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 No.13522864 [View All]

Intel is filled with pajeets and they do not hire anyone other than pajeets.

Korean-American software engineer claims discrimination by Intel managers of Indian descent

>‘Indians are harder workers,’ manager allegedly said

>By ETHAN BARON | ebaron@bayareanewsgroup.com | Bay Area News Group

>PUBLISHED: July 19, 2019 at 11:37 am | >UPDATED: July 21, 2019 at 5:05 am

>Hoseong Ryu’s trouble at Intel started even before he began working there, he claimed in a lawsuit filed this week.

>Ryu, 45, applied in 2014 for a software engineering job at Intel, and was interviewed by a three-man panel, according to his lawsuit filed in Northern California U.S. District Court. One interviewer at the Santa Clara semiconductor giant was originally from India, and he had a question for Ryu, the suit claimed.

>“I see you are from Korea,” the man allegedly said. “I know a Korean man named Sung Won Bin. Do you happen to know him?”

>After the meeting, the man told a fellow interviewer that Intel shouldn’t hire Ryu because he was “Korean, married, and had a child,” and added, “It would be easier to hire a younger, unmarried Indian man,” the suit alleged.

>Still, Intel hired Ryu onto its system integration team, where he found “the demographics of the worksite and its management have been heavily skewed toward employees from India or people of Indian or south-Asian descent,” the suit claimed.

>One manager in his team, of Indian origin, “openly favored the hiring and promotion of only employees from India, stating that ‘Indians work hard’ and ‘Indians are harder workers,'” the suit alleged. That manager also encouraged a supervisor to hire only Indian employees, the suit filed Wednesday claimed.

>Intel said it does not comment on pending litigation. But a company spokeswoman said a diverse workforce and inclusive culture are key to the company’s progress. “We believe diverse teams with different perspectives, experiences and ideas are more creative and innovative, resulting in a collaborative and supportive environment,” spokeswoman Patricia Oliverio-Lauderdale said.

>In 2018, a new chief of the system integration team was to be appointed, according to the suit. Ryu had been a de facto manager of the team for some 18 months, but the position was awarded to a system debugger originally from India who had “no management experience and had significantly less experience with system integration than Ryu,” the suit alleged.

>Ryu’s suit claimed that Intel’s system integration team management also favored Indians in granting vacation.

>“Most employees who are not Indian or south-Asian receive only two to three weeks of vacation or leave per year. But employees who are originally from India or of Indian descent typically receive additional leave time and sometimes receive as much as five or six weeks of leave per year,” the suit claimed.

>Ryu claims he was the victim of racial discrimination and discrimination on the basis of national origin, and that he suffered emotional distress and damage to his reputation. He is seeking unspecified damages.


That's why intel chip sucks today. Spectre and meltdown, intel ME etc. Where are the white engineers? Buy AMD. At least they still hires whites.

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You silly shitskins are so easily triggered. Fuck off, niggers. Even with CRISPR, you'll never be White. You'll never know Spirit, subhuman filth.

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File: d4bae98422dae45⋯.jpg (164.16 KB,992x840,124:105,kangs.jpg)


No fren. Indians were the original aryan kangs.

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Pajeets today is what white people will be in a thousand years. It was literally an amazing civiliation that race mixed with muds.

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Indians should not be given tech jobs, let alone positions of authority. They are deceitful, nepotistic, lacking basic hygiene and perpetuate their shit tier culture wherever they go. Their participation in the American workforce is not about diversity but cheap labor; and as Boeing have found out the hard way, if you hire shit you get shit work.

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>Out of Africa theory

>Miraculously evolved to have lighter skin

>See goy, everyone is the same; they just developed differently


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>Fuck off shitskin

help me find girlfriend in easy way

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This, indians are /ourguys/ doing techjihads

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>Researchers agree that our early australopithecine ancestors in Africa probably had light skin beneath hairy pelts. “If you shave a chimpanzee, its skin is light,” says evolutionary geneticist Sarah Tishkoff of the University of Pennsylvania, the lead author of the new study. “If you have body hair, you don’t need dark skin to protect you from ultraviolet [UV] radiation.”

>Until recently, researchers assumed that after human ancestors shed most body hair, sometime before 2 million years ago, they quickly evolved dark skin for protection from skin cancer and other harmful effects of UV radiation. Then, when humans migrated out of Africa and headed to the far north, they evolved lighter skin as an adaptation to limited sunlight. (Pale skin synthesizes more vitamin D when light is scarce.)

<We wuz all chimping out an shieet.


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File: 41b76c9b47a8d16⋯.png (543.56 KB,711x540,79:60,qgRQGAR.png)


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Why post that pic?

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This. It's almost like Multiculturalism is a failed system, doomed to implode. Don't even give them your labour White man, start a business or find some other way to survive. Never work for pajeets especially.


Yeah, the problem is this - we keep "siding" with people who don't reciprocate back. The day there's out and loud Korean Nationalists also defending some White being attacked as an "Evil racist" pajeet, then when can talk about it. And yeah, I know there's tons of individual Asians & hapas that are "allies" for lack of a better term. But we can't even look after our own interests right now.

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>we're all white


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>Complain that workforce is nearly monoethnic Indian

>spokewomans response is that they value diversity

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Even though I work in a Fortune 500 corporation (which means, almost by definition, it's full of pajeets) it never really occurred to me the reason Intel is not able to release 10nm CPUs is because it's overrun with useless street shitters. They really are useless pieces of shit.

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>Ryu’s suit claimed that Intel’s system integration team management also favored Indians in granting vacation.

Yo this shit right here gets me livid. I work in a big pharma lab for stability/quality control, about half employees Re ginders, and they ALL take 3-4 week vacations regularly once a year. Some fucking ginder whore got 4 weeks off after starting only 3 weeks in

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Indians would be the Jews of Asia if Jews werent already it.

Same frauds.

Same cheats.

Same neoptism.

Same leeches.

Same rapists.

Same society wreckers.

Same weak crippled bodies.

Same hello fellow goras.

Same Pajeets are well integrated hardworking and smart people fellow goras why you hate them so much?

Same wait not all Pajeets are like that.

Same wait alright alright Pajeets are bad but you know all of them are bad lets not single Pajeets out here and talk about Pakis too. By Shivas 5 cripple arms I hate Pakis so much I-I mean g-d fellow Christian goras!

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>Bristol-Myers-Squibb (Trade Secrets and documents stolen in U.S. by Indian national guest worker)

My mom was a BMS employee and told me about this ginder who printed and stole a bunch of SOPs and was literally arrested at the airport terminal for doing so

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I work with pakis, they are the same. If they're friendly to you they're trying to get information out of you and they try as hard as they can to place fellow rotherham rapists and street shitters because their countries are extremely corrupt shitholes and they use the underlings for kickbacks, leverage for promotions etc.


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File: 8d04d136571ee70⋯.png (60.14 KB,606x567,202:189,indiangirls.png)

(((superpooper 2030)))


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Based northern indians i mean aryans.

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>fellow goras

Yeah blame the 18th century We Wuz Aryans european indologists and the subsequent inclusion of brahmincucks in the British Raj's civil service jobs.

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File: 87a556a5b7cb09d⋯.png (918.59 KB,923x572,71:44,panjeetslookingtothesky.png)


How can any panjeet collie half naked fakir, woman hating, street shitting cunt even begin to contend that they were responsible for Ancient India?

It is clear to see that they were left behind by something far superior to them.

They then created a cargo cult, where they mimic and hope for the return of what once was.

If Panjeets were honest, dignified and truthful people, they would admit this with a degree of humility.

>"A religion that worships aircraft was started by a group of people who saw their first plane fly over Vanuatu, a remote island in the South Pacific of Australia, during the Second World War.

>After the planes delivered food and supplies to the islanders, the group began to believe that cargo would be brought to them by a Messiah. Consequently, whenever they saw a plane fly overhead they would build a replica - in the hope of more bounty. "

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Kill yourself mud

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Wasn't Victoria fucking a Panjeet?

I also recall that the rival to Gandi was also being fucked by a female brit of high standing.

Then there is that Devi woman who brought Aryanism to Hitler - was she not being fucked by one of these subhumans?

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>How can any indian claim responsible for Ancient India

Look at the southafrican white trash living in slums or american/euro white trash nobody thinks these type of people created the modern society.

>woman hating

What is shaktism?

Hinduism is full of reverence for women to the extent that you can call it a feminist religion.


I know you are that mentally ill jamal who spends all day here.

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Future rapist invaders.

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>Hinduism is full of reverence for women to the extent that you can call it a feminist religion.

Yes, that's why they rape them day and night.

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File: 887625d8d4a44ec⋯.jpg (365.19 KB,1200x749,1200:749,india-open-defacation.jpg)


>Look at the southafrican white trash living in slums or american/euro white trash nobody thinks these type of people created the modern society.

Street shitter here is actually trying to compare wealth gap in Europe and America with the entirety of India, where all the streets are paved with panjeets taking a shit.

Show me where in Europe compares to pic related.

Are these poor american/euro poor people rushing to live in the shit covered streets of India?

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OP's a gay nigger.


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File: a646dc827018e67⋯.png (101.29 KB,1223x758,1223:758,MS.png)


>Microsoft - Employs over 35,000 H-1Bs. Stock used to be $100. Today it's lucky to be over $25. Not to mention that Vista thing.


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Why cant Crispr make me white aryan??

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Very scientific of you for to calculating results that early without any evidence BTW. Kys.

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Man I bet is smells so fucking bad in Intel's offices.

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It's the only acceptable clown world response.

Diversity is code for anti-white

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'work harder' simply means, the fuckers are mentally slow and it takes them a long ass time to do what a White or Yellow man can do.

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Never interrupt the enemy in destroying themselves.

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So wait are you telling me artificially constructed race relations break down into their respective tribal groups when not propped up by the sheer magnanimity of white people?

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America 50 years ago sent white men to visit the Moon and begin the great human diaspora. Today, the gooks are mad at the poos because they won't share the 86% white-paid tax dollars.

I swear to fucking God, I must live to see it all burn. After that, it's up to my grandchildren.

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Jealous much? I'm sure legalisation of rape in the west would do wonders to improve birthrates.

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>You stole land

This faggot lefty trope again?

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Sure. But, don't stop there. Abort them in the womb too.


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>current year

>being a leftyhomo

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Don't buy Intel. Other than being assraped by AMD, they have a research centre in (((you-know-where))).

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>You stole land and claimed it as your own

As indians did to each other, except whites built a country on the land. It's like saying your house is actually property of some dog that was pissing on the ground before it was built.

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That’s originally how black slaves were until that one freed slave was able to campaign and win the right to keep slaves forever.

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File: 8111551d09e7c72⋯.jpg (41.87 KB,570x587,570:587,a7065911be6e51545885b71b96….jpg)

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This is a paid shill and its posts have remained up for 10 days. It’s the same spam, every day, dozens of times a day, for years. Never deleted.

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Indians are super tribalistic, though they're very good at feigning ignorance. They all love to see other Indians in our white-made country (even though it means the country is that percentage shittier for their presence), they all stick to their shitskin diets and smell terrible, Indian students prefer Indian teachers and vice versa. They also have truly soulless eyes. The females act more human, but only because female humanoids are more social creatures and blend in better.

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