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File: 27473347997ec46⋯.jpg (118.28 KB,736x866,368:433,4934762be89367066f114e37c7….jpg)

 No.13516424 [View All]

I have commented on 4chan for the last 2 wks. I recently started going on 4chan because I've studied evolutionary biology 6 years and spent time in Cameroon and have found that iq is directly related to genetics and genetics and iq are related to race. I'm frustrated because every time I've commented on 4chan about race and iq the thread shuts down. I only commented not started a thread. Today I started a thread about well studied facts relating to race and iq and after 10 comments it got shut down. I never used the word nigger, spic, etc. Just facts and logic. It seems as though it's fine to talk about rounding up niggers and gassing them but once you bring up iq rates linked to demotivation, violence, and sex crimes it's no longer acceptable. I have known for a long time about iq and race/ethnicity/gender but have no outlet to talk about it. Any way this gets censored and if so, wtf do we do when an average of 82 iq group people are dominant over not just the US, but the west in general?

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No, the referenced partnership between the real Muslims and the City of Melbourne on the real sign put up at a real beach is allegedly fake according to the tweet of a representative of an enemy institution.

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I hate to get into /x/ territory, but I have thought similar thing, like what if the whole purpose of competing races, religions,etc was simply a test to see which species deserved to be taken off world to the next level. Or what if we are in the middle of a system reboot, a literal organic virus in the system jews is causing havoc, praying to different gods is essentially the AI (us praying the "code" necesary to get a reboot, essentially multiple AIs competing at once for who controls the OS. I'lll stop before I get too retarded.

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File: 561c3da6d819434⋯.jpg (221.67 KB,1187x652,1187:652,95-115IQ university dumb m….jpg)

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The problem is that won't happen because humans no longer have to adapt. We aren't in primal territory anymore. We live comfortably and more and more rely on technology to think for us. It seems more likely the opposite will happen unless we use gene therapy which is highly unlikely. Genes are too complex and the only way to alter genes would be to do it by taking the sperm and egg and altering the male and females dna and somehow raising a baby in a lab. Which is improbable. And there's genetic modification like in plants but it's more complex in humans and probably isn't attainable for the next half millennia at least. There's cloning…but it seems improbable anyone would want an exact clone of themselves to be their offspring. The best thing we can do is limit technology in some instances, separate races, and push forward. I don't see things working out long term. Also if there's no whites in 300 years, I guarantee mass nuclear war. I'm not religious but I don't think this would have happened if the west were as religious as it was 100 years ago. Religion is good for the whole of society long term in my opinion. Mainly it brings morals and standards to society to prevent the idea of cultural marxism. A Christian offshoot like Mormonism which believes whites are God's chosen would be best. But idk. Eventually people rebel against everything. It will happen again. If we start a new system, I don't think it would last longer than 200 years.

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if we have a nuclear war we will be back into "primal territory" … and then nature will once again run her course, again, she does not stop, she does not go back, whites will emerge victorious (until something even better evolves). The equation really is that simple. There is no path to victory for all lesser genetics, and no path to failure for whites. Even if humans are 100% extincted, nature will reinvent us, and even faster then before, and next time around stronger faster and smarter then ever before.

But there will be no mass extinction for humans, not without a planet wide mass extinction event (like the moon hitting the earth), anything short of cataclysmic wont extinct humans. We are worse then cockroaches when it comes to ability to survive. Any event which kills off 99.99% of humans is perfect btw, a planetary wide reset, allowing whites to get back on top of food chain, the total destruction of all religions and ideological nation states. Perhaps most importantly the opportunity for the planet to rejuvenate her ecosystems for a few thousand years. Your are right that the current course is toxic, we have no adversity and so we are growing weak. Like the scene from Apocolypse Now when Willard says, "Every day I sit in this hotel room I grow weaker, and every day Charlie squats in the jungle he grows stronger." That really is the problem that currently confronts the white man, not that all the lesser races are eager to despoil our monumental achievements, not that every brown person on the planet is desperate to inject our bloodlines into thier own, but that we have nothing to challenge us. We have become bored.

We need to kick off the space race man, we need boundless space to explore, and infinite adversity to challenge us. Unfortunately we cannot do that and feed every nigger on the planet too.

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File: 3947fa11f0a91b6⋯.png (505.04 KB,1120x2499,160:357,genes and intelligence.png)


The debate has been officially over after they found the genes for intelligence. No amount of backpedaling or over explaining from those who deny reality will change that. And as technology allows us to better study our genes, it's only going to be more apparent in our favor.


Even with their kiked alternatives niggers still underperform

>Blacks have lower emotional intelligence than Whites https://archive.fo/3oZJ3


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Where is your source on this - have you results from a 80IQ nigger showing 20% white DNA, similarly have you results of a pure breed nigger showing the same - lets say Luther King - he looks 100% nigger , and although we know he was a jew controlled creation, can we determine that he was indeed an 80?

On top of my head i cannot list what i determine to be 100% nigger breed, but i am sure there are some in the spotlight.

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4chan is not a free speech platform, few communications platforms on the internet today are pro-free speech.

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On the other hand, human beings are clearly logical and emotional existences. Maybe the idea of 'emotional intelligence' is just how much emotions prevail over logical thinking in an individual.

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Very astute observaation.

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EIQ is probably tied directly to IQ. It just depends on how much of a person's thought is tinged by emotion, that is probably dependent on personality and brain structure.

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Reality is not subjective, only human perception.

That doesn't mean that human beings are unable to interpret their perception in an objective way.

It's like the idea that free will does not exist, simply a cop out for people who lack self-discipline and restraint. An excuse for human error. I think human error is definitive proof that free will exists, after all we can aim to do something and yet fail.

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The fucked up thing this this - similar to the slave master giving over white DNA onto the monkey by fucking it, our white women and now doing the same on a much bigger scale.

Is this nature's was of leveling the playing field by breeding out niggers, if so, then how long will this process take?

Why does high IQ not consider sex and the consequences or impact that this has on our intelligence. I know tou are going to say that wll, it is the jews that are responsible for promoting this, but what of the slave masters fucking monkeys through lack of fucking control.

What is the long term implications of a sustained attack on our DNA?

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It's normal for an aggressive invading culture to subordinate and mix their genetics into a submissive inferior culture. Generally wouldn't that breed the more aggressive traits of the successful culture into the weaker one?

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>Fritz Springmeier

Newfaggot here - please explain this in lay terms. What is the point of this webm in the context of this conversation ?

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because faggots anon

pedophiles and faggots!

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Here is a point made during a conversation between a few like minded people. Polish people are known for their backwardness, and the inability to think or behave subjectively - i know this because i work with them and i see this. They would take my ideas and present it as theirs, or mimic compassion so that it appears as though they are as such - much like the Jews.

Now i see the Poles in this sense as aggressive towards Brits for example. For example, a Pole and a Brit makes a baby, the baby will tend to attach itself towards the aggressive Pole because the Pole is mimicking what it is now learning that a Human Person really is. In this sense the more aggressive trait is therefore overwhelming the weaker - I believe that this is similar to what happened to the Whites in the Usa, during the Polish invasion of the 1980s.

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fuck you fucking kike.

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found the toilet cleaning Pole.

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I love how most of the people in this board assume they have an high IQ while most of them probably have a below average IQ

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Are you suggesting that high IQ is not race determinant ?

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I love how you assume people are assuming rather than being tested.

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No, you don't understand you emote using faggot. This was on cuckchan /pol/ itself. There's zero way the other boards would allow shitskin hate threads too. I don't understand why the stupid jannies their /pol/ are so afraid of the truth.

By the way, this image is the most powerful thing against leftists I have ever seen in my life. They cannot begin to stop their autistic screeching or suffer malfunction https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1419417030720.jpg

Mention all the slavery of niggers in Libya and and Africa to this very day too with images. They aren't intelligent enough to fully process text and studies and that's why we have to keep making the infographs for their sake.

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Because they know it's true and it scares them. Everything revealed in the last couple of years in scientific journals have confirmed this. It's just not PC to talk about it, clown world.

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This unironically is the end goal of the kike machine, these kikes seriously believe that automation will let them dispose of Whites and North East Asians such as the Japanese.

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Race does not 'determine' IQ, but does influence it when comparing race to race. There are smart niggers and dumb niggers, just like how there are smart whites and dumb whites. Being born black doesn't automatically mean you're stupid, just that the chance of you being stupid is significantly higher.

There are certain abilities that can be improved that are measured by IQ tests, such as short term memory. Short-term memory has been improving in all races for the past fifty years or so, because we increasingly have a demand for short-term memory: We need to remember passwords for our phones and websites, and short-term memory is also required for navigating and using social media effectively. This IQ increase has been known as the Flynn effect.

General intelligence however has been in decline for at least 200 years, especially for whites, because of the industrial revolution. Whites have been living in low-stress societies with welfare states for the longest time compared to other races. This means that mutants are allowed to flourish and that more strain is put on intelligent people. Intelligent people have less reproductive success while stupid people have more. If we could measure whites from 200 years ago, we would find that the average IQ of whites would be in the 115-120 range. Since the industrial revolution IQ (or better said general intelligence) has been dropping by about 1 point per generation.

A solution to this declining intelligence would implement a massive state-sponsored eugenics program. We need to sterilize mutants, we need to significantly increase the reproduction of smart people, and we need to use modern techniques like gene selection and IVF in order to prevent heritable disease from expressing itself in the next generation.

The other solution is to just let nature run its course. But that would probably mean war and strive again for the future.

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>My mind figures those things out quickly.

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The Exodus happened for a reason, newfag.

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File: d5da0cb8ab36777⋯.jpg (1.54 MB,3888x2592,3:2,You Can Weaponize Ebola.jpg)




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I've thought the same on both a "we're alone" basis and as a "alien research project" manner.

We develop competing systems on our own and make constant war on ourselves as some meta game of natural selection.

Anything significantly advanced enough but not totally omnipotent would benefit to see if any novel forms of attacks or logic would emerge among the stars. Space is vast. A extraterrestrial intelligence could give us a 30 light year bubble and not sweat the loss of resources

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isn't going to work, if/when AI get's so sophisticated it can maintain itself, it isn't going to need masters anymore

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Africans have to be cursed. there's no other way to explain their wild and primitive nature.

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Where can I get some of that ebola-chan art?

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File: 9a72a07dbf91df6⋯.jpg (8.99 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg)


The (((emotional intelligence))) test has been critizised for enabling cheating in a test.

Imagine this, you can get a better score if you lie.

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>90% of the comments on every thread seem to be planted by those who want to discredit reality. I almost feel like it's been totally taken over by the establishment/deep state whatever the fuck that means.

it's mostly bots

they don't read the pics posted, so communicating only via images is the current way to avoid them

jannies tend to prune those threads though

it's why I migrated here

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File: 584403b6650db6a⋯.jpg (61.9 KB,458x641,458:641,AI.jpg)

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File: 8fd2b4a81527df9⋯.png (170.72 KB,1325x1299,1325:1299,who invented gender john m….png)

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File: f026ea6e24c8b98⋯.jpg (75.61 KB,932x1024,233:256,DzzLcpjUUAARtMW.jpg)

>Ctrl+F Hitler

>Zero results


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File: eedb64c78bb1169⋯.jpg (59.06 KB,960x960,1:1,fag.jpg)


>Ashkenazi Jews have higher iqs but

That is wrong. If you actually look into it, the data for it is a case of intentionally picking elite samples. The higher result is caused by sampling predominantly only higher education, which makes it only representative of the standards set by higher education and not of the actual general population's intelligence. In reality their values are actually on the same level of other nearby Arab nations.

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> Ashkenazi Jews have higher iqs

This was literally invented in 2007 with a study that said "if their over representation at ivy league schools were legit we calculate they would have to have an avg IQ of 115" it was intended to prove the opposite of the trash you're spouting because everyone knows jews have lower IQs than whites.

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>I have known for a long time about iq and race/ethnicity/gender but have no outlet to talk about it.

Write a book. It'll be hard to find a publisher, but you can look at who published many similar books.

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I got banned from niggerchan and I consider it a blessing

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It's a social engineering platform no different from reddit or this place.

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File: 2e781bf061ef08c⋯.jpeg (142.28 KB,1024x944,64:59,02908154b29f7537c586eafae….jpeg)


I would say there is a bit of a difference and that would be the intensity of the social engineering. On halfchan the threads fly by fast and as a result the catalog is filled predominantly with bots or just trash that is spammed enough times to survive. Reddit on the other hand ensures a self-regulatory system to stamp out wrongthink by simply making it invisible. So by ignoring fullchan and just by going with comparison between Reddit and halfchan: contrary to your fenceshitter mentality, it is very much different even if you do not have one that is free of it.

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File: 18943183af775e7⋯.jpg (75.93 KB,1320x773,1320:773,463454356435.JPG)

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wheres this picture from? whats the name of that girl? she thick as fuck

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iluminaties poison black people with fluoride water. You make part of that, your are in the alien deception, YOU GONNA DISSAPEAR. I truly don´t want that to happen, but how you try to solve the problems you dont gonna win.

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Reminder. Pinker and other (emphasis on the atheism) popular scientists all support the gay agenda as social progress. Apparently the purpose of sex organs is open to interpretation, in fields like biology. They aren't activists or revolutionaries, though. Just stuffy PhD's who should never be held accountable for what science has revealed to them. Also, the religious, especially Christians and Muslims are the root cause of world conflict. Jews are a-ok. Don't be a bigot.

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