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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 7df3d0510629d4f⋯.jpg (151.47 KB,960x983,960:983,trannies-this-picture-kill….jpg)

 No.13520118 [View All]

This viral picture and its associated post kills the beast of transgenderism. The complete juxtaposition of this hulking tranny gorilla vs. the effortless natural thing he is trying to imitate shatters the illusion of transgenderism for all, except for the hopelessly indoctrinated and afflicted.

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repeating your self is a common passive-aggressive strategy, they are trying to get an idea stuck in your head.

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>We could have a straightfoward honest chat but they rather be vague and unclear about it and the look in their faces when that system is turn against them is priceless.

We live in a world where some people would rather email you, or write a note on your desk before confronting you on the issue

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that meme is fucking gay lol

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is that fucking richard spencer? i always knew he sounded like a faggot

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>They ignore reality when it comes to fags and racemixers thought. You're naive at best.

most of them can be redpilled.

The ones who cannot will have to be put down.

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>>13520333 (checked)

How has nobody checked these beautiful trips of truth yet?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's from a song, fag

sage for double post

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File: 7e083d25c514790⋯.png (452.74 KB,1312x888,164:111,5bbd206ba73d71be86494243e3….png)

File: 82747592900f53c⋯.png (1.13 MB,1360x4113,1360:4113,1424133879790.png)


Absolutely this. We knew about Epstein well before the media coverage. Never forget that pizzagate was more than just retards flailing aimlessly (which is the result of Topic Dilution, anyway). We've known for a while that cronyism and nepotism are the root cause of almost all of modern civilization's woes. This very obvious truth is only just now starting to come out, and even then, heavily neutered as a message, as the status quo in media would prefer to keep their cushy ill-gotten gains.

We've also known for a long time how utterly fucked The Tranny Community really is. They deserve actual support and help in order to cure them of their mental illness, rather than this ass-backwards system of enabling and even romanticizing it.

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File: 2eb90a9a90bd7af⋯.jpeg (4.71 MB,7000x7000,1:1,61010e5970653492d49ec4106….jpeg)


forgot to attach the Epstein-related image; older ones exist, of course, but this one's always a good one

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just fuck off back to cuckchan or reddit for your TL;DR

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Do any of you remember in the 90s before the tranny poz really took off…they'd showcase boy children who had their dicks mutilated during (((circumcision))) and the (((doctors))) just decided to make them into girls, using surgery and hormones?

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"coming out of hell"

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We should help them with their jewicide.

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sitting while something is being 'communicated' to you should be referred to henceforth as


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File: 635624e69b01c4f⋯.jpg (23.01 KB,400x400,1:1,Dra'nakyuek.jpg)


she's all growed up.

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>the retard doesn't know you can just change one of the "details" in properties in 2 seconds and it becomes "new" image you can post.

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>To sound smarted than they actually are. Take a gander at trannypol and you'll see the same habits. It's all fluff.

Go make a thread over on trannypol asking about why they support whatever political platform they do, and you get a 500 word essay. The posts are continuous run-on sentences and repetition of complaints that they can't succeed in a world with even the slightest bit of competition of difficulty.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


its from a song

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Blame them for not lifting at least cannabis prohibition earlier. In many places the police actually run the drug trade with the (((permission))) of the (((importers))) to minimize violence and maximize profit. Trump knows this: New York City has The Comission. Those Gambino deaths by Q-tard trouble me.

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bump this more, pedofascists

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>why do leftists always need a dozen paragraphs to make a point?

Pets takes after their masters. Jews love pilpul and use it on the daily. Their golems have picked up the habit because they see it impressed/stuns rubes. Plus it takes fucking years to retort, and by the time people finish reading/listening to them gab, they're already tired and don't want to hear anymore.

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That's why they are pushing to make criticism of it illegal before it is even socially acceptable

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This is crucial to understanding pilpul. Not only is it a nightmare to refute—because their argument is rarely based in reality—but in a debate setting, the audience just gets tired of listening to the back and forth. It's basically poison for reasoned discussion, and it's one of their most effective weapons until you can recognize it.

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Yea, but not to the death.

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Guess the glownigger bot has been put upon this actually decent thread. That this rambling qnigger hasn’t been banned should tell you a lot

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>Being legitimately schizophrenic

It's blatantly obvious by your hypergraphia and retarded posts.

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it can be dealt with, usually with the use of simple "farm" analogies.

for example on the subject of immigration:

"a pig born in a kennel doesn't become a dog".

it works because it's based on fundamental self-evident things, and as such, are not debatable.

in a (honest) discussion there is the possibility for both sides to bring solid but contradictory points, it happens.

when talking to jews or lefties, this is not a discussion, since everything they'll say is a lie, either directly, or in implications.

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the english language has a flaw kikes have exploited to push this queer insanity: "sex" is a very unvieldy term. it is in many cases hard to distinguish between "sex" as in being male or female and as in the act of sex.

"gender" on the, other hand, is very clear. this leads people to use "gender" in their everyday language over "sex", merely because of its practicality, and so the concept of gender anchors it self into culture via language

my native language, hungarian, and i would dare to think most other languages, have distinct words for these two meano

ings of "sex" (in hungarian being "szex" and "nem")

""i propose we invent or borrow a word for this meaning of "sex" in english, so that it would at least have a chance replacing "gender"""

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excuse my formatting

i've been going through translations in various languages, and i've taken a liking to the lithuanian word "lytis"

what's your thoughts, anons?

is this idea worth making a thread?

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File: 9f9533f45794af6⋯.jpg (21.67 KB,474x256,237:128,th.jpg)


The dissociative dasein of the alienated subject [mentally defective tranny] is the implicit last stan of globo-homo banker socialistic-disaster capitalism. They can only fudge imaginary leger numbers and sell you [d]eff[ea]tism.

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File: 03a2de7b83d5994⋯.gif (786.38 KB,500x302,250:151,tumblr_ma8fv83Knj1qk4y43o1….gif)



>sex; gender

>animal cultivation; man

In the Anglosphere, identification switched from gender (Man, Woman) to sexman/female on official paperwork of 'citizens' . . .

This has legalistic import (casuistic, but active) as the switch from human to animal with respect to certain law paradigms in place.

Why was Roosevelt empowered to seize Constitutionally mandated legal tender [gold, silver]? – US debt was incorporated under the Federal District of Columbia – a mirror of The City of London – with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act to service war debt, 'citizens' thereafter adjudged 'incompetent' (as good as infants, literally; hence the push for 'abortion on demand' to cull 'free range' fetuses on a whim)

It is, in Their terms a half-truth that there is a multiplicity of Man (gender) insofar as the possession of X &Y chromosomes, or simple shuffling between matrilineal & patrilineal genes: one is always some of both. It suggest more importantly the heterogeneity of Man within an Order-of- Rank [in the Nieztchean denotation].– The vast masses of humanity are inferior and subordinate functions of a supraorganism of the Race en toto, of which they acede to themselves Executive Function.

No one cries upon shedding skin or cutting cuticles. This is a corporate homunculus (the big, manifold Them ) driving a witless golem (mankind).

As Joseph Farrell puts it so punishingly: We are in the position of chickens, being farmed by other chickens that categorically deny any resemblance whatsoever between us, or any ethics that might entail or oblige,– often for no other reason than because they can – moreover: it's a waste not to'' . . .

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File: cdb229752fa3f62⋯.jpg (613.41 KB,1285x1808,1285:1808,lgbt.jpg)



I miss the "/lgbt/ likes /pol/" jokes from before. Just another bit of site culture that has long since been lost.

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*I mean, what is Clymer known for?

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/pol/ x /lgbt/ is cute

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Degeneracy will never be remembered in the annals.

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Fuck off, /lgbt/

We don't want to fuck your ass

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He looked like a frog , now he looks like a frog in a wig.

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a member of my family "came out"…. a stern man in his 60s. out of the blue. family is devastated and wants to do SOMETHIGN but he's already surrounded himself with therapists that desperately need to be killed that are enabling his delusions.

trying to fix the problem before he passes the point of no return. there is nowhere to take him to any kind of help or therapy that wont just push him further into a black hole. realistically, i dont know how to stop this from happening or how to fix his mental illness and there is no such thing as professional help.

any ideas?

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>If you're a "new" person, then you're not insert his real name here

>Since you're not insert his real name here, and you're one of those sick trannies, I don't want to know you.


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Had an online friend who said they wanted to become a boy. Asked what their parents said. 'They're ok with it. Told them their parents were shit and that if they were going to self harm I couldn't be friends with them any more and cut contact. Year or so later I see them again and they thankfully had gotten over it.

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its a mental illness. theyve been experimenting with crossdressing from a young age, and was the no doctors/notherapists/no talking type. now hes going for it and finally getting help and the help is harmful.

his children/wife dont know what to do.

professionals make it worse. its not easy to abandon a father that was there for you your entire life when he's in his golden years and really in the middle of a mental crisis. they want to fix it and are not supporting it.

they want to fix his depression/agony in regards to this, but therapists just go "lol just get a sex change operation" and dont actually help, so i wanted to find some practical advice for this person.


glad that worked. but in this case "cutting contact" would make their exclusive contact a bunch of tranny enablers.

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Nah implicit Dick Spencer is not this manly..

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TV is dying. What will they do then for propaganda? Try to control the internet? Go ahead. It's all fun and games until a country you don't like makes a competing platform that people can access. In order to get people to look at your content, you need content that will be attracted to. Speech is a product, and when you flood the market with kike propaganda, people tend to get sick of it and want to watch something else.

The thing about kikes is that they do not adapt. Kikes always get thrown out of a country when some sort of new communication method comes about. Now we live in an age of rapid advancement, and the kike is unable to survive in this era. Hell just look how they have remained culturally unchanged over the centuries.

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Looks like Meatloaf in a dress

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he needs testosterone

he also needs to explore his desire to be someone else who is specifically female

why does he desire this?

why does he feel that femininity can only be expressed by a female?

there is a lot to unpack and men who are hitting retirement age are susceptible to the brainwashing of the trans movement due to both lower testosterone levels and feeling less manly/man-like as they near retirement and see that someone will need to care for them

does he feel that only women are deserving of being looked after in old age?

a good therapist would help him unpack this shit and get back to feeling good in his own skin

sorry that there's no such thing

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And they don't think they're mentally-ill

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Suicidal trannys have killed more people this year than all mass shooting event combined. The Transpocalypse is here.

Honk Honk

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