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File: bdcc82f9a4f017a⋯.png (41.15 KB,662x722,331:361,Screen Shot 2019-07-23 at ….png)

 No.13527146 [Last50 Posts]

We all know how the original "It's Okay To Be White" campaign went: exactly as predicted. The media blew a gasket covering the "racist, bigoted White Supremacist" slogan; the Buzzfeeds of the world tripped over themselves producing glossy media expressing how evil, how absolutely unjust it was, to suggest that it's okay to be a certain skin color. They made it absolutely clear: IT'S NOT OKAY TO BE WHITE.

So, now it's time for Round 2. The same message, the same format, with a simple negation. "It's Not Okay To Be White."

What will the left and the media's reaction be this time? My predictions:

• First and foremost, they'll go to the source, which is this thread, and declare it a smoking gun that proves the campaign is in fact a product of Neo-Nazi White Supremacist Racists, because it started here.

• Then we'll have the Buzzfeed approach: "NOBODY is saying it's not okay to be white. What we're saying is that white people benefit from a system of codified, entrenched White Supremacy that dates back to their callous slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, KKK, and these systems persist to this day and continue to disenfranchise and oppress POC."

• My favorite reaction will be that of the non-aligned white normie, who will be confronted with a dilemma in his mind: as he is white, does he side with a statement of overt racism that signals him out as "not okay?" When he imagines who created the poster/slogan, does he envision a radical transfemme POC who is justifiably lashing out against the machine of White Supremacist Oppression, or does he picture some basement-dwelling fat lonely white loser trying to counter-signal? If he pictures the latter, and rejects the slogan "It's Not Okay To Be White," does this mean that he is in fact embracing the opposite, which is that "It's Okay To Be White?"

Either way, the end result is the same: leftist infighting, which is one of our best bets to waking normal whites up to the fact that their governments and institutions not only don't care about them, but are in fact celebrating their demise.

Get posting, goys.

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I thought there wasn't a "phase 2". Or am I remembering wrong?

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I don't remember one initially, but this is a solid basis for another run.

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Checked, you're not mis-remembering, but we have to tweak our tactics based on the data collected from the first volley. The media apparatus and its sycophants has already painted "It's Okay To Be White" as an explicitly outlawed concept. So, we take the message that they wish they could say openly (and some already do) – that it's NOT okay to be white – and share it around.

It's their belief, why on Earth would they be bothered by us embracing it?

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At the end of the day, it's a nice way to redpill some normies. During the aftermath, some disaffected whites will wind up joining us.

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Media will not do anything and because those show up people don't do anything about them and idea of whites deserving genocided gets normalised a few steps further. No OP, you suck a shotgun that's loaded and pull its trigger too. post pics and do it live

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There isn’t. This is a paid shill.

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File: 26e1f275fccedf8⋯.jpeg (20.28 KB,480x660,8:11,0910F665-CCBB-425E-BAF0-A….jpeg)





You absolute faggot

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What do you think will be the average white person's reaction to a statement explicitly stating that their existence is not okay? There are lots of new white parents out there raising white newborn babies. They're going to see a direct threat to their children and conclude, "Welp, I guess the whole white genocide thing turned out to be real, and was not a conspiracy theory. Guess I should kill myself and my family before they do."

That's how regular white folks will interpret it…?


I do it for free, but I'm honestly flattered. Thank you.

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go ahead and do this, but more productive will be to develop a framework for redpilling and recruit agents at large universities to infect the populace

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File: ef4014971a801ad⋯.jpg (799.6 KB,1440x1951,1440:1951,Screenshot_20190721-140736….jpg)

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Stop being an incel faggot. Go make white babies. ZOGpill your friends and family. Support Socialist policies that help topple the oligarchy. It's not about hatred - it never was. It's about love of your people.

Racism is a tool used to divide the population at the expense of the oligarchy. Loving your people isn't racism and National Socialism was never a racist ideology. There were Black and Brown National Socialists. Hitler recognized the parasitic threat of Jewry, and rightfully so. Do I have black friends? No, most niggers disgust me. Would I let one in my house? Fuck no. But in not going to be a bitch and pander to Cuckservatives who support the Jewish oligarchy. Socialism is the goal - and to get to national Socialism were going to need a President who supports Socialism for the people.

Donald Trump is a corporate socialist. He gives tax cuts to the 1% while fucking over the 99%. His National Debt has exceeded to $22.3 TRILLION, adding nearly $4 Trillion - while giving tax breaks to executives/CEOs who support mass immigration to White nations to avoid having to pay living wages and benefits to Americans/Europeans.

Bernie Sanders or Andrew Yang - someone like this? They're going to help set us in the right direction. The wealth gap between the 1% and 99% has only gotten further apart under Trump and overall in the last 90 years. The System is the problem. Capitalism is the problem. The oligarchy is the problem.

Trump supports Socialism for:

Farmers (bailouts from his failed trade war)

Banksters /SubPrime mortgage Lenders

The Top 60 Corporations paying $0 in federal taxes while simultaneously cutting US jobs / closing factories

You should be focused on getting fit and into shape. The problem with most wignats/altkike is they're fat, out of shape, geeky fucking nerds who women don't want. Tell me I'm wrong? Get fit and in shape. Take care of your body. Stock arms. Prepare for revolution, and get a good woman to get pregnant. Make white babies.

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You kikes literally made this two years ago. Kill yourself.

>if you help the enemy spread their propaganda and make all evidence of white genocide look faked, you win!

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>Socialism is the goal

I had faith in this post…

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File: 13c685fd0c1d3e6⋯.png (1.16 MB,1220x686,610:343,Screen Shot 2019-07-23 at ….png)


The best way to defeat an idea is to defend it poorly.


Pic related, it's me. And to think, you guys claim to push accelerationism…

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No, it normalises white genocide and what you are describing is false flag tactics. Imagine white nationalists having a "whatcha doing rabbi" moment. No thanks. You need to neck yourself after dousing yourself in gasoline and lighting it up.

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There's 2 Billion niggers on the planet, and we need to adopt them all.

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The only thing it normalizes is the awareness that white genocide is real.

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Why is it not Okay to be white?

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Nope. Kill yourself. What you're advocating for is a way to make everything the kikes are doing look like a false flag by pro-white groups.

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No, it normalises the idea by presenting it, and normalisation you claim would happen would be based on a false flag. It's a deadly double tap on any white nationalism, which is why I warmly suggest you burn yourself alive and write false flag letter telling you were a nigger jew faggot.

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I think the left-wing's problem with the first approach ("It's OK to be white") is that it wasn't ""specific"" enough. The blacks can't point to any one country when trying to work out their heritage (due to bad records and intermixing of different types of blacks), whereas white usually people can (Irish, German, British, French, etc).

If you said "It's OK to be British", the left wouldn't have a problem with it.

If you said "It's OK to be German", the left wouldn't have a problem with it.

If you said "It's OK to be Danish", the left wouldn't have a problem with it.

But here's a curve ball…. what if you listed them one after the other… kind of like a "united colors of whiteness" campaign… is that racist or no?

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You are not white and even if you were you are too retarded to be one of us.

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Then why are you alive?

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Socialism is the goal. Stop sounding like a fucking moronic Cuckservative.

We live in a Socialist society now.

$16 Billion in Bailouts for Farmers

$700 Billion in Bailouts for Bankers

$700 Billion ANNUALLY for Jewish Wars & the Military Industrial Complex

Tax Cuts for Corporations

$1.2 TRILLION annually in Health "Insurance" Premiums

Socialism - albeit National Socialism - is not the scary word Cuckservatives want you to believe it is.

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This is retarded

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>$16 Billion in Bailouts for Farmers

this I'm actually ok with.

can't quite put my finger on why, though.

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You should be adopting nigger children, not commiting sepoku with your pretend brother.

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Because farmers are niggers, and you have a love interest in dark dark niggers?

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Mr, Roboto, you want El Negro.

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>Why is it not Okay to be white?

The mind that thinks this thought is immediately operating from a perspective of defending the white race. They must conclude that either (a) it IS in fact okay to be white, or (b) that they themselves are, in fact, racists.


Right, and the "YOU WILL NOT REPLACE US" squad has such a sterling reputation among average Americans, right? Subtlety and nuance appear to be lost on you, which works against you, and further advances the "whites are redneck hick morons" trope.

Maybe I'm giving too much credit to the average person, but most people with above-room-temperature IQ will pretty quickly recognize this as another pro-white initiative.

HOWEVER, this forces such people to confront their own biases against whites, which previously they may not had considered, given that their worldview trickles down from the top (CNN, NYT, etc.) as opposed to from the ground up, where all the "evil Nazis" congegate.


>If you said "It's OK to be British", the left wouldn't have a problem with it.

I disagree. I think we've passed that point already; "nationalism" is now a bad-person word and concept.

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2 Billion niggers aren't going to adopt themselves.

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That's called wealth transfer via taxation, nothing to do with socialism, you stupid fucking imbecile. Economic base is capitalist. Goddamn I want to kill socialists so much for their sheer stupidity alone.

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No, you really just want to adopt these 2 Billion niggers.

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We get it, kid

You feel empowered by the fact that you are able to use the word nigger here.

Understand that's not why we use it.

We have no respect for imaginary power and kill magick at every opportunity.

You are still weak

"Lurk 2 years"

It's more than just a meme. It's good life advice.

If you had a father, he would tell you so.

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You shouldn't be.

It's a direct result of Trump's trade war hurting the farming industry.

It's not going to White country farmers like you think. It's going to Tyson Chicken, other large Jewish Owned corporate farms.

America's top 60 Corporations paid ZERO in federal taxes whereas the White working class pays between 17-35%.

Tax the rich. They have exuberant wealth and should be forced to provide their share. Those farming corporations are the ones hiring illegals in the first place to avoid paying living wages and benefits to White families.

Healthcare should be a single payer nationalized system (like under NatSoc Germany).

A man's wages should be enough to provide for his entire family so the wife can raise the children at home.

It's not hard to figure this out.

"Socialism Bad" is a meme pushed by Jewish Oligarchs and Good Goy billionaires.

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Ok then, “It’s Great to be White!

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>the White working class pays between 17-35%


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My father runs one of the largest religious institutions in the country.

I say the word nigger in public.

Adopt a nigger you cuck.

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>The first IOBTW ended with the entire media system vilifying any person that publicly expresses the notion… so, we should keep doing the same thing! Surely the media will suddenly overnight embrace IOTBW!

Oh, okay.

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Adopt a nigger you cuck.

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Start tapping Niggerlover.

We are watching you.

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National Debt under Trump has increased to $22.3 Trillion.


The deficit between GDP and National Debt is higher than it was under Obama.

In 2013 Trump tweeted that Obama's 15 Trillion GDP and 16 Trillion Debt would collapse the economy. Trump's is $22.3 Trillion Debt and $20 Trillion GDP - https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/245985117271642112

Illegal immigration is 9x higher under Trump than Obama


More Foreign born workers are filling jobs than American Born citizens


The Border Patrol feels betrayed by Donald Trump and his Administration


102 Million Americans are without Jobs - The Unemployment Rate does not account for those not receiving unemployment - Labor Participation Rate Totals


Trump also tweeted in 2011 Obama would start a war with Iran to get re-elected.


Trump and the GOP are the ones adopting brown and black niggers. To benefit their corporate oligarch donors - at the expense of White working families. If he's elected again he'll give his Jewish masters the Iran war they want. He can't now or he'd never win re-election, they've seen the AntiWar response to Bolton and Pompeo's efforts to start one. They know, a war means no re-election. After he wins they'll false flag us and restart the draft. Better get ready to die for schlomo in Trump's second term.

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It's not every day I learn something on here, anon. Thank you.

Fuck bailouts!

For your trouble. A gift:











Total Websites : 10

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Leftists adopt niggers and walk around in LA for newspaper to take pictures of how racist they aren't. Adopt a nigger, cuck.

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/pol/ doesn't work for (jew)

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File: 8a3355b4ff2f369⋯.jpg (755.74 KB,1440x1825,288:365,Screenshot_20190723-144207….jpg)


>Not just Amazon: 60 big companies paid $0 in taxes under Trump law


Time to wake up. Capitalism doesn't work for White families or the working class.

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I don't crawl around and look up kike anus though.

Go adopt your nigger.

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You have sacrificed nothing, but you will.

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You aren't pol, go adopt those niggers.

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Adopt niggers.

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That's a bit of a stretch

they paid no taxes because they aren't american companies and dumbshit americans keep shopping at them.

you gotta be the change you want to see in the world anons. Are you guilty?

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Posting here means you're not adopting niggers.

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Then get down to the adoption center and get adopted.

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Mexico is going to get overrun by the mormon mafia

The beaners took one of their own (spic wife) and a white man

He kind of got what he deserved tbh for mixing the bean and driving around fucking mexico

Too bad they didn’t kill the little half breed too


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Kill yourself immediately nigger

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White working families who didn't gain from Trump's corporate tax cuts are not only paying higher taxes now but they're receiving less in income tax refunds.

>IRS tax refunds are down and Americans are upset, blame Trump and GOP


>Average tax refunds are down 8.4% in the wake of Trump tax cuts


>Anger, Confusion Over Dwindling Refunds. Is Trump's Tax Plan To Blame?


Donald Trump was chosen by the Rothschild kikes to be President. The media's fake Russian Collusion scam is a meme to 0lay cognitive dissonance as controlled opposition.

>Getting Donald Out Of Debt: The 25-Year-Old Ties That Bind Trump and Wilbur Ross


Wilbur Ross is a Rothschild Inc Bankruptcy Division handler who bailed out Trump at the Taj Majal. He's always been /TheirGoy/. It's why he's attacking crypto now that Iran is launching a gold-backed cryptocurrency, to defend the banking kikes. It's quite possible Mossad has Epstein/Trump child rape videos they're using as blackmail, too. Watching the videos of Trump in the 90s dancing with Epstein its clear they were more than just close.

Trump is a corporate socialist serving Jewish oligarchs and the ZOG cartels, who occasionally spews Nationalist rhetoric to pander to angry White mobs but never keeps his promises that he was elected based on guaranteeing ( Build The Wall /Deport Them All).

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literal controlled oposition. slide this thread its kike ridden

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I won't give in until I see Jews everywhere walking round with their freshly adopted nigger babies.

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I haven't since a thread so kosher since Trump was elected.

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Whats interesting is that the Bank the Democratic Party always kvetches about, Deutsche Bank? The one they want Trump's records on?

Turns out Epstein banked there too.


There's a lot more to this Epstein scandal than they're telling us. I partially think it has to do with sending a message to Trump to do as they say or they'll take him down for his Pedo fetish

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this is phase GT biatch

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File: d0409fe0ac3fac9⋯.jpeg (53.11 KB,714x377,714:377,cabinet.jpeg)


>sending a message to Trump


Keep thinking Trump is in control. It's cute.

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Slide this shit. kike ridden

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This has good ground to make more Whites Angry, which is always a good thing.

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>Say that. Thinking Trump is not in total control is cute.

It would take me about 10 minutes to build a chat bot capable of regurgitating copied replies.

Your entire life of intellect can be summed up in 10 minutes of my leisure time.

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All those words I'm not even gonna read, because this idea is retarded and misses the entire point of IOTBW

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You are garbage.


So are you.

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File: 329f7013473b7a8⋯.jpg (102.08 KB,828x732,69:61,329f7013473b7a827480389902….jpg)

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It takes a donkey and a hoarse to make a mule you dumb bitch!

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>National Debt under Trump has increased to $22.3 Trillion.

And you know there's interest payments on that, right? Money that just goes straight into the banker's pockets and does nothing else of value. Check on the amount the US pays in interest and think about what else it could be doing for the people if it was able to control its spending.

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this is a good idea, godspeed anons

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>It takes a donkey and a hoarse to make a mule you dumb bitch!

That's not how you spell horse.

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Exactly. Whites getting angry results in more whites waking up.


Checked and thank you!

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there was a guy who would spam that anytime someone else had an idea. but honestly, we need some collective action here. internet shit never accomplishes anything.

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>Pic related, it's me.

no it wasn't. and no one cared about that either. it changed nothing.

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Is that so?

Go adopt niggers dummy.

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Am I the only one who thinks this is a good idea?

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>muh socialism is bad

Dude, everyone but whites is getting socialism, and yet whites aren't winning. You think maybe socialism helps people? Imagine the risks our people would be willing to take if they didn't have to rely completely on themselves, but a safety net. National socialism is the goal. We want our government to work for US.

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There is no phase two, shill.

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How many shills in this thread?

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They won't even react to this anti-white message you retard

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File: 53356301ff86c42⋯.jpg (2.04 MB,3264x2448,4:3,IMG_6045.JPG)



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Isn't this what we have been told this whole fucking time???


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No, I think it's a fantastic idea.

The left would love to be able to openly massacre Nazis (aka white people), but knows that the instant open season on whites is declared, the United States erupts into civil war (if not outright race war), and the most heavily-armed sector of the populace sure as shit ISN'T the weak, demoralized multi-culti urban liberal – it's the white rural population.

Mark my word, the white right in the USA has been patiently preparing for a long, long time. They get slandered as "gun nuts" and "loony preppers" by the establishment, which is funny, because should shit hit the fan, they have guns and are prepared for violence, which the left is not.

In addition, a civil war in the United States likely escalates into a global conflict, and one of the first and most spectacular casualties in a conflict like this is Israel. Surrounded by neighbors who despise her, suddenly lacking their military welfare check from Uncle Sam (thanks for signing off on a $38 Billion USD defense gift to Netanyahu, Zion Don), Israel disintegrates.

"It's Not Okay To Be White" is forcing their hand. We bring their overt campaign of white genocide into the spotlight, and now, instead of us having to publicly cuck that we're "not racist," now it is the left that must either (a) openly defend white people, or (b) admit they want us dead, which again leads us back to open warfare.

This is pure accelerationism. The more aware your average white is of the genocide against his race, the more white identity becomes a defensible position, and the more our government and media institutions are exposed for the dishonest scum they truly are.

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File: 8229fd71450df43⋯.jpg (151.91 KB,500x651,500:651,1b48a1b39b007a3136d81f51bf….jpg)





>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya

>Gen Z 49% white

>No repeal and replace Obamacare

>Trump couldn't stop the caravan

>Trump couldn't end DACA

>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act

>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship

>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood

>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture

>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban

>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes

>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs

>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election

>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria

>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO

>Anti bds laws

>Gave israel 38 billion

>Increased the National debt by $2trillion

>Gave the 1% a tax cut

>Farmers bill

>Omnibus bill

>Amnesty bill

>Crime 'reform' bill

>No unclassified FISA

>No Awan indictment

>No Uranium One investigation

>No voter fraud investigation

>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation

>Pedogate has vanished

>55k sealed indictments went nowhere

>Hired a bunch of neocons

>Continued middle eastern wars

>Ramping up for even more wars

>Global LGBT crusade

>Full amnesty omnibus Bill


>Summary of bill:


>Combating European Anti-Semitism Act


>Assembles a cabinet of bankers, generals and chickenhawks who precum to the thought of war with Iran.

>'Gives' Israel Jerusalem.

>'Declares' all jewish settlements to be Israeli land.

>pulled out of missile treaties with Russia

>fired McMaster and replaced him with Bolton because McMaster dared to criticize Israel

>the Trump Dept of Education makes it illegal to criticize Israel at public universities as it constitutes 'antisemitism'

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who made that rule? our king, or some completely random anon that could have been a literal dog?

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Damn you got fat.

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File: 79508cc5648e19d⋯.png (289.98 KB,849x592,849:592,OP_Logo_2.png)

There is no Round 2. Stop trying to wreck an amazing op, OP.

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File: 86254688fdb1e4b⋯.png (35.69 KB,662x722,331:361,racist.png)


Go full force

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This is already mainstream SJWism. They say they need to end whiteness. Some even say they want white genocide; then when you call them on it they say because no one is truly white and it's a construct of oppression and what they mean by genocide is they want people to stop identifying as white.

SJW dens are exact same as here. They love saying outrageous things to get attention. The difference is they won't admit it.

You can identify as anything you like unless it's white.

What you consider a brilliant wedge will have no effect precisely because it's exactly accurate. It's boring.

Media won't engage. Most will say "no one is against whiteness". The few that do will be briefly surprised by SJW "whiteness is bad" but then placated with "but we mean nothing by it, nothing".

This will have at best no effect and most likely a slight SJW-boosting effect.

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In a way this is a better idea than the original

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I agree, it kinda is better than the original. We need college students to hang these posters up on their college campuses.

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this is a very old idea for provocations

jews created a controlled antisemitism based on it

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I like the idea but I think it would better to simply print out the numerous antiwhite headlines that already exist, which basically say "its not okay to be white" and far worse - calling for extermination, "your DNA is an abomination" etc. It serves the same purpose and we're not false flagging.

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File: 7721b8ff1d95222⋯.jpg (12.3 KB,512x512,1:1,ok.jpg)

<negate our own memes

<act like jews, creating our own abuse

<hope, like jews, that people will flock to us out of misguided sickly pity

<hope no one finds out we did this to ourselves

<be our own jews

The number of ways in which this idea is retarded is uncountable. In this age of declining demographics I hate to say this, but end your genetic line now.

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File: ed67e30794b7b6a⋯.jpg (48.81 KB,850x400,17:8,087213c071b915c20b53.jpg)


This. We become jews when we act in the spirit of jews. Our memes are powerful because they are turthfull. They grow from Truth. If we taint them with lie, whether in act, deed, or spirit, we are no better that jews, and the same faith as them awaits us.

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>we need more taxes

fuck off faggot

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In An Anarchist because all modern governments want to eradicate us.

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>What will the left and the media's reaction be this time?

Nothing, because they fucking agree with it you stupid faggot.

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Don't worry, this shit thread would never be slid because no one gives enough of a fuck to bother.

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> who made that rule?

I did.

t. literal dog

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They'll ignore it because it plays right into their propaganda. And all the self-hating leftards honkies will start distributing their own copies. The original was the better plan.

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>My father is a top donor to AIPAC, aren't you impressed?

You're in the wrong board fag, go be a jewish servant elsewhere.

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they'll probably just say its a nazi false flag, nothing to see here move on… tbh. the key is to get THEM arguing about whether its not okay to be white, or about whether its not okay to SAY its not okay to be white. that'll be the funniest reaction

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most of it went to big agribusiness, you fucktard


>hurting the farming industry

farming is low value added and extremely subsidized. selling our foodstuffs overseas is our government subsidizing chinese bellies



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Is this constipation?

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>>13527222 (check'd)

that wasn't you, but the general idea of dressing up like antifa and pulling the old "agree & amplify" is not a bad idea

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"All Whites Are Racist" would be more effective due to its lack of edge.

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Howabout "% of violent acts are black against white. THIS IS NOT ENOUGH!" Or something like that?

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>being this /leftpol/

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Good job Schlomo. The Stormtards love cringe memes.

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look at the all the summerfags bumping this thread.


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File: c32638acbfaedfa⋯.png (9.64 KB,575x747,575:747,WHITES CRIME.png)

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No phase 2

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File: 7ee7004d71a027d⋯.jpeg (12.82 KB,480x360,4:3,serveimage (71).jpeg)


We love minions too.

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Space will be tight so for the time being they will have to reside in gallon drums.

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THIS here folks is the reason why goyim, on the rare occasions they are allowed behind a TV camera, only will make shows about trucks. The sheer inability to understand layers.

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File: bbd2343595d8917⋯.jpeg (38.24 KB,640x645,128:129,friendly frog approves.jpeg)


>The best way to defeat an idea is to defend it poorly.

This. It's one thing to expose jewish lies by exploiting its unfounded nature rooted in falsehood. But while jews are doing that, they're creating false advocates (controlled opposition agents) and making them the face of your idealized non-jewish system. Therefore, jews employ this tactic through plants (controlled opposition agents).

We should take a step further in countering jewish lies by having them defend the undefendable and representing their lies in the most unflattering ways possible. To some extent this has been acheived through memes, but no one has gone as far as making jews and their leftist puppets defend something akin to a liability - a net loss to their schemes.

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I posted this same exact modification when I saw the "It's okay to be white." routine.

First off every one claiming there's no "phase 2", or by logical extension, a "continuation of propaganda" that helps to organize whites and get them to defend their identity and heritage is kike or a moron. Of course this NEVER ENDS. The masses need guidance and these small attitude influencing slogans are needed.

This particular one is needed because it's going to put every single white who isn't completely worthless on the defensive and that alone creates a dynamic to encourage alliance amongst whites. This is the exact opposite of what jews want. I hear jews through this thread telling you that to use this is somehow jewish. Bullshit, it's the truth. The kikes think it isn't okay to be white. Their minions think the same thing, minus a certain segment of whites which we can chip off using this type of method. A portion of brainwashed whites will be forced into the camp with the rest of the whites as they aren't going to promote this or be accepted by the non-whites around them who pick this up.

It's extremely divisive in the way we need it to be to help form up whites with an attitude that is defensive. Chop off the commie whites and the other faggots who have no clue what's going on. Force a division between them and the non-white commies.

These slogans and methods should never stop and there is no end until jews are gone from our lands and we aren't facing genocide. Any one promoting that we stop is a shill or a kike.

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File: c627b56a1915980⋯.png (258.12 KB,509x665,509:665,Shills.png)


Shills are out in full force, meme it.

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There is no phase 2 but I agree that posting false flag propaganda that goes too far is a good idea.

Just look at what's trendy and make it a little more explicit about disenfranchising whites. There is a sweet-spot, don't be hamfisted, but try to go just far enough that a leftist takes pause for a moment and a normie feels actual anger.

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Genius OP and fuck the shills.

It's more confrontational than the original, forcing the left to condone the sentiment. If they condemn it then it follows that its okay to be white which which they can't accept.

+ it will force some whites to actually pick a side. We cannot lose - I'm making up some stickers now (I put them in library books, best way to reach smarter whites and their kids)

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Cautiously checked.

What if. . . what if there is no left, and it's all just us accelerating each other?

What if all the Jews are just us posing to get us to hate ourselves?

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>Jew strolls in

>Hey goy you should flip that propaganda we hate and say the things we say

Fuck off nigger.

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File: 44ca37bdbfd8249⋯.jpg (83.71 KB,774x598,387:299,44ca37bdbfd8249408ebf4cd21….jpg)


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File: e27feb58fae6a5d⋯.jpg (34.05 KB,400x537,400:537,6a00d83451b71f69e2017d42ce….jpg)


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File: 5964bb4f78bc453⋯.jpg (27.39 KB,525x380,105:76,b4f.jpg)

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File: 9f8cdc252ea641e⋯.jpg (75.38 KB,546x522,91:87,jew pinchos-lipschutz.jpg)


What a mindless rube she is. Reading her Twitter feed is like reading from the New York Times or Washington Post. The amount of disinformation retweeted is staggering. How embarrassing posting that mess here.

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File: 49108326d36fce7⋯.jpg (70.82 KB,595x794,595:794,thisis.JPG)

I'm already at phase 7

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Remember, (((white))) really means germanic and celtic peoples in the broadest sense.

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File: 93b34a14ef9828c⋯.jpg (221.76 KB,600x600,1:1,837440.jpg)

Its is 100% okay to be white.

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File: 9d560895a0d09a4⋯.jpg (55.78 KB,620x428,155:107,5105d70a73443.preview-620.jpg)


>implying putin is a bad guy

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>muh raycisms

Fuck off nigger.


Citizens have to pay taxes if they're overseas. You don't have a point.

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>capitalizing kike

>capitalizing greentext

Newfags everywhere

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