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/may/25/nazis-escaped-on-red-cross-documents

Her son Ugo and brother-in-law of Junkermann: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ugo_Brachetti_Peretti

Ugo Maria Brachetti Peretti (born July 8, 1965, Rome) is an Italian oil executive. ..His father, Count Aldo Maria Brachetti Peretti, Cavaliere Del Lavoro was the head of the family group, Anonima Petroli Italiana (API) for thirty years, until his retirement in September 2007. The company was founded by his maternal grandfather Cavaliere Del Lavoro Ferdinando Peretti. His mother, Mila Peretti,[1] is the National Inspectress of the Italian Red Cross, which she has served for over 30 years. She is the only woman in Italy to carry the military grade of General. In 2005 Peretti married the Countess Isabella Borromeo Arese Taverna.

He was educated at the American Community School in London where he graduated in 1983 with an international Baccalaureate degree and then qualified for a degree in Business Administration at the American University of Rome in 1987. He subsequently obtained his specialization at Boston University. He completed his military service as an officer of the Carabinieri.

After 1990 he started working as a manager in the family business of which he and his brothers are 100% shareholders. During his time with API he has held many positions, at first operating the "downstream cycle" (a combination of activities such as deliveries, transportation, refining, sale and marketing of oil). In 2007, after a series of promotions, he became Chairman of the company.[2] In this capacity, he focused the Group's activities back to the oil sector, with the strengthening of the distribution network and the improvement of the Falconara refinery.[3] He holds several other chairs, vice-chairs and advisory positions within API as well as being a member of the boards at UniCredit, the Executive Council of the "Rome Industrial Union" and Unione Petrolifera.

Corps of Gendarmerie of Vatican City https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corps_of_Gendarmerie_of_Vatican_City

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Free bump

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> Red Cross and Vatican helped thousands of Nazis to escape

We're supposed to see this as a bad thing? You a jew?

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>i know

Kill yourself then.

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I don't understand the hate for Voat.co, at its worst it's still better than cuckchan

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>Oy, this shit isn't crusty

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Being DDoSed currently


The Qtards are insufferable, it's essentially proven that trump is not /ourguy/, now maybe he's trying some stuff but ultimately his team of kikes are gaslighting everyone and holding back any efforts to fight israel or the great replacement.

Unfortunately I'll still vote for the zionist cuck just because it will put us in a situation where Antifa will commit terrorist attacks, A trump presidency does weaken most of our enemies and it undermines everyone of our enemies who allies with trump.

Further Trump might be convinced to do some things his jewish masters don't like, he prevented the Iran Strike he is not giving them everything they want and considering we can't field a candidate he's our best option for now, the goal should be to create more political strife which causes stupid liberals and niggers to become violent.

Essentially if we can work towards our own Reichstag moment(The burning there of by a communist traitor) we can use it just like Hitler did to dislodge a whole chunk of our political opposition from the primary body politic or justifiably spark a civil war.

OP does appear to be a Qtard though.

The hate of Voat is primarily because they are infested with retarded Q obsessed boomers and have no way to protect themselves from shills so they can't tell friend from foe at all. There is a lso a level of incompetence with the owner and his close janitors and a shitload of retarded user drama because the website caters to drama fags too much.

You'd be surprised by how many middle aged women are actually on Voat, and probably /pol/

It also seems that they are being colonized by some group pretending to be russians or maybe just russians or Krautchan refugees, two new subs they have are being run by subversives who are whispering all the right things in one ear and then slipping some poison in the other, specifically v/HDLunited and v/Hiddenlol The immune system is already aware of the infection but currently just observing; one user posted a pic yesterday that a few oldfags recognized from 4chan's CP days

When it comes back up y'all should consider checking out some of the better subs there are no default subs but those subs that could be defaults are really great, v/niggers and v/milliondollarextreme.

Another reason people hate voat is because it is generlly a bad design for dispersing good info, people upvote shit because they want others to engage with it, not because they are actually engaging with it, so it's a bunch of political hack'smanship run by under educated simpletons suckling at the teet of power users just like every content aggregation website.

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if not for the Qtards, Voat would be a quite pleasant and comfy place to be. I absolutely hate these retards. on v/whatever it's often pretty wholesome, I remember a man being congratulated by hundreds after announcing he had become a father. This Boomernonymous cult is more destructive than helpful at this point

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No one cares, cunt.

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File: 425fc5bdac31b9d⋯.jpg (94.45 KB,900x400,9:4,comedian.jpg)

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File: 37f9381d9c5de92⋯.jpg (33.73 KB,474x597,158:199,blyater.jpg)


lmfao what am I gonna say, *we*? fuck off you dont have a point to make

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>I have no criticism but I must complain.

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This fucking jew literally just respammed this fucking thread. Sage and report you newfag fucks.

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There is no we, kike.

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You're a fucking JEW. That's the critique, moshe.

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File: 0fd8c4e50c2d1d7⋯.jpg (1018.64 KB,2174x2559,2174:2559,0fd8c4e50c2d1d7d7fbc772e99….jpg)

>>13539314 >>13539431 >>13539471

>>13539502 >>13539506 >>13539509

bumped and filtered

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DDOS just took it down for 30 seconds or so- prolly restarted the Www service or Apache daemon or whateffer

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Any other good sites out there besides voat? I don't have time to keep up with the latest trends, so always just come here.

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it's still down, except now nightmode is turned off - must be serious

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Voat’s 503 entirely now. That post really pissed some kikes off.

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Holy Fuck lads Still Doon ! 503 for me. Feels bad man.

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why is 503 more special than any of the other error messages that have occurred over the past 30 minutes? does it mean permakill?

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Did it EVER poss someone off. The post itself was about Kikes, yeah, but also really about European nobility.

Specifically, it was about Italian families that are wealthy…as… fook. These guys have held land since Italy was city-states, so hundreds of years of rule. Couple that with present-day Oil money, and you’ve got a damn oligarch.

I can imagine though, it’s not like the article has to be correct, as much as SOMEONE notices their family name showing up, and associTed with Epstein and Pizza, and makes a phone call to the tune of “Shut’a this’a Shit’a down’a”.

- someone hits up the bitcoin market for 100k Euros worth, buys a couple of 15 minute blocks of time, and poor little Voat’s hamster gets a blow dart from an assassin.

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If any goats come here preview is still up

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File: 5b3efc659902060⋯.gif (761.57 KB,653x800,653:800,1531146375552.gif)


It is no longer Afraid.

Its buying time now.

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Voat 'service is unavailable'

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Anyone know if Zerohedge’s comment section is still down, / is related ?

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I can’t imagine it being related, because ZH refuses to name the jew. They’re completely in the pocket, even if literally every member of their comment section openly names the jew.

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Hory she wit that old hag jewess comedian… uhh.. Joan Rivers was right !! I honestly though this was just right wing trash talk (Gay, Muslim, nigger)

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File: 5d17f00e32576e8⋯.jpeg (30.52 KB,433x290,433:290,5b9a466c72773.jpeg)

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File: 891afa5e5bc05c9⋯.jpg (16.61 KB,298x169,298:169,1ugcmh.jpg)


>An actual niggerjew sides with mudshits

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File: 2e9cb0a5955951c⋯.jpeg (38.69 KB,400x390,40:39,5b9c73b96a0f5.jpeg)


^^ 80% of anti whites are in Africa, the Middle East and WAKANDA

Level 5 goose warning

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File: 0fa45b2e2be08e5⋯.jpeg (274.94 KB,1274x1176,13:12,563D7E54-A18A-491B-ADF3-9….jpeg)

They’ve updated their error page with a direct link to the attacked content.


This might actually be a stretch of long downtime for voat.

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File: 0120bea36121dea⋯.png (409.08 KB,1200x535,240:107,we4rergdrgrg.png)

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File: 85d37787a2ee22b⋯.jpeg (140.86 KB,750x1231,750:1231,tb8wmk.jpeg)

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voat is better than this place has been the last 2 years.

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This is about the ban on memes Goat. a Law is about to pass.

Not aout pedogate.

Focus Hard on this.

Contact President Trump if You have to.


Contact him by any means

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>This reddit version is better than here.

Well could go and stay go redditor but you and i know that you're here forever. So work on getting the quality of here up instead of putting it down by moaning like a distressed woman.

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tons of shills in this thread so early on

i wonder what this indicates.



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File: b77e313c1e78540⋯.jpg (35.67 KB,785x590,157:118,1378656096854.jpg)


Shut up, Q

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Which is fucking unfortunate, since Voat retains some of the worst back-end features of reddit.


Kill yourself, subhuman. You know for a fact that /pol/ is dead.

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>Defeatist shilling.

Well, i throw the compliment right back at you faggot. Hanging is all hype right now thanks to chijo.

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>The Ties That Bind: Ehud Barak’s Business Network


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>you told the truth

>the truth hurt my feelings

>you’re a defeatist

Try again with a real argument. Bump because you can’t hide this.

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This is probably the best image to use in a group of normies. They see it and then they look around and then the people they used to look up to lose influence FAST.

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>503 errors on Voat for investigating pizzagate

Here, have a bump

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It's a fake boomer quote. The actual context is that he'll stand with shitskin invaders.

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File: 330178188d1dbe7⋯.jpeg (251.05 KB,640x868,160:217,5b9c82f97c9af.jpeg)


Somebody pass this onto trump.

ALL LAWS that in any way hurt MEMES that got you into power are about to pass through Your Hands MR. President.



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>I will vote for Trump

>OP is a Qtard

fuck off MIGApede.

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File: d0ce0696b91367d⋯.jpg (75.57 KB,512x512,1:1,everyone above this line i….jpg)

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Nicole Junkermann Is the kike we need to dig into

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>even if literally every member of their comment section openly names the jew

The "Tylers" sold out to some Conde Nast-/CBS-type conglomerate in like 2010 and promptly shoah'd all JQ and the best posters. Now it's just stackers, preppers, and boomers.

t. thought I had found my home and it was ripped away from me

It looks like one of the most prolific shitlords writes here:




/qresearch/ has dug quite a bit already.

inb4 obvious divisionfags


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File: dcfbd3950fac8ec⋯.jpg (54.06 KB,612x323,36:19,afd18c51f5d4c31628eb57dbd0….jpg)

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Too close to the truth.

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File: f1569eea151b1b7⋯.jpeg (91.84 KB,800x619,800:619,5b81f6bd272ce.jpeg)


I dont know how to explain this

Enya - Aniron (Extended) HD

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File: 8cbff3275d137ac⋯.jpg (29.17 KB,500x625,4:5,8cbff3275d137ac6df3ac14a2b….jpg)







>grrrr why are people allowed to talk about things i do not like


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File: 72f5e0910b9f362⋯.png (108.37 KB,768x2649,256:883,129.png)


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That minimum 30 second pause clearly shows it’s a bot.

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Gas yourself miga cuck

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File: 24bb0e613bd27d7⋯.jpg (81.53 KB,400x374,200:187,5ceda466aadb.JPG)

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File: 1b521796b89172a⋯.jpg (683.58 KB,680x510,4:3,15644166996201152468713.jpg)


>There aren't any (publicly released) pictures of them together, just that picture of him with the girl, and the shot from Chelsea's (jewish) wedding where Ghislaine Maxwell is visible in the crowd.

Greetings from /leftypol/

Yes there are, and why haven't any of you faggots noticed this

Also, any full screecaps of the text wot got voat DOSed?

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File: bcd82f304fe8208⋯.jpg (586.35 KB,1149x2048,1149:2048,1564421722607224223499.jpg)


I meant like this, but thanks comrade

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File: 91db0c250854bc6⋯.jpg (21.66 KB,220x330,2:3,5ddd7066206012db4f62626cd0….jpg)

Fuck a goat

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File: 261cb1f833153b1⋯.png (69.16 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


I don't get it, Element 107 is Bohrium though? I mean there was a jewish researcher who put the radioactive metal into a six pointed star.

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File: 6d3a043a087d10f⋯.png (40.77 KB,462x647,462:647,ClipboardImage.png)


>radioactive metal into a six pointed star

The Hepatitis C virus is a 6-pointed star. Many infectious virii share a very similar structure

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no fucking way…

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


embed related

Is the vid Ryan Dawson made detailing the Clinton Epstein Mossad connection

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File: 794849a7ea3d22b⋯.jpg (403.71 KB,776x914,388:457,8b750dbfdc883c349742a3ddc8….jpg)

File: 3dd4b49aadfb613⋯.jpg (172.93 KB,489x282,163:94,1553324741646.jpg)

File: 41cda45afbe06e0⋯.jpg (221.38 KB,550x1018,275:509,IMG_8655.JPG)

File: c93b326407bbbf4⋯.jpg (241.37 KB,550x1060,55:106,IMG_8656.JPG)

File: 3aa0186fd60065c⋯.jpg (251.85 KB,550x1073,550:1073,IMG_8657.JPG)


I love this vid but at the end he says kikes arent child molesters and that judaism doesnt endorse pedophillia. I understand he cant outright say that kikes rape goyim children on a mass scale but he alludes to it several times in the video and that the 'goyim children dont matter' alot.

Still its a great video but only shows the half-truth that the jews do rape our children in masse and doesnt expose the why- that the jews believe in the talmud that little children of the goyim are their sex slaves and their god has given them the right to rape them

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>implying HCV is engineered based on the structure of a single channel protein

>implying symmetrical homogenous oligomeric protein complexes are unusual

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>shut it down

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>current year + 5

>not understanding biochemistry

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File: 7887dcac3ad2d6b⋯.png (30.7 KB,758x536,379:268,ClipboardImage.png)



Fact check: true

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File: a87dda1c4b00378⋯.png (52.79 KB,1224x998,612:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3a27d5a71149cd⋯.png (66.87 KB,1222x1000,611:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20ac334e64a52e0⋯.png (57.39 KB,1222x998,611:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 593b31388156063⋯.png (53.94 KB,1228x998,614:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7292fdc5c248537⋯.png (47.29 KB,1226x998,613:499,ClipboardImage.png)



Screenshots of the archive.is page, which is now down

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>it's essentially proven that trump is not /ourguy/

Fuck off faggot. No NEETs allowed.

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File: 31e3458915f4090⋯.jpg (54.12 KB,1028x675,1028:675,204046260_.jpg)


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Literal proof.

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Reported to the Secret Service for advocating the murder of a sitting PotUS.

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>imkikey isn't here to protect you

Ironically I've seen some MIGAniggers actually blame imkikey as if he was against the trumpfags in the first place. They endlessly accuse anime posters of being imkikey but avatarfagging to hide that fact. They're so delusional that not only do they believe natsocs are part of a 4 year raid on /pol/ but that even the kike in charge who deleted and banned anyone that said anything remotely negative about the Zion Don is actually shilling against the zog puppet in chief himself. It's fucking unbelievable.

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They're sticking their fingers in a dyke that's become a colander. Everyone I know has been sent a link to the Voat archive under the guise that a known corrupt criminal is now on the board overseeing the use of the UK's National Health Service database and how best to exploit it. Junkemann owns companies that will soon have access to the NHS medical database ffs and that is chickenfeed compared to the access Israel will be given. No wonder the Rothschilds are moving their money into biotechnology.

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File: 67aae7001abca9a⋯.jpg (207.21 KB,999x754,999:754,based trump.jpg)

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>wines to feds about killing jew servants

fuck off magafag

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>I'm telling the zogbots.

What a fag.

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File: aeb5ef6a590c82a⋯.png (71.43 KB,1098x665,1098:665,zorromeme.png)


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File: 5d54ae5a78e7b5f⋯.png (142.48 KB,1044x713,1044:713,zormeme2.png)

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can't look at the site now unless you have an account?

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why tho

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File: bad9d50124015ce⋯.jpg (788.82 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20190731-022555….jpg)

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Can I get a hi res version of that pic? For research purposes…

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>Voat.co (I know, I know)

know what?

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nu/pol/ is triggered by anyone not saying kill niggers 24/7

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File: 971834b56b25ab4⋯.jpg (193.31 KB,960x960,1:1,pizzapi-ladiesofpi.jpg)

File: 2fad1fe59fbf51c⋯.jpg (136.98 KB,960x958,480:479,pizzapi-swimsuits.jpg)


These fuckers were recruiting "Pizza Girls"

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Thanks anon. Didn't think you deliver heh

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>no way to protect themselves from shills

voat fairs far better than here.

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File: 7afce72af4c7e7b⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,810x3720,27:124,Screenshot_20190731-025422….jpg)

But the Bouises aren’t just there to score a quick buck off tourists. They’ve made Charlotte Amalie their home. Last spring, they hosted an underwater Easter egg hunt for local PRETEENS and TEENAGERS; for the eggs, Tara bought a bunch of fastener nuts from the hardware store and spray-painted them in pastel colors. “My husband was the Easter Bunny—he was not thrilled about the idea,” Tara recalls, with a chuckle. “He paddled around in a bunny suit with a bucket of ‘eggs’ and dropped them into the water as the kids were out there snorkeling. A pink nut would get you $2 off your next pizza. A purple one got you a box of Girl Scout cookies.”

Pizza Pi also partners with the St. Thomas Yacht Club to host regular Family Cove Outings for locals learning to sail. And in a fun-for-all-ages event last February, customers spent a Saturday afternoon lounging on a giant pizza raft and POSING FOR PICTURES with mermaids from the Caribbean Mermaid Academy.

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File: b1c6207e939f16e⋯.jpg (35.86 KB,312x208,3:2,7021701.jpg)


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i'm finding it a little suspicous that it looks like they haven't even tried to get the site back up for quite a while now

maybe someone gave them some ((($$$))) to take a break for a while

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take your meds, schizo.

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File: b9ae9c60fae3269⋯.png (44.11 KB,472x594,236:297,1377139931399.png)

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File: 39d16f8b4ef36cf⋯.png (194.3 KB,1913x978,1913:978,5533d.PNG)

OP is a liar

voat is working fine for me

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The red cross switched teams years ago! Now they just got busted smuggling YUGE boxes stuffed with cash for $oro$ , in their trucks.

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It's members only now which is bullshit, I used to like to browse voat on my work break as it's more digestible of a format to browse on a small screen, more simple memes and less walls of text than /pol/. Wish I had bothered to make an account.

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Agreed. Seems like they've restricted new registration, too.

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Blow your brains out. No one is going to fall for that shit.

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Voat is still not working here.

Is Voat working for any of you?

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File: 261ee15cd7b6635⋯.jpg (27.81 KB,772x551,772:551,voat.jpg)

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VOAT GOATS should back up their posts on other outlets like 4chan and 8chan. The Jews cannot control the infinity of CYBER SPACE.

Use it to spread the words to the sheeple.

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Fucking regards cannot post a proper & clickable link.

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File: 288c81583cc0aac⋯.jpg (375.65 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,Archer-S5-poster.jpg)



> Joan Rivers was right

Don't forget, she (((died))) during a

> minor procedure on her throat

What happens to those who talk? Right. Exactly.

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I miss Voat. /pol/ is a bit too far to the left for me

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The red cross never switched teams, they helped the jews have their commie revolution in Russia over a hundred years ago. They were helping Nazis, but they were planning on bumping Hitler off. The swiss mountainjew always pulls strings on both sides. Nazis and Bolsheviks was exactly what they wanted, Hitler and Stalin wasn't

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How will we white Pill the masses, if we will not engage with Qtards and Boomers? I would say that the boomer Qtard is the easiest white Pill.

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