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File: 5558e02b51d90db⋯.jpg (2.08 MB,2181x1223,2181:1223,jfk-edit.jpg)

 No.13515837 [Last50 Posts]

Here is JFK's letter to Ben Gurion demanding inspection of the Dimona nuclear reactor:

Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

I welcome your letter of May 12 and am giving it careful study.

Meanwhile, I have received from Ambassador Barbour a report of his conversation with you on May 14 regarding the arrangements for visiting the Dimona reactor. I should like to add some personal comments on that subject.

I am sure you will agree that there is no more urgent business for the whole world than the control of nuclear weapons. We both recognized this when we talked together two years ago, and I emphasized it again when I met with Mrs. Meir just after Christmas. The dangers in the proliferation of national nuclear weapons systems are so obvious that I am sure I need not repeat them here.

It is because of our preoccupation with this problem that my Government has sought to arrange with you for periodic visits to Dimona. When we spoke together in May 1961 you said that we might make whatever use we wished of the information resulting from the first visit of American scientists to Dimona and that you would agree to further visits by neutrals as well. I had assumed from Mrs. Meir's comment that there would be no problem between us on this.

We are concerned with the disturbing effects on world stability which would accompany the development of a nuclear weapons capability by Israel. I cannot imagine that the Arabs would refrain from turning to the Soviet Union for assistance if Israel were to develop a nuclear weapons capability - with all the consequences this would hold. But the problem is much larger than its impact on the Middle East. Development of a nuclear weapons capability by Israel would almost certainly lead other larger countries, that have so far refrained from such development, to feel that they must follow suit.

As I made clear in my press conference of May 8, we have a deep commitment to the security of Israel. In addition this country supports Israel in a wide variety of other ways which are well known to both of us. [4-1/2 lines of source text not declassified]

I can well appreciate your concern for developments in the UAR. But I see no present or imminent nuclear threat to Israel from there. I am assured that our intelligence on this question is good and that the Egyptians do not presently have any installation comparable to Dimona, nor any facilities potentially capable of nuclear weapons production. But, of course, if you have information that would support a contrary conclusion, I should like to receive it from you through Ambassador Barbour. We have the capacity to check it.

I trust this message will convey the sense of urgency and the perspective in which I view your Government's early assent to the proposal first put to you by Ambassador Barbour on April 2.


John F. Kennedy

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no military foreign aid either, and only like $10 grand a year or something like that, then JFK dies, LBJ is in, israel gets nukes, tanks, aircraft, $1000000000000000000000 dollars a day, everything, whole 9 yards. HMM

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Seems that Israel had a pretty good motivation for offing president Kennedy, it makes more sense than the BS Oswald magic bullet nonsnse.

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File: 1cd87ef8a0f3be9⋯.jpg (208.62 KB,591x647,591:647,JFK on Hitler.jpg)

JFK was the last real president.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nobody cares about the garbage arsenal from the country the first to put garbage on the moon. The Rothschild family should commit mass suicide right away before China has their way with them.

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but US aid for what?? What do the Jew say it's for? Defense? The fuck? Does the US get aid from any country?

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Wrong. They are all bastards.

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Europe has to pay America for defense, but America mostly defends a country that doesn't pay shit.

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>When I'm never wrong

Nice try, retard.

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In the Hebrew Bible and Jewish religious law, a mamzer (Hebrew: ממזר, lit. "estranged person") is a person born from certain forbidden relationships or from incest (as defined by the Bible), or the descendant of such a person.

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JFK was one of the few based Democrats.

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>certain forbidden relationships

Mamzer specifically refers to RACEMIXED MONGRELS.

It only appears in two instances in the Bible (once in Deuteronomy, and once in Zechariah).

In the KJV it is translated as "bastard".

It is really important that people understand that mamzer means a mongrel. You can tell which bible translations are comped by whether they translate mamzer correctly.

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It's interesting that you draw on the literal talmudic definition of the word

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A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.


Bastard meant a mongrel and only until very recently.


In Deuteronomy it broadly means anyone of an illegitimate birth (including racemixed).

And a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod, and I will cut off the pride of the Philistines.


Here in Zechariah, it specifically, and unavoidably means a RACEMIXED PEOPLE. Look at all the many translations of it. Only the NLV and ISV and New Heart English Bible and a few others incorrectly translates it the bulk of the translations are correct.

The commentary

Pulpit Commentary'

Verse 6. - A Bastard. The word (mamzer) occurs in Deuteronomy 23:2 (3, Hebrew), where it may possibly mean "a stranger." It is generally considered to signify one whose birth has a blemish in it - one born of incest or adultery. In Deuteronomy the LXX. renders, ἐκ πόρης, "one of harlot birth;" here, ἀλλογενής, "foreigner." The Vulgate has separator, which is explained as meaning either the Lord, who as Judge divides the just from the unjust, or the Conqueror, who divides the spoil and assigns to captives their fate. Here it doubtless signifies "a bastard race" (as the Revised Version margin translates); a rabble of aliens shall inhabit Ashdod, which shall lose its own native population. The Targum explains it differently, considering that by the expression is meant that Ashdod shall be inhabited by Israelites, who are deemed "strangers" by the Philistines. Ashdod (see note on Amos 1:8). The pride. All in which they prided themselves. This sums up the prophecy against the several Philistine cities. Their very nationality shall be lost.

In short; God hates mongrels.

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>Bastard meant a mongrel and only until very recently.

Bastard meant a mongrel and only until very recently did it mean otherwise.

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File: 3ed544557d2aee7⋯.png (967.05 KB,1581x894,527:298,wink.png)

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Took place on Air Force One, iirc.

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File: 5a6a206570a969c⋯.png (15.74 KB,963x194,963:194,2019-07-19 (17_44_05).png)

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>In short; God hates mongrels.

<the jews, aka the hysops, aka mongrels, as his 'chosen people'

Seems legit.

Any European who worships sand demons, by any name, is a fool.

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Europeans where against race mixing before the bible was a thing. We don't need desert morals.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


JFK was a Dem but if you look at the things he strove for it was practically Republican given todays standards.

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They manufacture their own tanks, but your point is understood.


LMAO, get out.

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Why would I not?

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Read Martin Luther - The Jews and Their Lies.

If I have to, I'll go find the "chosen part".

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Where's that Q fag at? Big week? 4:49, 19th? All BS as usual. That fag is just a computer using data to brainwash the feeble-minded. Nothing ever happens and nothing ever will. Dumb fags. Probably believe there was actually a missile shot in WA at AF1.

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And wherever there should be a spark of sense and reason in them, they would certainly think to themselves thus: "O Lord God, things are not right with us, our misery is too great, our exile too long and too hard, God has forgotten us," etc. I, of course, am not a Jew, but I seriously do not like to think about such terrible wrath of God over this nation. I shudder so much that it penetrates my body and life. What will be the eternal wrath of God in hell over all false Christians and unbelievers?

Well, the Jews may regard our Lord Jesus Christ as whatever they desire; we see the fulfillment of Luke 21:20-23: "When ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh-for these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled." (King James Version, Chapter 21:20, 22].

In short, as was said: Do not dispute much with the Jews about the articles of our faith. From childhood they have been brought up with poison and hatred against our Lord, that there is no hope until they arrive at the point where through their misery they become soft and compelled to confess that the Messiah has come and is our Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise it is altogether too soon, yea, altogether in vain to dispute with them … In order to strengthen our faith, we shall consider a few instances of foolishness in their faith and interpretation of the Scriptures, because they slander our faith in such a mean way. Should it bring about the improvement of a Jew, that he become ashamed, so much the better! We are not talking with the Jews, but of the Jews and their deeds, which our German people well know.

They hold one principle on which they depend and in which they trust so much. That is, they are born of the highest people on earth, of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob, etc. We (Goyim) heathen are not human beings in their sight, but hardly worthy to be regarded as worms. For we are not of that high, noble blood, birth and descent.

This is their argument, and in my opinion the foremost and strongest. Therefore, God must suffer them in their schools, prayers, songs, doctrine and entire life; there they stand before Him and pester Him (that I may speak of God in such human manner). He must hear how they exalt themselves and praise God for separating them from the heathen, and permitting them to be born of the holy fathers and chosen them for His own, holy nation, etc. And there is no end of boasting about blood and bodily birth of the fathers.

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>Europeans where against race mixing before the bible was a thing. We don't need desert morals.

I'm not even Christian I'm just trying to point out that only false Christians are happy with racemixing and to reform all the Churches I get the chance to proselytize at into knowing the evils of racemixing.

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I have posted that pic in almost every JFK thread for the last few years.

I never thought to name the congressman winking at LBJ. Good job anon.


>Took place on Air Force One, iirc.

Yes that is the swearing in of LBJ on the plane before it left for DC.

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Martine Luther was a Saint.

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File: bfb23b6121a1bc8⋯.png (728.09 KB,691x710,691:710,JIDF Reporting In.png)


With our money. Fuck off yid.

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File: 3c5153ebffe9ec6⋯.jpg (439.67 KB,2000x2500,4:5,DeanRusk.jpg)

File: 671a6d5befe483d⋯.jpg (14.21 KB,153x214,153:214,walt_rostow.jpg)



>muh knight of camelot


>Wrong. They are all bastards.

Checked. JFK and RFK both sold the country out to jews in the state department. The background checks of kikes related were personally pushed through by RFK in return for favors that got JFK elected (despite having documented ties to the USSR and US communist orgs).

documented in ths book >>13516134

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Calls me a Yid, posts Jewish propaganda.

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Anybody wanna prove to me that nukes are real?

I'm on the fence, leaning towards nonsense.

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File: 1b71e4987b8be15⋯.jpg (881.23 KB,1713x2696,1713:2696,Pages from The_Ordeal_Of_O….jpg)

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>Walt Rostow

I would bet my life he's the spirit cucking father of Dick Cheney.

Pics 1–3: Background on Rostow.

Pic 4: JFK was killed because he exposed that the nuclear facilities in China were owned by the USSR.

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During the early 1960s, the U.S. government sought to establish a regional arms limitation agreement in the Middle East. The initiative lost steam in early 1965 after it was disclosed that the U.S. had been indirectly supplying weapons to Israel via West Germany since 1962, under the terms of a 1960 secret agreement to supply Israel with $80 million worth of armaments. The remainder of the agreement was fulfilled publicly, following its disclosure by the U.S., with Israel receiving shipments of M48 Patton tanks in 1965 and A-4E Skyhawk attack aircraft in 1968.[10]

In terms of total money received, Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of military assistance from the United States since World War II,[25] followed by Vietnam, Egypt, Afghanistan, and Turkey.[26] About three quarters of the aid is earmarked for purchases of military equipment from U.S. companies and the rest is spent on domestic equipment.[27]

yeah we didn't give you tanks or hawk missiles, fucking stupid kike

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Lot's of math and video.

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Patton tanks in 1965? They were outdated when they were produced for the US you dumb faggot.

Israel has it's own tank. It's considered to be one of the best tanks in the world.

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He was killed for attempting to expose you faggots involved with Globohomo, just like if any of you tried to go public with how deeply compromised everything is and you are yourselves, you would end up shot.

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Rusk is also mentioned by Oliver Revilo (who should be the patron saint of /pol/).



Only a literal nigger would speak about the Kennedy assassination without first reading this article.

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File: 95878e558797eb5⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,1242x1702,27:37,cd2fc352e311ff8cf081a39451….jpg)

Iran's nuclear program and Syria's civil war may seem unconnected, but they are. For Israeli

leaders, the real threat from a nuclear-armed Iran is not the prospect of an insane Iranian leader

launching an unprovoked Iranian nuclear attack on Israel that would lead to the annihilation of

both countries. What Israeli military leaders really worry about – but cannot talk about – is

losing their nuclear monopoly.


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I read the book on the events written by the agent that lead up the investigation. He burned you globohomo Marxists right on those pages. It's all there, everything.

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Israel was building their own tanks in 1965? Which ones? Right up to the 70's (that's as far as i've looked) they used nothing but American and British, sometimes egyptian tanks. Nothing israeli made lol. you're a fucking retard spazz

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Both tanks sold to them were based on the original Sherman. Until the 80's with the release of the Abrams, everybody in NATO was using Sherman based tanks. They were cheap and easy to replace.

Try looking up what they are rolling now, you might figure out that the world is not what you think. It's based on the Leopard. It's a good tank. It's not as good as the Leopards are, but it's good.

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You're talking to a guy that actual designs weapon systems.

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Listen you fucking dumb yid, You said they never got any tanks, only money. I showed you they got fucking tanks from every country in the world that made them at the time. Then you say "nuh-uh, those don't count, they're old"

This was a thread on JFK and I brought up the military aid Israel received after he was assassinated. What the fuck does a modern israeli MBT have to do with the topic at hand you neurotic rat? They don't make them either, they get the fucking barrels from germany. probably half the shit on that tank is from US/GER/UK and the other half is probably stolen patents.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He and his brother RFK were equally worried about the Zionist propaganda, lobbying operations, political influence, and subversion of US politics, so much so that they REPEATEDLY DEMANDED the American Zionist Council (now AIPAC) register as a foreign lobbying group as is required under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) which–you guessed it!–still has yet to happen.

JFK knew all about the Apollo Affair and worried that Israel’s nuclear program was a potentially serious proliferation risk and insisted that Israel permit periodic inspections to mitigate the danger which is something that–to this day–Israel avoids like The Plague.

Speaking of Jewish espionage, let's not forget about big-shot Jewish Hollywood movie director Arnon Milchan (director of Fight Club, JFK, Medusa's Touch, etc.) –who was a full-fledged deep-cover covert operative for Israel's top-secret intelligence agency at the time–Lekem–who, along with the current Israeli PM Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, worked together as a team in a treasonous theft of nuclear technology. He operated unabated for years, right out in the open, despite many people trying to warn the authorities about his "activities." What did Milchan have to say for himself when he was eventually caught?

"Fuck you! I did it for my country and I'm proud of it!"

Now doesn't that quote sounds eerily similar to what Jewish mobster, Jacob Leon Rubenstein better known by his goyim name–Jack Ruby said after successfully completing his mission to assassinate the patsy fall-guy in the JFK assassination (Lee Harvey Oswald) when he told his fucking Rabbi:

"I did it for the Jewish people!" ?

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Now you're just lying, just like the faggot Asian dude.

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What am I lying about, faggot? refute it

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Refute that you proved what I didn't even say wrong?

Are you retarded?

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Well Jew?

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You bitches had JFK assassinated to prevent him from exposing you insects.

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The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

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Hm. Sounds fair. What did Israel say in response?

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Since Abram had Isaac with his half sister Sarah, what does that make jews?

JFK's wife believed LBJ had him offed, he had motive and opportunity. JFK was not a great president. He miss-handled Vietnam and Cuba. None of the Kennedys were good for the country.

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LBJ didn't have the ambition.

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>JFK and RFK were worried about Zionism

Kennedy Administration

Secretary of State - (((Dean Rusk)))

Secretary of Treasury - (((C. Douglas Dillon)))

Secretary of Labor - (((Arthur Goldberg)))

Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare - (((Abraham A. Ribicoff)))

foreign policy adviser and speechwriter - (((Walt Rostow)))

Yeah, he was literally Hitler alright.


>you globohomo commies

Your reading comprehension needs some work, anon. I cited this man

>In the 1960s, Oliver broke with American conservatism.[8] Having become convinced that Welch had either tricked him or sold out to Zionist interests, he objected to what he called "the Birch hoax." He was "forced to resign" from the Society.[12]

>Oliver moved further right, working with William Luther Pierce in 1970 to form the National Youth Alliance, a white nationalist organization.



>can't into replies

We got a live one here.

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File: 2ec2048f1ceb493⋯.jpg (60.37 KB,577x517,577:517,the star spangled lie amer….jpg)


Dwight D Eisenhower was the one who ordered the National Guard to force integration in Little Rock AR at gunpoint. They stabbed a White teenage boy in the arm with a bayonet that day, and clubbed another one. This is the true nature of the Federal Government.

Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 allow international banking cartels to loan us money at interest forever enslaving us

Andrew Johnson signed the 14th amendment in 1868 making niggers and Whites "equal"

Lincoln was a melungeon devil who attacked the very vision of the founding father's by fighting the war of Northern aggression against state's rights for the expansion of the federal empire.

JFK was a whoremonger son, I'm sorry to tell you. and his wife was a whore. His brother was one of the worst race traitors I've seen other than Trump. The truth is that the federal government was only decent at inception, and died at the election of Lincoln, maybe sooner. The federal government has always been the enemy of the people. they are terrorists and slavers. and we were all born under them. the ballet box is disarmament.

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>Israel has it's own tank. It's considered to be one of the best tanks in the world.

Back in 2006, when Israel invaded Lebanon, they lost quite a few of those supposedly "impentrable" Merkava tanks.

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>Teddy Roosevelt was the last real president.


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And you are a nigger putting forth unproven and fabricated stories.

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They also lost on their own soil against Egypt, what's your point?

The tanks are still good. Have you ever looked at how many Abrams we lost in Iraq?

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You act like a single comment makes everything I say invalid. I find that behavior strange.

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>watching Prager U

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didnt the fbi release something confirming there were 2 shooters? I cant find it

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>Europeans where against race mixing before the bible was a thing.

Lmao the state of larpagan historical knowledge.

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It wasnt even great at inception. The US was founded by masons on (((enlightenment))) values. (((Patriots))) cannot be natsocs

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Rothschilds control China too.

>Who are the Sassoon Family

>Sassoons are the "Rothschilds of the East" and interbred with the Rothschilds directly to make more Satan spawn

Lurk Moar

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Kike disinfo. JFK was killed over Dimona. The world knows it. Gaddafi said it himself. Israel killed JFK.

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That quote is plastered literally all over the internet, retard. It's one of those few quotes that you immediately know is true.

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But the answer is Prelude to Leadership, just so I don't have commies telling me I don't source shit.

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The next line of that quote:He had boundless ambition for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world

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Never happened, jew.

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The US was a Representative Nationalist state with a Fascist style emergency protocol in the case of major conflict.

The country was Whites only, and the Africans were slaves of primarily Jews.

The Freemasonry stuff is nothing today like it was then. Today is what is called Notional Freemasonry or Speculative Freemason. It is nothing like the Freemasonry of the old days. Todays Freemasons are borderine larping

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File: b3fe9e802aab219⋯.jpg (55.67 KB,720x689,720:689,jfk_fast_travel.jpg)


I do it so it can be sourced in the thread


thanks. This shit really is pretty blackpill to realize he was the last one actually calling any shots. I saw it was the 20th anniversary of JFK Jr's crash recently and was thinking we needed a JFK thread.

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Learn English before you try to post here. I'm not trying to be mean, but someone with your level of English mastery is literally worthless to the cause.

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The fuck are you on? Other than a missed capitalization that anon's English in that post wasn't atrociously bad at all

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>This shit really is pretty blackpill to realize he was the last one

>This shit really is pretty blackpill to realize he was the last one

If you think that is English, you are retarded.

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Key word is atrociously bad, anon.

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Literally what, you fucking jew?

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File: 3a58e6519202718⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,246x138,41:23,hqdefault.jpg)


>Ben Gurion

>"I am a Bolshevik" – upon returning from a USSR visit

Guess (((who))) was Defense Minister at the time of JFK's assassination, resigning shortly thereafter? Every Chosen PM has been from a former Warsaw Pact country, or had parents therefrom.

WWI was almost exclusively fought to procure The Balfour Declaration (Mischling Churchill's, "Bolshevism or Zionism / Cecil Rhodes & Rothschild relations); Trotsky was pushed out once his Anglo-banking ties were uncovered. The Chosen State is from its inception both Anglo-finance and secondarily Zionist/Bolshevist. Chosen technology espionage & backdooring (biggest Intel factory in Chosenland) is hitting the US from both sides, as China force transfers anything not physical outsourced manufacturing. Look what Russia offered Turkey now the US is withholding F-35 sales because of S-400 deal!''

The USSR didn't collapse anymore than the 3rd Reich (the army surrendered, not the Party) – all the so-called oligarchs and Western asset stripping were done by either Merchants or Anglo-Zionists. 1-Belt-1-Road is the new face of the Iron Curtain.

Western acceptance of the new ‘liberalization’ as genuine would create favorable conditions for the fulfillment of communist strategy …. The ‘Prague spring’ was accepted by the West, and not only by the left, as the spontaneous and genuine evolution of a communist regime into a form of democratic, humanistic socialism despite the fact that basically the regime, the structure of the party, and its objectives remained the same …. A broader-scale ‘liberalization’ in the Soviet Union and elsewhere would have an even more profound effect.”

Anatolily Golitsyn, New Lies for Old, 1984

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File: 58487432e3c1b69⋯.jpg (13.04 KB,246x138,41:23,hqdefault.jpg)

(((They))) in-themselves are nothing outside of the Anglo-Rothschild axis; gifting Chosenland atomic weapons would be equivalent to making international banking a nuclear power (USSR being a less controllable dialectic foil)


>equally worried about the Zionist propaganda, lobbying operations, political influence, and subversion of US politics,

Venona Cables – Soviet reuse of old ciphers, starts immediately post-WWII

Harry Dexter White – ^ + Chambers testimony (FDR close advisor) – ordered atom bomb materials/plans (inc. refine Uranium) shipped out of Washington to Vlaviostock toward end of WWII; caught by harbormaster countermanding "do not inspect" order. 'dies of heart attack' before he can be tried.

Silvermaster Spy Ring (China-born merchant learns impeccable UK accent; eventually leads to Rosenbergs, later Pollard et.al.)

Kissinger's various Bi-National Research Foundations

JFK was apprised of this, together with his longstanding alliance with McCarthy & Sec of Navy Forrestal. His father was too involved in politics to not know what FDR's unilateral recognition of the Bolshevik government signified (1st western power to do so)

FR's a detailed litany of his treason which set this stage:


"'Harry, what the hell are you doing campaigning for that crippled son of a bitch that killed my son Joe?'" – Kennedy patriarch to Truman following botched mission that 'accidentally' vaporized JFK's older brother. Both car & plane accidents are Soviet era assassination calling cars (& presumably of the Anglo-Redshields)

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Fuck off faggot

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Get out Jew.

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Do you ever get tired of calling people jews, when you, are in fact, a jew yourself?

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Keep telling yourself that, kike.

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File: bcab77177a4a9cc⋯.jpg (157.3 KB,922x676,461:338,arguing.jpg)

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You that ass blasted that I defeated your bullshit above?

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The refusal to put God and Race in the Constitution tells us all we have to know about the real moral character of those people. Cucks to the hilt.

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Jews killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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There was no need to stipulate on race because no one could have envisaged America would fall so low as to classify niggers and spics as equals.

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>JFK was apprised of this, together with his longstanding alliance with McCarthy & Sec of Navy Forrestal.

Fuck until this moment I never thought of the connection to Forrestal he was suicided while being held in an asylum.

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Vanunu was right.

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>[4-1/2 lines of source text not declassified]

Dear God, the kikes don't even want us to know where our money is being spent on them.

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>I'm a kike that posts misquotes

Meanwhile in the real world, he (((integrated))) the schools AKA forced the rape of niggerdom onto Whites. There are no good presidents.


I guess that's really good for kikes, but that isn't our manual. The same kikes that wrote that enforce race-mixing on us.

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File: 20ea5e46fa5bcc9⋯.png (464.98 KB,500x500,1:1,cover.png)

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Is in his diary.

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File: d4bb23fd5b6eec5⋯.jpg (10.22 KB,188x268,47:67,F3.jpg)

File: 467fc3f8b3482f1⋯.jpg (6.51 KB,107x153,107:153,F1.jpg)

File: 4471610aa0b80ae⋯.jpg (4.76 KB,102x145,102:145,F2.jpg)


> Forrestal he was suicided while being held in an asylum.

There is another son of an obvious homicide out of a window that successfully sued on the basis of declassified assassination manuals from the glowapes (e.g. blunt force to the head to disable, + ls an/or alcohol before defenestration). The name escapes me, but there are normie documentaries out on it.

* Frank Olsen

"Frank Olsen's family claim CIA threw him from a hotel window and covered up his death after he witnessed torture by agency operatives in Europe"


(from appearances, likely a Scandinavian crypto-merchant; bio-chem warfare researcher)

Forrestal's killing fit all these features; the initial tainted drinks interrogation session was casual enough, but the dose may have intentionally been catastrophic enough to justify later removal (he was a Majestic 12 guy, no less.) Arguably JFK's most important ally within military circles.

Then there's the "JFK is becoming a Soviet dupe/sympathizer for talking to Krushchev/Bay of Pigs."

– It doesn't jive with being as close with McCarthy as he was, in addition to the aforementioned. From (((these))) glowing types with [zio]Anglophile loyalties, it should be taken as dog whistle toward the Paperclip SS faction Dulles presided over (translation services overwhelmingly Ukranian; see Peter Levenda) – Which is ultimately Gehlen's spy network from WWII & prior within Russia, too.

JFK's inability to distinguish between the two [or simply being gatekept, Dulles was in the Anglo pocket from day 1 with the OSS in WWII] is what made him institutionally vulnerable after Forrestal's killing. Crossing the mob (his likely actual point of contact with these circles) didn't help either. Dulles' OSS Southeast Europe Chief contact, Frank (((Wisner))),** former Wallstreet/Navy/& Gehlen liason, which helped arrange the Iran coup was almost certainly doubling for the Soviets –

***His son was appointed by Obama to 'negotiate' during the Egyptian 'Arab Spring' regime change in 2011.

Dulles' being recalled to head the Warren Commission in-itself is an immense tell as to whom & what were reinstated. Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy gives the sense of how infested even the UK was by Soviet intelligence – anyone or thing OSS glows, defacto.

JFK's amicable liaisons with Eisenhower probably tipped him on the Dulles brothers (the elder complicit in the Dawes Plan after the Versailles Treaty) – the 1953 Iranian coup was a think tank product from The Wise Men – a group presaging the 'Brain Trust' in Vietnam including one Averell Harriman (Len Lease stooge, later Club of Rome/CFr guy from Truman era) – Nazi mille east intelligence was the longest standing in the region, and the Mosaddegh coup was more a flip of soft power tenure from Soviet-Gehlen KGB, to the Western Gehlen Paperclip assets. Iran to this day is filled with German/Swiss, and the SWIFT sanctions in this direction nod at this.

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File: b37b13a936547a3⋯.jpg (589.39 KB,1940x1575,388:315,milchan netanyahu.jpg)


>He operated unabated for years, right out in the open, despite many people trying to warn the authorities about his "activities."

I think most people don't realize that this was not something from the long ago ancient times, he continued to do that up until at least the mid-1980s.


> In Los Angeles, Asst. U.S. Atty. William Fahey, who presented the case to the grand jury, would only say that “the investigation is continuing” when asked if there was the possibility of an indictment being returned against Israeli businessman Arnan Milchan, who worked with Milco to obtain the krytrons.

Arnan Milchan, Mossad operative, of course was never punished for his role, and is today an Israeli hero for bending over the US to steal nuclear technology.

> From January, 1980, to mid-December, 1982, the indictment alleges, Smyth sent Israel as many as 800 of the devices, known as krytrons, without obtaining the required license or written approval from the State Department.

Richard Kelly Smyth, of Milco International, who was indicted for smuggling the krytrons fled the country, living carefree in Spain until 2001 when he was extradited to the US.

After 16 years on the lam, a California electronics manufacturer was in U.S. court Monday to face charges of illegally exporting nuclear-weapons triggers to Israel.

> […]

> Krytrons may not be exported without a license or written approval from the U.S. State Department. Smyth was accused in the 1985 indictment of circumventing those regulations by preparing false papers for the export of roughly 800 of the tubelike devices, sent abroad in 15 shipments between January 1980 and December 1982.

> Smyth, who had been president of Milco International Inc., pleaded not guilty to the charges in 1985 before fleeing the country while free on $100,000 bail.

> "We weren't going to have him go to jail for 105 years," said his wife, Emilie.


> Smyth did not know that krytrons could be used as nuclear triggers when he sold them to Israel, Riddet said. He described his client as a patriotic American who had served his country loyally as a technical advisor to the Air Force and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Richard Kelly Smyth, "physicist, businessman, and NATO and NASA consultant on aerospace guidance technology", did not know that the krytrons could be used for nuclear detonators. Totally believable, especially considering he was working of Mossad's Milchan, notorious for enabling Israel's nuclear weapons programs.

> Smyth, he said, was a “brilliant scientist who was just not very intelligent when it came to practical matters,” such as obtaining a government permit to sell the krytrons to a foreign buyer.


Just a bumbling oaf, accidentally selling Israel forbidden parts for nuclear tech.

> Smyth was sentenced to 40 years in prison and a $20,000 fine, though he was paroled due to his "advanced age."


As always, Israel is above the law, even in matters concerning nuclear fucking weapons, and America is forever Israel's bitch.

Israel claims that "469 of [the krytrons] were returned to America, with Israel claiming the remaining 341 were 'destroyed in testing'." So it goes.

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This dude is great, thanks for sharing.


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Israel needs to be denuked. Plain and simple.

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Any country that would hold the world hostage using nuclear weapons needs to be denuclearized.

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fuck off owen >>13516048

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File: 694fa98b1f2df24⋯.jpg (74.94 KB,419x600,419:600,jewspider.jpg)

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File: 74ab7beecb01609⋯.jpg (163.57 KB,1012x675,1012:675,blackkk.jpg)

Not Mossad here. It was totally not the Jews that took JFK out. Just so you know Incels.

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File: d56eed636691783⋯.jpg (28.45 KB,260x336,65:84,51DGMM73ERL._SX258_BO1,204….jpg)


According to this book JFK raped a 10 year old girl then talked to her about his lonely childhood.

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JFK was just as dirty and just as pedo fucked as the rest of them.

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and the line after that: The Jew bastards taped me fucking a 10 year old. Praise Israel. *and I'm dead*

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Fast travel? Oh, ok thanks.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A lot of people in more recent years have suspected Forrestal's suiciding to have more to do with the Nazi survival mythos (i.e. Majestic 12), and there is a basis for it. Not only him but later Admiral Byrd and his son dying in extremely strange circumstances. As much of a believer that there is something to all of that there's something about Forrestal that doesn't quite sit right.

Beyond all that stuff he was something else which would have made him a big target for assassination and that was his vitriolic hatred for the state of Israel existing. He was also against the UN on the same level as Israel constantly speaking out against both essentially calling it out for the Jew World Order that it was going to lead to.

I wish some of the hardcore researchers dug into him over JFK all those years where they went nowhere. Many people and their stories are lost to history and his makes for an interesting dichotomy being anti-globalist and anti-Israel while at the same time playing a key part in the Third Reich's survival to some extent down south.

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They didn't put God in it because they were just ass raped by England over religious issues. Hence them even leaving that shit hole island.

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Thing to recognize is that only a minority have understood what youre aware of through time. Numbers. Like birthrates, the same applies to understanding and relevance to the identities appeal. 6 gorzillion times the jews were guilty, and 6 gorzillion times they got away with it, to pass it on heavier. You are a continuum of what you believe. If you believe in their materialistic pursuits as the end, youve lost yourself to that outside of yourself to confine yourself. (((They))) are only means to what you already are. Also, Fuck satanic, babylonian talmudic, turk/mongol khazarian shells. Mike's coming for you, and your screams beckon.

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File: 7a6ede640da6215⋯.jpg (44.33 KB,346x205,346:205,general Patton.jpg)

File: ddbd2c2542dc0e7⋯.jpg (47.2 KB,720x519,240:173,Patton's views in 1945.jpg)

File: 0fa87d8ee34bf04⋯.jpg (93.87 KB,530x543,530:543,JFK Three Strikes.jpg)

File: 37d4aee34c111e5⋯.png (258.83 KB,664x688,83:86,JFK 2.png)

File: 0fa87d8ee34bf04⋯.jpg (93.87 KB,530x543,530:543,JFK Three Strikes.jpg)


Judan if you'd check your sources you would know you're wrong. He clearly stated it in his diary when he visited Germany in the summer of 1945 as a tourist. And everything you said was started by (((Eisenhower))) that murdered would be president Patton.

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LBJ also let the USS Liberty "incident" slide and helped suppress any reaction to it.


Yeah, I don't buy the boomer Kennedy worship either. Nevertheless, I tend to assume anyone who get's neutralized was at least capable of some independent thought. Nixon, for instance, was possibly the last Republican president to question Israel and other contemporary Republican pieties. I've read that the Israelis threatened to start dropping hydrogen bombs if they didn't get vital aid during the Yom Kippur war.

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>JFK was just as dirty and just as pedo fucked as the rest of them.

Hi Rabbi

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File: 8643367c10b0890⋯.jpg (162.82 KB,498x590,249:295,heknewabout(((them))).jpg)

>I can well appreciate your concern for developments in the UAR.

>But I see no present or imminent nuclear threat to Israel from there.

>I am assured that our intelligence on this question is good and that the Egyptians do not presently have any installation comparable to Dimona, nor any facilities potentially capable of nuclear weapons production.

>But, of course, if you have information that would support a contrary conclusion, I should like to receive it from you through Ambassador Barbour.

We have the capacity to check it.

JFK knew all about the Jews and their lies.

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> if you want (((US aid))) become a vassal to us!

Only worked on dumb Europeans who had a cucked and pathetic elite after WW2.

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The word "k1ke" comes from the Hebrew word Kikel, meaning "circle" . At Ellis Island, early 1900's, any illiterate Jew immigrants were told to sign their papers with an X. But they hated Christ so much, they thought X looked too much like the Holy Cross, so they insisted on signing with a circle (kikel). Immigration officers started calling the jews "kikels", eventually shortened the word to "kikes"

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Kill yourself.

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Found 'im!

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>can't even bring himself to type the word 'kike'

You will die face down in a puddle of blood.

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File: 49e3817bcaa2c95⋯.jpg (120.3 KB,500x642,250:321,jfk on hitler.jpg)





Only the second half of that quote is true. pic related is fully true and more helpful.

Andrew Lloyd Weber said, "the old trust him, the young idolize him. It is the worship of a national hero who has served his country…"

The truth is good enough guys, little lies like this only hurt us.

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You're a jew.

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Sorry, I prefer not to get Arkancided by your hero Hellery and her M0$$ad buddies.

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Fuck off kike. Someone is going to come here to see if we're full of shit. They will research some little quote like in the first JFK meme and find out it's bullshit. This makes them question everything they learn here. /pol is about truth as propaganda.

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File: 97601a38e4b84e1⋯.gif (194.9 KB,404x416,101:104,8360a74ab987e775d2fd815bdf….gif)

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Thanks for the Memories book, Brice Taylor, writes about how JFK raped her at 10 years of age.

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File: 077a7f918a672bd⋯.gif (501.53 KB,470x277,470:277,giphy (3).gif)

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File: 2083dc3c44613c4⋯.jpg (43.06 KB,620x781,620:781,EISENHOWER - YEP, A JEW.jpg)


>(((Dwight D Eisenhower)))

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>Nobody cares about the garbage arsenal from the country the first to put garbage on the moon. The Rothschild family should commit mass suicide right away before China has their way with them.

>China has their way with them

Chink asskissing is the most annoying of larping fan fic

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File: 179aa958d8a79fc⋯.png (2.35 MB,1242x1702,27:37,that really took some guts.png)

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File: ef5c9df86953b30⋯.png (113.76 KB,450x253,450:253,Medusa Touch.png)


Shilling for old timey movie, The Medusa Touch. Has Richard Burton playing a mad kike terrorist.

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This. U.S.A Kikeswede Eisenhower => Rheinwiesenlager


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Can you even count to ten Jew?

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File: 07b14d18a69237c⋯.png (378.95 KB,800x800,1:1,SMELLY DUMB CIV NAT SCUM.png)

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You're a Jew.

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Need source and archive.

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File: cbe225cd20c2b4e⋯.jpg (12.9 KB,196x280,7:10,brotherhood-196x300-portra….jpg)

File: 50acdd7d91f75ee⋯.jpg (85.07 KB,500x431,500:431,WWII_EISENHOWER_LETERRIBLE….jpg)


>Not only him but later Admiral Byrd and his son dying in extremely strange circumstances

Admiral Byrd's brother owner a stake in the Texas Schoolbook Depository, more signaling perhaps.

Peter Levenda goes into the clergy-Cold War as an espionage vector as nearly having been groomed himself (Czech Orthodox Vietnam exemption gambit) in his Forum Borealis interview – there is one German-related one in particular in the Oswald network of associates which stands out in particular to his & Farrell's thinking [name escapes me atm]. Rockwell's presence in his contacts book is another oddity in this vein.

Under the assumption that 1.) the 4th Corporate Reich of expatriated Nazi capital remained operational, 2.) Gehlen's embedded spy network behind the Iron Curtain actively coordinate with western CIA-Paperclip/BND spys and scientists – the question then is how to operate in an [American] environment saturated with foreign agents of the USSR/UK/Rothschild-Zionists et. al. as the Venona decryptions demonstrated? And to what geopolitical ends?

As a coup (and Johnson belonging to a particularly Christian-Zionist sect, on top of being a Mason) – the ritual killing element of early Plaza as signaling has a lot of signal noise with the presence of these German elements [one would think a McCarthy & Forrestal, they would have reliably vetted anti-Communists and Anglo-Merchant nationalists, with high technology competency from Forrestal at his clearance w/ Philadelphia experiment type projects in the Navy, compartmentalized away from converged branches like the Air Force.]

On JFK's numerolgical/name parallels with Abraham Lincoln:

(Boothe was both crypto & Anglo family, if memory serves, as was the family that housed him on the run) bring the question of the Vatican's involvement – Lincoln decry's the war as the product of "black Jesuits" influence – Russia's fleet maneuvers to US ports in anticipation of British intervention are credited by Webster-Tarply types as saving America's bacon from early Balkanization.

Active subversion and infiltration here in JFK's time was in full swing – pure speculation, but suppose sexual blackmail on the Epstein Island model today was actually first conceived in The Knight of the Long Knives by the SS against the SA – cutting the last Rothschild/Anglo influenced group cord into full 3rd Position geopolitical force. A figure like (((Roy Cohn))) in JFK's midsts, seemingly a sincere anti-Communist/indifferent diaspora jew as an agent in this capacity in a Paperclip-McCarthy role wouldn't be outrageous.


>3 strikes!

2&3 were within a month of two of the happening, nukes likely the final straw. This is really good.

>Strike One: Reserve

He went further – he authorized the Treasury to issue precious metal backed tender (recalled & cancelled after his removal, of course.)

The world owes Jackie a great deal for minting the Camelot meme, as Norman Rockwell portrait Americana – a demarcation line an containment zone for the dark enchantment to follow in the 1965 Acts on immigration & 'civil rights' through mass rituals of 9/11 & Vegas; where the garden path forked off into the brambles.


>meaning "circle"

Imagine being this assblasted on being cucke by gentiles on the masiach train – they still can't bear to use "+" in the Levant today for arithmetic



The Amelekites = Alemannia meme is base on transposing the geography of the 'kin of Southwest guys' onto Russia/pale of settlement.


>"The Terrible Swedish Jew"

There are big Js an small js, – this one learned which he actually was by time of that Military-Industrial Complex speech. An the Paperclip faction of that more than likely right in its lack of cooperation and transparency as a reliable puppet for actors foreign to the US' national interest.

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I'd like the source for this quote.


Source, anon.

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Mfw chinks are playing British music and goose stepping around

Looks like their culture is also pozzed

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<Unironically posting prager to hatepol

The state of the t_d boomer refugee

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>best tank evaaaaaa!


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Every American should read and understand this

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Kill yourself boomer

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The important thing to understand about the Eisenhower administration is that it was run by Prescott Bush.

Ike was a basic military man. Not a politician. A boy-king, he knew nothing about DC, and everything was done for him.

Bush was pissed at the 20 years of FDR-Truman admins, which had tried him for trading with the enemy, since his banks were funding the Red-Shield/Flag regime in Germany.

Likewise Nixon was the 2nd youngest VP ever. Nothing but a boy. Absolutely no threat to the real power behind the throne.

This also leads us to the heavily-contested 1960 election, where Bush desperately wanted to maintain control through Nixon. It also explains the support that neocon tool Khrushchev gave Nixon in the "Kitchen debates" to try to build his credibility in the year prior to the 1960 election.

It also goes some way to explaining JFK's murder.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 767db00f81d0c3e⋯.jpg (161.35 KB,1014x1404,13:18,767db00f81d0c3e253624d37ae….jpg)


Eat shit and die faggot

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Funny how now, no government agent can talk about Israels nukes, whether theyre undercover or not

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Yeah okay whatever, modern Israel is trying to MINA, we don’t need to dredge this. Besides, destabilizing consequences don’t seem to have materialized. If we could trust all governments to be as reluctant to use nukes even in negotiation as Israel has been we might not need to worry about proliferation. That half-pint Norker fellow keeps tryin’ ta make somethin’ of his weapons.

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File: 52ee014a6ca3748⋯.jpg (46.59 KB,400x314,200:157,comedian jfk.jpg)

JFK told Israel "If you want US aid, down your nuclear bomb program"

and the he wound up dead.

The Mossad is world's leader in assassinations.

and of all theories about the JFK assassination.. this is one that it is forbidden to talk about.

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The Abrams reflects burgers, being bloated and hungry as fuck

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>and of all theories about the JFK assassination.. this is one that it is forbidden to talk about.

I read bunches of full books on the subject and no one touched this angle.

There was definite help across all the spectrums after the deed was done though.

Never forget this part as well.

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The highest echelons of Russian government were in mutual agreement to the directives put forth by the Kennedy administration. According to the FSB as well as interior documents of the era…

The C.I.A. had orchestrated the 'bay of pigs' operation to be fulfilled by the U.S. Navy. Kennedy had caught wind of this (from unnamed senators) and used extremely DL diplomatic means to communicate this to Cuba in advance. This was done on purpose as a nod to the Kremlin which had just recently conducted a friendly towards the Kennedy administration just months prior. As a result the C.I.A. in full cooperation with the U.S. Navy as well as rogue members of the legislature killed Kennedy. The government of the United States has not had full control of it's military since the powers act of 47.' The nature of the events, though with differences, is eerily similar to the 2007 film Shooter.

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What is the truth?


Replace #### with a number if you dare…

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Start here for Kennedy and move up.


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The Navy is trying to kill Trump the exact same way…


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File: 73d3da4e8283e97⋯.pdf (8.46 MB,Piper, Final Judgement 200….pdf)




This seems like some old fashioned shitposting, especially when you read the whole thing, like where it calls him 'Señor' in the beginning. His genealogy reveals German American background.


The Bushes and the old guard 20th C GOP represented the Seven Sisters Anglo-American oil interests, for the most part. At times, this ran into conflict with Zionist goals, which is why Nixon was pushed out with Watergate even though he kept Kissinger from Johnson's crew, his VP Ford was installed by Zionists especially so they could fall back on him if Nixon didn't play ball (which they did), Reagan's admin was infiltrated by neocons, Bush Sr got only one term and by the time Bush Jr was around, the whole foreign policy was determined by the neocons. And now Trump is the most singlemindedly Zionist of them all, because unlike most of the other prior presidents, he has no true political opinions of his own (i.e. no sense of direction) and thus relies on professional politicos and Zionist plants like Kushner to do his job for him.

As for the Dems, Kennedy was popped for his attempts at playing peacekeeper, Johnson was a total Zionist stooge because he was a true Machiavell and made a deal with the devil in the form of support for Israel for Jewish campaign donations and press shilling (he was unpopular and still lost), Carter tried the same as Kennedy with his lofty peacekeeping mission and was hated by Likudniks for it so he got one term, and Clinton resisted forced concessions in the form of Mossad terrorism (Oklahoma bombing, perhaps also the Cessna crash at WH might have been a threat) until 1998 when attempted blackmail using Lewinsky failed and the scandal went public. Obama signed the Iran deal and otherwise was seen as too conciliatory to Muslim interests.

All the aforementioned in public played the whole Greatest Ally part that a president is forced to play, but on the whole they fall in the categories of Zionist lackeys (Johnson, Ford, Reagan, Bush Jr, Trump) and those who tried to resist Zionist strongarming (Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, Bush Sr, Obama). Clearly there's an element of personality involved, where some of these individuals thought that they had more power as American president than they actually did or tried wrestling with Zionist power (the aforementioned latter list), some bargained with Jewish powerbrokers in order to get in office in the first place (Johnson and Trump definitely, probably also Reagan) and others had no bargaining chips and were placed there at the mercy of their sponsors (Ford and Bush Jr).

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It's funny that you mention the Bush's…

Bush senior was the crooked senator that worked with the Navy and C.I.A. to kill Kennedy as well as the attempted assassination of Reagan. Bush junior allowed the Navy to follow through with 9/11 (he just sat on the sidelines tho).

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Russia Comes “Within Seconds” Of Sinking American Warship As US Navy Revolt Worsens


US Army Takes Over Pentagon After US Navy Smuggles ISIS Snipers Into America To Kill Trump


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Navy intel was definitely involved in JFK but it would seem that in 9/11 the plants were crawling all over the bureaucracy.

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>Start here for Kennedy and move up.


By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers


>The Navy is trying to kill Trump the exact same way…


By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Posting the biggest disinfo nigger faggot on the entire interwebs


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back to top

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Look at how this retard posts.

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So the most completely faggotized branch of the Armed Against Americans military is the most involved in trying to kill the USA?

No shocker.

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Why are jews so subhuman?

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>old fashioned shitposting

His unforced & canny 'repatriations' of USSR 'nationals' ( Keelhaul ) and starvation of POWs en masse have the character of blood libel grudge. There are personal accounts of hazying/bullying on this point. His bona fides as Supreme Allied Commander were wholly unremarkable otherwise.


>The highest echelons of Russian government were in mutual agreement to the directives put forth by the Kennedy administration.

Moon missions were agree to be joint in principle, and/or sharing of any information gleaned. This seems to have been a way to circumvent a Paperclip Germans in both countries [rockets tended to conveniently crash in places like Mexico].

>The C.I.A. had orchestrated the 'bay of pigs' operation to be fulfilled by the U.S. Navy. Kennedy had caught wind of this

There were already missiles in place + ~40k Russian troops – the Turkey ICBMs' gesture was a farce – There are several possibilities:

– 1.) A nuclear war was desired [culling]

– 2.) A nuclear escalation was not anticipated [Pokerface, ignorance, obstruction via 1.]

– 3.) Contingencies in place provided reasonable assurance that any Cuban based missiles could be neutralized in the event of launch… [exotic tech: ~moon landing simulate to obscure the methods actually taken.]


>which is why Nixon was pushed out with Watergate even though he kept Kissinger from Johnson's crew,

~ Nixon's infamous comments on the WH tapes – despite this, Kissinger was a good friend of his to the point where he is entrusted with the release of a letter in his presidential archive designated "X" – a series of similar letters with timegates are waiting for release from each president from Truman to Nixon

>Johnson was a total Zionist stooge

He came from a particularly virulent Christian Zionist sect; the WH ha a room kitted in full Mason Lodge style, an the Oval Office rug to re in particular as a fuck-you to JFK [his wife, in charge of historical restoration of WH interior is on record stating "Jack hates red."]. His turn to alcoholism afterwars probably signals some remorse; I' expect a confession in his X' presidential library letter.

>when attempted blackmail using Lewinsky failed and the scandal went public.

Tapped phones open to more than one foreign power no less.

>and those who tried to resist Zionist strongarming



I'd just say in Cheney/Rumsfel's defense that the former was seemingly sincere in his lividness over the Pollard spy cell; and Rumsfeld made a fool testifying on the infamous Missing 21 Trillion from the Pentagon the day before 9/11.

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