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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 31c1aa1792d3366⋯.png (1.36 MB,1119x1657,1119:1657,2019-07-26 (10_22_53).png)

File: 34451d2e77a0395⋯.png (252.45 KB,860x2055,172:411,2019-07-26 (10_30_44).png)

File: 3cb52327148f010⋯.png (224.98 KB,858x1841,858:1841,2019-07-26 (10_31_41).png)

File: a7eba90dd763040⋯.png (259.76 KB,819x2121,39:101,2019-07-26 (10_32_53).png)



>twice deported

<Fugitive allegedly used a hammer to murder an elderly woman in Mexico

This is how much deportations actually matter. They release them back into Mexico and they simply walk back into the country and are not found again for years.

Forget deportations. We need executions. Just make it legal for Americans to kill any illegals they find and the problem will be solved in a very short while with many self-deporting for fear of being randomly killed off by vigilantes. We need a bounty for it even; like Duterte gave out.

Instead they get free medical, free food, free blankets, free everything and then maybe just maybe have to deal with being deported and facing the nuisance of having to take another long walk back into America.

Just search "twice deported".

It leads to fuckloads of results of twice deported scum that have come back to murder Americans.

It is like this in the United Kingdom and other white countries too. There's cases of scum who've been deported like ten times.

Search "thrice deported"

Plenty of examples of that too. According to ICE after being deported once if you come back into the country you're supposed to face up to 20 years of jail time. Yet somehow they are coming back in three times!

Now search "four times deported"

Even more examples! …and look at all the crimes they commit! Ridiculous.

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>It is like this in the United Kingdom and other white countries too. There's cases of scum who've been deported like ten times.

And it least those places are sill majority white

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File: 8094509f64d0ca1⋯.png (229.87 KB,814x1923,814:1923,2019-07-26 (10_34_27).png)

File: 71dcea5425dd612⋯.png (254.4 KB,807x2075,807:2075,2019-07-26 (10_34_42).png)

File: 8001eec9ea66339⋯.png (242.06 KB,832x2042,416:1021,2019-07-26 (10_35_03).png)


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File: 553ccd59f464c46⋯.png (228.74 KB,722x1944,361:972,2019-07-26 (10_36_16).png)

File: aa4496a96f1e50c⋯.png (199.81 KB,716x1797,716:1797,2019-07-26 (10_36_29).png)

File: 143ac0901e751b7⋯.png (208.02 KB,716x1877,716:1877,2019-07-26 (10_36_42).png)



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File: af33989a770c64a⋯.png (196.38 KB,730x1728,365:864,2019-07-26 (10_38_28).png)

File: bd41e5a04ac454e⋯.png (201.24 KB,766x1851,766:1851,2019-07-26 (10_38_46).png)

File: 770cedd7e289dc4⋯.png (194.53 KB,698x1771,698:1771,2019-07-26 (10_39_04).png)


It never ends. The worst that happens to you it seems when you go on a rampage through America is you get deported so you can just come back in and continue raping, killing, and destroying the lives of Americans. Notice that one Germany article about the Moroccan drug dealer too. Same shit in Germany. Whites everywhere should have the right to kill illegals on sight, it is the only solution to this problem.

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File: a79e0d82fb67859⋯.png (214.38 KB,818x1869,818:1869,2019-07-26 (10_41_00).png)

File: 2f28c0581e8ce02⋯.png (199.96 KB,717x1811,717:1811,2019-07-26 (10_41_16).png)

File: 9cc11485245f11e⋯.png (198.61 KB,712x1801,712:1801,2019-07-26 (10_41_31).png)


Deportation = a joke

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>Just make it legal

Nigger, where do you think you are?

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File: 7507ae5011d80a7⋯.png (137.13 KB,1074x1418,537:709,2019-07-26 (10_46_08).png)

There is one spic that was deported 44 times.

It's almost as if he just uses deportation as a free ride back to Mexico so he can pick up more drugs to bring into the country.

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Make it legal to kill spics on sight.

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File: 73da2b344492fcb⋯.png (80.69 KB,728x342,364:171,urfunny.png)

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That's a neat thing.

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Fuck off back to reddit with your spam.

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Each of these posts were all handcrafted and have never been posted anywhere else.

They are not spam.

I also do not use reddit but have used imageboards since 2007.


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I simply dont believe you

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If there was a way to make a bet with an omnipotent and omniscient judge presiding over it, I'd bet absolutely everything I have and don't have, and you'd be forced to pay out and be in debt to me for the rest of your life.

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>if you dont cease your slandrer Ill be forced to litigate

ok jew

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>It's almost as if he just uses deportation as a free ride back to Mexico so he can pick up more drugs to bring into the country.

Implying that ICE isn't in on the whole thing. The US is rotten from top to bottom.

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Not what I said kike.

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Look at the timestamps on all the screencaps I posted.

Look at the timestamps of the posts.

Use tineye and keywords from my posts.

You will find this thread is genuine and original.

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File: e4c771dd633d548⋯.jpg (37 KB,599x378,599:378,BVX2WRcCAAAaRA9.jpg)

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There arent that many violent vigilantes and its not worth sacrificing poor foreiners to find out who was just waiting for an excuse

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File: f0354ca3f223094⋯.png (226.81 KB,428x587,428:587,84k spics in 2 months than….png)

File: b45bc709e9b49dd⋯.jpeg (159.12 KB,1473x661,1473:661,voted for open borders tr….jpeg)

File: 8189b905e78e234⋯.jpeg (385.63 KB,1936x1089,16:9,voted to block national e….jpeg)


the federal government is responsible for forcing the borders OPEN, and for attacking truly patriotic militias and other land owners trying to stop this invasion that will forever destroy america. they are slavers and terrorists that want to exterminate all White people, every action of their's since the civil war points to this

its time to wake up

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File: a27e7bc0f735b71⋯.png (844.87 KB,978x711,326:237,us border left open unguar….png)

File: b303503e590db06⋯.png (997.09 KB,873x743,873:743,feds force open private bo….png)

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I'm for a "Kill and Release" program instead of capture.

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File: 6c2e201bbfd3f82⋯.jpg (335.81 KB,1289x867,1289:867,FBI arrests militia for en….jpg)

File: b2dbae64e013fcf⋯.png (905.18 KB,776x828,194:207,FBI arrests militia for en….png)

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>leader of (((militia))) struck by Trump's curse

KEK is great

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File: bef1e935af167e0⋯.jpg (96.22 KB,649x767,11:13,immigrant rape.jpg)

File: 021b210b5586381⋯.jpg (42.79 KB,600x314,300:157,illegal immig.jpg)

File: 8e4810751d7d1e7⋯.png (389.03 KB,678x522,113:87,rapist immigrant.png)

File: 57d114472fc3c4f⋯.png (618.52 KB,656x1302,328:651,virginia illegal immigrant….png)

File: 46f82fbea8bc512⋯.png (240.63 KB,769x763,769:763,illegal immigrant rape kid.png)

if you found a dangerous snake in your backyard, do you throw it back over the fence to the neighbor's backyard?

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Then stop complaining about them, shitskin.

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Technically it’s not murder

If dude is openly armed , uniformed (any camo and cap) with a declaration of intent as an unorganized self militia (again , one dude) it is an act of defense of the nation and therefore is LEGAL

Letters of Marque and Reprisal and pee pee poo poo pissssssssssssssSS

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Simple truth: deportation alone means nothing. You have to also stop them from entering again (and any new people trying to gain entry). How each country does it is up to them.

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you cut its fucking head off and throw the body in fire.

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