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File: 036103ad76647ab⋯.jpg (83.05 KB,598x800,299:400,Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1978….jpg)

 No.13527087 [View All]


>Denn: Jedes Gedenken an die Täter verhöhnt die Opfer! Solange es Anhänger dieser menschenverachtenden Ideologie gibt, solange müssen ihre Wallfahrtsorte auch angegriffen werden. Aus diesem Grund kann und darf es keine Ruhe für Nazis geben. Auch keine Totenruhe.


<Therefore: Every memory of the perpetrators taunts the victims! As long as there are followers of this inhumane ideology, as long as their pilgrimage sites have to be attacked. For this reason, there must not and can not be peace for Nazis. Also no dead peace.

>be Horst Wessel

>be a German Lutheran who just wants his country to be free of the degeneracy and the restrictions forced on them by the Treaty of Versailles

>after joining many militias, join the SA

>become a great leader within the NSDAP

>get killed by jewish communists, become a NS martyr

>after the end of the Third Reich, have your grave removed, your father's grave constantly vandalised by leftists and jews

>literally have extreme leftists say "no rest for Nazis" when vandalising your grave, and aren't just ignored, but PRAISED FOR DOING SO

>meanwhile, jewish communist TERRORISTS like Rosa Luxemburg have places named after them and are constantly venerated by modern-day leftists in Germany

Ebba Åkerlund is nothing compared to this.

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I would love to discuss this further. In the end it is clear that it would be best if this about the jews is replaced by critisizing* religion for their mistakes. And they have a few. Erotisism is a typical example to understand this.


I like a "s" here, instead of a "c".

I think a "c" is faggot here.

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File: 031d53bd052f823⋯.jpg (696.15 KB,2156x2156,1:1,kennedyhitler.jpg)

File: 02fc2b61ab941d6⋯.png (382.23 KB,600x504,25:21,Marilyn_Monroe_JFK.png)

File: 684c125206f9099⋯.jpg (44.19 KB,540x335,108:67,JFK Plot to Enslave Everyo….jpg)

File: b68188329448d77⋯.mp4 (11.61 MB,640x360,16:9,JFK California schools.mp4)

File: f2b8856c02e51b7⋯.jpg (169.94 KB,730x741,730:741,JFKassassinationMEME7.jpg)



Hate to break up your despicable fantasy but it won't happen because those pests are a small portion of the land and would rather play their video games and smoke weed than fight the most heavily armed portion of the population.

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File: 56aee59a86b3078⋯.jpg (69.76 KB,500x698,250:349,jfkspeechmeme.jpg)

File: 50554b2c6e7bc48⋯.webm (8.64 MB,320x240,4:3,JFK_-_Free_and_Independen….webm)

File: 95e67b057bc60bc⋯.png (656.42 KB,1135x6175,227:1235,JFK_OPED_3.png)

File: 329dfff24063c3a⋯.png (403.12 KB,500x465,100:93,if only....png)

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File: 75f7f5430939eee⋯.png (349.46 KB,962x891,962:891,Jews_Hate_Life.png)

File: 058a1e8e0acb236⋯.jpg (4.62 MB,5672x8352,709:1044,Why_Do_Jews_Hate_-_Why_Are….jpg)

File: f17966ff61615e1⋯.jpeg (2.12 MB,4588x4470,2294:2235,Jews_-_Destroying_Family.jpeg)

File: 0580c7cec82cb91⋯.jpg (159.06 KB,650x797,650:797,jews in porn.jpg)

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File: aeb46624579fff9⋯.jpg (1.21 MB,1168x6048,73:378,Jews_-_Wealth_and_Power_.jpg)

File: 245e7c829c0fd4b⋯.jpg (558.08 KB,2047x1582,2047:1582,Jews_-_PedoFags.jpg)

File: 54291fa6a3c8cc6⋯.webm (11.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,Degenerate Music - Entart….webm)

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This makes me hate zombified brainwashed lefties (of my own blood). Not kikes. Kikes would never do this. They all understand they have a bond that goes beyond worldly affairs and disputes.

Fucking kikes.

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How can the jews get away with this?

>homosexuals are a special and protected class oppressed by the white crackers-nazis

>all top nazis were homosexuals

Well jews, which is it?

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Takes away from the image when Investopedia has deleted that article and never had any citation for it in the first place.

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Memory hole.

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Basically, the jewish academic way of thinking:

>look at anti-homosexual movement

>try looking into their background and their texts

>find anything remotely involving multiple men

>say they buttfucked each other

This is exactly what they're doing with ancient Greece. Academics are literally editing the Greek language so that some words sound more applicable to the narrative that pederasty and homosexuality were morally acceptable back then. Of course, ask any Greek-speaker and he'll tell you it's all bullshit.

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>Academics are literally editing the Greek language so that some words sound more applicable to the narrative that pederasty and homosexuality were morally acceptable back then. Of course, ask any Greek-speaker and he'll tell you it's all bullshit.

Sauce on this? I know the whole newspeak thing, but I honestly never anticipated that they'd apply newspeak on an ancient civilization.

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File: f57aeeefba4e758⋯.jpg (145.29 KB,768x999,256:333,1564406173156.jpg)

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File: 7f9fd562314e8aa⋯.png (670.07 KB,800x577,800:577,ClipboardImage.png)


Many people who had fought and died

knowing that they had to win.

It still sickens my heart

to see the picture of the red flag in Berlin.

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For example, take the word "pais". In Greek, it always just meant "boy", but modern scholars are claiming that it always implied some pederast relationship.

It's the equivalent of a pedo using "boy" to describe his victims today, and scholars 1000 years later claiming everybody talking about "boys" were pedos.

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>>13545888 (heil'd)

Do you have any articles or that might talk about this sort of shit? I'm intrigued and want to dig more in to it.

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Here's an example:


>According to James Neill, the Greek term "pais" used for the servant in Matthew's account almost always had a sexual connotation.[9] In support of this view, he remarks that the word pais, along with the word "erasthai" (to love) is the root of the English word "pederasty".[9] He sees in the fact that, in Luke's parallel account, the Centurion's servant is described as "valued highly"[10] by the Centurion an indication of a homosexual or pederastic relationship between the two, and argues that the Greek word "doulos" used of him in Luke's account suggests he may even have been a "sex slave" or companion

However, any Greek lexicon would tell you that "pais" just means boy, and it's literally used to refer to newly born babies in the same Greek New Testament. The centurion's servant wasn't some concubine, it was literally his servant/slave. "Pederasty" just means "boy-lover". So these scholars are essentially twisting ancient Greek to fit their faggot agenda.

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There were three different words for "love", and one is "eros" where "erotic" comes from, but even then, it didn't explicitly have sexual connotations, it had three different meanings itself, one was Platonic love. Most of this Kikepedia article's sources are essentially equating eros to mean they were gay pedos.

As for faggots themselves in ancient Greece, they were despised. In-fact, they had a word to describe faggots, κίναιδος, which meant "outcast"!


I can't find any English lexicons that mention this, but if you translate the German results here, it'll translate κίναιδος as "a man who engages in unnatural sexual offenses/reject". That was the word for faggots in Greece.

And although there are a lot of vases depicting homosexuality, it's the equivalent of looking at graffiti of dicks and claiming homosexuality was the standard today.

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>I can't find any English lexicons that mention this

So they're essentially memoryholing this Greek word that describes the ancient Greek attitude to homosexuals in a nutshell and how it wasn't positive.

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File: 2d6272dc72252b3⋯.png (2.15 MB,619x2836,619:2836,vases1.PNG)

File: 7361a493af77011⋯.png (230.58 KB,539x276,539:276,vases.PNG)

File: 095224f324b9e12⋯.png (460.7 KB,532x523,532:523,love.PNG)


Look at this guy standing below, he has two wrist watches, one on each hand. These fucking retards were stealing them whenever possible because they associated them with rich people.



Same with "erastes" and "eromenos" - there's no sexual connotation whatsoever. There's a few different words for love, where the dictionary always points out that it's love between different sexes (so sexual one). By "love" between males, it means love that is purely chaste, and in this context means just camaraderie between two males. We wouldn't have used the word "love" to portrait this camaraderie and friendship between men, unless we'd specifically explain it as "brotherly love". The thing is that nowadays people are looking in the past FORGETTING THE CONTEXT and trying to understand ancient cultures with modern philosophy in mind, primarily to confirm their own bias.


Here's a great book that describes it in detail. Just read it.

Pic related for everyone that tries the "muh vases" argument.

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File: 73c6e40c1201bab⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,619x3336,619:3336,ancient greek vases.jpg)


Improved version of the cap.

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>By "love" between males, it means love that is purely chaste, and in this context means just camaraderie between two males

>The thing is that nowadays people are looking in the past FORGETTING THE CONTEXT and trying to understand ancient cultures with modern philosophy in mind, primarily to confirm their own bias.

Exactly. I'm from a country where homosexuality was always considered taboo (where the pride parade last month was nearly unanimously opposed), and thus male bonds don't have this stigma that they do in countries like Britain and America (the attitudes of which have been influenced by both their historical Calvinism, their lack of arranged marriages and thus marriages based on "love", and the very acceptance of homosexuals itself). This is exactly the thing that "brotherly love" meant, and this was the mindset I was raised on, but modern scholars do equate it with buttfucking.

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more bump

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Shills are really sliding this thread.

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Yuck. That's dirty, anon. What if a meme master took the zog star and bent the two triangles and eventually rounded the corners a little to show the filthy jewsex. Mebbe a good gif progression.

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Blondes tend to have higher IQ's by at least a few points than gingers and brunettes. Prolly also an active malicious attack against the possibility that higher blonde IQ would also have the social intelligence to naturally suss out kikes and their behaviour, to name them and shame them. We need an army of these socially intelligent highQ blonde wenches to call out these nation wrecking kikes.

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File: d1ed5826fd29eb8⋯.jpg (643.03 KB,1200x900,4:3,Wimpfen-stiftskirche-juden….jpg)



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This is civilizing. I felt like an asshole walking around with those faggot kike lies in my grokpod.

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TENDER: stemtech needed, in Minecraft, to design a suite of robust high volume automated guillotine that do 24 hour hopper feeding, with sound and fluids containment, hygienic clean-up and corpse dehydration – possibly freeze dried with chipping, bone crushing function with standard 50lb/23kilo sack bag and seal assembly with one man hydraulic control directional off load conveyor.

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>oy vey why don't you believe goyimpedia

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File: ada703985f9847c⋯.png (139.97 KB,512x390,256:195,scientist.png)

Everything I now know and continue to learn about them is more awful, and continues to compound into evermore awfulness, than I ever could have imagined. Its not like learning a tome of interesting facts about insects, odd fish or minerals, it all just keeps compounding into an exasperating observational mix of; terror, shock, disgust, disorientation, illogic and a mythological tier of molten criminality and an unscalable depth of culpability. At this point, I cannot bring to mind a single aspect or trait from which I don't naturally recoil in repulsion.

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Because Sephardic and Mohammedan have the same inbreeding heads. It's difficult to distinguish the two races but in the end it is normal they are Semites. And the fact that they are brothers but they don't agree on God. Piss me off. No peace for Israel because of their shit gods. And they piss everyone off and That PISS ME OFF even more and more those fucking kike.

Because it's a race of inbreeding they piss us off with their racial mix to renew their blood because they all have the faces of degenerates.


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File: ef5464b688e61cb⋯.jpeg (8.47 KB,225x225,1:1,serveimage.jpeg)

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Even to post this pic piss me off !

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File: 8cce2d87985ea34⋯.jpg (50.6 KB,388x508,97:127,_________3.jpg)


>Couldn't make sense of the URL of the video you tried to embed.

>Couldn't make sense of the URL of the video you tried to embed.

>Couldn't make sense of the URL of the video you tried to embed.

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The "Trial" against Julius Reicher. God what an admirable man.

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File: c61fefd96e1cfbf⋯.png (282.36 KB,680x649,680:649,arno breker 3.png)

International Terrorism, Global Crime Mafias, Media Monopolies, Industrial Espionage, Serial Killers, Stock Market Corruption, Pathological Anti-Gentilism, World Banking Hegemony, Assassination Consortiums, Invasion Occupation of Universities, Defilement of the Arts, Surveillance and Data Mining violations of Citizen Privacy, Art Theft, Counterfeit, Money Laundering and Tax Evasion, Infiltration of Aristocracies, Ritual Defamation within Media Monopolies, Insurance Arson, Ethnocide and Genocide, Diet Industry and Health Products Rackets, War Crimes Fraud and Embezzlement, Inciting Wars, Pension Fund Fraud, Eliciting Famines, Mass War Crimes, Propagating Contagious Disease, Inciting Revolutions, Orders, Orients and Think-Tank subversion societies, Organ Trafficking, Weaponized Anti-Gentile Immigration Policies, Human Trafficking for Sex Procurers, War Profiteering, Systemic Child Kidnapping, Arms Trafficking and Gun Running, Child Exsanguination and Torture for Ritual jewish food, Gun Grabbing Gun Control Lobbies, Subversive Children's and Adolescent Entertainment Monopolies, International Agribusiness Racketeering, Pederasty Networks, Devaluation of Trades and Skilled Crafts Production, Propagation of No Fault Divorce Law, Refugee Trafficking, Destruction of Antiquities and Literature for Historical Sabotage, Illegal Nuclear Weapons and Uranium Smuggling, Diamond and Jewel Monopoly, Degradation and Monopolization of Professions, Bordellos and Prostitution, Instituting Spurious Global Warming Taxes on Weather, Healthcare Rackets and Hospital Insurance Fraud, Casino and Gambling Syndicates, Malicious Shtadlan Legal Advocacy Blocks, Pornographic Media Degeneracy, GMO Food, Crop and Nature Poisoning, Illegal Drug Trafficking, Desecration and Arson of Churches, Hegemonic Big Pharma Corruption, Embezzling from Charities, Regicide, Abortion for Others Lobby, Horse Poisoning and Doping, Monopolistic Inter-Species defilement of Occidental Athletic and Sport Culture, Exceedingly Deceptive Small Print Contracts and Legal Agreements, State Mandated Circumcision for Goyim, Gambling and Game Fixing, Cultural Subversion through Music Industry Corporatism, Infiltration, Bribery and Blackmail for Citizenship, Subversion and Corruption of Religions, Fraudulent Kosher Products, Political Influence Monopolies, Kosher Extortion, Einstein type Scientific and Mathematical Impostors, Pawn and Fencing Stolen property, Ethnocentric Manipulation of Symptomologies in Psychiatric DSM, Planned Obsolescence products, Union Corruption and Violence, Ritual Murder, Labour Racketeering, Forgery, Mercenary Strong Arm Shtarkers, Vandalism against public Statuary and Infrastructure, Illegal Alcohol Distilling and Bootlegging, Selling Abortion Body parts to Cosmetics and Stem Cell Labs, Bank Insurance Fraud, Organized Religious Fronts for Criminal Proceeds, Embedded Bookie gambling networks, Extremely Cruel kosher Slaughter of Animals, treasonous Israeli Dual and Triple Citizenships, Fortune Telling and Astrology Rackets, Embezzling from Religions, Money Laundering for Political Favors through NGO's (non-governmental organizations), Fund Raising for Israeli Terrorists, Demographic Ethnocide by way of Real Estate tricks, Homosexualist Nietzchean Murder Experiments, Deicide.

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File: 8962f9cdb84ec12⋯.png (1.04 MB,1000x800,5:4,Birobidzhan.png)

>>13528299 (checked)

Kikes go pay all settlements, go bar juden bantz, go mad or gas karts.

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>meanwhile, jewish communist TERRORISTS

Stop calling communists terrorists, idiot. Communism is White. Engels was white. Jews were employed likely because they could be "trusted" against counter-revolutions.

OP is a D&C capitalist neoliberal.

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You're a good man, anon.

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All those are documentable white crimes, also. You can't not Name the White.

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File: 61272fb69949e7a⋯.jpeg (120.14 KB,750x811,750:811,4C82B115-0860-4D1B-9016-9….jpeg)


This makes me want to dig up the course of that kike , Rosa, and then parade around her rotten body for all the world to see. Fuck make a party of it, invite the whole town to come get free drinks, and find creative ways to desecrate her bloated corpse. Then imagine doing it to Lenin afterwords, would be even funnier, imagine /leftypol/‘s reaction lol.

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This post is the literal definition of "pilpul." It's a typical trick yids teach their sons in Hebrew school. Be mindful of it, /pol/.

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History is written by the victors, retard

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File: c0d9aeb7076837e⋯.jpg (482.33 KB,952x1810,476:905,health care for holocaust ….jpg)



House Introduces Bipartisan Legislation To Prioritize Health Care For Holocaust Survivors

>July 31, 2019 2:45 pm

>“Holocaust survivors have endured the worst of human atrocities and deserve special care for the duration of their remaining years,” said Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), one of the sponsors. “My district has among the largest populations of survivors in the country. The trauma and grief that these survivors endured is unimaginable. The TIME for Holocaust Survivors Act can tend to that unique pain in this closing chapter of their lives, and allow them to live out their remaining years with dignity.”

Goddman never-ending holocaust grift. Reparations for a fantasy, from innocent people who are being held hostage by jewish parasites.


>TIME for Holocaust Survivors Act

>Congress finds the following: 4(1)

>During the Holocaust, which took place 5from 1933 through 1945, an estimated 6,000,000 6Jews, as well as millions of victims from other tar-7geted groups, were murdered by the Nazis and their 8collaborators.

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File: 8329a8bf2133b50⋯.png (146.63 KB,497x468,497:468,958e7aef1e6532cc7a011178a0….png)

Bump for muh irrational hatreds.

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File: 161b071fa8620ff⋯.png (61.94 KB,500x300,5:3,rekt kike dubs.png)



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