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File: 871a146e7a7e873⋯.jpg (6.86 KB,193x261,193:261,Early Whites.jpg)

 No.13521678 [View All]

I do think Varg's idea of recessive traits as determiner of purity is dumb. In fact, plenty of Scandinavians have Asian admixture from invasions from the Huns and Mongols. The Germanics migrated into Roman territory in an act of desperation to prevent their extinction.

Blonde hair, blue eyes and a Caucasian skull structure are not good indicators of purity.

In fact, as a Celt with green eyes and red hair, mating with a Nordic woman would be the same as if a Nordic man married a negress. The genes for blue eyes and blonde hair are as dominate over green eyes and red hair as negro genetics are over White genetics.

Celtics are the last remnants of Cro-Magnon genetics and must be preserved. Not only is race mixing between non-Whites bad, but mixing with different White ethnicities also. It's just that mixing with a different White ethnicity is not as detrimental to the White gene pool as mating with anon-White.

However, if Whites survive this attempted genocide, the survivors will probably a mix of various ethnic groups across Europe, as the Jews would've reduced our numbers so drastically.

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Genetics prove Celts are the most neanderthal, though. Learn to DNA, nigger.

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red hair is germanic though. celts have two types, darker celts who have curly hair, dark eyes, and slightly darker skin, and lighter celts found more in wales and scotland who have dark hair, pale skin and blue eyes

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File: a9c0b5039b4dd7e⋯.jpg (91.82 KB,584x580,146:145,1552311089597.jpg)

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>vomits retarded shit

>Sources; dude trust me Blaaarrrug!!!


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I've also looked into my family history (obviously I'm not going to solicit (((23&me))) for anything so I can only use public records) and my family for the most part appears to hail from southern Germany.

Whether they migrated there from somewhere else during the Dark Ages or were native Celts who were assimilated by Germanic tribes is unknowable. Though it would be really cool to find out.

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germanic tribes literally had red hair, tacitus described them as red haired. celts were dark haired apart from the ones who descended from Germanic Tribes(caledonians for example)

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"rutilae", referring to their hair, at least by Tacitus(Germania), could also mean blondish or to some form of light brown, which would make more sense

for instance, there is a quote attributed to Cato in a text by Maurus Servius on Virgil which says "flavo cinere unctitabant (matronae), ut rutilae essent, crines" i.e "(the married wives) used <flavo> ashes in order to make their hair <rutilae>"

"flavus" itself usually means "blondish", and given the effects of ashes I doubt their hair turned ginger, but probably got some form of lighter color

ultimately ancient colors are not that easy to interpret

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File: 40a13bc4bcac04d⋯.png (29.43 KB,630x650,63:65,nature-siberian-neandertha….png)

We're all niggers that Bred with cave men to get white skin and bigger brains.

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I find relevance in the fact that you can arbitrate an iq, cranial shape, geolocation, dna divergence etc. for a basis of "race" that must rely on some form of evolutionary history in time that binds it to a singular overarching law of continuity that would negate it's arbitrations intent. The opposite alternative would be that of creationism (as interventionalism would still be relegated to one of the two camps.) This would imply that the races and temporal/spatial manifestations of them are reflections of the relational ideal withwhich they had, or do preserve their identity in the reflected environment of the same. It seems apparent to me that this dichotomy is resolved in both above and below as they are, as we are now. Faith is blood and blood is faith, or that which would not bleed for its faith, will not have blood to have faith nor faith in it's own blood. Nature and God have never been seperate, and they do not fail.

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>In fact, as a Celt with green eyes and red hair, mating with a Nordic woman would be the same as if a Nordic man married a negress.

The absolute state of /pol/ack.

Can't make this shit up.

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>euromutts forget they were all mixing a couple thousand years ago because of rape and pillage of various white tribes

Fuck your D&C. White or not.

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>However, if Whites survive this attempted genocide, the survivors will probably a mix of various ethnic groups across Europe

They already are. Europeans aren't as recently ethnically mixed as us in the US, but they all are. The healthiest thing is minor, natural trend in migration between ethnic groups, which is basically what we've been doing our entire history. Racial migration is not natural. Ethnic migration is, because we live right next to each other. It's normal and good in small doses.

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>We're all niggers

Wrong. Niggers are a product of a unique evolution in Sub-Saharan Africa, which occurred at the same time we were evolving in Europe. There was no such thing as a nigger 200k years ago, which is supposedly, according the mainstream science, the oldest known homo sapien skeleton, which was found outside of Sub-Saharan Africa. All humans today are a product of a unique evolution in a unique environment. No one comes from anyone. We're all tangents. We're all evolving away from each other. There is no "original."

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Every European is a mutt by this definition. You can only mark out the more extreme cases.

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>In fact, plenty of Scandinavians have Asian admixture from invasions from the Huns and Mongols

This has to be coming from an American.

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>be NatSoc

>make up fake quotes to support your beliefs

>claim Jews are evil liars


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File: 2a74a7fd264ab82⋯.jpg (49.87 KB,573x585,191:195,2a74a7fd264ab827a4d6a51993….jpg)



Selbst wer sich frei weiß von Gefühlen des Rassenstolzes, muß zugeben, daß für keine Rasse die Vermischung mit einer anderen Rasse wünschenswert ist. Die systematische Rassenkreuzung hat, ahne einige Zufallserfolge verleugnen zu wollen, niemals zu einem guten Ergebnis geführt.Dadurch, daß sich eine Rasse rein erhalten will; beweist sie gerade ihre Lebenskraft und ihren Lebenswillen. Mirerscheint es nur normal, daß jeder seinen Rassenstolz besitzt, und das heißt noch lange nicht, daß er die anderen mißachtet. Ich war nie der Meinung, daß etwa Chinesen oder Japaner rassisch minderwertig wären. Beide gehören alten Kulturen an, und ich gebe offen zu, daß ihre Tradition der unsrigen überlegen ist. Sie haben allen Grund; darauf stolz zu sein, genau wie wir stolz sind auf des Kulturkreis, dem wir angehören. Ich glaube sogar, daß es mir um so leichter fallen wird, mich mit den Chinesen und denJapanern zu verständigen, je mehr sie auf ihrem Rassenstolz beharren.


Even those who are free from feelings of racial pride have to admit that mixing with another race is not desirable for any race. The systematic crossbreeding has, without wishing to deny some chance successes, never led to a good result. In that a race wants to keep itself pure; she just proves her vitality and her will to live. It only seems normal to me that everyone possesses his racial pride, and that does not mean that he disregards the others. I never thought that Chinese or Japanese were racially inferior. Both belong to ancient cultures, and I openly admit that their tradition is superior to ours. You have every reason; to be proud of just how proud we are of the culture we belong to. I even believe that the more they persist in their racial pride, the easier it will be for me to communicate with the Chinese and the Japanese.

The quote is pretty accurate.

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Don't forget to to your fedora.

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Don't want to risk it.

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This is a reference to the meme >>13551714

, i'm not

a mongrel.

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File: 39f1e07ed583a11⋯.jpg (150.89 KB,1300x975,4:3,98756680-voodoo-doll-with-….jpg)


Show me on the doll where the American touched you

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Stay mad mutt

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If you want an example of the abject horror that comes with Euro mutts, look no further than South America.

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File: c2043e77ea2bdd8⋯.jpg (70 KB,500x734,250:367,1327812739183.jpg)


You're right. I will only have children with blue or green eyes.


OP has a point, but we can't afford to be that picky given our current situation. Personally I would not breed with a blonde haired blue eyed individual if I could find someone who better matched my own lineage, and would do everything I could to pair that blonde haired blue eyed individual with another of their likeness as is our duty.

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>Be jew

>Claim something is false

>Get called out, crawl away

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Where do I fall if I have green eyes, brown hair, and a sicilian jaw?

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Recessive genes don't just disappear because you mated with someone with recessive genes, contrary to what retarded black supremacists and other think.

They just aren't expressed but they are still carried.

Hence why two people with say, blond, brown, or black hair could mate and produce red hair children (since red is recessive to all).

The recessive traits will just crop up later you idiots.

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it's not that simple with heavy polygenic traits

some phenotypes like blue eyes are largely regulated by one, say two mutations in the right places for the most, so they are easily preserved recessively and it isn't unusual to see them even in niggers with small European admixture

hair colors are another matter, they typically are the expression of specific polygenic configurations which can easily be disrupted, which is why finding blonde or red haired niggers is much harder

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There are no proper models for modern European populations.

They released these tools, I can give you settings I used to create these results.


phenotype =/= related to shit like this

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World history has to be rewriten. Egyptology is wrong, the erosion marks around the Sphynx is proof the it was built atleast druing the last ice age where egypt still recieved abundant rains. This sphynx story may seem irrelevant to the discussion but globalists are very stupid, impresionable and narrow minded. The belief that the great pyramids (agruably the greatest manmade momment on earth) where built by slaves set's a precedent that the globalists want to emulate in order to trigger a "golden age". The Pyramids where built by freemen who probably used sound waves to float the stones into place.

Meanwhile scientists are fucking around trying to prove god is a mental disease while they themselves belive that the big bang came from no where whitout cause.

Our diease is materialism, sprituality is the remedy, the Allfather, Christ, Kalki… it dosen't matter everyone needs something some scripture or code of honor whit authority over the philosophies of petty men. Unity under god. Unity among theists. We need to reclaim the grounds lost to atheists and occultists. We need to inact the will of God.

I'm just a faggot human trying to free myself from sin and illusion, instead of reading my words you should be reading the Bible the Gita or studying random religions / mythologys. God bless you all.

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That fifth pic is so faggy.

It's precisely the destruction of invalids that prevents ill health and suffering and war.

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JFL at threads like these

>white women raped by muds every day in our countries by the thousands

>shitskins flooding in unchecked

>jews in almost complete control of the world

<the real problem is a Celt bedding down with a Nord

Okay retard, you sound autistic as fuck

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Hitler's spirit is in Latin America

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What an absolutely fucking retarded thread.

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Shut the fuck up mestizo, Latin America "Mongrel Land" is a disgrace and a stain to both Spanish and Italian culture from which is came from, not only that but if Adolf Hitler saw Brazil or another shitty country in South America i'm guessing he would be horrified. modern Latinos will get the rope.

If you are a South American you really should be ashamed of yourself.

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> (since red is recessive to all).

I am quite sure that Red hair has it's own genes. Blonde hair has different genes.

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good luck never reproducing to your specifications op.

garbage thread

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>lower beings


Pic one. Staying your hand from killing every deer and rabbit in the woods is not the same as letting useless eater downie retards take food they can't earn.

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Pretty much a shill thread, that I won't even bother reading.

The modern European ethnicities came about through racially similar tribes mixing with each other.

These tribes were not always ethnically similar, btw.

You can see this by the fact that there is darker haired, roundhead alpine remnants in Scandinavia, the fact that only around 60% of the white german population is Nordic, that there are Nordic slavs living alongside alpine slavs, etc.

The degenerative trends (such as complete jewish control of almost the entire white world, mass non-euro settlement in most euro-descended countries, etc) needs to be overcome FIRST, before a subracial/ethnic eugenics program can be implemented in said countries to promote what is considered the best stock in each country.

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Red is recessive to blond, brown, and black.

Blond is dominant to red, recessive to brown and black.

Brown is dominant to red and blond but recessive to black.

Black is dominant to brown, blond, and red.

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When you say european mutts, do you mean irish+german or Irish/german+nigger?

European mutts are the baseline of europeans faggot, even if every one of them has blonde hair and blue eyes, it's still a mortal sin for them to reproduce outside of the European gene pool.

Fuck off miscgeneation kike.

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There are at least 10 different SNPs related to MC1R gene. Even if you have only one of them at both recessive allele, you will have red hair.

Blonde hair has different genes.

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I also tested out, if you add one allele to the middle, you will have from Black hair to Brown hair. If you add another one even from a another copy, you will have red hair.

Therefore if you have 2/8 of red hair genes, you will most likely have red hair.

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*2/24 (or more).

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>The Irish have red hair because they are Norse + Iberian.

Fucking retard

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>In fact, as a Celt with green eyes and red hair, mating with a Nordic woman would be the same as if a Nordic man married a negress.

You lost me there anon. It's up to you to decide how you want to keep your personal genetics intact or mixed with other Europeans. I am of a mix of western, central and southern european, and would be willing to mix with any other European. I don't think that me marrying a Scandinavian, or Italian or Slav or whatever would be anywhere near marrying a nigger for crying out loud. Also does anyone know where that dork Varg is posting his videos nowadays? He's fun to listen to even if eccentric.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Skip the 1st two minutes of the video.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I was replying to >>13525643 originally but shit happens.


Check the video you will probably find this interesting if you haven't seen it already.

Viracocha was the supreme god of the Incas. Considered the creator god he was the father of all other Inca gods and it was he who formed the earth, heavens, sun, moon and all living beings. When he finished his work he was believed to have travelled far and wide teaching humanity and bringing the civilised arts before he headed west across the Pacific, never to be seen again but promising one day to return. In his absence lesser deities were assigned the duty of looking after the interests of the human race but Viracocha was, nevertheless, always watching from afar the progress of his children.


According to ancient Maya beliefs, Kukulkan was the god of wind, sky and the Sun. He was a supreme leader of the gods and depicted, just like Quetzalcoatl as a combination of a snake rattlesnake from the quetzal bird. Kukulkan gave mankind his learning and laws. He was very merciful and kind, but he could also change his nature and inflict great punishment and suffering on humans. According to Maya legend, the Maya were visited by a robed Caucasian man with blond hair, blue eyes and a beard who taught the Maya about agriculture, medicine, mathematics and astronomy. This being was Kukulkan – the Feathered Serpent


The story begins when Osiris reigned on earth and married his sister Isis. Their mission was to bring civilization to humanity, to teach people about the practice of government, religion and marriage. Isis's magical healing powers, and her knowledge of weaving, crop growing, corn grinding and flax spinning were also passed on to the Egyptian people.


There is an Aztec tradition of the giant Xelhua, saved from a flood, who began building a great pyramid to reach the clouds. The project was destroyed by the gods, and the builders suddenly began speaking in different languages, resulting in utter confusion. There is also a Hindu tradition of a tall, proud tree that intended to reach heaven, gathering all mankind together under its shadow to prevent them from spreading out. Brahma, however, cuts apart the tree, and from its dispersed branches different languages arise.


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