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File: 03ee9fcead16ba9⋯.jpg (24.74 KB,446x365,446:365,1563840620736.jpg)

 No.13526851 [View All]

Is the collapse of civilization inevitable? It seems it all comes down to entropy and can't be solved.



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Decline is inevitable, the question is how it happens and who is going to pick up the slack. If Whites die out, the planet will be doomed. Simple as that.

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File: cb4794c2831ef5a⋯.jpg (68.33 KB,850x400,17:8,22 civilizations 19 collap….jpg)

File: 59ea725e11f5c8b⋯.jpg (70.85 KB,707x295,707:295,every nation dies at degen….jpg)

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all civilizations collapse. If whites and asians die out, civilization cannot continue and the planet is saved.

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>If Whites die out, the planet will be doomed.

If whites die out the planet will be fine. Third world shit-for-brains will revert back to subsistence living, and probably live happier, healthier lives than we've ever known. Technology is the domain of whites, but it fell into the hands of those who did not evolve to use it, thus it is misused.

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Don't feed niggers

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Does genetics play a role in it too?

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Collapse is best case scenario for many reasons

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>Technology is the domain of whites, but it fell into the hands of those who did not evolve to use it, thus it is misused.

exactly, precisely what I am saying. White supremecy is a problem, but it's only a problem because it's the dominant ideology of shitskins. We need to force them back into a 4th world method of living. The "white man's burden" was the highest form of cruelty.

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The solution is to kill ALL the shitskins.

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Yes, be ready for war. Out of the ashes of the West shall arise the Aryan empire.

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Yes, now fuck the hell off, dipshit.

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Even if that were true, there isn’t the social and IQ human resources to keep civilization together that long. A Civilization collapses when the multi culti and retards breeding outpaces the ways to suppress the disorder they create.

Empires last about 250 years or 10 generations for this reason. It’s a slow generational decay of the founding stock that shared the traits that allowed the society to form in the first place. A civilization collapses when it gets invaded by subhumans to the point it can’t sustain the damage of their nogging anymore. Usually several 250 year empire cycles.

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I ain't Germanic. North Sea, Atlantic, Med, mutt. No African, though. Would I waste my time reading your link?

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>non renewable resources remaining

lol, itll take us centuries to get through all the coal and we're still making massive improvements in coal fired efficiencies.

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How many of them had Jews Disease?

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The collapse never comes if you deport spics and leave the niggers unemployed and force segregation on the population all the while putting all lgbt people in a firing line to be executed. The country grows and avoids collapse.

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Surprisingly elaborate shitpost.

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The problem is human resources, anon.

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>If something hasn't happened within my lifetime or my tiny part of the world, it never happens ever or anywhere.

Just like the end of the Soviet Union, WW2, the fall of Napoleon, the end of Rome and the million other Great Happenings in history eh? Oh wait, you mean "because my specific part of the burgerland isn't currently being torched by chimpouts, it's absolutely impossible, now and forever".

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The libtards are unironically correct about agw, and ecological collapse more generally.

You can fully expect the global race war to start by 2030 because of it. Shit food is already getting more expensive than what it was even five years ago.

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You're on the right track but think more extreme and more blood.

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No they're 'unironically' not, spare us the reddit words, nigger.

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File: acbb3b6c8cefce9⋯.png (56.43 KB,500x400,5:4,Scurve2-17.png)



>Why Is What Was Once Affordable to Many Now Only Affordable to the Wealthy?

>Something has changed and the change is deep in the very fabric of the Italian society. And the change has a name: it is the twilight of the age of oil. Wealth and energy are two faces of the same medal: with less net energy available, what Italians could afford 50 years ago, they can't afford anymore.

>But saying that depletion is at the basis of our troubles is politically incorrect and unspeakable in the public debate. So, most Italians don't understand the reasons for what's going on. They only perceive that their life is becoming harder and harder, despite what they are being told on TV."

>To resource depletion I would add lower returns on both capital and labor–what is known as diminishing returns: the same investment yields less output.

>This decay of return on investment manifests as an S-Curve, which is a constant reference point in my work: an investment that earns a large output at first yields less and less, until the yield (output) stagnates and then declines. Increasing the investment no longer reverses the decline, and often accelerates the decline into a crash.

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Entropy doesn't real. Corruption is what has made man's days numbered. Corruption is what brings down every civilisation. Man was made a steward of Creation; were are supposed to maintain what is good, which means annihilating the corrupt.

Without corruption you would live forever. Without corruption your civilisation would never fall.

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>Is the collapse of civilization inevitable? It seems it all comes down to entropy and can't be solved.

Life itself is a successful resistance to entropy. We have evolved increasingly complex minds to solve increasingly complex problems, we are anti-entropy machines. Our problem is parasites, creatures that feed off of increasing our entropy. If we removed the parasite there is every possibility that we would be able to return to our trajectory of increasing order and complexity.

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your logic is flawed.

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the problem is leaving it to simple minds to solve complex problems

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That graph is ridiculous. That assumes that many people can be supported by the planet without crashing the entire life support system. This can't happen in any scenario.

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No it can't. I used to think the exact same thing. But without it being a European/White only world this would actually kill the planet. And we would never even WANT to have a planet populated by 40 billion people even if it was Ethnoglobe in the best circumstances.

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space is already at a premium with 7 billion people. You get 40 billion fags on this planet it's gonna be a hellscape

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This. The subhumans only breed like rats because they have a 'rats disposition'.

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well, we are in kali yuga, so in a sense it will

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>Is the collapse of civilization inevitable?

Has it ever not been?

>It seems it all comes down to entropy and can't be solved.

>What is negentropy?

The only reason it keeps happening is because the "it" and "solved" doesn't account for the "you" solving it. Thanks for another apocalypse asshole.

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Collapse happens with demographics. You need (white) people doing stuff to keep a civilization going, and you'd be sure niggers aren't doing it.

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Yeah, this is why I have my doubts even about a pure ethnic state. I'm white, living with my fellow ethnic sub group. It's quite nice but there's just enough motherfuckers among my group where I can see if any single element goes wrong, if the electricity is blown out by a solar storm for 6 months, brother will murder brother. It'll be madness.

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It always has been this way, and always will be. You've gone past the normal red pill thresholds in realizing this. You should be careful. Most racially familiar people are just normies anyway, some will be resistant to out-group preference propaganda from Jews, but this does not make them good nor your friends. Ultimately, "blood and soil" cannot succeed in place of the Spirit which transcends and informs them with the transcendental value from the Higher Realm. it is better than absolute stupidity, but it is not utopia either. Utopia is the realm of the Wise, ruled by the Philosopher/Warrior/Priest/King.

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I forgot to summarize it thus: Class is the ultimate Race.

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The technology we gave them won't simply cease to function. The pollution they produce with our technology won't just go away, if anything it'll become worse. Throw around a few nukes because there's no US or Russia to keep the niggers and poos in line and Earth will be fucked.

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File: 29646421e650ea1⋯.png (633.76 KB,7376x3308,1844:827,world population 1900.png)

File: 0f832ea63c032d6⋯.png (724.98 KB,7088x3008,443:188,world population 2015.png)




>the problem is leaving it to simple minds to solve complex problems

You are wrong. The minds running the show are exceedingly complex, they are just parasitic minds of parasitic foreign people who feed off of our destruction.

>pop graph

Warm-climate humans haven't evolved the cognitive characteristics required to support high population densities, if we had any control over our nations we would classify food as a strategic resource and restrict its trade to racial enemies. Non-Europeans would experience a 90% population reduction in all parts of the world within a decade of the establishment of white sovereignty over our nations.

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We’re literally on the brink of immortality. We can print flesh. When we can operate cellular restoration efforts there’ll be little excuse for dying to entropy beyond the bigotry of rich people who get bored of the insides of their own skulls.

I’ve found that despite the efforts by corrupt and primitive people to crush trust through the rape of privacy and their own exorbitant submissions, the perfect voice of influence is still just… trusting people and being honest. A lot of people try to punish the fully reciprocal pattern, and it makes them miserable; they live with their pattern, and no other world. No Gateway can be opened for them, even in the mistiest mountain, for the fault lies in their will towards submission. Against that backdrop someone who is just willing to speak truth in the open trusting in all listeners can turn the course of history.

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You’re a nigger deep down. Racially homogenous communities have been tried. That’s called Africa. They eat shit and die of plague; they fight genocidal wars; they’re die of famines because they’re too stupid to pick vegetables in the field. Racism does all of that. Back when Europe tolerated racial enemy rhetoric in prior centuries it had all the same problems. Racial biases even contributed to the infamous famines under communist governments.

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Our society has lost the strength to call out niggers of every color.

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File: 2be74863c68e95a⋯.png (95.55 KB,816x1056,17:22,ethnicconflictmap.png)


>Africa is a homogeneous continent.

Jesus fuck you are stupid.

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File: f81b6b6b3b11f44⋯.png (206.3 KB,1800x820,90:41,avg IQ Lynn.png)

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File: 919eb88b8277d8f⋯.png (70.49 KB,630x630,1:1,Nobel prizes in Science.png)


>We’re literally on the brink of immortality.

The achievement of clinical immortality is contingent on the continued global accumulation and concentration of human capital. We are on the opposite trajectory, the only human subspecies which has proven itself capable of the creativity, intelligence and transcendent Faustian drive required to sustain progress towards novel biological engineering is in rapid global decline. There is a strong likelihood that the average lifespan will be lower in a century, it is absurd to construct your worldview around a millenarian pseudo-religious hope of technological salvation when we are clearly on the brink of a new dark age.


Are you trolling or are you just new here? The general consensus among dissidents is that profound biological differences exist between human subspecies. The primary impediment to development in the tropical world is the abysmally low average genetic IQ potential of their indigenous populations.

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The pop graph is showing what you said in >>13555529

>the only human subspecies which has proven itself capable of the creativity, intelligence and transcendent Faustian drive required to sustain progress towards novel biological engineering is in rapid global decline

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>it never happens

retards like the guy you quoted probably thought the exact same as the romans and greeks

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It ended the minute whites gave up on fighting against forced integration. It really ended when they parroted the commands of their oppressors. When it stops, maybe it'll re-emerge. Rationality is kinda a big deal in civilization.

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>South Africa


I call bullshit.

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No, there'll be a golden age that will be to us as we are to Rome.

But for the next 500 years, yeah, it won't exactly be rockwell.

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