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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 68e93fc1c1d9051⋯.jpg (128.21 KB,874x960,437:480,25348773_247610445772068_8….jpg)


>Free speech has been on the chopping block for a long time. Journalists are already silenced and have to ask the government for permission before running stories while alternative media is censored and blocked by Google’s search algorithms. But now it’s getting worse, and Congress isn’t stopping it.

>The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) wants to make it a whole lot easier to throw journalists in jail if they say or write the wrong things. According to Tech Dirty, the CIA is pushing for an expansion of a 37-year-old law that would deter journalists from covering national security issues or reporting on leaked documents (such as those Julian Assange posted to Wikileaks and is rotting in a jail cell for).

>Thanks to a disillusioned CIA case officer’s actions in 1975, there are currently a few limits to what can or can’t be reported about covert operatives working overseas.

>The CIA wants all of these protections for journalists removed, including the word “overseas.” This would allow the CIA (and all other intelligence agencies) to designate whoever they want as “protected” by the IIPA in perpetuity, and jail those who report about things the government wants to keep from the prying eyes of the public.



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The presse will always ALWAYS lügen

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Yes, but remember, sometimes they tell the truth about the CIA when it suits ((some people)). But it will be gone soon. This is ofcourse to make sure the goyim will stop knowing like 9/11

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Just so you guys know Zog legislation is the true litmus of public opinion they only shuffle through issues they believe they have already won.

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>more kikebush spam

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File: 6ed8a15ef6aad8c⋯.jpg (197.32 KB,1000x769,1000:769,image[1].jpg)

The wall needs to be expanded.

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You know what I do remember.

Shit was going pretty great and then some jews on tv said airplanes flew into buildings and then the buildings fell down and now I have fucking autism

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File: 50e85d336446d8c⋯.jpg (336.97 KB,1000x769,1000:769,6ed8a15ef6aad8ce7c290359d3….jpg)

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In the future free speech will be anything that is not profane. Profane will be defined as anything that goes against the interests of the U.S. corporate elite. By the way is there a good poison pill i can take if i want to die suddenly? What's it called how much and where to obtain? I have had an easy life and if I get a terminal illness or trouble with the law bankrupt etc i just wanna take the easy way out.

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A good poison pill?

A bullet.

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Checked and based

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I remember that too. I also remember a nigger being elected king and the internet becoming more accessible to retards and pigpens named Reddit and Tumblr being made and now I can't speak with anyone on the internet about it without being labelled a rayciss wrongthinker.

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Fucking Wew

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File: 0d1c561ccbe5e39⋯.png (405.6 KB,1072x1076,268:269,Rachel.png)


checked and jej

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That would mean these "journalists" work for the CIA/Government since they would be held to the same standard as government employees.

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Journiggers should go to jail.

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if you're a journalist, you're either unemployed or a used-up whore.

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File: e3725c96d8becd1⋯.jpg (10.96 KB,240x213,80:71,jksdw.jpg)

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>jailing journalists


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>when you join the CIA expecting to be james bond but you end up a gay furfag mlp loving autist working for the jews


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CIA is apparently nationalistic?

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File: 8ca4e0a69550499⋯.png (661.33 KB,628x806,314:403,remover of CIAnigger.png)



Thank you for finding and posting the original, anon.

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File: 44f4af11cdc2a0a⋯.gif (2.64 MB,300x169,300:169,Reaction.gif)

> Journalists get fucked


> Every asshole with a blog, video channel, or more than 1K followers is classified as a journalist


You know that's the kinda shifty thing this'll morph into.

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>asking permission to the ZOG to tell truths about the jew

So what if it is illegal?

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(((Journalists))) won't be affected. They already work for the CIA.

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Deserved imo

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This won't be used against the press. It will be used against people like patrick little, infowars, truthstream media, james corbett, etc..

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File: 4fd69435c236706⋯.jpg (8.9 KB,225x225,1:1,Guten Tag.jpg)

You cunts deserve it.

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I wish citizens would start shooting these glowing freaks like Terry did.

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