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File: 99d3df52384c53a⋯.jpeg (54.04 KB,1068x534,2:1,600DC9A2-85B3-41B8-9C55-5….jpeg)

 No.13531057 [View All]

>Surprise! Artificial intelligence-generated portraits based off artwork from 15th century Europe… kind of suck at depicting people of color.

>"The nose threw me off," he told Mashable in a Twitter DM. "The guy looked more Italian than Indian."

>viscerally distressed to announce that the ai portrait thing seems to think I’m a white woman, probably called Jocasta, who almost certainly has a job being someone’s niece

>BTS's Jungkook was given more rounded brows, and his monolids were replaced with heavily lidded eyes.

>While it kept her hair color, the AI narrowed Kehlani's nose and lightened her skin.

>The generator also lightened Tessa Thompson's skin color, and turned her braided hair into some kind of bulky hat.

>Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson went from, well, "The Rock"… to a light pink thumb with green eyes.


8 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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I have more hopes for robot overlords every days.

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just manyally fix it back sheesh

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where can i test this program?

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Site is dead.

aiportraits . com

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They don't need to make a GAN to tell you that when it's trained on a data set, its entire perception of the world will be confined to that data set. If anything looks foreign to it, it'll try its best to approximate it to the data it has learned. It's performing as expected. You'd probably see a similar issue if you trained a GAN to generate and place household kitchen items based on seeing a image of empty kitchens, but then in the test data add empty laundries.

It actually highlights a problem with not being able to self-induce biases in pattern recognition by comparing correlations of multiple features. When a person learns a task, they learn what patterns are meaningful or not (regardless of how strong the coincidence may be) in order to learn the boundaries of the task. Another method may be designing GANs to learn how to produce counterfactual examples of what their data sets contain (hallucinate what could be), and have another discriminator filter out the bad results until it has the desired data it needs. However that's only useful if it can self-train.

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>based on 15 century European artwork

>looks white

<Dur, I don't know why the AI is racist.

This shit is so fucking stupid. If the images were all niggers the AI would have portrayed them as niggers.

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Just train an AI on 15th century african art. I’m sure there’s plenty of examples out there filled with realism and subtle techniques which would suit their needs.

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realism and subtlety are colonialist impositions

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Damn why is this already dead? I wanted to have some fun

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>use an app that turns your 3DPD face into anime

>get upset when your 3DPD ends up looking like a japanese cartoon

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no such thing as people of color

there are races of people… european is not a race, white is not a race, asian is not a race, african is not a race, black is not a race, yellow is not a race…

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File: 525345db18acb57⋯.webm (5.21 MB,960x540,16:9,Cuddle.webm)


>no archive



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File: c543ed22a53cd9f⋯.png (409.28 KB,450x450,1:1,Slobodan.png)

File: 50a949d11d1fe01⋯.png (1.13 MB,901x449,901:449,I also like to live dangro….png)

File: c85945bb8cc9569⋯.png (864.32 KB,895x442,895:442,Cardinal Trump.png)

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File: ba0120cb85357d9⋯.jpg (65.5 KB,1024x512,2:1,aiportraits_1563591861.jpg)

File: 747995296e24271⋯.jpg (63.9 KB,1024x512,2:1,aiportraits_1563589006.jpg)

File: 244c3a721d2fd46⋯.jpg (59.72 KB,1024x512,2:1,aiportraits_1563589632.jpg)

File: 865658452633ce1⋯.jpg (73.1 KB,1024x512,2:1,aiportraits_1563589304.jpg)

File: 5c91c15ffe3167e⋯.jpg (84.34 KB,1024x512,2:1,aiportraits_1563589179.jpg)

It's been shut down that quickly?

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File: 880e83adb577711⋯.jpg (42.7 KB,628x480,157:120,AshkenaziEuropeans.jpg)

File: 075a4b808e06de8⋯.gif (78.34 KB,800x581,800:581,Haplogroup_R-borders.gif)

File: 3cd57a3a10e2443⋯.gif (80.18 KB,800x581,800:581,Haplogroup_I-borders.gif)

File: 492c14c9f696b7b⋯.jpg (57.36 KB,446x308,223:154,geneticrelationship.jpg)


Detected the shitskin that wants to fit in here. You'll never look like a Nord, you swarmy listen shit. Promote your "we're all the same for the sake of miscegenation" crap elsewhere.

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>getting this triggered

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>It still gave Idris Elba a prominent, European bridge and deeper-set eyes, though.

So they're admitting race is more than skin color now?

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Even A.I.s find niggers repulsive. No surprise.

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>Training data is all White people

<Ermehgerhd, the AI IS Rayssis!

What faggotry is this?


That later idea (a third discriminator) is a good idea honestly.

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Can we get our own version since they shut it down. Jews are so horrified of whites i can picture them screaching as soon as it started turning people white.

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AI made the guy on OP's portrait look like lord Byron

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They will never admit that the differences apply to their brains.

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Does it make russians white?

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omg this

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File: 93ab0bb89671398⋯.png (290 KB,886x446,443:223,4b11d346d1e70bf084816b3bc1….png)

>AI Portraits is making people white

I can confirm this.

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You got a fro man. Dats White.

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Where can I find the software to try out on other images? This all feels like a deepdive 'we wuz kangs' initiative. If 'the Rock' looks white when fed into this software they can start arguing a bunch of white portraits were just non-whites drawn whiteish.

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Same :(

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Apple Store on your phone.

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What about for straight people?

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File: 1176c306b2af460⋯.png (317.47 KB,615x694,615:694,jews fear the samurai.png)

>viscerally distressed to announce that the ai portrait thing seems to think I’m a white woman

I bet what really bothers all these nonwhite women is seeing how much more attractive their white equivalent is. But they can never be white.

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They get the same app as the faggots.

AIportraits is the app.

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yep, even though it would be a disgusting mongrel product it is still better than anything they will ever be as a pure race subhuman.

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File: 7f055f4c8fcfad1⋯.jpg (20.34 KB,512x512,1:1,todd ai.jpg)


Works on manlets, too.

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It gave you jewfro as well.

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It's certainly appropriate for Todd.

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it’s down

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Anon what is that picture from

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File: 3f8b54120cbd30b⋯.png (92.02 KB,222x204,37:34,3f8b54120cbd30ba1a10b16eab….png)


> I’m sure there’s plenty of examples out there filled with realism and subtle techniques which would suit their needs.


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File: 47603982f71673a⋯.mp4 (383.97 KB,480x480,1:1,Cool I_m Unemployed!.mp4)

My Art career. Cool I'm unemployed!

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million monkeys at a million typewriters…

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worthful degree

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What career? Sucking Jew cock? Art is expression not a job you filthy capitalist.

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>implying cappie/commie art intituitions didnt produce the greatest expressionist of the 20th century through rejection

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Wow. This is such a bigger problem than why we don't have colonies in outer space or functioning families. Thanks, kikes.

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That's honestly kind of funny because I have never thought about trying to turn foreigners White.

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