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File: 7b09a8ee4314362⋯.png (178.5 KB,800x478,400:239,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.13533772 [View All]

United States Federal Government Reinstates the Death Penalty

Attorney General William Barr and the US Department of Justice announced Thursday the reinstatement of the federal death penalty; scheduling the executions of five death row inmates held in national prisons.

>Attorney General Bill Barr said Thursday the federal government will resume capital punishment and will move forward with plans to execute five inmates on death row for the first time in more than 15 years

>The Justice Department said Barr has directed the Federal Bureau of Prisons to adopt a proposed addendum to the Federal Execution Protocol that will clear the way for the executions. Barr has also directed the bureau of prisons to schedule the executions of five death-row inmates

>Congress has expressly authorized the death penalty through legislation adopted by the people’s representatives in both houses of Congress and signed by the President

>Under administrations of both parties, the Department of Justice has sought the death penalty against the worst criminals, including these five murderers, each of whom was convicted by a jury of his peers after a full and fair proceeding. The Justice Department upholds the rule of law—and we owe it to the victims and their families to carry forward the sentence imposed by our justice system


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File: bb7e498a0a4802b⋯.jpg (96.62 KB,347x638,347:638,bb7e498a0a4802bd2d2e148689….jpg)


Checked. It's their job. I'd bet Cadre or Alamo is stepping the shilling up going into the election cycle.

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File: 715eae097daa431⋯.png (100.96 KB,640x360,16:9,Holy Moly.png)


>argue against a non argument

This what you jew fucks are resorting to? You will never be white.

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File: 2fe8180d5f3aee0⋯.jpg (75.71 KB,751x1063,751:1063,370glb7gro3z.jpg)


>shills for someone who gives billions to israel, enacts gun control, wants millions of spics to come in legally

You can't but avoid arguing because then you would have to admit that Trump is so obviously just another corrupt two-faced politician. The evidence has mounted too high for you to do anything but spam images and shit memes. Sad!

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File: 61a5243dae51623⋯.jpg (70.51 KB,840x420,2:1,Speak Up.jpg)

Can't hear you yid.

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They are along with kampfy. He's back in control.

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File: e02fb95da675e59⋯.png (83.2 KB,937x998,937:998,steadyflowofmexicans.png)


>the facts

The facts are reflected in the quotes.

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Kikey and the codemonkey installed pricks are just as bad but in different ways. If /pol/ wanted to solve this problem without exodus then an example must me made. After all, do they pay enough to subvert a page who's user base may find the fag and make an example of them? Just a thought.

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l thought indians didn't needed prisions.

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I support this

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Recall Trump called for the death penalty of people who don't support Israel.


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Semite means from Shem. Shem was a nigger and a piece of shit

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>Recall Trump called for the death penalty of people who don't support Israel

this. also isn't death penalty more expensive anyway?

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Yeah, more expensive.


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File: cb77763f2cb128e⋯.jpg (46.85 KB,1024x576,16:9,oops.jpg)


Now you'll get executed if you defend yourself against terrorists.

honk honk

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Its in preparation for noahide laws. Cant have noahide executions without first having regular old executions again. Bye bye christians

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>The strict view, typified by Maimonides, is that Christian theology is considered avodah zarah (loosely translated as "idolatry") for all people, both Jew and non-Jew, as it subscribes to the Trinity. Therefore most Christians could not be considered Noahides.

>"Maimonides was clearly of the opinion that Christianity was idolatry. He is believed to have ruled in three places that Christianity is idolatry and forbidden to non-Jews"

>"Most Jewish authorities believe that penalties are a detail of the Noahide Laws and that Noahides themselves must determine the details of their own laws for themselves. "

>"The Noachide are required to establish courts of justice in every city and province; and these courts are to judge the people with regard to the six laws and to warn them against the transgression of any of them.[17] In the case of murder, if the Noachide slay a child in its mother's womb, or kill a person whose life is despaired of (terefah), or if he cause the death of a person by starving him or by putting him before a lion so that he can not escape, or if he slay a man in self-defense, the Noachide is guilty of murder and must pay the death-penalty, although under the same circumstances an Israelite would not be executed[18]"

>"The Noachide is punished with decapitation for all kinds of robbery, whether from a Jew or from a non-Jew, even though the article stolen is worth less than a perutah (the smallest Palestinian coin, for less than which no case can be instituted against an Israelite). The Noachide is executed also if he eat of a limb cut from a living animal, even though the quantity consumed be less than the size of an olive "


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Excellent, now we can just get rid of white prisoners even faster

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File: 5d2bcb9f492000b⋯.jpg (343.66 KB,2170x1562,1085:781,5G-Kid.jpg)



That's good news.

What else is being planned during bread and circus hour?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Damn where were you when skinhead music started to win?

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No that's Ham. Niggers are hametic.

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I notice Adam Green has been going on about this quite a bit lately. Thanks for straightening this out for me on a fundamental level.

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Christians brought this upon themselves by worshiping a rabbi rebel, these laws are already being fully set into place and will target everyone who is not a kike, in fact it's already happening (minus the death penalty, for now)

>or if he slay a man in self-defense, the Noachide is guilty of murder and must pay the death-penalty

Laws in most European countries will send you to prison if you kill an armed robber who breaks into your house and attacks you.

>The Noachide is executed also if he eat of a limb cut from a living animal

This is why (((veganism))) is pushed so hard

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They are definitely going to kill Daniel first. I am sure of it.

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I must have been blind the first time I read it, as I just noticed the dates. Of course, Daniel is the first.

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This is the retarded shit the 'Right' wing of the ZOG actually thinks about.

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Way to misread what was said. He was calling out the religious targeting at a fucking synagogue. Just like he would say the same about a mosque attack on our soil as well as someone going in and killing jew worshiping christians in a church. Find something else to harp on, nigger.


Only the appeal process and storage of inmates while appealing. Killing them is cheap.

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Christianity alone isn't necessarily idolatry, depends on the denomination and their focus. Granted they all worship a dead jew but you can see clear differences in focus between Catholics who DO worship graven images and pray to saints rather than to god directly or through (((christ))) and protestants who kicked the forced jew tax (or you go to hell) to the curb for a softer 10% jew tax (you can get bonus points for helping missions subvert nations.)

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Oh god those boomer memes are so cringe

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Even so, you know he would be first because white supremacy was at the forefront of their excuse for killing him. jews made sure to place him front and center.

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>Daniel Lewis Lee

Interesting character. His accomplice, Chevie Kehoe, was tied to Timothy McVeigh and Elohim City.

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They're setting up mass extermination of anyone remotely critical of the ZOG.

>Google building an AI that detects "hate speech"

>warrants issued for anyone who uses triple parentheses online

>re-education/concentration camps

>kangaroo courts

>suspension of rights for "anti-semites" etc

>death penalty


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This you faggots!

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>specious reasoning

So by that rationale Hitler was the most prolific nation-wrecker and anti-Aryan?

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Cool, maybe the threat of being put to death over words will actually cause change to happen for once.

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Nah. Lemmings will take the path of least resistance. Only way forward is to make death for lemmings more assured if they don't fight.

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It's not about eugenics necessarily.

I'd say it's more about saving resources.

Nobody houses and feeds me for free.

Why should criminals get to be housed and fed?

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>Just like he would say the same about a mosque attack on our soil as well as someone going in and killing jew worshiping christians in a church.

Doubt it.

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File: c97ae35d245ab36⋯.png (50.93 KB,426x185,426:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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why tho why tho

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Soon a different 2% will be 100% of death row.

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It will be for goyim. Read the noahide laws.

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File: 5a6913455638823⋯.png (848.48 KB,968x1056,11:12,Trump - Destroy Anti-Semit….png)


>Pest Extermination

More like 'Host Extermination'.

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File: c9e1aa08fb7f181⋯.jpeg (30.03 KB,235x339,235:339,kiss my rebel ass.jpeg)

its only so the white federal race traitor faggots can kill white men on the orders of their jewish pimps. must be a sad life being such a low paid hooker.

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> tfw you know this will be selectively used along strictly ethnic lines

> tfw you will get to watch a whole batch of 100% white anti-white best goy cuckservatives get executed over some there-are-only-two-genders tier shit

> tfw you will get to closely observe the look on their faces when they begin to realize that they are the engineer of their own demise, and how.

Personally, I'm looking forward to it.

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"Yeah Baby!"

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File: 8be331b05ab8e0e⋯.jpg (11.58 KB,255x187,15:11,8e293acb8d5ff06e878fdece66….jpg)


Say when, lad.

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execute hillary

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It will never work

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File: 6aa9773eb4328c2⋯.png (15.1 KB,255x255,1:1,7e1703ff870a1315263324156a….png)

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Death penalty take ages to finish in USA.

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